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Q28. (Hebrews 4:16) Why is approaching God’s holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people? Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God. In what ways is God’s throne the place where he dispenses “mercy and grace”? In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out?

  • 4 months later...

Q28. (Hebrews 4:16)

Why is approaching God's holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people?

Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God.

In what ways is God's throne the place where He dispenses "mercy and grace"?

In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out?

The thought , in the beginning that one is approaching the King of all kings, the Lord of all lords, is quite daunting.  Also the fact that one's thoughts are an open book before Him, there is nothing hidden and then of course our guilt-ridden self. These are obstacles we first have to lay aside and get to the point of accepting The Grace of forgiveness, which He so freely offers.  Once we get past that and accept God's offer, we can approach the throne of grace freely.  

It is because of our own actions, which are so often judgement and condemnation of our fellow human-beings, that we expect the same treatment.  Sometimes it is unconfessed or unpardoned sin, which comes in the way, and then we tend to shy away from, or be intimidated about approaching God.  

We can picture Jesus as sitting at the right hand of the Father and through Him we have forgiveness and are found to be righteous as we are clothed in His righteousness., and that is why we can picture the dispensing or giving of "mercy and grace".  


Perhaps approaching God's throne is intimidating because I recall how I've come before people I loved with small requests and was cruelly treated or ignored, so it's difficult to conceptualize a God of love, one who won't look away, exact justice or even push me away.

I fear judgment and condemnation because I know I deserve this. It's difficult to believe I won't be judged or harmed. 

The fact that God may choose to help me in our practical, this-worldly needs, without "strings attached,"  is as an act of grace. Unmerited favor.

Sometimes, I wallow in self-pity feeling that I just give and give without ever receiving in return, but I've come to see this as a test and chance to develop my character, and as an opportunity to be like Christ to others. He gives me grace to endure my homelife -- I give my persistent hope in Him to others, in turn.



Q28. (Hebrews 4:16) 
Why is approaching God's holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people? Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God. In what ways is God's throne the place where He dispenses "mercy and grace"? In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out?
Approaching God’s holy throne can easily become intimidating especially when we become aware of our own insignificance, our own sinfulness, our guilt, and our weaknesses in the face of such divine perfection and holiness. We may also fear judgment and condemnation knowing that God knows everything about us, even our very own thoughts. This exposes us to who we really are, making us feel uncomfortable and vulnerable - there is nowhere to hide. We forget that because of what Jesus had done on the cross we can boldly approach God in prayer, not on our own merit, but on His merit and His righteousness. We come to His throne of grace, by faith and receive forgiveness in mercy, and righteousness in grace. It is no longer a throne of judgment for us as believers. God may dispense mercy to sinners in misery or distress by being compassionate, and not giving us what we do deserve. On the other hand, He may dispense grace to us by giving us what we do not deserve. Mercy is His attitude of forgiveness, while grace is His attitude of blessing and benevolence. This is all done at the proper time or needed time - just when we need it. When we call on the name of the Lord in faith and approach the throne of God, He will hear and answer. Jesus wants to bless us from the endless resources of His grace. Hopefully, my home is considered a home of grace. It is an open house to those in need. We sometimes offer a place to stay, meals, a listening ear, or even recognition for who they are. Rom 12:13 tells us to “share with God's people who are in need. Practise hospitality”. I will always remember our dear friends David and Ruth who were the best example of hospitality, I have ever encountered. Every Sunday after church they would invite a couple over to their home for Sunday lunch. And what a meal it was! A truly gracious loving couple! Both are now home with the Lord. 

  • I think we would all tend to be intimidated by God because He created everything we can think or see but also, has the power to bring us into being and He knows the number of days that we have.  He also has the means to destroy life (e.g. the flood).  He is not unjust.  He simply has all power and all sovereignty.
  • We know that we cannot ever aspire to be perfect on our own efforts.  Because God metes out judgment and condemnation to others, we sometimes fear that this would be the case for ourselves.
  • God rules from a location, even though He is also omnipresent.  Jesus advocates for us there.  As Christians we trust in the rescue that Jesus gave to us through his sacrifice.  So long as this is the case and God is a God who covenants and keeps his covenants, this scripture is a reminder that we not only can ask for favor, but we can also receive mercy for the punishment due for our sins was taken on by Jesus.

Q28. (Hebrews 4:16) Why is approaching God's holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people? Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God. In what ways is God's throne the place where he dispenses "mercy and grace"? In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out? They think they are unworthy to come before Him and don't fully understand Him at all. They think that He is like their own Fathers; harsh, critical and unforgiving maybe or distant and uncaring. We fear it because we know we have done wrong and expect Him to come down hard on us instead He forgives us. We think we are unworthy to come before a holy God.

