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Q38. (1 Peter 5:5-6) Why is prideful living incompatible with showing grace? Why do you think God opposes the proud? What does humility have to do with repentance to enable us to receive God’s grace? How does pride prevent us from showing grace?

  • 5 months later...

Q38. (1 Peter 5:5-6)

Why is prideful living incompatible with showing grace?

Why do you think God opposes the proud?

What does humility have to do with repentance to enable us to receive God's grace?

How does pride prevent us from showing grace?

A person that is proud is full of his own importance.  In that state you think so highly of yourself that to accept  a gift, would almost be beyond your  capabilities or contrary to your nature.  That would be why it would not be part of the proud person's nature to be able to show grace.  To maybe give what is owed , yes but not easily to give graciously to the one not deserving the favour.  It does not fit together.  The two natures clash.  

When we have done wrong, we are usually flooded with guilt.  It usually seems like one is drowning in it.  To repent means to acknowledge without a shadow of a doubt  that your actions were wrong and forgiveness is needed.  A proud person will not easy acknowledge that.  It is only in humility that we can accept God's forgiveness and acknowledge His grace in Him granting forgiveness.  



Q38. (1 Peter 5:5-6) Why is prideful living incompatible with showing grace? Why do you think God opposes the proud? What does humility have to do with repentance to enable us to receive God's grace? How does pride prevent us from showing grace?
Prideful living is incompatible with showing grace because we become too full of ourselves to think of anyone else. We put our needs before others and think we are better than anyone else. We push others away from us and from God when we are too proud.

God opposes the proud because in their pride they have forgotten all about Him and what He has given them. They think they do not need Him that they are fine on their own and that faith or religion is for the weak.

Humility is needed in order for us to be humble enough to admit we need His grace and mercy. It is coming to the end of ourselves and admitting our helplessness or powerlessness. It is only then that we can turn ourselves around and admit we have sinned and we cannot save ourselves. That He is the only one who can save us and give us eternal life.

Pride keeps us locked into ourselves and our own agendas. It keeps us from receiving God's grace and from showing grace to others. We have to fully empty ourselves like Jesus emptied Himself in order to receive it.


Without bringing yourself down to a state of humbleness you are nor able to repent, simply because you can’t see your faults and consider yourself some king of “ divine supreme god”. God hates pride exactly because pride and arrogance is self idolatry. According to the Bible, idolatry is a kind of witchcraft. Grace is undeserved favor. If you are not humble, your mind will not be able to perceive grace

  • Why is prideful living incompatible with showing grace?

    When we are prideful, we are not willing to listen to instruction nor are we in a position to be corrected.  Our focus is on ourselves and not on others and our example is not one that we would want others to follow.  The Old Testament  contains many types of pride.  One key example in the scriptures is the fact that pride was the reason satan and his angels were put out of heaven.  It led to his downfall.

    When reading these scriptures I was also caught on the effects that pride had within our lives. It would appear that not only are we to keep ourselves humble, thinking ourselves no higher than anyone else which enables us to really communicate and enrich our lives with the relationships of those around us.  Pride is a self-imposed barrier which we build around ourselves keeping others out.  Not only is this against God's will to give us grace (which is an extraordinary gift we do not deserve) but also, exalting ourselves causes issues because God wants to exalt us himself in due time.  God has plans for the best life for us.  Pride interferes with this.
  • Why do you think God opposes the proud?

    Pride shuts off our communication with Him (we know better).  It cuts off our open and loving relationships with others.  It prevents or defers God's teaching and exaltation of us as He would plan at the proper  time for us.

  • What does humility have to do with repentance to enable us to receive God's grace?

    So long as we are prideful, we are not willing to be instructed or corrected or, for that matter, to develop further in the walk with God.  When we are humble, we also take stock of ourselves (by nature) and when we do, inevitably we locate the issues/sins within us and are prompted to repent.  God has promised His forgiveness. Removing pride and our sins opens us up to receiving God's grace again.


Q38. (1 Peter 5:5-6) 
Why is prideful living incompatible with showing grace? Why do you think God opposes the proud? What does humility have to do with repentance to enable us to receive God's grace? How does pride prevent us from showing grace?
Prideful living is living for self, and as such it has no consideration for others. It is incompatible with showing grace since grace demands thinking of others, and their needs; often putting their needs before our own. Pride is a sin we all battle with, a sin we are not always aware of. In the world today we are concerned with our position and status. We hunger for recognition, for success, for power, and for wealth. There is no time for God. God can never be supreme in the lives that are dominated by self. Even believers battle with pride as it negatively affects their fellowship with God; replacing His rightful place by placing themselves first. It is when we repent of our self-centredness, of our selfish demands and place God as Lord of our lives, we humble ourselves and we know God who opposes the proud gives grace to the humble. It is only when we humble ourselves that we will experience God’s grace and the rewards He promises us – pride will prevent this happening. Jesus Himself said “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted" (Luke 14:11). 



