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Q23. (John 3:3-8) In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth? What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?

  • 5 months later...

Q23. (John 3:3-8) In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth? What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?

2 Corinthians 5:17 says it well: Behold the new has come! Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away, behold, the new has come into being.

The act of coming from one consciousness into a completely different one. From living in the environment on your mother’s womb, to living in the world. Coming from sin and darkness in a world centered around myself to a world of light, freedom from sin that is centered around God  as my creator and Heavenly Father.

Like the wind, we do not control it, or can we predict it; such as the Holy Spirit. People who are born of the Spirit are no longer subject to the ways of this world, therefore their behavior is not predictable or understandable by the world’s standards. 


Q23. When a baby is born they leave the mother’s body and have a new beginning living independently of their mother. When we are born again it is a new beginning for us. The old ways of life become unattractive and desires for new and different ways begin. This comes from having the Holy Spirit living within us and leading us into a new life of fellowship with God. 
The wind cannot be seen, but we can experience it blowing and we can hear it. We don’t know where it comes from or where it is going. We have no control over it at all. The Holy Spirit comes , nothing to do with us , but by the will of God. We cannot see Him, but we can experience Him in our lives. 



We're getting a fresh start a new life. We can't have this unless we have been born again. We been wipe clean of our sins just like a baby getting a new

 beginning by being born.

The wind may go here and there whichever way it pleases so The Holy Spirit does whatever he pleases and goes where he wants to go and does what he wants to do. The Holy Spirit is beyond us and cannot be manipulated. 


New Birth and our birth into this word is similar 

1  In both births we grow from darkness to light ...
In the first birth it is physical darkness of the womb to the physical brightness of the outside world.
The Second birth has to do with Spiritual Enlightening that we may know the Hope of our calling.

2. In the natural birth we recieve a natural family and a natural inheritance, now in the 2nd birth we are born into God's family as Coheirs with Jesus.

3.In both births we have a fresh lease on life, in the 2nd birth we are New creations , with a fresh start, leaving behind our old man which was a slave to sin in order to be slaves of Right standing with God...

Both the wind and the Holyspirit are

1 Unseen but its Powerful effects are seen

2. Life giving, bringing life and renewal

3. Unpredictable in the manner of operation


Q23 m(John3:3-8)In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth?What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy?What about winds characteristics are to attribute to the spirit?

A person who comes to Jesus must be a born again in other word we repent and confess our sins

What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? If you want to follow Jesus you must be born in water and in spirit. 

What about winds characteristics are to attribute to the spirit?Wind spirit is the spirit that we breath and no one can see it. The wind blows wherever it please.



Becoming a believer in Jesus Christ is a great deal like a second birth. It's a whole new way of living. And just like you can't be born into this world without the first birth; Jesus said that unless you are born again you can not enter into the kingdom of God. 

It says here that this new birth is as radical as our physical birth. It's a new plane of life. In a physical birth you are entering into a new era of life in the flesh. But in the second or spiritual birth you are entering a new era of life in the Spirit. 

The wind blows wherever it pleases, man has no control over, nor can predict where it will come from or where it goes. Same way with the Spirit, man has no control over, it is totally moved of God, the breath of God. 


Q23. (John 3:3-8)

In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth?

Physical birth gave our body life and enabled us to enter into the broken kingdom of this world... Spiritual birth gave our spirit life and enables us to enter into the Perfect Kingdom of Heaven... in both births, everything we see, hear and feel is new to us... In both births we are infants and as we learn, we grow and gain strength... 

What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy?

Just as we had no control over our physical birth, we also have no control over our Spiritual birth... it is a miracle of God just as our physical birth is a miracle of God.  

What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?

We cannot control the Spirit of God any more than we can control the wind... we see the Spirit working but we cannot command Him to appear or disappear... we are mere recipients of something so incomprehensible that all we can do is stand in awe of our Father Who has given us such a precious gift to guide us and teach us His Will and His Ways... 


Q23. (John 3:3-8)

In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth? What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?

