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Q5. (Luke 13:6-9) What caused Israel’s barrenness in Jesus’ time? What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

  • 4 months later...

Most fig trees are not self-pollinating so need another fig tree nearby to produce fruit. This parable gives the impression that the fig tree was planted alone in a vineyard. If so, it won't make fruit. Perhaps there's a subtext in this parable about our need for fellowship to make fruit?


Extreme and showy sacrifice made the Pharisees repugnant to Jesus. It's interesting that Jesus focused on the Pharisees, not the smug secularism of the Saducees. The arrogant faith-puffing of the Pharisees bothered Jesus more at that time ... and probably now. Faith must be humble.

For example, I have seen individuals in parachurch groups declare and decree, believing that strong faith should demand great and showy response from God. At times, this may be the case, that God will part the Red Sea or the equivalent. I do wonder about the political and social changes these people are demanding God perform, however.


Things that cause the fruit of the Holy Spirit to wither on the branch ... Arrogance. Pride. Lack of solitude and prayer. Crabwise glances at others rather than doing what is right. Showy faith. Demanding miracles.


Jesus cursed a fig tree that didn't produce fruit. He will do the same to us. What Jesus was, He is today -- I'm certain Jesus is as repulsed by showy, over-confident and smarmy Chrsitians as he was of the Pharisees. 

On 4/22/2023 at 1:01 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q5. (Luke 13:6-9) What caused Israel’s barrenness in Jesus’ time? What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

The Israel's barrenness was by their refuser to accept Jesus Christ even the John the Baptist gospel of repentance. The only thing that keeps the Holy Spirit is the word of God. As disciples of Jesus Christ we learn that the must be productive through the obedience of the word or teaching of Jesus Christ. 


My Answer:



Israel's was to consume with showy religious practices. Caring more about man and appearances than how God truly sees things. Coming up with their own rules. 


What keeps fruit from producing is being too consumed with worldly things and our hearts not being right towards God. In order to truly mature we have to spend time with God personally and on his word and put action to the things we are studying in his word.



What we can learn is that God expects us not to be barren but truly live the right life for him and do his will. We understand we are not save by our works but we still want to do good works for God because we love him and others.




Q5. (Luke 13:6-9) What caused Israel’s barrenness in Jesus’ time? The main cause of barrenness was unbelief- and Israel not acknowledging that Jesus was the Son of God. This caused much sorrow to Jesus who came to find those who  would believe in the   Word of God respond to His teaching. (First the message had to fall on good soil and then it could grow 100 fold and produce good fruit). An open heart was needed and faith so the word could  find a believer who would go forward with the gospel and  multiply.

Q What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? The Holy Sport can only work in a  humble heart and where there is faith. Once a person repents of their sin and recognizes Jesus took our sin on the cross, then the Holy spirit can come in and live in that person. We are then earthen vessels carrying His holy spirit and we will show fruit such as love, joy, peace, forbearance (patience and understanding), kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. It though we harden our heart towards Gods word and don't read it or obey it and choose our own way, and sin against God then we will not bear fruit for God's glory, nor will we show others the love of Christ. If we have sins such as conceit, self-righteousness, or are judgmental or self-centred, or try to show off or compete with others and don't have a pure heart, then God can't use us and we will bear 'bad fruit'.  Neglect of the bible, neglect of prayer, of fellowship and outreach will lead to barrenness and not please God and sin will enter in and as Paul says in Galatians we will be deceived. "If anyone thinks he is something when he is not, he will be self deceived' ...'each one should test their own actions.' (Gal 6.3-4)

Q. What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree? The Fig tree was given 3 year to bear fruit and when Jesus came by and found it was barren he said 'cut it down' and it withered up. In the parable of the fig tree he made it clear the tree (spiritual life of the person) was barren and the branches would be cut ff and thrown int eh fire and it would never bear fruit again. We, Like the disciples, can  learn from this that no second chance would be given. We have our life on earth here to bear fruit since we receive Jesus into our life and turn from our sin and wicked ways, and we inherit instead His Holy spirit and His divine and precious promises to help us walk through his world without sinning and instead we are to share the gospel and win  others to Christ and helping them become disciples.  The disciples saw the tree had no fruit and saw   it   wither and leant from Jesus that the whole tree would be tossed into the fire -implying it was bound  for judgement on the last day when God would give rewards or judge our works and he would show what were genuine works of faith guided by the Holy spirit and bearing fruit  and separate what were dead works (i.e works of the flesh done without the Holy spirit's power.) The disciples would have learnt the truth of  John 15.5 "Without me you can do nothing' and 'I am the Vine you are the branches..abide in Me and my words in you and you shall bear fruit.

