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Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5) What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? Why does Paul insist that “spiritual” members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

  • 4 months later...
On 4/22/2023 at 1:13 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5) What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? Why does Paul insist that “spiritual” members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

The humorous about the Parable of the speck and beam is the same because both are talking about hypocritical behavior.

We gets to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes when we realised human beings are not perfect.


Paul insisted that spiritual members must correct the sinning Christian brothers or sisters with humility and love and also be careful not to fall in to temptation. 


Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5)

What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam?

I guess the picture of someone trying to remove a speck from someone else's eye while not being able to even reach around the beam they are carrying in their own eye seems quite silly. How foolish we must look to God when we step out of His Will.  

How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes?

We must first recognize the condition of our own heart... if our walk with God doesn't start with repentance, we cannot be of use to Him.  It is only when we recognize our own sin that our heart is made humble... the only way to keep from becoming a Pharisee is to self-inventory our own motives OFTEN...It is only then that we can look on others who are struggling with mercy and compassion instead of judgment and criticism.

Why does Paul insist that “spiritual” members correct sinning Christians with gentleness?

We will be judged as we judge... this is pretty plain... The word "judge", in itself sounds harsh to me... I much more like the word "correct" or "help" or "guide".  I never view myself as a judge of others... but out of love and mercy, if I see a fellow brother or sister heading on a road to destruction, I cannot just let them go without trying to steer them back to the narrow road. I think this is maybe what this parable is speaking too... if we choose to stand as judges, then, we too will stand in judgment before God.  We are told "there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus"... do we forfeit this promise if we decide to make ourselves judges on this earth? This thought alone should move us to start focusing on and whittling down the plank in our own eye... that overwhelming task should encompass the rest of our earthly life...

What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

We, ourselves are NEVER sinless.  We all struggle with something.  Hypocrisy, in itself, is setting up rules for others (in order to judge them) that we don't follow ourselves.  Hypocrisy is the cancer of the modern-day church just as it was in Jesus' day. 



Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5) What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? Why does Paul insist that "spiritual" members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

I like it too; plank eye. It’s a great example of hyperbole and my wife reminded me of a few more that are used in the Bible.

It has to be a struggle for sure. We have to realize that we aren’t any better than anyone. “That we all sin and fall short of the glory of God.” And that by the grace of God go I.

Because they need to be encouraged and not discouraged. If they are not treated with love and gentleness, they may become hurt and walk away. If our motivation for correcting someone is not rooted in love then maybe we’re not the one who should point out their sin.

I think that it assumes that we are better than someone else, when in fact we are dealing with or own temptations and sin and are in no position to look down on anyone.


It's very humorous when you try to compare someone with a beam in their eye trying to help someone see the speck of sawdust in their eye. 

The only way we can get to where we can see with clear spiritual eyes is through repentance, recognizing our own sins, and getting them dealt with so that we can see more clearly to help others. 

We should try to correct others gently with mercy rather than judgment, because we may be tempted ourselves, and need help as well. 

Judgmentalism and hypocrisy goes hand in hand, for whether you are judging or presenting yourself as something you are not, as better than another. They both are in need of humility and repentance. 


Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5)

What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? Why does Paul insist that "spiritual" members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

It’s funny in that the person with the plank in his eye is the one trying to remove a speck from the other person’s eye. Not noticing his own condition, and that in actual fact he is the one needing help. Because of the plank, he can’t even get close enough to examine. This is often the case; the traits that bother us in others are often the habits we have ourselves. Our self-righteousness blinds us to our own sinfulness. To be able to see with clear spiritual eyes we need to first seek His kingdom and His righteousness (Mat 6:33). There needs to be a self-examination, asking the Holy Spirit to clean up our hearts. Get rid of our own sins first, repent, humbly asking our Lord forgiveness for all the times we focussed on the sins of others, and not seeing or ignoring our own. Jesus also mentioned that the eye is the lamp of the body (Mat 6:22-23), which will tell us about our spiritual condition. We expose our hypocrisy when we judge the shortcomings and faults of others, while we are blind to our own sin. We must not forget the way we judge others is the way we will be judged.


The Parable is humorous because it uses exaggeration to highlight the absurdity of someone trying to remove a small speck from another person's eye while having a large beam in their own eye. 

