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Q30. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Why does God’s power flourish best when we feel weak? If God’s grace is “sufficient,” what is it sufficient to do or accomplish in or through us? What are the practical limits of the sufficiency of grace?

  • 4 months later...

It is when we are weak that God uses us to show His Glory, His Power, His Might, least we boast of ourselves!!!  God always uses the imperfect to manifest his Glory through us. We are mere human flesh, but God is Spiritual and works his wonders through our flesh so all  will see and believe in Him! God's Grace is more than enough to accomplish anything !  He said so!! He has proven it in His word from Genesis to Revelation!!!.. There are no limits in God's Grace for those who trust and believe!!


Q30. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Why does God's power flourish best when we feel weak?

If God's grace is "sufficient," what is it sufficient to do or accomplish in or through us?

What are the practical limits of the sufficiency of grace?

When we are weak we know without a shadow of a doubt that whatever is accomplished is definitely not through us.  When we are weak we cannot do much in our own strength and God's power takes over and accomplishes what is needed.  When we still can do things it is easy to give the credit where it does not belong.  It is when there is humanly speaking an impossible situation, then God's grace can accomplish what He wants in and through us. There are no limits to what God can do. We must just let go and let God.


At times God takes the thorn away -- at other times, he lets it stay. It's both His will and power to remove the thorns or let them remain. His willingness to remove our thorns may be contingent on our behaviour or spiritual growth, or may not. It's difficult to know. The tendency is to blame ourselves, or think ourselves as too "bad" to merit His grace. In this way of thinking, grace becomes something we earn, another legalism, not a free gift.

God's power flows when we feel strong, too. In fact, when we rise to the occasion -- the circumstances God puts us in that need to be overcome in some manner -- we are strong. 

When we are weak, God strengths us. But at times of strength, God has strengthened us as well. I think the key is to be thankful, humble and grateful for the power we have (limited though it may be). I believe, now, that God wants our character to be Christ-like, no matter our surroundings or position of strength, whether internal or in social settings.

When we reach the limit of our ability, or when doors simply don't open, then we  fall down before Him and beg Him to change our circumstances or illumine our minds so we can overcome. IF God chooses to intervene, He gives His grace. What this passage states, though, is that the times God chooses NOT to intervene are also grace-filled.

God's grace is sufficient when we're doing His will. If He's asked us to do something we cannot do by our own power or because of our circumstances, then He must give us the grace to do it ... the power. Sometimes we can do things on our own power, though. When we have natural abilities, it's imperative to give God thanks for those abilities even though God did not directly intervene with an additional gift of His grace.

There are no practical limits on grace's sufficiency -- this would be limiting God Himself. Whatever He's called us to do, we should expect to have sufficient grace to accomplish. This is the case no matter how big or small is His assignment, external or internal, involving others or a internal goal, perhaps one that involves deepening and strengthening our moral character.

The important thing is to be certain we're in His will. Then the grace comes. Predictably. But to know His will ... that's just so hard. 

  • There is a connection  between ourselves and God.  Most of the time, unfortunately, we tend to get in our way.  Rather than turning the care over to God (1 Peter 5:7) we tend to want to solve the issues ourselves…issues we are not equipped to handle.  When we have finally worn ourselves out and turn to God we rely on His strength and His care for us.  We step out of the way and let Him do His will.
  • What is God's grace sufficient to do or accomplish…? Just as we are, God provides the grace for us to thrive with Him. We do not know what examples we are to others that may just be the impetus to draw them to God.



Q30. (2 Corinthians 12:9) 
Why does God's power flourish best when we feel weak? If God's grace is "sufficient," what is it sufficient to do or accomplish in or through us? What are the practical limits of the sufficiency of grace?
Once we recognize how truly weak we are, it is only then that we will start to depend on God’s power rather than our own strength. In our weakness we become more dependent on Him; relying on His power. In this evil world we will face injustices, and inequalities - on our own we are frequently helpless to remedy the effects of these on our lives. We suffer and if our prayers are not answered we may become embittered and self-pitying. On the other hand, we can allow these “thorns” to pin us closer to Christ, who gives us sufficient grace to be able to bear them with endurance and patience. Remembering what Jesus said: “My power is made perfect in weakness”, this should give us courage and hope. God’s grace is sufficient in all areas of need. The more we are yielded to Him, the greater will be His effectiveness in conforming us to Christ. 


When we are humanly healthy, carnally satisfied, and in good earthly spirits, we Fight and we Fight, and we Fight to do everything ourselves.  That’s what makes us successful humans.  Ask anybody!  We Forget about God and the covenant He’s made with each of us. We revert to the human-centric vision every time. 

Ah… but when we are hurting.  Then, we become weak.  We no longer want to fight.  We FINALLY give in.  We turn to God in our time of need (again!) and realize that we require His grace, His mercy, His help.  We CANNOT fight the battle alone. It is when we finally hand over our cares to God that we start to receive results.

I truly believe there are no “practical limits” on God’s grace.  He is infinite, omnipresent, all powerful.  He, through His Love, will supply a continuous flow of Grace and Mercy to us, resulting in a spiritual success, versus the human success we were trying to achieve.

