Pastor Ralph Posted April 22, 2023 Report Posted April 22, 2023 Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the “sheep” complimented for? What are the “goats” condemned for? Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? How does Jesus identify himself with “the least of these my brothers”? Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? Quote
Katy Posted September 16, 2023 Report Posted September 16, 2023 Q16. The sheep were placed on the right, which is the place of highest honour. The goats were separated from the sheep because they fought with the sheep at night when the shepherd was asleep. It is not Salvation by works. These are the kind of things we are motivated to do as a result of being saved and having the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God… not by works so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2v 8-9. Jesus tell us that whatever we do to help the poor and the needy or anyone in any kind of distress, it is as though we were doing it for Him. Jesus told this parable to His disciples to instruct them in how Jesus expected them to look after people in need but it was also telling them about what was going to happen at the end of time. The sheep and goats represent all people living both good and bad but at judgement day the goats ( representing those who did not follow Jesus) will be separated from the sheep ( who represent followers of Jesus) will be separated and taken to heaven while the goats will be sent to hell. We must all play our part in helping those who need practical help as well as spiritual help. Quote
Christopher Olamiji Taiwo Posted September 18, 2023 Report Posted September 18, 2023 On 9/16/2023 at 5:09 PM, Katy said: Q16. The sheep were placed on the right, which is the place of highest honour. The goats were separated from the sheep because they fought with the sheep at night when the shepherd was asleep. It is not Salvation by works. These are the kind of things we are motivated to do as a result of being saved and having the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God… not by works so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2v 8-9. Jesus tell us that whatever we do to help the poor and the needy or anyone in any kind of distress, it is as though we were doing it for Him. Jesus told this parable to His disciples to instruct them in how Jesus expected them to look after people in need but it was also telling them about what was going to happen at the end of time. The sheep and goats represent all people living both good and bad but at judgement day the goats ( representing those who did not follow Jesus) will be separated from the sheep ( who represent followers of Jesus) will be separated and taken to heaven while the goats will be sent to hell. We must all play our part in helping those who need practical help as well as spiritual help. On 4/22/2023 at 1:17 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the “sheep” complimented for? What are the “goats” condemned for? Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? How does Jesus identify himself with “the least of these my brothers”? Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? The sheep are complimented for love, compassionate acts. The goats are the wicked people who ignored their sole responsibility to others people need. The salvation is not by works because it's by unmerited favour for those who believe in the works on the cross and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Jesus Christ identity Himself with the least of those brothers one who had the same mission of purpose. Jesus Christ tells the Parable to His disciples in order to educate them how live the lives mercy and love with people. The modern day disciples need to learn how to show love with each other no matter the color because we are body. The disciples should be merciful and compassionate in behavior in order to motivate missions to aid immigrants, poor and homeless. Quote
t-c Posted September 18, 2023 Report Posted September 18, 2023 Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the "sheep" complimented for? What are the "goats" condemned for? Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? How does Jesus identify himself with "the least of these my brothers"? Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? They are complemented for their compassion and for seeing the needs of those who are hurting, needing help. And after seeing their need, being proactive to help and assist them. The goats are condemned for their lack of compassion and for not seeing the needs of others or just ignoring them if they do. I don’t think that it is salvation by works. It reminds me of when Jesus says, “To those who have ears, let him hear and to those who have eyes, let them see.” I think He’s talking about spiritual eyes and ears that are able to discern God’s voice and what is important to Him. When you come to know Christ, your priorities change and you begin to notice things that you didn’t use too. Or He will give you a burden to help others. Not to earn your way into heaven but because you love Him and have a burden for those in need. It’s interesting that Jesus say, “ that to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” Just one! Through their struggles and suffering. The human condition for so many around the world and maybe across the street from us. He wanted them to see the need and to reinforce the fact that the Kingdom of Heaven is not solely for the rich and well off, but the poor, downtrodden, weak and sick have equal access to it. As He also spoke with them about how the last will be first and the first will be last. The religious leaders of Jesus’s day had it all wrong and sought the rich and marginalized the poor; Jesus wanted to set them straight on this. The very same thing. That has always been the job of the church and should continue to be. Government’s try to provide and fill this gap but aren’t nearly as effective. People not only need a helping hand but they need to hear the good news of salvation that only come with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Quote