I do not think God’s grace as binary – something He either gives, or not – or that our characters are binary – we’re either proud or not -- but rather that we are given (or can receive) a measure of his grace according to our character and the needs of our calling.

Getting rid of pride (dying to self) is a life-long goal that is never achieved but for which we always strive.

One of the things I learned in this study has to do with the reciprocity of grace, that it’s both given and received. I had thought that grace was an attribute and responsibility of God, not humans. The process of dying to self includes a increase in humility that enables God to fill us incrementally more with His grace. 


Q38. (1 Peter 5:5-6) Why is prideful living incompatible with showing grace? Why do you think God opposes the proud? What does humility have to do with repentance to enable us to receive God's grace? How does pride prevent us from showing grace?

Grace is given to us freely and unmerited. We thus do not have any reason to be proud for any reason at all.

God thus opposes anyone who is proud because whatever we have or how ever highly placed we are, it is just by His grace, hence we have no reason to be proud.


Prideful living is incompatible with showing grace because it makes the person unapproachable. People fear to discuss their challenges with a person full of pride because they feel intimidated by such a person and often expect negative responses that might hurt the person who has challenges more. People that are full of pride are full of themselves and consider other people as less important.

God opposes the proud because they tend to be selfish, always want recognition and expect people to respect them whereas they look down upon others. They are not humble and these are people who want others to always greet them.

Humility has everything to do with repentance because one understands that one is not perfect and is bound to make mistakes whether consciously or unconsciously so but upon realizing that, one is able to repent, ask for forgiveness from God including asking forgiveness from the person that one has hurt. When we acknowledge that we have sinned before God, He covers our shame with His grace.

Pride makes us think that we are more important than others and therefore we do not care how others feel. You cannot show grace when you think you are the only one who needs to be exalted. In fact, God exalts those who humble themselves and humbles those who exalt themselves. A person with pride cannot show any grace.


We are to live humbly, because God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. God opposes the proud because they wrongly think that they are the source of their gifts. They forget that they receive their gifts from God freely and undeservedly. Grace, a favor of God that is neither earned nor deserved is supposed to be shared with others freely because it was given freely. God opposes the proud because he is a source of gifts and a free giver of gifts. Humility is a sign of repentance and it enables us to acknowledge that grace comes from God and is given to us freely. Pride prevents us from showing grace because God humbles the proud by not giving them gifts abundantly and graciously. We are to live humbly, because God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.


Q38. (1 Peter 5:5-6) Why is prideful living incompatible with showing grace? Why do you think God opposes the proud? What does humility have to do with repentance to enable us to receive God’s grace? How does pride prevent us from showing grace?

1. Pride is when someone thinks only of themselves. Pride is not being humble, loving of others, or willing to help others. Pride is not forgiving anyone.

2. There is nothing good in being proudful. A proudful person is dangerous and like to be the big thing in everyway to get attention and look on others as nothing.

3. We must humble ourselves and be serious about repenting to God or else there is no forgiveness. Humility lets God know we are serious and want to receive forgiveness and that we are thankful for him.

4. When we have pride, we are selfish and do not true love, mercy, and compassion for others. We are concern about ourselves. Grace is love.


Living prideful is incompatible with showing grace because God opposes the prideful.

God opposes the prideful because they are full of themselves and usually oppose the ways of the Lord.

Humility or humbling ourselves before the Lord and our fellowman enable us to be repentant and receive God's gifts and grace more readily

Being full of pride will prevent us from show the grace God has given us. .     


  • 3 months later...

Prideful living is living for yourself and not considering others. Therefore, we could not show grace if we are living for ourselves. God opposes the proud because they aren’t doing anything for the kingdom, only for themselves. Humility makes us know that we don’t know it all and therefore we will listen to others.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q38. (1 Peter 5:5-6) Why is prideful living incompatible with showing grace? Why do you think God opposes the proud? What does humility have to do with repentance to enable us to receive God’s grace? How does pride prevent us from receiving grace?

I truly never thought of pride being an impediment to receiving grace, but reflecting on that, I agree, it is. Grace is undeserved favor—a free gift. The prideful are sure they deserve everything, nothing is their fault. God opposes the proud because something in that pride is an idol. (Numbers 20:3&4) Jesus called Himself humble. I choose to be like Him. (Matthew 11: 28-30)


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