In the first birth we are born sinners, but Christ’s kingdom can only be entered by the righteous. So, to become a believer there must be a change from sinner to righteous. This can only happen with a re-birth. Just as the first birth is necessary for physical life, so a second birth is necessary for spiritual life. Those born of the flesh are flesh and are in sin – hopeless and helpless in saving themselves. Those born of the Spirit are spirit – made fit for the kingdom of God, that is holy, pure, and spiritual. When saved, we become new creatures, the evil things which we formerly loved - we now hate, and the things of God which we formerly despised - we now love. In the same way that we cannot control our physical birth, so we cannot control our spiritual birth. It is a gift from God through the Holy Spirit. The new birth is very much like the wind, it takes place according to the will of God. Like the wind it is invisible, one cannot see it taking place, but we can see the results. The wind can be unpredictable and not always fully understood, in the same way the miraculous work of the Spirit is not fully understood by man.


In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth? What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?

It is a birth and a new life that the Spirit gives. This "new birth," or "second birth" is as radical as our physical birth was, and is necessary to "see" and "enter" the Kingdom of God that Jesus is talking about.

The Holy Spirit like the wind cannot be manipulated. He is completely beyond man's control.  "The wind (pneuma) blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit (pneuma)." (John 3:8)  People who have been born of the Spirit, Jesus is saying, are motivated, guided, and moved by an unseen but powerful force beyond themselves. The life of the Spirit is a new level of spiritual existence, a different plane entirely. Only people who have been born of the Spirit can perceive and enter the Kingdom of God.



 In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth?

When we are born again, the Spirit dwells in us. Prior to that, we were Spiritless. Being born again means being gifted with His Spirit within.

What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy?

It's a new beginning. Fresh start. And then, we mess it up! Hanks, upthread, mentioned that we have no control of either our physical or spiritual birth. I agree. Just as God chooses the eggs to fertilize out of all those that are wasted, he chooses those who are saved, out of the mass of people who die without Him.

What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?

The Spirit is wind. The words are the same. Wind is invisible, yet felt. It can be subtle -- a gentle breeze -- as well as powerful -- a hurricane. God's Spirit is both. People who are born again have this "wind" in both forms. Though most of the time the Spirit is very subtle, I have read about people who have heard God's audible voice or experienced supernatural manifestations of the Spirit. I have not had this sort of experience, sadly. 

I'd like to know if it's possible to increase our awareness of the wind within us. And, I'd like to know if it is possible to increase the power of the wind within us.



When we are born again, it is a Spiritual birth where we allow the Spirit to supersede the flesh. We are no longer controlled by the things of this world but the Holy Spirit takes control in guiding, directing, leading and helping us in all aspects. We renounce the old and become new in Christ Jesus as explained in 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

Jesus uses the analogy of water. We know that when a child is to born in the physical, water must come out. Jesus Christ emphasizes that man has to be baptised in water but not only that the Holy Spirit must reside in that person. We cannot be born again and do as we wish but must be guided by the Holy Spirit as explained in John 3:8. It is through our faith that we come to understand the works of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

The attributes are that they wind cannot be seen but felt. We cannot see the Holy Spirit in our lives but we can feel His presence as He works in our lives. We cannot manipulate the wind neither can we do so to the Holy Spirit. There are different ways in which we encourage the wind in the physical realm so is the case with the Holy Spirit, at times gentle but also powerful. 


Q23. (John 3:3-8) In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth? What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?

1. The first birth is born flesh from flesh; darkness from inside of the mother's womb to light into the world. The second birth is being born by the spirit of God from sin which is darkness to repenting, believing that Jesus died on the cross for our sins to be forgiven. Jesus insists that a person must be born again spiritually.

2. Water amniotic fluid is symbolic of what comes out when there is a physical birth. When a person is baptized, repentance and cleansing is spiritual and water is used. Both is a new birth.

3. We can not see wind or the spirit, but we know they are there. There is no manipulation with the holy spirit and it is completely beyond man's control. The wind blows in various areas, and we don't know where it comes from or where it is going, we hear it. We can only feel the holy spirit working in our life. Wind or spirit cannot be seen.