To see with clear spiritual eyes, one needs the eyes of their understanding enlightened , to see how much they have been forgiven.

Paul insists on correcting sinning Christians with gentleness because it reflects the teachings of Jesus to be compassionate and loving towards one another. We are called to love and forgive and help one another as God in christ has loved , forgiven and helped us.

Judgmentalism is closely related to hypocrisy because it involves criticizing or condemning others for their faults while ignoring or downplaying one's own.


*The humor is trying to see well enough to remove a small speck in someone's eye when there is this large beam hindering me from seeing.

*To see with a clear spiritual eye, I need to repent and turn from my sin. Turn back to God and keep my eyes on him. Study and practice his teachings.

*Correct with gentleness so that the person will be open to listening. The person is probably already dealing with guilt, and other emotions. Coming at them harshly will probably do the opposite and push them further into their sin.

We are quick to see things that we don't like in others and judge and tear them down while dealing with the exact same issue and giving ourselves grace. This is why being judgmental and a hypocrite go hand in hand. 


The humor is that the one with a beam, wants to remove a speck on the other one's eye. How are you able to see a speck when you are carrying a beam in your eye which is so huge that you yourself cannot see? You are deep into sin but you want to reprimand others when they sin. You gossip about their ungodly living and at the same time you also do things that do not honor God.

When we  humble ourselves, turn away from our wicked ways and repent, then we will see with the clear spiritual eye. It is also helpful to confess your sins to the elders at church so that they may help in praying with you not to fall back into sin.

If we do not correct them with gentleness, it will be as if we are judging them. We understand that there is one Judge who is God and if He is able to keep on forgiving us, why do we have to condemn others. 

We need to understand that we were also sinners and the grace of God located us. When we are judgmental, we will be portraying the "holier than thou attitude" which then shows that we are hypocrites. We must understand that God was patient with us and He made sure that once we were inside the fold, He kept nurturing us until we saw that the wages of sin is death and clung to Him. Likewise, we need to be patient with all those who still fall along the way until the come to know the True. Living God.


Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5) What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? Why does Paul insist that “spiritual” members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

1. The person with the plank is trying to remove a speck from another person's eye. Not looking at themselves.

2.  We are to use our time wisely by dealing with our sins and weaknesses, in order to help some one else who is in sin.  We must repent and turn our lives to God completely. Get ourselves together by fasting, praying, and reading God's word.

3. Jesus said, "Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. Galatians 6:1  We being harsh can push them away because they need love. Our love and kindness will draw them. The spiritual members have already dealt with their own sins and can acknowledge that being gentle is necessary to gain the attention of a sinning Christian.

4. We cannot be self-appointed correctors of others because we will miss the spirit and not obey the law fully. We must clean ourselves first before trying to help someone else. Judgementalism and hypocrisy go hand and hand because a person tries to correct others when they are not clean, but acting as if they are, 



There is Ethiopian saying, "a monkey laughs at its friend's seat walking in front of it when it cannot see its own." Also, you can imagine seeing a small spot afar when you are blind to see a great mass near you. It is really unworthy and destructive when we act with unclear mind.

Therefore, a place with clear spiritual eyes can be gained by seeking spiritual practices with the full help of Holyspirit  with prayer and contemplation with the word of God. Holy communion with God and with our brothers and sisters in sevice in the body of Christ. I feel great joy as I exercise these and overflow with clear mind, on the contrary I feel bad as I get distracted from them at times giving various reasons  which is self deceit. We need to be close to God, near His feet, in humble prayer and reading the word and  obedience accordingly. Those are the fuel of Christians that can take us long way till our end time. This in the end help us see in spiritual eyes.

The foundation of our salvation is LOVE, that brought up mercy and grace through out our life. Thus, we must do the same to our brothers and sisters around us whether spiritual or practicing sinful acts. Love touches and changes people's hearts.

Otherwise, whatever we do in our relationships of service, communion and duties outside love, mercy and demonstration of grace is unworthy and is hypocrisy and judgmentalism. 


6 hours ago, Menberu Adane said:

There is Ethiopian saying, "a monkey laughs at its friend's seat walking in front of it when it cannot see its own." Also, you can imagine seeing a small spot afar when you are blind to see a great mass near you. It is really unworthy and destructive when we act with unclear mind.