On 4/21/2023 at 9:01 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q5. (Luke 13:6-9) What caused Israel’s barrenness in Jesus’ time? What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

So concerned with keeping the law and really not keeping it. Not believing and receiving Christ. Crucifying Christ their sacrifice for sin and their only help and deliverer.

Not spending time with the Lord and in the Word.  We need to stay close to the Lord and depend on Him. He is the One that really changes things.  We can't depend on ourselves.  In this world of sin and distractions we can't afford to not spend time with the Lord.  The enemy will do everything in his power to distract us from spending time with the Lord and in His Word.

We need to repent and get back in the Lord's plan for us.  Being cultivated and refreshed by the Word of God. We need to think on the Lord and all His greatness and all He has given us to succeed - His blood, The Armor of God , His Spirit, Fruits of the Spirit, His promises, His Word, Grace, a New Birth, His Presence.,etc.   We need to think on what He has done all over the World for everyone who receives Him, He has given them New Life.  What an amazing God!  We can't comprehend His greatness, only by the Spirit of God and He has given His Spirit to us so that we can.


They unbelief.If we say yes to the flesh and lives according to the flesh that will stop the growth and the maturing of the holy spirit.To repent and surrender and let God have his way in our life and listen to the holy spirit and embrace the new creature and ask God to help us live according to his way and will for us. And let God plant a seed in us and let his word water the seed and his will make sure it grows according to his will.


What caused Israel's barrenness in Jesus' time? 

Legalism, Hypocrisy and Unbelief in Jesus

What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives?

When we are proud and lean on our own understanding and not dependent on Jesus for our Spiritual Nourishment, we are unable to bear the fruit of the Spirit.  “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit. … ” (John 15:5)

What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

Fruitfulness, both in character and in good works and ministry, is important to God.  Though we are saved by grace, not by works, God is looking for productivity in our lives. God is Merciful, He gives us another chance to repent and bear fruit.



Their disconnection from God led to legalism and unfruitfulness. The Religious elite paid more attention to their traditions than on God's  Word and loving kindness and taught people to do the same. Yeshua often chastised them for their hypocritical behaviour, for example, focusing on form, tradition, outward appearances, etc, rather than transformation of the heart, by the Word of God. Their traditions superceded  the Tanakh and lacked mercy and spiritual insight, as Yeshua pointed out.

Again, disconnection from Adonai, the Living Water, as a direct result of inpenitence, neglecting study and meditation on the word of God, keeps the Holy Spirit from maturing within us.

The parable of the Barren tree is a wake up call to repent of our sins and take this gospel  to others  because Yeshua is returning soon and will judge the world. It's a lesson of mercy but also of judgement. We do not want to be destroyed as the  unproductive fig  tree; we do not want to grieve the Holy Spirit with unrepentance by an ungodly lifestyle but rather to be spiritually transformed and embrace and  exhibit the fruits of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives. Fruits given to equip us for ministry.( Galatians 5:22-23.


Q5. (Luke 13:6-9) What caused Israel's barrenness in Jesus' time? What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

They had unconfessed sin and had made poor lifestyle choices. The leadership of Israel at the time was very poor also. The keepers of the Law, the Pharisees and Sadducees were more interested in their position and lavish lifestyles than they were in leading their people closer to God. The government was Roman appointed. God had been mostly silent for 400 years. For mostly that entire timespan they had been occupied by invading armies.                               

Our life’s focus, are we living a life for the Lord or for ourselves. Are we followers of Christ cleverly disguised as electricians, nurses, letter carriers, doctors, football players, waitresses, etc. or does our profession precede our faith; our commitment to God. Who sits on the throne in our lives; me or He? We need to be rightly related to God to be the strong healthy trees that bear His fruit.