Q23. Spiritual Birth (John 3:3-8)

In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth?

ANSWER: The “second birth” is also called regeneration. When a baby is born, it’s born of its parents with the human life of its parents. To be born again, or regenerated, simply means we’re born of God with God’s life. Once we’re born again, our most important need is to spiritually breathe and be nourished so this new life in our spirit can grow. We can do this by praying, calling on the Lord’s name and spending time in God’s Word. As we grow, we’ll express the life of God more and more in our daily living.

The new birth involves two operations of God the Holy Spirit. The first operation is  regeneration, a sinner is regenerated by the Holy Spirit when he is quickened or made alive spiritually by the Holy Spirit. Conversion is the next operation of the Holy Spirit in the new birth. Conversion is a work of the Holy Spirit empowering the instrument of the Gospel to bring a sinner to salvation. These two operations of the Holy Spirit brings about the new birth. They are both necessary in salvation as the means by which God brings His people from condemnation to salvation.


What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy?

ANSWER: Just as physical birth requires two parents, spiritual birth requires two: the Word of and the Spirit of God. Being “physically born” makes us “physically alive” and places us in our parent’s family while being “spiritually reborn” makes us “spiritually alive” and places us in God’s family.

In John 3:3-8 What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?

ANSWER: Wind, or breath, is often symbolic of the Holy Spirit. Just like the wind, the Holy Spirit comes in suddenly and from seemingly nowhere, He whirls about the atmosphere and changes everything. The Spirit, like the wind, moves wherever He wants and is, at times, unpredictable. The comparison is fairly straightforward. You cannot see the wind, but you can feel it, and see what it does. You likewise cannot see the Holy Spirit, but He can be experienced, and He does mightier things than the natural wind ever could.



When one truly accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, one becomes spiritually a new person. One’s heart is spiritually transformed and this transforms one’s behavior, relationship attitude etc.

But generally, the change comes gradually as one grows by feeding in the word of God, fellowshipping with brethren etc and with the help of the Holy Spirit. The transformation of the person is thus similar to that of new born baby who grows physically as well as behavior and attitude.  


Q23. (John 3:3-8)

In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth?

What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy?

What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?

A birth is coming out of somewhere into some other place.  Out of the womb into the world.  Becoming a believer is coming out of unbelief into believing in Jesus.  (Unbelief disappears, just as the darkness of the womb).   It is experiencing something new.'   A new beginning.  Life in the womb had already become a fact.  Now the birthing brings in a new way of living.  

With a natural birth the "water sac"  which held the baby bursts and the birthing process begins.   Being born again, also needs the working of that "water".  By hearing and reading the Word, the process of repentance begins. and then the working  of the Holy Spirit brings about the action of regeneration.  In this way a "new person" is birthed and grows to "maturity".  What  is not of God is cleansed and made new or replaced/ regenerated.

The wind is and remains a mystery.  The result of the working of the Spirit is a fact.  The personality changes.  But how and when it happens remains a mystery.  

Working with the Spirit and you get desired results eg., allowing the wind to blow the sails of the ships and you get results.  (cf wind and Spirit)


Q23. (John 3:3-8) In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth? What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit? 

Becoming a Believer in Jesus changes everything. Repent means turn in the complete opposite direction and that is what happens.  We begin anew in a spiritual realm; the rules there are different from the cultural rules of the world. Thus, we start over just as a baby begins with a blank slate and must learn everything. Actual physical birth aspects that Jesus clarifies is that He is not speaking about physical birth at all, but instead a spiritual birth.  Jesus refers to the elusive quality of the wind.  We can hear it, we can see what it does, but we cannot actually see wind.  The Spirit is unseen but working.


Q23. (John 3:3-8)

In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth?

To become a believer in CHRIST JESUS, you step out of the Kingdom of darkness into GOD's Kingdom of Light. As believer you started a New Day in CHRIST JESUS. Then you have to grow from a Christian fed with milk to a Christian fed with meat. As Paul the Apostle said, we have to grow-up in maturity, in the same measure and stature of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.  

