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  • 5 months later...

Q25(Luke18:24-25)Why do you think people try to distort Jesus saying of the camel and the needle from a parable of impossibility?Why is salvation impossible to humans?

Jesus was telling the people that the rich people are not able to repent and that they are the difficult people who thinks for themselves. 

Salvation is impossible to humans because of their sins and their beliefs. But to God is possible   .


Q25. (Luke 18:24-25)

Why do you think people try to distort Jesus’ Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility?

I am a victim of this analogy.  I thought this was true and loved the comparison of a camel having to kneel (which is extremely difficult) and having to be unloaded in order to pass on his knees through this gate.  For me... it still shows what only God can do... a humble heart who is willing to kneel before God does not come from our flesh but instead it's the work of the Spirit pulling us and revealing to us our need to submit to our Savior and King.  And leaving behind everything of this world, as seen in the unloading of the camel's supplies, is also something that can only be done by God as He places His passions and desires in our heart and we begin to walk in obedience to Him and His Word. This seemed to fit perfectly with the young rich man who chose his worldly possessions above Jesus.  But I can certainly see where this analogy could be seen as something we could strive to accomplish ourselves.  Satan is subtle in his deceit which is why we need to be very careful to research things that expand on God's Word.  I love finding out cultural idioms that help clarify Jesus' Words but I need to be more thorough with Who I trust with the history of the culture.

Why is salvation impossible to humans?

Because there is only One Who is Righteous... One Who is perfect... and only One Who chose to conquer sin and death for our sake... Salvation is only possible through God's Son... if there were any other way God would have chosen that way but... there was no other way except that He came to do for His creation what His creation could not do for themselves... He died for that which He created so He could live with His creation forever... how AWESOME is that?!?


Why do you think people try to distort Jesus' Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? Why is salvation impossible to humans?

Salvation is not man's work, but God's. God can do what is impossible to man. He can open the most distracted heart, cleanse the most polluted person, and flood the soul with his life-giving Holy Spirit.


Q25. (Luke 18:24-25) Why do you think people try to distort Jesus' Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? Why is salvation impossible to humans?

Those who are very wealthy tend to depend on their money to handle all the hardships of life. And may think why do I need a Savior / God, when I have the means by buy myself out of almost any problem. And to follow Christ they are faced with the question; who do I love, God or money? It can’t be both.

Salvation is a miracle of God. A person cannot save themselves. It is an act of God that no one can fathom or predict. We are part of that miracle in that we believe, but salvation is all from Christ’s work on the cross. Thank you Lord!


I want to believe that Jesus teaches us that it is not through our works or understanding or memorising the scriptures that can make us enter into eternal life. Jesus also does not say wealthy people cannot enter the Kingdom of God but those who are obedient to the will of God. People distort the saying because they do not understand that Jesus was referring to the hardness of our hearts. Even though people have seen the miracles that Jesus Christ performed in healing the sick, the lame walked, the blind saw but still they did not believe in Him.

We can only preach the Word of God but cannot not save people. Salvation comes from God and that is why we refer to it as a gift because gave us His Only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. It is only through faith that we are saved. Christ did it for us when He said "Yes" to be will of God. Praise be to God. Hallelujah.


I believe it's just man's thinking that there has to be some way made possible by man, they just have to try and figure out a way to make things possible. Even though Jesus said it is impossible, and they say that they believe in Jesus Christ, but still something in man's thinking that they just have to figure some way possible. Instead of just excepting that the only way to the kingdom is through Jesus Christ. 

Salvation is impossible to man, because there is no works, or no riches that can be good enough to save us, nor to get us into the kingdom of our God. Salvation is only through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, the One and Only Son of God. Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, and there is no other way to the Father except through Him. We must humble ourselves and repent, turning from our wicked ways,and except Jesus Christ in our hearts through the Spirit of God. 



Jesus’ saying of the Camel and the Needle was just to show that salvation was possible only by faith in Him and was not achieved by works nor by other physical qualifications. But the people believed wrongly in good works for salvation and thus wished they could twist the Lord’s Saying to fit their own wrong wishful believe in good works for salvation.


Q25. (Luke 18:24-25) Why do you think people try to distort Jesus’ Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? Why is salvation impossible to humans?

1. They didn't understand that a rich man who uses his money uselessly is vain and materialistic. The rich man can possibly feel he has great wealth and does not need Jesus. Also, a Christian believer cannot save themselves. Salvation is not man's work, but the work of God. 

2. Humans do not have the power that God has. God can do what is impossible for man to do. He is the one that can save the most distracted heart, cleanse the most polluted person, and flood souls with his life-giving Holy Spirit. Humans cannot save themselves. 



Q25. (Luke 18:24-25)

Why do you think people try to distort Jesus' Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? Why is salvation impossible to humans?