To make the best of the time that we have all been given. None of us have any guarantee of another day. God and His Word are our fertilizer. To put a premium on our relationship with God, to put Him first in our lives. To confess and repent of our sins.




Disobedience is the cause of barrenness of Israel.  Leaning on laws, work and knowledge for self rightousness. Love of position and pride.

Same as above Isreal's character. Moreover, our dat to day relationship with God through the word of God in prayer and doing the right thing accordingly makes us fruitful.

God is merciful. He always looks after us and stretches his hand to return to him always. He wants us to renounce our wrong doings. No matter what, as long as we open our heart and repent, the blood of Jesus cleanses us from sin. His forgiveness is ne every morning and He is faithful. Lamantation 3:22&23.



Q5. (Luke 13:6-9)

What caused Israel’s barrenness in Jesus’ time?

Israel's barrenness was caused by the same thing that causes us to be barren today... when we separate ourselves from Jesus... from His Word and from prayer and meditation... we find ourselves lacking the nutrients we need spiritually to thrive... or even sputter... When we take our eyes off of Jesus and instead place our focus on ourselves... we begin to create our own kingdoms... our own rules... our own plans... our own servants and slaves... this is where Israel was in Jesus' day... this is where our world is today... we MUST connect with the Vine if we have any desire to bear His Fruit in our lives... counterfeit fruit is worse than no fruit at all...

What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives?

Selfishness and Pride are the main things that keep the Holy Spirit from growing and maturing in our lives.  Not giving God our whole heart... whole mind... whole strength and whole soul.... He will not force Himself into the closets of our souls... we must open the doors and give Him access to every corner of our lives... admitting our failures and weaknesses openly that we would become less so He can become more... we choose to let the Holy Spirit have full control... or little control... We cannot produce God's Fruit ourselves... every piece of the armor of God is Jesus Himself... we must clothe ourselves with Jesus and allow Him and Him alone to transform our hearts and minds.

What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

Jesus is our advocate...  He has given us His Spirit to live within us... we have no excuse to be fruitless trees!


In Jesus' time the Pharisees and scribes, the Sadducees were all to caught up in themselves, presenting themselves as holiness and bearing rule over the people. And they were using the temple for their own personal gain, such as sales of sacrifices and money changing in the temple, making their own rules, and controlling the people: which all of this caused them to be barring spiritually and not excepting Christ Jesus as Saviour, not repenting of their wicked ways. 

Pretty much the same keeps us from barring good fruit, with pride, and bitterness, boasting of ourselves and looking down on others; not willing to repent. 

Let us work on our own selves, and see if we are bearing good fruit, or if we have become barren. Let's work on our own lives, repent, surrender all to Christ and love one another, that the Lord will see our good fruits, and be honored. 


Fig tree leaves is what Adam and Eve used in an attempt to cover themselves after sinning. Salad leaves won't do. God himself had to kill an animal , shed blood and cover their nakedness.

Considering it is the first mention of figs...fig leaves can be seen as our attempt at self righteousness apart from God.

Cain did that too....offering the work of his hands....crops...no blood , that didn't end well either.

Our Self Righteousness is like Filthy rags ( the actual word is soiled menstrual rags) reminds me of the woman with the issue of blood , as long as she bled , she could not have kids / bear fruit ....just like the fig tree. But when she touched the Sun of Righteousness with Healing in His wings her bleeding stopped.

Touching His Righteousness , causes bleeding to stop, she had no need for that soiled menstrual rag of puny self righteousness anymore , now she was equipped to bear fruit unto God , fruit that remains!

It was easier for sinners to recieve from Jesus than the Self Righteous Pharisees. 

The rich young ruler walked away without giving away a penny but zaccheus gave away his riches freely.

Nicodemus couldn't make sense of jesus yet he revealed Himself as messiah to the Samaritan woman who then became an instant evangelist bearing fruit unto God.


So I would say Self Righteousness stops us from bearing fruit to God. As We take Jesus as our Righteousness , our Right standing of Favor before the Father who dotes on us and as we Abide in His Love , we will Effortlessly bear fruit unto God.