Robomom3 Posted September 18, 2023 Report Posted September 18, 2023 Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the “sheep” complimented for? Being aware of and taking care of the needs around them What are the “goats” condemned for? Not being aware of or taking care of the needs around them Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? No... this is obedience, which is the proof of our salvation. We are told we will be known by our love for each other. Christ's kind of Love is always a verb... if we are not actively loving our brothers and sisters in Christ... how will we ever love those outside the family? Our love starts within the church and overflows to the lost world from there. How does Jesus identify himself with “the least of these my brothers”? We, the brothers and sisters of Christ, have Jesus living within us by way of His Holy Spirit. Anything I do to a brother or sister, good or bad, is the same as doing it to Jesus who resides within them. We are in Christ and He is in us... This miraculous Truth should be enough to change the way we view those within the family of God. Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? The disciples were about to walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death as Jesus built His church through them. They would need to look out for each other. They would need to look out for new converts and new churches, each supporting the other. I believe they fully understood this parable as we see them selling everything they own so each person's need was met as they came together daily to worship and praise God. (Acts 2:44-46). We also see this as the Philippian church supported Paul the many times he was in prison. (Phil 4:15-18). In fact, we see this over and over and over again throughout the New Testament church. Jesus needed His disciples to understand, they were a family and when something is happening to one member of a family, it affects the whole family. What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? We are still the family of God! As believers, we are to care what's happening to other believers, whether in our back yard or across the world. Are we helping those who have been imprisoned because of their faith? Are we supporting the missionaries who have sold everything they have to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to foreign nations. Are we even taking care of the fellow believers within our own churches who are struggling financially or physically? We will have to answer for our indifference... The Holy Spirit is leading us to take care of each other but... we must be still long enough to hear His Voice, open our eyes to see what He sees and obey His leading. How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? I believe this particular parable is talking about the church... but, as the church takes care of each other, the generosity and mercy and love will overflow to those outside the church sharing God's Love and Glory with all those who will listen. Quote
RD35 Posted September 19, 2023 Report Posted September 19, 2023 What are the "sheep" complimented for? What are the "goats" condemned for? The sheep are complimented for the way they treat needy people around them, and the goats condemned for not treating well the needy people around them. Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? One objection to the "least brothers" being all needy persons might be that the parable might be seen to teach salvation by works. However, you could argue that people showed mercy because they had been saved, not in order to be saved. How does Jesus identify himself with "the least of these my brothers"? Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? Jesus is saying that the way they treated "these brothers of mine" is the way they treated Jesus himself. In some way, Jesus is present in "these brothers." Those who are given eternal life are those who do the will of God from the heart (Matthew 7:21; 12:50) towards the needy, whoever they are. That is the point of Jesus' parable. How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? That we will be judged by how love and compassion show up in our behavior, motivated by the Holy Spirit who has come to live inside us when we receive Christ. Jesus said, "By their fruits you shall know them" Matthew 7:16 Quote
hanks Posted September 19, 2023 Report Posted September 19, 2023 Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the "sheep" complimented for? What are the "goats" condemned for? Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? How does Jesus identify Himself with "the least of these My brothers"? Why did Jesus tell this parable to His disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? The sheep - for putting their trust and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. They are the elect of God; all true believers; the sheep the Father gave His Son; the sheep Jesus laid down His life for; the sheep who know His voice. No one can earn a place in the kingdom - entry is based solely on their trust in Christ. The goats – for refusing to believe. They are not condemned because they refused to serve Jesus, but because they have rejected Him as their Lord and Saviour. No, this is not salvation by works. This is done in obedience to God’s Word and for the love of others. Jesus identifies Himself mostly with His Church, His disciples, and those in need. In His infinite love and grace, Jesus warns His disciples and all unbelievers that He does not want any to perish. We need to be aware that time is running out and the goats will face spiritual death and eternal damnation. There is an urgent need for them to hear the gospel and for them to get right with our Lord before it’s too late. True faith produces good works. Our love for the disadvantaged should be motivated by our love for Jesus. Our kindness not only reflects this love, but also glorifies our Heavenly Father. Quote
