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  • 5 months later...

Q37. (2 Corinthians 9:6-9; 8:9; Luke 6:37-38) Is it possible to be grace-filled and stingy at the same time? Why is this so? What is the relationship between forgiving and giving generously?

No if one really loves the Lord and others the person will want to give to further the gospel and help others in need. They will remember what Jesus did for them on the cross and how God did not spare His own Son for us. Their love will compel them to give generously. Yet sometimes people hold back if they do not have enough money. They are afraid of running out. They have yet to fully surrender and trust Him to take care of things.

By God forgiving us and sending His only Son to die for us He became poor so we could become rich. And Jesus gave up everything in order to come and die for us. God forgive me for not trusting You enough to provide so I can give more. 


Q37. (2 Corinthians 9:6-9; 8:9; Luke 6:37-38)

Is it possible to be grace-filled and stingy at the same time?   No

Why is this so?    Grace is giving unreservedly and getting undeservedly.  

What is the relationship between forgiving and giving generously?

Forgiving  someone is taking away  the wrong that was done and making as if it did not happen.   Like wiping the slate clean.  It is an action that is not deserved to be taken away.   Yet because of grace together with mercy forgiveness is metered out.  

Giving generously is also giving what is not deserved.  As soon as it is deserved, it is payment and no longer grace.

I am reminded of the song penned by Annie Johnson Flint.   He Giveth More Grace

The chorus is:   His love has no limit, His grace has no measure,  His pow'r has no boundary known unto men;   For out of His infinite riches in Jesus,  He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.


Q37. (2 Corinthians 9:6-9; 8:9; Luke 6:37-38) Is it possible to be grace-filled and stingy at the same time? Why is this so? What is the relationship between forgiving and giving generously?

I think that it probably is possible. One thing to consider also is that we have time, talent and treasure that we could give or choose to be stingy with.

Many reasons most likely: Fear, of not having enough ourselves as we give to others. Faith, in not realizing that everything we have belongs to God and has been given to us by Him. Judgement, of others that their lifestyle and their choices have caused their need. Distrust, that money, time and services given will be squandered on poor lifestyle choices. Love, of money and our affluent lifestyle, not willing to part with it. Pride; sometime our pride keeps us from stooping down to help someone in need. An unawareness of what the Bible says when it comes to sharing our time, talents and treasure. And last, we can get far removed from all that God has done for us, forgetting where we were when He found us.

Jesus took the punishment on the cross that was meant for us. And God has lavished His grace and love upon us and will continue to do so. Our example is Christ and we are to follow Him in all His ways.         
As we forgive others the way God has forgiven us, God’s grace and love can flow through us to all the people that God has called us to serve.





Q37. (2 Corinthians 9:6-9; 8:9; Luke 6:37-38) 
Is it possible to be grace-filled and stingy at the same time? Why is this so? What is the relationship between forgiving and giving generously?
In 2 Corinthians 8:9 we see that grace has an unmistakable meaning of generosity. Jesus was so generous that He gave all He had for our sakes, and that through His poverty we might become eternally rich. Coming down to earth in this manner He poured out generously His grace to us through His sacrifice, kindness, mercy, goodness, compassion and love. Knowing this, our greatest joy should be to give all that we are and have to Him. There’s no room for being stingy or miserly. Out of gratitude for our Saviour we should be living a grace-filled life. We should be giving generously taking into account the needs of others, perhaps focusing more on the needs of our church congregation. God loves a cheerful giver and does not look at the size of the gift but at the attitude of the heart. He loves to see a Christian so filled with joy that they want to share what they have with others. Every blessing we receive from God comes as a gift. Forgiveness is never granted because we have earned it or deserved it. No, it is a deliberate act of love, mercy, and grace. When Jesus forgives us our sins, our trespasses, our iniquities, and our transgressions they are all deleted not to be remembered anymore. This is a generous act of grace on God’s part. In the same way we are to be kind to one another, forgiving each other (Eph 4:22), which is an act of grace on our part. As we read in Luke 17:3-4 we are to extend our forgiveness to others generously. We are to give freely, since we have received freely. 

  • Is it possible to be grace-filled and stingy at the same time? 

    I don't believe you can have a negative and a positive at the same time. God's grace, as an example extended to the worst of humanity (including me) and is endlessly generous in all aspects.  Charity, being one aspect, from God is not limited and therefore you cannot be filled with grace and stingy at the same time.  Stinginess also denotes worry about the future, which God has also said, He watches and takes care of us as he does the sparrows.
  • What is the relationship between forgiving and giving generously?

    These two attributes both come from a grace-filled heart. Albeit there are times when forgiveness is very hard, we also should remember that forgiveness is not for the benefit of the person who has wronged us, but for our benefit;  to heal our spirits and to enable us to continue to live as God would want us to live as his children.  Forgiving and generous giving both heavily rely on trusting in God to protect and provide for us and to trust that his way of living is the only way to build on freedom for ourselves spiritually within his family.

