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At last Gideon gets it. He is being called to lead God's people. He is filled with the Spirit and under the Spirit's leadership he blows the traditional horn of a leader, and calls the people to him. There must have been a change in Gideon that was visable as the people answered the call and rallied around him. His act of tearing down the heathen alters obviously effected the people.

This is the way it was done in those days. The people recognized the call of God's appointed leader and responded. Are we as faithful to follow our leaders? Joy

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Our Key Verse sums up the answer to this question.

Judges 6 : 34 "Then The Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon and he blew a trumpet, summoning the Abiezrites to follow him."

This Gideon study has led me to 'Explore The Book' by J.Sidlow Baxter and most of the following is from his exposition and yet by the Grace of God has been given me through The Holy Spirit.

And answers the question number five most beautifully.

Judges 6 : 34 "The Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon, and he blew a trumpet, and Abi-ezer was gathered after him."

He became at once a leader and a saviour of his people. The people recognized the transforming power of God in him, and flocked to him when he sounded his clarion. The story which follows in the Scripture account tells of Gideon's marvellous victory over Midian, and his freeing of Israel from the alien yoke.

What a transformation had now taken place in Gideon ! He had now become controlled by The Holy Spirit. That thirty-fourth verse is noteworthy. A near translation would be : - "The Spirit of Jehovah clothed Himself with Gideon." Gideon's personality became, so to speak a garment in which God moved among men. What a sermon, then is this man to us ! Like the other judges and leaders of his era. This soul-saving, life-changing, character-transforming experience through which he passed may be known by ourselves - not in its outward accidentals, of course, but in its inward essentials. We may become truly converted to God, truly consecrated to His will, and really controlled by the Holy Spirit. And we may be taken up and used by God as definitely as Gideon was. Converted, consecrated, Spirit-controlled ! - God grant that it may be true of ourselves ! We must get out eyes away from doubt-provoking circumstances, and fix them on The Word of God Himself. "Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it" (1 Thessalonians Verse 24).

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Gideon blew the horn as a result of the Spirit of the Lord coming upon him. He was equipped by the Holy Spirit to trust what God had told him and step out in faith and boldness

  • 2 weeks later...

What inspires Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites. What does Gideon have in common with other judges and leaders of his era?

It was the primary result of God's Spirit resting upon him, plus it signals a need for reinforcement against the enemy. There is power in numbers, but the battle is the Lord's.

It is not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit, sayeth the Lord.

Leaders of Gideon's day knew that the Lord was leading them and would be their strength and wisdom.

  • 1 month later...

The Spiriti of the Lord came upon Gideon and he blew a trumpet to summon the army. God had equipped him for the task, as He always does for the tasks He gives us today.

In common with other judges and leaders, Gideon was empowered by the Spirit of God

  • 1 month later...

The Spirit of The Lord inspired Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites. Just as in the cases of Jephthah, Samson, and Kenaz, the Spirit of The Lord gave ordinary men the power to do extraordinary things by giving them an increas in their physical and mental abilities.

  • 5 months later...

The Spirit of the Lord inspires Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites. Gideon has the Spirit of the Lord overcoming him in common with other judges and leaders of his era.


What inspires Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites?

The Holy Spirit came upon Gideon to take action against the Midianites. By Gideon obeying God, the Midianites were defeated.

What does Gideon have in common with other judes and leaders of his era?

Gideon has: the spirit of wisdom, but most of all the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon.

  • 4 months later...

Q5. What inspires Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites?

The Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon

What does Gideon have in common with other judges and leaders of his era? (Hint: see Deuteronomy 34:9; Judges 3:10; 11:9; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 15:14; 1 Samuel 11:6.)

The Spirit of the Lord came upon them also. :rolleyes:


What inspires Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites. What does Gideon have in common with other judges and leaders of his era? (Hint: see Deuteronomy 34:9; Judges 3:10; 11:9; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 15:14; 1 Samuel 11:6.)

the spirit of the Lord came down on Gideon and inspires him as happened to many other judges and leaders Othniel, Samson and Jephthah. it expresses a temporary and spontaneous increase of physical, spiritual or mental strength. it was to prepare a person for a special task and even came to Jesus at his baptism


With the rest of the peoples Gideon saw the gathering of the Midianites, but his inspiration to summon the army came from the Holy Spirit.

Joshua was full of the Spirit of Wisdom.

Othnies was given the Spirit of the Lord in response to the cry of the Israelites to God.

Jephthah spoke all his words in wisdom before the Lord.

The Spirit of the Lord moved upon Samson, sometimes mightily.

The Spirit of the Lord came upon Saul at the news of the Ammonites malicious intentions.

In other words the Spirit of the Lord came to the judges and leaders when trouble loomed, and when He was asked. The Spirit of the Lord was able to meet the situation with both wisdom and anger according to the need.

