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Q25. (John 16:8; 6:44; 6:65) Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God’s action to convict, draw, and enable them to come? How does God’s preparation illustrate his grace?

  • 4 months later...

Q25. (John 16:8; 6:44; 6:65) Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God's action to convict, draw, and enable them to come? How does God's preparation illustrate his grace?

Because man's heart is ultimately corrupt and dcceitful and wicked. Man cannot come on his own to God he must be drawn by the Holy Spirit. Left to his own devices he will choose to go the way of the world and try to earn his way into heaven.

His preparation shows how much he cares for mankind and how he longs for them to be saved. He does not want any to perish. For He loves them regardless of how they are or what they do. It shows how far he is willing to go to do it.


Q25. (John 16:8; 6:44; 6:65)

Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God's action to convict, draw, and enable them to come?

How does God's preparation illustrate His grace?

He convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgement.

The sin is unbelief.  "They believe not on Me"  There is no trusting God.  

To be able to come before God we need to be righteous.  Christ died for us and rose again to pardon us and to clothe us with His righteousness.  So He subtracts sin and adds righteousness.  When we are forgiven of sin we can still not come before the Father unless we have Christ's righteousness.  So we come before Him "in Christ" as it were.

The world has already been judged and found guilty.  Our own righteousness is as filthy rags.

By His grace once convicted we are drawn or dragged to choose to come to Christ.   Still it is a choice.  (see below about divine election)

We are enabled to come because He clothes us with His righteousness, once we have accepted His gift of pardon, which we do not deserve, it is truly by grace and grace alone.


Words by Vernon McGee:  I can't explain it (divine election). I just know that you have a free will and you can exercise it.  God holds you responsible for it, and you know you are responsible.  you can come or not. It's up to you.


I'm again troubled by these lessons.

The idea that the Spirit draws us to Him and to salvation seems intuitively correct -- that's what happened to me, after all. But this begs the question which concerns my role in evangelism. If it's all God's grace, which these verses imply, how do I relate to those who refuse to accept Christ? 

I want efficacious prayer, the sort of prayer that is answered. I want to pray for people to be saved and then observe the Spirit work in their hearts until they are saved. I want a God who responds to these prayers. 

Evangelism, when seen in this light, is not "reeling them in," but is merely the final finger-push to people whose hearts have already been primed and prepared by the Spirit. Evangelism is less "leading people to Christ" than it is explaining the meaning of salvation to those who have already been led to Christ by Christ Himself. 

This is fine, of course, but what about specific people who don't seem to be on this trajectory, whose hearts are not showing any signs of being primed? Is there a reason to evangelize them?




Q25. (John 16:8; 6:44; 6:65)

Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God's action to convict, draw, and enable them to come?

How does God's preparation illustrate His grace?


Verses 8-11: The work of the Holy Spirit is to reprove, to point out a fault or an error, or to expose something as it really is. The Holy Spirit reproves concerning three topics.

1.   Sin (verse 9): The Holy Spirit reveals the need of redemption. Because they believe not on me: The greatest sin is unbelief (3:18), which the greatest work is belief (6:29).

2.   Righteousness (verse 10): The Holy Spirit reveals the possibility of redemption. Because I go to my Father. Christ goes to the Father after a righteous life, and a death that will impute this righteousness to others.

3.   Judgment (verse 11): The Holy Spirit reveals the reality of redemption. Because the prince of this world is judged: the power of Christ to judge Satan and to overthrow his kingdom is not future, but at the Cross and the Resurrection. “Is judged” means “has been judged” (13:31).

For “the price of this world” (see also 12:31 and 14:30).The Holy Spirit will convict you of these things. If there is sin in your life, you will be compelled to straighten your life up and live for Jesus. It is actually this Holy Spirit that woos a person to accept Jesus. The Holy Spirit will come inside of you, and be a comfort to you, and will teach you all truth after you have accepted Jesus and have invited Him in.Sin is the state of the unsaved person. There is an opportunity offered to all to turn from that sinful way of life to a life of righteousness in Christ. If a person remains in sin, he or she can expect the judgment of a righteous Christ.

The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was approximately 40 or more days away at this point. To reprove (convict), has two meanings.

(1) The judicial act of conviction with a view toward sentencing or

(2) The act of convincing. Here the second idea is best, since the purpose of the Holy Spirit is not condemnation. But best, since the purpose of the Holy Spirit is not condemnation but conviction of the need for the Savior.


John 6:44 “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.”

It is the Father’s will that all should be saved. He sent Jesus into the world to save the world. Whosoever believes in Jesus as Savior and Lord shall be saved. The Holy Spirit tugs at our heart and draws us to Jesus. God will not always strive with us. If we refuse over and over, the Holy Spirit will stop drawing.


John 6:65 “And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.”

Although men and women are commanded to believe and will be held accountable for unbelief, genuine faith is never exclusively a matter of human decision. Once again, in the face of unbelief, Jesus reiterated God’s sovereignty involved in selection for salvation.