God dispenses mercy and grace by forgiving us our sins. He is sympathetic to our problems and cares deeply about us. He wants to help us to overcome our problems and grow to be more like Him. He wants us to have joy filled and productive lives.

I show grace to my daughter when she makes mistakes and when she hurts me, I forgive her. I am in a Christian Overeaters Anonymous group, and I lead meetings for them. I share my experience, strength and hope in meetings, and I pray for and with other members on the phone. I make sure to call people and see how they are.


Q28. (Hebrews 4:16) Why is approaching God's holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people? Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God. In what ways is God's throne the place where he dispenses "mercy and grace"? In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out?


I think much has to do with overcoming what you have grown up with.  If you knew love and acceptance it is easier to think of God that way.  If you know fear and judgement in your family or in your town it is harder to think that He does not think that way of you. 

All of our negative thoughts about God are Satan's doing and we need to remember he does not want us to see God as He is but as a merciless tyrant.

I  think scripture memory is very important to do to combat this.

His throne is where He is so that would be where he dispenses "mercy and grace".

I have a neighbor who told me she always feels safe when she calls my number (to watch her kitty).  I don't know why she said that but I am happy she feels that way.

Right now we are watching our daughter dealing with teenagers.  She is the one whose husband died in an accident.  Feeling grace is sort of difficult.  They are causing so much pain because of the culture and pressure from the outside and also their own expectations of what they feel should be theirs.  As I prayed about it this morning I prayed for her safety.  There is so much anger and sense entitlement out there.  It is scary.  This is the first year she is going though this.

Their attitude is if you make me do something I don't want to that is child abuse.  I am looking upon it as their abuse of their mother.  She has been a beautiful mother always and done so much to try to  be mom and dad.  There is a stage where it is like insanity where they think their mother does not know anything and they know everything.  I am finding it hard to feel grace somedays for one of them.  But we must because He has first shown us grace and mercy.  That is a lesson about Christ.  Thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy shown to me, to all of us.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Approaching God's holy throne in prayer is intimidating because of the fear.  Fear that we are still seen as sinners, fear that we are not “good enough” for God, fear that we will fail at what it is we are trying to do, and fear that we will be seen as greedy, if we ask for God to intercede on our behalf.  Being judged as not good enough is a human frailty.  I don’t think it’s the condemnation that we fear as much as the carnal fear of embarrassment if we fail (or do not appear sincere enough).

All grace comes from God.  Most think that the amount of grace that God provides is just enough for us.  What we need to learn, understand, and act on is the fact that God’s grace abounds abundantly, and excess grace is given to us; given because we need to share that excess through graceful acts of our own. 

We should walk with our eyes open,  looking for opportunities to do “random acts of kindness.”  Sharing is caring, and the rewards to the giver most times far exceed the grace received by the recipient.

Next time you surprise someone with a selfless act, watch their eyes.  Seeing their eyes light up is the reward that makes GIVING of oneself the greatest act that one person can do for another.


I was taught to fear God as a child, I was taught about God hating sin and that we were all sinners. Although I now know differently, an element of this childhood teaching remains. Our God is an awesome God, why would He allow a sinner like me into His presence? It is daunting coming into the presence of anyone who is seen as royal, famous or well know, how much more daunting to come into the presence of the Creator and Sustainer of this world who came and suffered and died for us. When we are aware of our sinfulness we can fear condemnation and judgement but God wants to show mercy and grace to us by forgiving us as long as we are truly sorry and earnestly seek to follow Him. I try to make my home a place of peace and security for those who come. A place of welcome no matter how inconvenient. I feel privileged when someone feels they can share a worry or a trouble with me. I try to support them in prayer and follow up as long as support is needed. 


Q28. (Hebrews 4:16) Why is approaching God’s holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people? Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God. In what ways is God’s throne the place where he dispenses “mercy and grace”? In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out?

Feeling unworthy 

Our bad self talk and the evil one in our ear makes us feel that our sin is too big to be forgiven by God. And that we deserve His judgment and condemnation.

The only unanswered prayer is the one not asked or spoken. When we confess our sins to God, His mercy and grace abound. In Hebrews 4;16, that’s exactly what it says; His Word tell us to draw near confidently, that we may receive mercy and grace. We receive forgiveness and our sins are no more; forgotten, scattered as far as the east is from the west.