People refuse to accept the fact that some things are only possible by God who is sovereign over all creation. All religions are religions of works except for Christianity which is a religion of grace. Making it difficult for people to acknowledge or believe that it is impossible for man to enter the kingdom of God by their own means. Especially the rich who can be possessed by their riches, which gives them this false sense of security, and therefore see no need for God. Jesus tells us clearly that by our own merits it is impossible for anyone to be saved. Jesus does give us hope however, for all things that are impossible for man, are possible for God. We are saved only through God’s gifts of grace, mercy, and faith (Eph 2:8-9). Faith in our Lord Jesus is the only way to come to the Father (John 14:6). We must humble ourselves and recognise our spiritual poverty before our loving Heavenly Father.


Q25. Jesus was the only person who could save us. He was the only one righteous enough to pay the great debt of all our sins. He was the only one who could pacify the wrath of God on our behalf. If we believe in good works helping us to get to heaven we are trying to subtract from Jesus saving work, and it is dishonouring to Him. I think people do not like to accept the fact that some things are impossible for man to do , and that only God can do them. It takes away from the self sufficiency that people believe in today. Rich people often do not see the need to have time for God, and consequently spend their time and money on material things that they think will bring them happiness. God has set eternity in the hearts of man so that no amount of money or things will bring the contentment and joy that comes from knowing and following Jesus.


Q25. Camel and Needle (Luke 18:24-25)

Why do you think people try to distort Jesus' Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility?

ANSWER: Some individuals think that because he/she has kept all of the commandments (obeyed all the rules), they should earn entitlement of inheritance of the kingdom of heaven. It is impossible for anyone to be saved on his own merits and nothing we do earns salvation for us. We have all chosen to idolize something ahead of God, relationships, riches, and even religion. Those things that we idolize prevents us from diving totally into a relationship with Christ. Without Jesus, we cannot make it to heaven. It doesn’t matter how many rules we’ve followed or how many times we’ve attended church. Men are saved through God’s gifts of grace, mercy, and faith (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Why is salvation impossible to humans?

ANSWER: “With Man, Salvation is Impossible, but Not With God” … Salvation is to all intents is impossible for those who think that salvation is merit based on work, that is, have to satisfy the requirements for salvation. Jesus’ message is clear … it is impossible for anyone to be saved on his own merits. No one is saved without the election and predestination of God. God is in charge. “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb” (Revelations 7:10).


While thinking about this parable I visualized an older woman struggling to thread a needle because she could not see the little slot through which the thread must go. The idea in my mind was difficulty not impossibility. But Pastor Ralph says that the image should be of impossibility -- something more along the line of a needle without a slot. 

Yes, the parable has to do with Jesus being the only way. Nothing will get through that slot, if it exists, but Jesus. Secular people still think they can thread the needle if they try hard enough and adjust the light ... but it won't work. 

It's just human nature to try to fix our own problems, to thrive in a harsh world. We tend to think we can/should make things happen. But salvation isn't within our ability or strength. This is a needle we'll never be able to thread.

Salvation is impossible, in part, because we don't even know what it is until we've been saved. It's information that comes to us retrospectively. We're called ... we respond dumbly, and then we grow in our knowledge of what happened. Within the Spirit's prompting -- without, perhaps, God plucking us out of the mire -- we would not even seek to be saved. 

Nothing we do would be good enough. Young Martin Luther, in his early days as a monk, realized just this, that his works and incessant confessions would never cover his sins. He was hopelessly corrupted by sin. His only hope was grace.

God's grace.

"No one comes to the Father except through me."


Q25. (Luke 18:24-25) Why do you think people try to distort Jesus’ Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? Why is salvation impossible to humans?  People want to be in charge of their destiny.  Rebellion against God began in Genesis.  It's difficult for humans to think that they can do absolutely nothing to earn salvation; it seems far too simple.  Since every aspect of salvation was completed by Jesus through his death and resurrection, our job is to accept that free gift.  Humility is not a common human characteristic which makes it difficult for some people to understand the futility and impossibility of providing their own salvation.

On 4/22/2023 at 11:28 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q25. (Luke 18:24-25) Why do you think people try to distort Jesus’ Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? Why is salvation impossible to humans?

The Flesh likes to boast in its works, hence it likes to distort Jesus saying to make it seem like certain actions/ good deeds can set us up for salvation.

Salvation is impossible for humans because we don't have the ability to turn our Stony hearts to hearts of flesh.

Keeping the law doesn't justify us

Coz no man can fully keep the law, outwardly maybe but not in our thought life where we covet and worry and fear and are angry.

Even if we break one law we are guilty of All.

We have no hope in and of ourselves that's why God sent His Son as man to fulfill the Law fully and set it to our account , die in our place so we may no longer be married to the law and raised us together with him that we might live forever with living waters bubbling up on the inside of us! 

The best way to make Christs death vain is to attempt to be justified by the law. Hence Jesus choice of statement to get the point Across, salvation is impossible to achieve by human effort.