The offer of salvation is to whosoever will. The Holy Spirit draws us. Many will be called, but few accept. God already knows your heart, and He knows whether you will accept the call. God doesn’t predestine, but has foreknowledge of what you will do.

God reveals Himself to those who will accept Him. “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you…” (James 4:8). 

“Draw nigh”: Pursue an intimate love relationship with God (Phil. 3:10). The concept of drawing near to God was associated originally with the Levitical priests, but eventually came to describe anyone’s approach to God. Salvation involves more than submitting to God and resisting the devil; the redeemed heart longs for communion with God (Psalms 27:8; 42:1-2; 63:1-2; 84:2; 143:6; Matt. 22:37).

“Cleanse your hands”: The Old Testament priests had to ceremonially wash their hands before approaching God (Exodus 30:19-21), and sinners (a term used only for unbelievers), who would approach Him must recognize and confess their sin.

“Purify your hearts”: Cleansing the hands symbolizes external behavior; this phrase refers to the inner thoughts, motives, and desires of the heart.

To be double minded means you cannot make up your mind just what you want to do. We see from the following verse, that we cannot ride the fence. We must decide who we will serve, God or man.

Luke 16:13 “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”

Cleansing of the hands means the work you put your hands to must be clean, as well as your heart being pure, stayed upon God. When we make a step toward God, we will find that He has been there to help us all along. He just wanted us to reach out to Him.

The opportunity to be saved is a free gift from God. When offered, we must accept it. The Father puts the hunger in our hearts. Jesus Christ our Lord provides the Bread (Himself). God will not always strive with man. He offers salvation, we must accept it.


Q25. (John 16:8; 6:44; 6:65) 
Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God's action to convict, draw, and enable them to come? How does God's preparation illustrate His grace? 
We are unable to come to Christ on our own, without an initial work of God within us. Jesus Himself said “No-one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him” (John 6:44a). He also went on to say “No-one can come to Me unless the Father has enabled him" (John 6:65b). This is because we are spiritually dead in our sins and trespasses, spiritual things are foolishness to us, and we cannot understand them (1 Cor 2:14). Being spiritually dead we don’t have the ability or strength to come to Jesus by ourselves. At the same time, we will never realize our guilt and our need of a Saviour, unless our heavenly Father first begins to work in our hearts. The Holy Spirit changes the hearts of those the Father had drawn – we are regenerated, born-again. God gives us new life within; makes us alive spiritually and gives us the ability to respond positively to accept Jesus. “But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions - it is by grace you have been saved” (Eph 2:4-5). God’s preparation illustrates His grace since He is the One who first acted out of love, and sought to win us to Himself. We now have the choice of accepting the Lord Jesus or refusing Him. But we never would have had the desire in the first place if God had not spoken to our hearts. 

  • By nature, as earth dwellers, we tend not to look toward eternity and our own shortcomings…to stop and have a bit of objective introspection. God needs to shake us loose a bit to examine ourselves through His direction. The Spirit allows us to stretch uncomfortably and then seek rescue.  If we don't believe we need rescuing, we will not turn to Him.
  • How does God's preparation illustrate his grace?  We are not expected to fix ourselves, nor are we to punish ourselves even if we find those trespasses and shortcomings.  He enlightens us to draw us to Himself so that we can repent and carry on, each step growing stronger in the faith and closer to Him.



P.S. Thanks Irmela for posting the quote from Vernon McGee.  He says it very well!


Since it was the Father that did the predestination, the pre-selection, it is He who must “select” a person and offer them redemption.  We are born sinners and have no idea about God. It takes God, working through other people (parents, relatives, friends) to show us the alternative to living in the flesh.  Add in the Holy Spirit, and Christ, and IF we are called (selected) by God, there is an army working in unison under His plan to lead us to an eternal life. Once WE are saved, it is expected that we will become part of God’s human army, working with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to bring others into the flock.

If you follow along with this, you can readily see that God did all the necessary preparation from the beginning. Because of sin we cannot see God’s plan; his rewards for us.  Through God’s gift of grace, our eyes are opened (by the working of many as stated above). He draws us to Him; we do not make the first step. Amazing when you step back and look at the whole process.


It is impossible for people to turn to Christ in their own power - because "... EVERYONE has sinned, we ALL fall short of God's glorious standards" (Rom 3:23, NLT) & as the Apostle Paul wrote  "... I know that NOTHING GOOD lives in me ..." (Rom 7:18a)

There is NOTHING about us that would cause us to come to God - it is only by God's grace & His drawing us that we come to Him 

Scripture tells us "... God showed His great love for us WHILE WE WERE SINNERS" (Rom 5:8, NLT)

This is grace God was at work even while we were sinners!