Wonderful saying, Menberu! Thank you for sharing it. And so true!

The fact is we have to judge, but we don't have to be judgmental. One is the behavior of any sentient human -- the other is an attitude of superiority.  

I'm conflicted over the need to confront others -- remember church discipline? -- at the same time we see ourselves realistically, which is to see our own sins and their gravity. To judge others but not ourselves is hypocrisy, but not not judge is to be braindead.


What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? Why does Paul insist that "spiritual" members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

Jesus is using humor -- very small speck vs. very large timber -- to make his point.

We can get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes when we deal with our own glaring sins first, so we can see well enough to help others, rather than overreact. Then when we see the sins of others, we'll do so with mercy rather than judgmental self-righteousness. 

When spiritual members correct with gentleness, they will be able to restore back a brother to faith, to Jesus.  




Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5) What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? Why does Paul insist that “spiritual” members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy? 

The contrast Jesus used with Speck and Beam is certainly humorous because of the extreme exaggeration. Dealing with our own sin--God is so patient with us concerning this, but it is necessary to eliminate sin, so that our prayers will not be hindered, and the Holy Spirit can move in us.  Time in the Word of God and letting that Word saturate our minds and transform our thinking enables our spiritual eyes begin to see as God sees. Paul insists on gentleness in correcting another's sin, because WE ALL SIN.  To be judgemental where sin is concerned is hypocrisy because WE ARE ALL SINNERS.


Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5)

What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam?

How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes?

Why does Paul insist that "spiritual" members correct sinning Christians with gentleness?

What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

The speck is something very tiny, in fact it is something that is not easily seen.  It is something insignificant.  The beam in turn is enormous and cannot even fit into an eye.  One would be totally blinded with a beam in the eye.  It sure is extravagant exaggeration.

We need to get rid of our glaring sins first before we can even hope to help the next one with any type of sin, be it something insignificant but irritating or glaringly open and seen by all.  Confession and sorting out our lives with fellow humans and our Maker is of utmost importance. 

 If we do not deal gently with a sinning Christian, then it easily comes across as being judgmental  with condemnation.

If and when we are judgmental then very often the same sin is also found in our life and then we are actually hypocrites, by pointing it out for all and sundry to see.  


Q14. Speck and Beam (Matthew 7:3-5) What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam?

ANSWER: Jesus teaches His disciplines not to judge other people because they will be judged according to the same standard they use to criticize others. He illustrates this point with the humorous image of a man with a log coming out of his eye trying to help remove a speck of dust in his brother's eye.

How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? ANSWER: What to do to open your spiritual eyes?

ANSWER: To do this, just focus a part of your attention at this point, while letting your eyes focus on the task at hand. You can also look at another persons spiritual eye while talking to them, to help remind you that God or Spirit is in that person as well as you.

The more we ask for guidance, the more we can purify our heart and sharpen our inner vision to see the light from God. 

With this understanding, we recognize which spiritual qualities we lack and which we need to cultivate. By cultivating spiritual qualities, we change the way we deal with situations — and this leads to new patterns of action and transformation in our life. 

Why does Paul insist that "spiritual" members correct sinning Christians with gentleness?

ANSWER: Paul shows that we should not be argumentative or quarrelsome, but he also says that we should correct those who are in opposition to the Lord. You are to gently correct those you know that are in sin or error. Do it wisely. Do it in love. Do it in accordance with God’s Word. Do it prayerfully, being aware of spiritual warfare. But do it! Do it because you love God more than anything and you love your brother or sister as you love yourself. You need to fear God more than you fear people and recognize that obedience to His command to love others requires correcting them if you see them heading for the cliff.

What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

ANSWER: Judging Others by Action and Yourself by Intention: …The sin of judgmentalism (judgmental behavior or attitude), causes us to be prone to self-righteousness and pride and we are often tempted to be critical, condemning and harsh toward one another. To further complicate matters, often we excuse our behaviors under the guise of helping a brother or sister who is in sin. Hypocrisy is the failure to practice what you preach. Hypocrisy is a form of entitlement



Yes it is really humorous as I cannot just imagine how someone with a beam in his eye can see talk less,  try to help to remove a speck from someone’s eye!