We are called by Jesus to follow Him and to walk in His ways. So we are also to be givers of grace and mercy to our kids, spouses, neighbors and friends. I don’t always get it right, but when I don’t, I know that I can approach God’s throne of grace confidently, knowing that His grace covers my sin.

Knowing God’s word and believing it is so important. When we feel one way and God’s word leads us the other way, we have to put our feeling aside and believe in the promise of His word. He is faithful and will never let us down.

God’s word is so indescribably amazing!



Why is approaching God’s holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people?

Lack of understanding that the throne of God is a Throne of grace.  They take it a throne of authority and power

Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God?

We are not sure of ourselves in terms of of our relationship with God. Hence the fear of judgement and condemnation

In what ways is God’s throne the place where he dispenses “mercy and grace”?

He reaches out to us when we find ourselves in different situations and difficult circumstances and dispenses his grace

In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out?

We receive race so that, we can dispense it to others for the glory of God. Examples include helping our neighbours when they are in need and we able to, exercises Godly love on people that are in need of it


Why is there such a close relationship between "grace" (charis) and "gifts" (charisma)?

The grace enables the spiritual gift recipient to execute or perform the spiritual gift to the standard of God. due to this, sometimes a person may do something they have never thought they would do and end asking themselves; "is it me who has done this?"

What is the chief characteristic of a generous person?

he puts others first in all circumstances

In what ways do spiritual gifts channel God's grace?

Spiritual gifts are executed or performed to the standard of God by the Grace bestowed upon the recipient of the gifts


We are stewards of God's grace. What are the responsibilities of a steward or trustee?

To identify and utilise effectively the gifts we have received from God for his glory

In what way do we act as trustees of what belongs to God?

We feel obliged to put to use in the Kingdom the spiritual gifts that we have received

In what way are spiritual gifts or the message of the gospel part of this trust we have been given?

They are used to edify and build others



Why are God's gifts of grace an immensely greater blessing to those who attend church and are a functioning part of a congregation?

The gifts of grace are given for the proper functioning of the Church so that others can benefit and grow to the extent where they also begin to execute their spiritual gifts

How can isolating yourself from the Christian community involve selfishness and fear? How can it impoverish you?

If you are not exercising the spiritual gifts, one can lose them and become dry because the grace of God may also diminish as the grace is bestowed to grow recipient and others around them; together they help to grow the church



How does your openness to God's grace define your persona, who you actually are?

Openness to God's grace demonstrates faith one has in God and reliance  on God. Such a one will be an ideal representation of Gospel of Jesus the Christ

How does your willingness to dispense God's grace to others mold you into who God has designed you to be?

He who give more will receive more. The more grace one dispenses the more one receives from God, the more one becomes rich in the things of God. God wants an obedient and sacrificial recipient of his spiritual gifts and grace



For some approaching God's throne can be a fearful thing - they are afraid in approaching an all powerful, all knowing God ... they are fearful of judgment & punishment but the writer to the Hebrews encourages us "... let us come BOLDLY to the throne of our gracious God - there we will find His MERCY & we will find GRACE ..." (Heb 4:16, NLT)

Our home a 'place of grace' ... personal response we pastor a 'house church' & host worship, Bible studies & prayer meetings -we preach grace to all who visit

Throne of Grace


People get intimated to approach God's throne because they do not understand that firstly, He is our Father and not only that, He loves us unconditionally which makes His grace to be sufficient for us. We acknowledge that we were born in sin and even when God has given us His only begotten Son, we still condemn ourselves and think that we are sinners. Christ has paid the price and it is finished. The Word of God says we must approach His throne boldly and with confidence understanding and knowing that our sins are forgiven.

We fear judgement and condemnation because we do not understand whose we are and who we are. We are heirs with Christ and even when we sin but realize that we have sinned against God, we need to go to His throne and ask for forgiveness and repent. This does not give us the latitude of living in sin and expecting that we will go cry out to God when we have deliberately sinned. Fearing judgement and condemnation is when you know that you are violating God's principles but you go ahead and do that which the Holy Spirit impressed upon you not to do.

God dispenses His mercy and grace in His throne by welcoming us just as we are. The fact that we do not have to work to receive His grace is indication that He expects us to approach for whatever we want to discuss with Him. Whether at that point in time the answer will be "Yes", "No" or "Wait" it is because God knows what is best for us. We mentioned predestined in the previous lessons and God knows exactly what is best for us and that is demonstrated through His Mercy and Grace.

Our home is a house of grace as we have opened it for our Hope Connect meetings on Wednesday. But it is not only for our members from church but our neighbors as well as we are approachable people. We take time to speak to them and show our love. We also pack whatever is left when we have overcooked and show love to the guys who collect recyclable goods. We are always there when people need us.