The Rich young ruler who outwardly kept the law asked for what to do to be saved and Jesus gave Him the law and he couldn't muster a shekel.

Jesus gave grace to the overt sinner zacheus, no laws , just grace and he was willing  to give all away.


Q25. (Luke 18:24-25)

Why do you think people try to distort Jesus' Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility?

JESUS' parables are related to objects in JESUS' time on earth.

Was there camels and needle, Yes.

Was there a small gate in a big gate called "eye of the needle, Yes.

The first example, shows that it impossible for men to save themselves, only GOD can. 'What is impossible with men is possible with God.'" This version shows a clear cut GOD or nothing.

The second example, shows men must first admit his wrong doings, kneel at the cross asked for forgiveness, off-load his baggage's (sin) and enter GOD's Kingdom blameless.

Why is salvation impossible to humans?

Salvation is no more out of work as in the Old Testament, but by HIS Grace.


Q25. (Luke 18:24-25)

Why do you think people try to distort Jesus' Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility?

Why is salvation impossible to humans?

I have understood this to mean that with much or little riches or anything of our own doing,  we cannot enter.  All, be it riches or works, or even personality, needs to be laid aside, to enter the Kingdom of God. It is by GRACE alone that we can enter.  So also we cannot enter that city gate called THE NEEDLE, with the opening being THE EYE, without laying aside everything first.  Nothing we try to take with us, can enable us to enter.  

Salvation is impossible to humans as we are sinful.  With sin you cannot enter the Kingdom  of God.  That has to be laid aside.  God's  Gift of Salvation is not given by merit.  It is by Grace we are saved through Faith.  Nothing of our own doing has anything to do with it.  


Q. 25 (Luke 18:24-25)

People don't realize that he main principal for everyone is that nothing should take the place of God in our lives.

Rich people they seemed to have sufficient for all they need and this is why they feel no need for God's help.  It is impossible for a rich person to buy their way to heaven. It makes hard for a rich man to enter heaven, because they would need to unload his material possession in order to enter and of course repent. As it would be impossible for a camel to go through the smallest gateway.

Salvation is impossible for some because of the severity of sin and how no one is able to change anything of their own accord. With man salvation is impossible because of fleshly desires, but not with God.

On 4/21/2023 at 11:28 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q25. (Luke 18:24-25) Why do you think people try to distort Jesus’ Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? Why is salvation impossible to humans?

Well most people who are Rich don't want to think they will never get into Heaven, and when you put the needle and Camel parable in, most know that you could never put a Camel through a needle.

They can not comprehend the fact that someone could love them so much. I don't think most would want to change(Listen to the Lord).

On 4/21/2023 at 11:28 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q25. (Luke 18:24-25) Why do you think people try to distort Jesus’ Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? Why is salvation impossible to humans?

The impossibility of a camel going through a needle, so impossible.  Meaning we can't get to heaven on our own, or buy our way, or do enough deeds to get there.  A rich man has just  his riches, his treasures, and, good times, but will find himself wanting, because he is not able to give up those things and be humble enough to surrender to Jesus.  

Salvation is impossible for humans because good deeds won't get us there.  Only our surrender to Jesus and believing He died for us, paid the price for our sins and has given us His grace and mercy.


Q.25 Jesus said this because rich people are difficult  when it's come to repentance and using this analogy Jesus was trying to illustrate how difficult  for then to repent as what is important  to them is their wealth 

Salvation is difficult  to man as they think it's man's right doing that brings salvation yet it is the work of God


Q25. (Luke 18:24-25) Why do you think people try to distort Jesus' Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? I am not aware of such. Any distortion of the word is satans work.

Why is salvation impossible to humans? There is no price capable for man to pay for a soul. Yours or ones riches for another. The price is a sinless life sacrificed. And that sacrifice is completed. To be accepted not atempted to be replicated by man. What has been done by God forcmankind may only be accepted.

  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/22/2023 at 4:28 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q25. (Luke 18:24-25) Why do you think people try to distort Jesus’ Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? Why is salvation impossible to humans?

They try to distort Jesus saying of the Camel and the Needle as an impossibility. It is a impossible fact. By works alone, no person can enter the kingdom of Heaven. Humans can only receive salvation if they believe Jesus is their Lord and saviour and that he died on the cross for them and rose again. He took their sin and shame. By grace we have been saved.


Q25. (Luke 18:24-25) Why do you think people try to distort Jesus’ Saying of the Camel and the Needle from a parable of impossibility? Why is salvation impossible to humans?

People try to distort the parable of the Camel and the Needle because the wealthy can't believe that their money and power can't save them.  Salvation is impossible to humans because it is not man's work, but God's.  Man cannot save themselves.


I think that people want to distort Jesus’ saying of the Camel and the Needle because they think that there is nothing that is impossible. They want to think that they can accomplish everything on their own. We human have a corrupt heart therefore salvation is impossible for humans to accomplish this on their own.

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