The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Jeremiah 17v9. So unless God gives us enabling grace we have no hope of recognising the wonders of Jesus. We need The Holy Spirit to convict us of sin and draw us towards the things of God. Unless the Father draws us to Himself we will not come. We do not deserve to have the attention of God and His interest in saving us . It is all through His graciousness, we do not deserve it or cannot earn it. It is only by God’s grace that we can enter into His forgiveness and eternity.


Q25. (John 16:8; 6:44; 6:65) Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God’s action to convict, draw, and enable them to come? How does God’s preparation illustrate his grace?

The easy answer would be to say that, “Jesus says so in the book of John.” It’s a supernatural mystery of God, that shows us His ways are not our ways. Even as He calls us, our stubbornness and pride keeps us from accepting His free fife of salvation. 

God is doing something for us that we are undeserving of and unable to ever do for ourselves. It is His unmerited favor beautifully displayed as He draws to Himself,  to salvation and eternal life.


Q25. (John 16:8; 6:44; 6:65) Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God's action to convict, draw, and enable them to come?

This is impossible to do because without God’s action along with the other members of the trinity, the Holy Spirit who role is to soften man’s heart, Satan’s hold on the individual would be too strong to allow man to yield to Jesus.

How does God's preparation illustrate his grace?

God’s preparation for a sinful man to come to Christ is by working with the Holy Spirit to soften the heart of a sinful man to see the need for salvation. This demonstrates not only grace but I call it extravagant grace because God initiated our salvation while we are still deep in sin.


Man cannot come to God without the help of the Holy Spirit. I always believe that it is only the Holy Spirit who guides, leads, directs, advises and helps us do the right things and choose to do the right things. When Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven, He promised us that He will not leave us alone but will send the Holy Spirit because He understood that our unrepentant hearts, our stubbornness need the Holy Spirit to work in us. 

The Holy Spirit is very gentle and will not force any man to make a decision without willing to do so. Again, the sufficient grace comes into play because if it were not sufficient, God would have long given up on mankind. Even if we do not listen to the Holy Spirit, He does not give up. Silently He knocks at the door until we are ready to open for Him, then He will come in and dine with us. 


Q25. (John 16:8; 6:44; 6:65) Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God’s action to convict, draw, and enable them to come? How does God’s preparation illustrate his grace?

1. Man can do nothing without God. He must have a made up mind to obey God and accept the drawing, enabling, and calling of God.

2. John 3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. He knew we were born as sinners, but gave us grace. His love allowed us to know that he delighted in knowing us better and what was needed for a righteous relationship with him.


It is impossible for people to come to Christ without God's action to convict because humanity is in the darkness under Satan's control. They have a heart that is an enemy to God.

God's gift of grace to prepare all to be saved, provided they accept this conviction of a sinful nature, illustrates His love for us.        


Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God's action to convict, draw, and enable them to come?

It is not by power of mighty that we are saved, but by the grace of God. This requires that we repent first of our sins and accept Jesus the Christ as our personal saviour. So, if we miss the grace of God, it will be impossible to come to Christ because we will not have recognised him as the basis for our deeds.

How does God's preparation illustrate his grace?

We see love in his actions from the beginning when man fell off his favour. His love drives him to exercise grace upon those who respond to his love; not a reciprocal but as a way of accessing his plan of salvation.


  • 2 weeks later...

Salvation is by the grace of God. God's grace working through his Holy Spirit convict people of sin, draw them to Christ (John 6:44), and (hopefully) lead them to receive Christ by their free will. This is the grace of God. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit work in our hearts and minds to bring us to repentance and salvation. He frees our will from Satan's influence enough that we can choose Christ as our Lord. This is the grace of God.

  • 2 weeks later...

The heart and mind of natural man has no understanding of the degenerate corruption and deceit that is innate to us. We are spiritually dead in our trespasses (Ephesians 2:1), unable to make spiritual decisions. It is impossible for humanity to comprehend our unrighteousness before holy God without the work of the Spirit when He enlightens our mind to truth. He alone is capable of convincing us of sin and our guilt before God that requires humble repentance. He alone has the power to tug the heart toward truth and lead a person toward conviction that leads to salvation and spiritual life (Ephesians 2:5). For me, the mystery is how He alone can accomplish this, yet every human has been given the responsibility of making the choice. The Body of Christ is called to do our part in living out the grace of the gospel before others and sharing the message of salvation. But the Holy Spirit alone is capable bestowing that glorious undeserved and unmerited favor on the human soul.

  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Q25. (John 16:8; 6:44; 6:65) Why is it impossible for people to come to Christ without God’s action to convict, draw, and enable them to come? How does God’s preparation illustrate his grace? 

God truly does all the work enabling us to come to Christ--to see Christ...all the heavy lifting!  He begins with creation (Romans 1) allowing us to see His incredibleness!  and He continues with that grace throughout our lives; grace that draws us to Him.  All of that preparation shows grace billowing around us like clouds. Titus 2 points us that His grace not only offers salvation but teaches us as well.  "For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age," Titus 2:11-12

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