One of my closest friends -- a sincere Christian -- works in the financial world. He is probably the stingiest person I have ever known even though he's a marvelous person, Christian, investor and husband to his wife.

Every conversation we have eventually circles to money. He's always worried in spite of his wealth. He plans and plots constantly, moving money from one investment to another. When I suggested he give one of his children money because she was struggling to pay off her student loans, he balked and said he couldn't afford it.

This man is grace-filled and stingy simultaneously. Yes, it's hard to believe, but it's true.

We all have weaknesses -- we can still be grace-filled, though not as grace-filled as we could have been had we been able to conquer our weaknesses. Stinginess is one of many possible weaknesses.

This man does have problems with forgiving and harbors deep anger toward certain people, but is still an admirable and good person. I enjoy his fellowship.


I don’t believe that you can remain a closed wallet, heart, mind or soul once you have receive the Grace of God.  If you TRULY believe in the new spirit inside you, you can’t help but be generous.  Not just generous with money, but with your time, your empathy, your compassion and your joy.

Now if you accept Jesus Christ, but your faith remains weak, you may be tight with your gifts in the beginning.  But as your faith and spirit grow, so will your generosity.

The relationship of forgiving and giving falls along a razor’s edge.  God gave us the ultimate gift, that one man should lay down his life for another.  God gave us Jesus, and Jesus gave his life for us.  A human act tying together forgiveness, the anointment, and the gift of grace from God.  For Him (Jesus) he was resurrected, as proclaimed by the prophets.  For us, it would be the final human act, because we are no more in the flesh and so we can no longer do any physical act for someone else.


Q37. (2 Corinthians 9:6-9; 8:9; Luke 6:37-38) Is it possible to be grace-filled and stingy at the same time? Why is this so? What is the relationship between forgiving and giving generously?

The way God wired us, it is not possible to be grace-filled and yet be stingy unless if we have not totally surrendered ourselves to Him.


People that are grace-filled are not supposed to be stingy as God has demonstrated to us how much He loved us that He gave us His Only begotten Son. Stinginess is assorted with an expectation meaning that you give because you expect something in return. Grace-filled people are generous in nature in that you will give your best to people who will at times not even say thank you or repay the good deed done. Those that are stingy cannot be said to be grace-filled.

The relationship between forgiving and giving is that both should be done in a generous manner and when you have forgiven and given something out, you do not expect any favor. You forgive and move on. You cannot remind a person over and over again that you have forgiven him/her. Just like giving, once the act is done, you cannot remind that person that I once gave you something.


It is not possible to be grace-filled and stingy at the same time.If you are full of grace you will automatically be generous. Some may be stingy because they are anxious about not having enough money for their own commitments. However Jesus is our example and He was always generous with His blessings. God the Father was extremely generous in sending His Son to die for us sinners. He was generous in a huge way by becoming “poor” so we could benefit and be able to be set free by Jesus’s death on the cross.


It is not possible to be grace filled and stingy at the same time. If you are full of grace you are free with blessings. God expects generosity from us. Grace in us requires a generosity of spirit. Apparently, showing the grace of generosity towards others releases God's grace in us even further so we have enough ourselves and enough to give others. When one gives, he receives so much more from God. Freely we have  received gifts from God and freely we should give.


Q37. (2 Corinthians 9:6-9; 8:9; Luke 6:37-38) Is it possible to be grace-filled and stingy at the same time? Why is this so? What is the relationship between forgiving and giving generously?

1. No, you are grace-filled or stingy not both the same time. Grace filled makes us generous whereas stingy is a person being selfish.

2. When we follow Jesus, we see him as an example of being grace-filled along with being loving, concerned, and letting himself become poor for us. Being generous increased our blessings.

3. Jesus died on the cross so that our sins could be forgiven. Thinking about Jesus forgiving us and did it generously, lets us know that we should do the same. Forgiving makes us free and giving generously brings blessings to give even more.


It would seem almost impossible to be grace filled and be stingy at the same time. God has freely bestowed his grace upon us and we should freely give to those in need. After being grace filled we should acknowledge that the Holy Spirit is leading us to be graceful and generous to others.

The relationship between forgiving and giving generously is stated Jesus "forgive and you shall be forgiven, give and it shall be given unto you".  


  • 3 months later...

I don’t think that it is possible to be grace-filled and stingy at the same time. You might want to look and see if you are really grace filled. This is so because it feels great to have God’s love that you want to share it with others. In giving you do your part and don’t look back while giving generously you give and are thinking of other ways to help.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q37. (2 Corinthians 9:6-9; 8:9; Luke 6:37-38) Is it possible to be grace-filled and stingy at the same time? Why is this so? What is the relationship between forgiving and giving generously?

Grace-filled and stingy: when we accept God’s Grace but don’t extend it to others we are grace-filled and stingy simultaneously. God initiates grace to us in Jesus. Jesus forgives us through His death—God gave Jesus so generously to us. He demonstrates how to forgive and give generously. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can both forgive and give generously.

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