Zanele Tlhakanelo Posted September 19, 2023 Report Posted September 19, 2023 The sheep are complimented for being meek and gentle hence given the honor of being placed on the right hand. The goats are condemned for being aggressive hence they are placed on the left hand. Salvation is not earned by works least we boast that we have worked. It is by the love of God and Jesus Christ saying "Yes" to the will of God. Jesus Christ became obedient to God and salvation is only the grace of God. Jesus is humble and does not consider Himself God though He is God. The message is that we should not class people but consider everyone equal as we are before the eyes of God. Jesus understands that we are all made in the image of God and after His likeness. The reason He told His disciples was that they needed to understand the importance of treating people equally and teaching them to be servants for these people as He called them to serve and not to be served. He taught them to have compassion and love all the nations. Modern-day disciples need to know that they have not been called to serve people of a certain race or nation but to serve all the people that is why Matthew 28 verse 19 says"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..." All human race belongs to God and therefore people that are needy, destitutes and vulnerable should be treated with respect and immigrants should not be treated as less of human race but love should be shown to all and fight for justice in defending the rights of the poor and homeless. Quote
Debra Grant Posted September 19, 2023 Report Posted September 19, 2023 Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the “sheep” complimented for? What are the “goats” condemned for? Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? How does Jesus identify himself with “the least of these my brothers”? Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? 1. The sheep are humble, kind, and more willing to obey or help others. 2. The goats are naturally more aggressive and condemned because the mistreat others. They will not obey as sheep does. 3. I would say no. 4. Yet, there is spiritual work being done such as seeing after others which teaches salvation is working and expressing our love through God's mercy and grace. We are to let others see the love light in us by being obedient to God's will. We do the will of God because we are saved and love him. 5. Jesus is closely identified with the least of his brothers because he serves them. Where there is two are three gathered in his name, Jesus is there. He states whatever you do for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Jesus helps and advises his brothers to help others. 6. Those who are given eternal life are those who do the will of God from their heart towards the needy and not for show. 7. Modern-day disciples need to learn that we are to help the needy and others as much as possible from our heart. We are not to be selfish and to obey God in every way needed. 8. Understand that Jesus is teaching to help everyone and let love of God be expressed for the people that don't have much or nothing at all. Remember we will be judged by how our love and compassion shows up in our behavior. Have the understanding that we are to let our fruit of the spirit show from within. Quote
GeraldG Posted September 19, 2023 Report Posted September 19, 2023 The sheep gave what was needed to the needy; to whom He referred Himself to. The hungry, the thirsty, the stranger in need of clothes, the sick and in prison. The goats are condemned for not reaching out to any of these, not doing anything to help the needy. No! We don't have to do any of this to be saved; but rather we do these things because we are saved and desire to reach others to be saved. Jesus identifies Himself as being the least, the needy, and hungry. Jesus tells His disciples this, for they may very well be the least, they may be the hungry and the thirsty, the imprisoned, and all. To prepare them, and to encourage them to help the needy. Modern day disciples need to understand how important it is to go out and reach the needy, for that is how we minister to Christ. If we truly want to serve the Lord, and do the Father's will, then we should know that we need to reach out to the missions, and the sick, and the poor, for then shall we be recognized by the Lord, ministering to Him. Quote
Elizabeth Kuruvilla Posted September 22, 2023 Report Posted September 22, 2023 The "sheep" are complimented for their acts of compassion in feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming strangers, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, and visiting those in prison. They are essentially commended for their acts of love and mercy/ hesed The "goats" are condemned for their failure to perform these acts of hesed just like the Rich man in the previous parable. This parable is not teaching salvation by works alone. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of genuine faith being demonstrated through actions, because their faith led them to care for those in need. Faith and works are intertwined; true faith should produce good works as a natural outpouring of love for others. He that loveth not, knoweth not God for God is Love. 1 John 4:8 Jesus identifies himself with "the least of these my brothers" to emphasize that when we serve and show love to those in need, we are doing it for Him. If we cannot love people we " see" how can we presume to love a God we " don't see". Modern-day disciples can learn from this parable the importance of: 1. Compassion 2. Taking action to help the less fortunate. 3. Recognizing that our deeds are a reflection of our faith. 4. Viewing service to others as service to Christ Himself. We Love God because He First Loved us. And When we Love God , we are Led to Love on fellow man made in the image of God. Quote