Q28. (Hebrews 4:16) Why is approaching God's holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people? Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God.

This may be due to fear or guilt due to sin.


In what ways is God's throne the place where he dispenses "mercy and grace"?

God’s throne is not only a place for judgment but a place where we obtain mercy and grace especially when we approach him in repentance, worship and specific request. He hears and answer us.

In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out?

Unfortunately, our generation especially in my country Nigeria, our homes are not as opened to outsiders or even neighbors as during the days of our grandparents. This may be due to higher cost of living. The major reason may be as in my case; I am not like the first church that shared everything they owned. So help me Lord.


Some people maybe intimidated when they approach the throne because they have not put their full faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who is our mediator before God.

We sometimes fear judgement and condemnation when we approach God because we have ignored the Holy Spirits guidance in our life.

God's throne is the place where He dispenses "mercy and grace", for those who have come before Him with Jesus as their advocate.

At home we often grant grace toward our children because they belong to us, though they may have wronged, they repent of their actions.    


Q28. (Hebrews 4:16) Why is approaching God’s holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people? Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God. In what ways is God’s throne the place where he dispenses “mercy and grace”? In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out?

1. They are scared of punishment and know within their heart that they are wrong.

2. It is because of sin, and fear of what God will do or say.

3. When we repent for our wrong doings. He knows our heart, yet he still loves us. When we are truthful that brings mercy and grace.

4. Sharing with others no matter how they treat me. Trying  to help others when I see that they are in need. Being an example to the world.

  • 2 weeks later...

Approaching God’s throne in prayer is intimidating to some people because they are sinful and deserve punishment and they come before God who is a king of King and Lord of Lord and the just Judge. We are told to come before God confidently expecting to receive mercy and grace when we are in need (Hebrews 4;16). When we come to Jesus' throne in prayer, we will find a sympathetic ear. We find divine pardon for our sins, and timely aid for all our troubles. God’s throne is the place where He dispenses mercy and grace. Our houses can become "houses of grace" where our neighbors can come for help in time of need, as we become like our Father


I think the idea of boldly approaching the LORD’s very throne is intimidating because we truly know we aren’t worthy and this is a place of uncompromising truth. We may see His throne as a place of legal sentencing rather than the place of compassion. We expect judgment because we don’t understand how He sees the redeemed through the worthiness of Christ and welcomes us into His presence with open arms when we come with simple honest faith. Or perhaps we just can’t grasp that it is a personal individual promise from our Father who profoundly cares. Maybe we struggle to believe and fully trust that this invitation is for “me”, not just a general one for “the whole world”. And then, we experience so much judgment and failure of human character (including our own) in the natural world that it can be difficult to trust this invitation to expect mercy.  I think I’ve wrestled with all of these barriers at some point.

God’s throne is where we come to the King with our praises and our petitions, our confessions and our concerns. So this is the place where grace and mercy reside and are poured out. We are invited to come boldly, not in a timid or unbelieving way. We are assured in His Word that we can come with confidence that Father wants us to run to Him with our needs in full confidence that He cares and longs to help, trusting His perfect wisdom to know exactly the right thing to do for our ultimate good.

Father, let Your will be done on earth as in heaven”. Just as our Father's will to dispense mercy and grace is done from His throne, His home, our homes should be places to pour out grace on others as we reflect His character with wisdom and mercy.

  • 3 months later...

We know that He is our great priest and we can go to him. We are intimidated because the leaders of our country would frown on those that were brave enough to approach them. So, we try to honor our King the same way. We know that we are sinners therefore we fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God. That is what would happen if we approached a great leader, they would just laugh at us.

God is aways with us and we know that He does dispense “mercy and grace”.

  • 5 weeks later...

Q28. (Hebrews 4:16) Why is approaching God’s holy throne in prayer intimidating to some people? Why do we sometimes fear judgment and condemnation when we approach God. In what ways is God’s throne the place where he dispenses “mercy and grace”? In what ways is your home a place where grace is given out?

When we think 'throne' in our culture we think of all the stories of ruthless kings who sat on a 'throne'.  If we've read Esther, we know the king had to extend the scepter to someone coming to the throne unsummoned; thus, our view of God on a throne is not the real view of HIM on HIS THRONE.  Hebrews tells us it is His throne of GRACE--a place where we find grace and mercy.  Our home is merciful, and grace filled.  All are welcome. Mistakes happen. We pray. We forgive. We pray more. We move on. Of course, we need to continue to grow in this area!!!

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