The second birth relates to the spiritual birth, to be born from the Kingdom of GOD. 

What aspects of physical birth into the  are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy?

A new born baby has to be born through the amniotic fluid as symbolic of physical birth before experience the light of natural world. 

The spiritual birth the most important part of a New believer, to be wash and cleanse JESUS' blood and baptism through water. 

What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?

"The wind (pneuma) blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit (pneuma)." (John 3:8)

People who have been born of the Spirit, JESUS is saying, are motivated, guided, and moved by an unseen but powerful force beyond themselves. The life of the Spirit is a new level of spiritual existence, a different plane entirely. Only people who have been born of the Spirit can perceive and enter the Kingdom of God.


  • 2 weeks later...

Q. 23 (John 3:3-8)

The term, born again was introduced to Nicodemus in the Bible and explained by Jesus in Scripture. A person who is born again through faith in Jesus Christ, who took the judgement for  our sins to give his righteousness to anyone who would believe. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and get baptized we are born again Spiritually enabling us to have a relationship with Him. This is an experience that will forever fill us believers with Joy.

The aspects of physical birth to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy is that just as physical birth requires two parents,spiritual birth requires the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.

Wind (pneuma)  the breath of God blows wherever it pleases. We may hear it's sound, but you cannot tell where it comes or where it is going. And we see this when the leaves of the tress are blowing. Ruah the wind is the Holy Spirit when it falls upon a believer it moves by His Powerful force. The Holy Spirit motivates, guides and move with believers who have been born by Spirit and water can perceive to enter God's Kingdom.

  On 4/22/2023 at 3:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q23. (John 3:3-8) In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth? What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?


We are a new person, washed clean from our sin never again to be remembered, we are changed, Jesus has cleansed us forgotten (completely) our sin.

Spiritual Birth is of the Holy Spirit not of a women.

Only by the Spirit can we be taught and the Spirit will move us from here to there, listen to the Spirit.



  On 4/22/2023 at 3:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q23. (John 3:3-8) In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth? What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?


Becoming a believer in Jesus is committing yourself to the Lord, believing Jesus died for your sin and paid the penalty for you. This is being born again of the Spirit of God. When you are born physically you are born of the flesh and have a mother and father. That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.  People who have been born of the Spirit,  are motivated, guided, and moved by the Spirit.  The life of the Spirit is a new level of spiritual existence, a different plane entirely. We need not walk in the flesh, fulfilling the lusts of the  flesh, but we need to walk in the Spirit, being led by the Spirit, the things of God and the Word of God. 


Q23. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians  5 :17 If a man is in Christ  he is a new creation all past gone , like natural birth you come to new environment  you've  never been into same as rebirth  , you born into Christ 

The analogy of natural birth is that you are born by natural parents. And spiritual birth  is by the Holy Spirit  

Yes we are , as born again believer you are led by the Holy Spirit  within  you


Q23. (John 3:3-8) In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth? There is a deep simularity in your total requirement for others performance to be earthly born. You arrive by others actions, efforts, carrying, nourishment until birth. And new birth of and by the spirit if God. We must ask for the forgiveness from worldliness, the cleansing, grace, forgiveness and new regenerated life in christ. We may desire, we have to ask. But the process is spiritual, out of our hands on control.

What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? The entire process is in the control of others. The seed, a requestc for salvation begins it. But every step of the new kife is spiritual and beyond our control just needing our obedience to the new life requirements.

What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit? We know not where the beginningvdirection is from norvthe destination our maturing process will take us.


  • 4 weeks later...
  On 4/22/2023 at 3:27 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q23. (John 3:3-8) In what way is becoming a believer in Jesus similar to a second birth? What aspects of physical birth are analogous to spiritual birth that Jesus seeks to clarify with this analogy? What about wind's characteristics are we to attribute to the Spirit?


A first birth is through the mother's womb and we cannot re-enter for a second time. We are new creations when we are born again, the old is gone and it's a new beginning.

The wind blows wherever it wants to, it cannot be controlled. The holy spirit helps us to live a righteous life and keep away from those worldly desires.

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