Irmela Posted September 24, 2023 Report Posted September 24, 2023 Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the "sheep" complimented for? For feeding Him when He was hungry; For giving water when He was thirsty; For showing hospitality, when He was a stranger; For clothing Him; For looking after Him when He was sick; For visiting Him in prison. Putting it all in a nutshell, they are complimented for helping Jesus, when He was in need. What are the "goats" condemned for? They are condemned for not helping Jesus when He was in need. Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? No, not at all. These acts of mercy would have been done, because they had been saved. How does Jesus identify Himself with "the least of these my brothers"? He reckons what is done for them is actually done for Him. This reminds one of the passage in Scripture, Col 3:23. Whatever you do, put in your very best effort, as something done for the Lord and not for men. Why did Jesus tell this parable to His disciples? They were coming to the time when Jesus would not be seen with them anymore. Many of the followers of Jesus would be persecuted and lose possessions etc., because of it. Many would become fugitives in foreign places. He was reminding them that everything they did for anyone, they were doing it for Him. What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? Exactly what was for the disciples, is also for us modern-day disciples. Whatever we do or say, we should be doing for Him. How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? It is amazing to know that it is for Him that we are doing whatever we do. There is a difference between aiding and aiding. It is like teaching someone to fish rather than supplying the fish all the time. It is very easy to have them just rely on hands-out and not being prepared to do anything for themselves. Unfortunately that is seen so often and then the Church is blamed for not giving. One needs to stay in tune to know what to do and when to do it. Also for whom to give aid and when to stand back. Quote
Menberu Adane Posted September 24, 2023 Report Posted September 24, 2023 Those identified as sheep lived their lives selflessly. That was their behavior to love from thieir heart and lived life of sacrifice of their money/material, time, energy, comfort and whatsoever needed from them in their surrounding. While the goats were of self centered and own comfort seekers, and creat relationships in exchange with something, profitable to them. Never noticed the needs in their surrounding. The deeds of the sheep is not salvation by works for it is their character, they live with it out of love and heart. Thus, Jesus identify himslef with the least of brothers is to show why he put himslef on the cross. He told once that he came for those who need medicine not for those who treat themselves, which the sheep demonstrated likewise. Jesus told this that to show that a faith that is separate from action is dead. Jesus not only tells us he loves us but also he lived and practiced and still loves us and searches for those who are lost and miserable. Therefore, missionaries and all of us have to follow his example of love by translating it selflessly and living it day in and day out by presenting ourselves whereever there are needs in our reaches. Quote
haar Posted September 27, 2023 Report Posted September 27, 2023 A16 The sheep are complimented for their gentleness while the goats are condemned for aggression. Salvation is not by works but rather, salvation should lead us to do good works. Jesus taught that whatever good or bad that was done to his disciples was done unto him directly. This attracts reward or punishment accordingly. We need to be careful and try to do good for the Lord’s workers as well as the needy around us whether migrants or any needy ones. Quote
Lisa Wolf Posted September 29, 2023 Report Posted September 29, 2023 Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the “sheep” complimented for? What are the “goats” condemned for? Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? How does Jesus identify himself with “the least of these my brothers”? Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? The sheep are complimented for serving Jesus and the goats for not serving Jesus--Jesus identified Himself with ALL needy people. This is not salvation by works because neither group was doing anything to become saved, rather the sheep were complimented for serving. Jesus spoke this parable to his disciples and to us to make us aware that He so identified with each least person. Knowing our Lord sees and intends to meet the needs of these least--through us--, we should be incredibly motivated to missions for ALL. Quote
Violette Posted September 29, 2023 Report Posted September 29, 2023 On 4/22/2023 at 2:17 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the “sheep” complimented for? What are the “goats” condemned for? Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? How does Jesus identify himself with “the least of these my brothers”? Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? The sheep are complimented for there kindness to others, for following Jesus with a pure and righteous heart. The goats actually bully the sheep, so they are antagonistic to people's needs. This is not salvation by works as we have already been saved by grace. Jesus treats the least of my brother's first. Jesus told these parables to his disciples to be like him and help others and live a righteous life. Help those in need. Not to ignore the poor. This should motivate missions to help people who are homeless and destitute, hungry, need clothing, even take them in. Quote
Sister Evelyn Posted October 6, 2023 Report Posted October 6, 2023 Q 16 (Matthew 25;34-46) The sheep are complimented for having a heart like Christ. They are place on the right side of honor next to God. And how they responded to Jesus when he was in need. The goats are condemned for denying Jesus and neglecting his offer of Free Salvation. This salvation is not by works. Many people think today that just because they do good work they will go to heaven. It's a beautiful thing to do good. However, we need to be born again, baptize in water and in the Holy Spirit and have a Christ-like mind. We as believers in Christ are saved by Grace. Jesus identify himself as one of these less fortunate who were facing hunger, thirst, homelessness, clothing, sickness and prison. Jesus went through it all. Jesus represent lest of these brothers, because he came in the flesh and suffered for us. He is the only one that knows exactly what we been thorough. All those who have helped someone in this type of situation especially a believer we were being tested by God to see if we had the heart of Christ to help a brother/sister in need. Jesus told this parable to his disciples because he wanted them to understand what he was describing and predict the judgment of all people. Those who are righteous will sit at the right hand and enjoy Eternal Life. Those who ignored the call for repentance/salvation will go away to Eternal punishment. As modern day disciples we should know how real righteousness is demonstrated in caring for other who are in need. This parable should motive us in how we need to always have a Christ-like mind, and as believers we are the eyes, ears, moth and feet of Jesus. We are to do his work with love and never judge or discriminate someone who is in need. Quote