Now, if we could only remember for the next time…

Posted (edited)

Q30. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Why does God's power flourish best when we feel weak? If God's grace is "sufficient," what is it sufficient to do or accomplish in or through us? What are the practical limits of the sufficiency of grace? It flourishes best when we are weak for it is only then that we depend on Him fully. Only when we come to the end of our resources and strength that we encounter His strength flowing through us. For God cannot work in us when we are trying to do it on our own. He will wait until we have exhausted all our own resources and options and turn to Him. God's power can only flow through us when our power is done. God's grace is sufficient to help us live for Him each day and help us with all of our trials, struggles and thorns in the flesh. It is sufficient to help us deal with whatever comes our way if we get out of the way and let Him take over. God cannot help us when we do not think we can do it ourselves. It is only when we come to an end of ourselves that His grace can take over.

Edited by Lottie
Want to make type larger and easier to see

Q30. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Why does God’s power flourish best when we feel weak? If God’s grace is “sufficient,” what is it sufficient to do or accomplish in or through us? What are the practical limits of the sufficiency of grace?          
Because at those times we are in complete dependence on God’s grace and strength, realizing that we are powerless.

God’s grace is sufficient to accomplish His will through us, like Paul, we deal with a deteriorating body and mind that is far from 100%. It reminds me of the Loaves and Fishes when Jesus feed the 5000. He took the 5 loaves and 2 fishes, multiplied them and fed the multitude. He wants us to bring what we have, (ourselves) and as we depend on Him, He will multiply it. His grace is sufficient!

Our self sufficiency.


Simply  put - when we are weak then our only resource is God & then God's power has room to flourish ... it is when we have nothing of ourselves that God's power has 'freedom'

Grace's sufficiency is able to do anything that our faith allows

The 'practical limits' on the sufficiency of grace are the limits we place on it by our faith & our trust



Q30. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Why does God's power flourish best when we feel weak?

When we weak, it is then that we can best recognize and appreciated his power to heaal and strengthen us at that moment of pain.

If God's grace is "sufficient," what is it sufficient to do or accomplish in or through us?

It is sufficient to provide the relief and comfort needed and to enable us move on in life and to serve him even more.

What are the practical limits of the sufficiency of grace?

I think there is no limit since his power has no limit.


God's power flourishes best when we are weak because that is the moment when we seek Him more. We wholeheartedly put our trust in Him and solely depend on His power to rescue us in whatever situation we find ourselves in. We become vulnerable so that God takes the centre stage and take us out of the misery we are in thus making us not boast about the whole situation but give all the Glory to God and acknowledging that without Him, we can do nothing.

God's grace is sufficient to accomplish everything in and through us. God will not give us a burden that we will not be able to fulfil. His grace carries us through stuff that when we look back, we truly confirm that had it not been of His grace, we would be consumed by whatever challenges or situations we find ourselves it.

There are no limits in the sufficiency of His grace. The limits come when we doubt that God will not carry us through situations we face.. God is Omnipotent and therefore, He cannot be limited by anything. We need to put our faith in His Word and allow the Word to perform that which been promised to us.


God's power flourishes best when we are weak because regardless of hardships, insults, persecutions or in difficulties we know that God makes us strong in witnessing His word.

With God there are no practical limits to grace as long as we remain humble and do not let pride fill us.  


When we are weak and vulnerable we are more likely to feel the need of God. In our weakness we turn to Him and depend on Him. When life is going well we can try to be self sufficient and forget our need for God. 
God’s grace is sufficient to help us get through or overcome our difficulties. When we are humble and conscious of our powerlessness we allow God to minister to us by giving us His grace and power which is always sufficient for every need.

Unfortunately we are the ones that put limits on God’s grace by our pride, self sufficiency and unbelief. God is all powerful and only too willing to pour out His power on us if we are humble and recognise our great need for God and all He offers us.


Q30. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Why does God’s power flourish best when we feel weak? If God’s grace is “sufficient,” what is it sufficient to do or accomplish in or through us? What are the practical limits of the sufficiency of grace?

1. We feel limited with power and realize God had the power to help us by using our faith. We rely on God because of his strength being omnipotent. 

2. His grace is sufficient to give us strength and the ability to help others that are in need through his holy spirit in us.

3. When we do not put our faith in him and have doubt, we limit him greatly. God will provide for us if we let him. With him, there are no limits as long as we have faith, be humble, and obey.

  • 2 weeks later...

God's grace is sufficient, and that God's power is especially abundant in times of weakness, when we are most dependent upon him. God’s strength is made perfect in weakness because He delights in taking situations where human strength is lacking to demonstrate the greatness of His power and more importantly His Grace. God’s grace is sufficient in or through us to accomplish His will. In our dependence upon the Lord we will find His power, to serve Him and serve other people. His grace will begin to flow through us with ever increasing velocity as we live a life of joyful dependence on the Lord.

  • 3 months later...

God’s power flourish best when we are weak because we have to be totally dependent on Him. God’s grace is “sufficient” to accomplish in or through us when we are speaking about Him. He is there for us when the whole world is upside down and we don’t want to be with that upside down world.  

  • 4 weeks later...

Q30. (2 Corinthians 12:9) Why does God’s power flourish best when we feel weak? If God’s grace is “sufficient,” what is it sufficient to do or accomplish in or through us? What are the practical limits of the sufficiency of grace? 

God's power flourishes best when we feel weak, when we are weak, because HE is all powerful.  In Genesis 18:14 God reminded Abraham, "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"  and in Jeremiah 32:27 God says, “I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?"  God is able to do far more than we think or imagine. [Ephesians 3:20] When that power of the resurrected Christ [Ephesians 1:19-20] is unleashed within us--anything can happen!  And since we are at a point of failure and inability, we will know it is not by ourselves ONLY by God's power that it happened.

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