Q#5 (Luke 13:6-9)- What cause Israel's barrenness in Jesus time?

Israel's barrenness was cause by lack of pride and disobedience. Their spiritual barrenness was due to lack of repentance. God is kind to us. He gives us many opportunities to repent and turn to him. But the time of our death will come. And after that there will be the judgement for all those who didn't repent and didn't accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives?

When we live by Jesus' Fruit of the Spirit, we become people of love. God is Love. We fulfill God's commandments to love others as ourselves. If we lack this it prevents us from growing and maturing in our lives.

What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

God is merciful and willing to forgive. It is also a warning to believers that they must bear fruits after their conversion worthy of repentance or risk of condemnation. Also, He expects us a believers to act, upon our love for Him, rather than just saying empty words/promises.

1. The Master expects Fruit.

2. The Master is patient with us.

3. A time is coming when the Master's Patience will run out.

4. The Master will help us bear-fruit.


Q5. (Luke 13:6-9) What caused Israel’s barrenness in Jesus’ time? What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

Disobedience.  Disobedience.  God expects continual fruit bearing...the fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of witness.  John 15.  Yielding, surrendering to the Holy Spirit along with obedience, empowered by the Spirit...obeying God's Word keeps a person from being barren.


The barrenness of Israel was that they rejected Jesus Christ is the Messiah stating that He was the son of the carpenter. They had a belief that the Messiah was going to free them from the Roman Empire not understanding that Jesus Christ came to free all humankind from sin. They rejected Him even when they had seen miracuolus deeds that He perfomed. The Prpphets prophesied about Jesus Christ before He even dwelt among men in flesh. Jesus Christ sent out the disciples to preach the Good News and He told that when they are welcome in the house, they need to share the Good News but when they reject them, they must shake off the sand on their feet. They did not accept Jesus Christ that is why in 1 Peter 2 verse 7 it says "The stone that was rejected has become the cornerstone."

We do not understand "Who" the Holy Spirit is in us. If we know that He dwells in us, we will be very attentive to Him when He speaks. There is no "I" when you want to grow in the fruit of the Spirit. Everything that we do including prayer is centred around me, myself and I. It is seldom when a person shows love without wanting it himself/herself.

It teaches us that we may look beautiful on the outside but in the inside we are empty because we cannot bear fruit. When you do something for someone, do not expect that the person will reciprocate the gesture. Some people cannot even "thank you" but nonetheless, continue to do good. Continue to love the children of God like you love yourself. Be the person who loves peace and everything will come together.


Q5. The Jewish people of Jesus time did not accept that Jesus was the Son of God. They were very caught up in the sins of pride, disobedience self righteousness and legalism. They were so sure of themselves that they didn’t think for a moment that they could be wrong and then listen to really hear what Jesus had to say and to offer them. 
If we have sin in our lives the Holy Spirit cannot produce fruit in our lives. We need to be full invested in following Jesus and have our eyes firmly fixed on Him. 
We can learn that Jesus is very patient and tolerant with us but there is a time limit on His patience. If we don’t stop our sinning we will be punished. 


Q5. (Luke 13:6-9)

What caused Israel's barrenness in Jesus' time? What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

The fig tree can be seen as a picture of Israel - a very privileged nation who turned their back on our Lord Jesus Christ. We see this in their religious leaders – especially the Pharisees and the teachers of the law. Their hatred of the Son of Man was the result of their evil hearts, as evidenced by their blasphemy, bitterness, hypocrisy, pride, and abuse. Jesus Himself called them a brood of vipers (Mat 12:34), and a den of robbers (Mat 21:13). Our gracious Lord was patient with the nation, waiting three years during our Lord’s earthly ministry, but the nation was barren, producing nothing of value. After another forty years He allowed the Roman armies to destroy Jerusalem and the temple. Finally, the tree was cut down. This parable also applies to us. We see a God full of love, who is patient, not wanting any to perish (2 Peter 3:9). He desires that all should come to repentance, so He purposely extends the time of grace so that all might have every opportunity to be saved. He delights in showing mercy, and encouraging us to repent and bear fruit (Mat 3:8). Is there proof by the way we live that we have repented of our sins? Do our actions match our words? We often take life for granted with no consideration to thank Him. We should be living a life of righteousness with visible fruit of the Spirit - a life that brings glory, honour and praise to our heavenly Father. God is seeking fruit, as He judges our words by our actions that accompany them. He has spared us up to now, but He has every right to cut us down. We must not make the mistake that His kindness, mercy, and grace will carry on forever. The day of judgment will eventually come. The time to repent is NOW.