  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon is inspired to blow the battle horn by the Spirit of God. Other judges and leaders of his era were moved to leadership by the Spirit of the LORD. So it was God Himself who caused Gideon and others to take a stand for Him so that he could deliver His people.

  • 2 weeks later...
What inspires Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites. What does Gideon have in common with other judges and leaders of his era? (Hint: see Deuteronomy 34:9; Judges 3:10; 11:9; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 15:14; 1 Samuel 11:6.) See Exposition.

:D The Spirit of God "took over the judges" in order for them to be able to accomplish what God had told them to do.

When Gideon blew the horn to summon the army he did it under the Spirit's guidance. The Spirit of God guided Gideon to make decisions before, during the war.

  • 2 months later...

Gods spirit comes apon Gideon that is what inspires him, He knows and feels Gods power clothing him.the spirit of God came upon Othniel and he judged Israel and went to war and God delivered his enimy to them.Ehud blew his trumpet and led Israel to victory from the moabites.

  • 4 months later...

What inspires Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites.

The spirit of god ispired Gideon to blow teh horn. Gideon was so obedient to God,and God was so pleased with him that He was able to dwell in his temple (body). The spirit of the Lord came upon him.

What does Gideon have in common with other judges and leaders of his era? (Hint: see Deuteronomy 34:9; Judges 3:10; 11:9; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 15:14; 1 Samuel

They had strong faith in God, and trusted God, and in return God empowered them through His spirit. He directed their actions.


The "Spirit of the Lord" was Gideon's inspiration to blow the battle horn.

The other judges and leaders of this era were all filled with the Spirit and walking in the Spirit. God is in control!

  • 3 months later...

The Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon, and he then blew the trumpet to summon the people. As in all the passages listed, the Spirit of the Lord came upon....and then

great things happened. The same is true of us today in that all we do, should be done by the leading and the power of the Holy Spirit. We are blessed that in this later dispensation, that we don't have to wait for the Spirit to come, but that He resides with us and is in us, to lead, guide and direct, and empower for whatever task is at hand!!!!

  • 1 month later...

:D Even if we make our bed in hell god is still god.

To answer the questions The Spirit of The Lord came upon Gideon is the reason the trumpet blew and called people to arms. The Spirit of the Lord is powerful enough to make us do things that may seem unoridinary.

The answer to the next question I THANK THE LORD FOR!!! GOD IS IN CONTROL!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!

In each of the scriptures given GOD has HIS POWER direct & guide in each situation. I Thank GOD that HIS POWER IS SO AWESOME that we see VICTORY every time we allow HIM to CONTROL IT ALL !! PRAISE GOD!!!!

From this day forth I declare in Jesus Name I will be like those given in this text. I WILL GIVE HIM TOTAL CONTROL OF MY LIFE MY SITUATIONS NO MATTER WHAT!! no addiction OR circumstance is going to keep me from obeying GOD and keeping HIS COMMANDMENTS!! **Please pray for me **


What inspires Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites. What does Gideon have in common with other judges and leaders of his era? (Hint: see Deuteronomy 34:9; Judges 3:10; 11:9; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 15:14; 1 Samuel 11:6.) See Exposition.

The spirit of the Lord comes on Gideon and he blows the shofar. The spirit of the Lord also came other judges and leaders in his era.

  • 1 year later...

Q1. (Judges 6:33-35) What inspires Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites.

The Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon to take action and he was inspired to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites.

What does Gideon have in common with other judges and leaders of his era? (Hint: see Deuteronomy 34:9; Judges 3:10; 11:9; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 15:14; 1 Samuel 11:6.)

They were led by the Spirit of the Lord.

  • 7 months later...

Q1. (Judges 6:33-35) What inspires Gideon to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites. What does Gideon have in common with other judges and leaders of his era? (Hint: see Deuteronomy 34:9; Judges 3:10; 11:9; 13:25; 14:6, 19; 15:14; 1 Samuel 11:6.)

The Holy Spirit of God inspires Gidion to blow the battle horn and summon an army against the Midianites.

What all of the leaders mentioned in these passages had in common with Gideon was the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit moved these leaders to action in the service of the Living God. The same power that God used in rising Jesus Christ from the dead and the same power He fills the church and its members with. The same power that God fills the Christian with in serving Him -- The Holy spirit of God.

  • 1 month later...

The spirit of the lord took control of Gideon, and he blew the trumpet to call the men of the clan of Abiezer to follow him.

and he became leader. so that he was able to deliver his people.

  • 2 months later...

Gideon was assured of his calling. The spirit of the Lord enabled Gideon to fulfill his calling and to blow the ram's horn to call the army together.

Gideon and the other judges were called and annointed to do the work God called them to do.

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