Karen11 Posted October 11, 2023 Report Posted October 11, 2023 On 4/21/2023 at 9:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the “sheep” complimented for? What are the “goats” condemned for? Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? How does Jesus identify himself with “the least of these my brothers”? Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? The Sheep are being docile and calm, the Goats are disruptive and unruly. No, salvation is not by works, Salvation is by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Jesus identified with the "least of these" he came in the flesh and was treated as such and went to the cross for us. To help his disciples understand to love and care for people. They need to do what Jesus told us to to do, to help the least of these. To feed the poor help the sick, TO LOVE. Quote
Janzie Posted October 15, 2023 Report Posted October 15, 2023 On 4/21/2023 at 9:17 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the “sheep” complimented for? What are the “goats” condemned for? Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? How does Jesus identify himself with “the least of these my brothers”? Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? The sheep are complimented for their gentleness, while the goats are condemned for their agressiveness , the goats were separated from the sheep because they would beat them up. No, it is mercy to those in need after we are saved. If you have done it to the least of my brothers, you have did it to me. Because they were to love and helo one another. We are to learn to not just to show mercy to our brothers and sisters but to all that are in need. This parable helps us to help one another with God's mercy and give to missions, the poor and the homeless. Quote
Zibuyile Posted October 17, 2023 Report Posted October 17, 2023 Q.16 Sheep complimented the follow their shepher ,Goats aggressive and do no follow Salvation is no by works Why? Ephesians 2:8 Says by grace we are saved ,not by works Jesus identify Himself with the least , because he cares for the people who are needy and defends their course To teach disciples about love and compassion for the least and that they will be judged by how they show this to people They need to learn to love all people the way Christ did Missions need to take care and show love and compassion towards needy people Quote
George L Posted October 28, 2023 Report Posted October 28, 2023 Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the "sheep" complimented for? Their charity. What are the "goats" condemned for? Their lack of cherity, self centered life. Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? No, it is the attitude of sacrifice of self for others less fortunate’s condition. How does Jesus identify himself with "the least of these my brothers"? The declairation that doing for the least advantaged you did as Jesus desired. Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? So they would avoid the error of the scribes and the pharisees. Respecting the eorldly status of people rather than their need. Assistingvthosevwho needed no assistance in the world and neglecting Lazarus at their doorway. What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? Jesus died for ALL. How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? We should be charitable to those in need. We should not begin to withold from truly needy as a reaction to being burned by an encounter with the greedy but look needy. Discernment is needed to not be wasteful with God’s resources. My experience is you will rapidly detect being used as a source by one who is disobedient and lazy. Cut that one off when directed to do so. God rewards your heart attitude and it is important learning to be obedient in detail of doing. Quote
blezed Posted November 9, 2023 Report Posted November 9, 2023 Q16. (Matthew 25:31-46) What are the “sheep” complimented for? What are the “goats” condemned for? Is this salvation by works? If no, why not? How does Jesus identify himself with “the least of these my brothers”? Why did Jesus tell this parable to his disciples? What do modern-day disciples need to learn from it? How should this parable motivate missions to aid immigrants, the poor, and the homeless? The sheep are complimented for being calm and gentle. The goats are aggressive. No, salvation cannot be earned. It is freely given. Jesus identifies himself as the lease of these my brothers because they are the needy and he wanted to express that he love them too. The parable was to teach his disciples that they will be judged by how show love and compassion for another. Jesus loved us all and we are to be Christlike and help the less fortunate, show love and compassion. Quote
Old Jerry Posted November 21, 2023 Report Posted November 21, 2023 The sheep are complimented for taking care of those that are down trodden. The goats are condemned for forgetting those that are in need. This is not salvation by works. It is our faith that is coming through. Jesus identifies with the “least of these my brothers” by calling them brothers. I suppose that Jesus told this parable because he wanted his disciples to see that all that they had suffered was going to be rewarded. It should motivate all of us to care for the poor. Quote
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