What caused Israel’s barrenness in Jesus’ time? What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?


The love of the world and the pride of life caused israels barrenness 

The state of our heart determine if we would produce or how much fruit we produce. Being saturated by the word of God is the solution to the barren life. 

Grace is not a licence to be unproductive. 



Q5. (Luke 13:6-9) What caused Israel’s barrenness in Jesus’ time? What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives? What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

1. Israel did not bear any spiritual fruit because they were in sin. They had pride in themselves and would not obey God. 

2. Sin and pride along with being disobedient. The Isrealites felt as if they were right and refused to obey God. This caused their love for God to be non existed. They were religious.

3. We must be examples of the fruit of the spirit, willing to obey and trust God at all times.


Q5. (Luke 13:6-9)

What caused Israel's barrenness in Jesus' time?

What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives?

What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

Unbelief was a big factor which caused Israel's barrenness, also pride and bitterness towards their oppressors.  Hypocrisy among the leaders and discontent and disobedience to God, was also rife.

If the flesh with its own passions and desires has not been 'crucified' then we can forget about the fruit of the Holy Spirit from manifesting in our lives.  

We learn from this parable that the Proprietor's rights are revealed:  

  1. The place where the fig tree was growing belonged to him, the soil where  it was growing in belonged to him and in fact the fig tree belonged to him.
  2. He had a right to expect fruit from the fig tree.  That was the reason he planted it there in the first place, for fruit.
  3. He also had the right to remove the fig tree should it not produce fruit.  It was taking up space where another tree could be planted, which would produce the sought for fruit.  

We also learn that there was an Intercessor/ a gardener.  He pleaded for grace for a period, and agreed if that would not bring about desired results, that the tree would be removed.  He would 'disturb' the tree by digging around it.  Apart from that he too would fertilize the soil, thus giving it another chance to bring forth fruit.

Just as for the fig tree, there is a time limit also for us to bring forth fruit.  Without fruit we too will be 'pulled out'/destroyed and space given to someone else who will bring forth the desired fruit.  We too have an Intercessor, Who works us, Who endeavors to make us bear fruit.

I can just cry out to Him to prune the areas in my life that do not bear fruit.  Also I thank Him for His mercy and grace which He has shown thus far.  




Q5. (Luke 13:6-9) What caused Israel's barrenness in Jesus' time?

The Pharisee and Sadducee in JESUS' time has rejected the teaching and our LORD JESUS CHRIST in person. They were still waiting on the MESSIAH come because to them JESUS is the son of Joseph and Mary. The WORDS JESUS has spoken didn't found entrance in them because of their unbelieve and if the WORD of GOD didn't enter any life, it will stays dormant or barren. The veil was still hanging over their eye still blind in their own traditions and man made laws. It was too hard for them to change their minds, for this reason Israel was barren in JESUS' time. 

What keeps the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) from growing and maturing in our lives?

When people didn't want to submit them to the HOLY SPIRIT. HOLY SPIRIT is the only person that can cause some to grow and mature in their lives. Fellowship with the HOLY SPIRIT is the key maturity in CHRIST JESUS as FATHER GOD want us to grow to the full stature of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

What can we disciples learn from the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree?

We have to continuously fellowship with HOLY SPIRIT. 

The KINGDOM of GOD is not a one-man show, but interaction (fellowship) with fellow Christian. 



Q5. Israelites' efusal to repent caused them to be barren

Yielding to the work of  the oly Spirit in our lives through prayer and medieatibg on His word , living holy life will cause fruit of Holy Spirit  to grow and mature in our lives

What we learn from this parable is that as Christians ,  need to live a life that bears fruits that will show and thus happens when we spend time with God 

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