We need to actually examine our spiritual position to be sure we are qualified to help others who have fallen.

Judgementalism while we are not spiritually better than those we are judging can be hypocrisy if we are not spiritually better than them. 

On 4/21/2023 at 9:13 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5) What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? Why does Paul insist that “spiritual” members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

What is  humorous about the Parable of the speck and the beam is they can't compare, the speck so small and the plank so large.

We can get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes when we take care of our own sins.   Until, we take the time to deal with our own sins and weaknesses, we're in no position to help someone else get rid of sin in his own life. The reason we're in no position to help is that we can't see clearly. 

There is a reason that the spiritual members should seek to restore others. Presumably, they've already dealt with their own sinfulness and are able to restore "gently"73 rather than harshly.

Judgmentalism and hypocrisy go hand in hand. Jesus addresses both judgmentalism and hypocrisy in the Parable of the Speck and the Beam, found in both Matthew's Sermon on the Mount and Luke's Sermon on the Plain.


On 4/22/2023 at 2:13 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5) What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? Why does Paul insist that “spiritual” members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

Jesus uses this as it shows that we might have sinned a little but pointing to someone who has sinned more. We should not judge one another.

We can see with clear spiritual eyes by being in tune with the holy spirit. It isn't Christians that see themselves as holier than others that can correct sinning Christians but those in tune with the holy spirit and to be guided by the spirit gently not harshly..

To be judgemental to others in what they are doing sin wise can be hypocrisy if you are sinning yourself. Who are you to judge when your own life isn't in order.

On 4/21/2023 at 9:13 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5) What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? Why does Paul insist that “spiritual” members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

The thought of a beam in someones eye, that is humorous.

Repentance, Seeking Jesus.

Harsh words create anger gentle words remove wrath.

Being judgmental is just like hypocrisy, one you are judging someone you are not with out sin, when you are a hypocrite you are doing the same thing that you are accusing that person of doing.



The humor about this parable is that of seeing a sin in someone else , yet you struggling of your own

Clearspiritual eye is when you are able to realize that we are all human being who are not perfect , and who will be subjected sin on day and will  need someone  will look to us with spiritual  eyes not being judgemental

Correction with gentleness  will lead to true repentance when you realize your shortcomings  rather than being judged which can lead to condemnation 

Judgemtalism has to do with hypocrisy  in that the person who judge has his own big sins unknown  to people , yet he sees someone else's sins

  • 3 weeks later...


Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5) What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? Imagine being so insensitive to such a large obstruction in your own vision yet arriving to help one in delicate need. Oh my. Sacry implications as to the damage that may cause.

How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? S.D.Gordon to the rescue. Until we have prayed there is nothing else we can bo but pray. We should never proceed without prayer and supplication. It is God that moves not we ourselves. God sight and guidance not our own.

Why does Paul insist that "spiritual" members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? The word is sharper than a two edged sword and we are taking up heart surgery. We are out to set the one who has lost their way back to the sheep fold. Jesus calls no one ‘sinner’ He told us to seek the lost. We should be holding out the reaching hand of help.

What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy? It fails to appreciate that we were once lost in sin, could very well have been worse off than the one that has our attention. And without the Lamb of God we would be in no position at all. Will we carry away a burden or load more weight upon…. Let us be lifters of others burdens.



  • 2 weeks later...

Q14. (Matthew 7:3-5) What is humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam? How can we get to a place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes? Why does Paul insist that “spiritual” members correct sinning Christians with gentleness? What does judgmentalism have to do with hypocrisy?

What is humorous is when one person with a speck in their eye trying to remove a speck from someone else eye.  We can see with clear spiritual eyes when we deal with our own faults and make a change in our lives.  We are to correct sinning Christians with gentleness because want to help them make a change in their lives.  We don't want to anger them or become judgmental. 

  • 2 weeks later...

The thing that’s humorous about the Parable of the Speck and the Beam is a beam being in one’s eye. We can get to the place where we can see with clear spiritual eyes if we study God’s laws daily and put them into practice. Paul insists that we members correct sinning Christians with gentleness so that we don’t lose that person to the outside world. Judgmentalism is judging others by our sins and calling out someone else for the same thing. That is hypocrisy.

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