Pastor Ralph Posted April 22, 2023 Report Posted April 22, 2023 Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? Why might the disciples be discouraged by the “size” of the Kingdom? Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? Quote
Elizabeth Kuruvilla Posted October 8, 2023 Report Posted October 8, 2023 Growth from Humble Beginnings: The Mustard Seed parable illustrates that even though the Kingdom of God may start small, it has the potential to grow into something significant and influential. Influence and Transformation: The Yeast or Leaven parable symbolizes the transformative power of the Kingdom of God. Like yeast permeates and leavens the whole batch of dough, the Kingdom has the potential to influence and transform the world, even if it starts quietly and subtly. We think bigger is better. We see the outward appearances while god sees the heart transformation. Little in the hands of the Lord multiplies. As colabourers in the Kingdom let us with patience , faith and obedience do what he asks us to do. In His Time, He will bring it to fruition. Quote
Katy Posted October 8, 2023 Report Posted October 8, 2023 Q28. The Lord intended the disciples to learn from these parables that a small seed, or a small amount of yeast can grow into something very big. The disciples might be disappointed when the beginnings are small, without realising that we are called to be faithful and to cover all our efforts to share the gospel with much prayer. God will answer our faithfulness but His timing is not the same as ours so great faith and patience is needed. It is easy to become discouraged when we try to share the gospel and don’t see any results or if we feel someone is close to making a decision for Christ and then walks away for no apparent reason. Patience and faith are needed by all followers of Jesus because winning souls for Jesus can take time patience and requires great faith in God. People can take a lot of time to accept the gospel and give their lives to Jesus. Sometimes they never come to that place of surrender, which can be disappointing when you have spent a lot of time, effort and prayer in trying to win someone for Christ. We must also remember that conversion is the work of the Holy Spirit. When we have shared the gospel with people that is the extent of our duty apart from the very important work of praying for the Holy Spirit to work in the life of the person we are trying to share with. Quote
kennethlewis54 Posted October 8, 2023 Report Posted October 8, 2023 I agree with Katy that sometimes we becomes discouraged when we preach the Gospel and the rewards (persons being saved) are small. It is also true that even in our own personal life we may become discouraged seeking a breakthrough that does not come in our time frame. We enter ministry or become believers with very little faith and it is only when our relationship with Christ grows that "our mustard seed" grows. This I believe is the message Jesus was attempting to teach the disciples, that even with a little bit of faith, we have the right to enter into the presence of God, and it is God who moves the mountain in our lives. Quote
RD35 Posted October 9, 2023 Report Posted October 9, 2023 What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? Why might the disciples be discouraged by the "size" of the Kingdom? Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? By teaching the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the yeast Jesus wanted his disciples to learn that thought the Kingdom of heaven is small now, it will grow exponentially into a large kingdom with major significance of its own. The disciples may have felt discouraged about the size of the Kingdom of God. They have their expectations of a messianic overthrow of the Roman oppressors and a restoration of David's throne. But here is an itinerant carpenter-preacher speaking in villages in a minor Roman province. Not very impressive when they looked at the big picture. We are sometimes discouraged in Christian work because we fail to see the whole picture through the eyes of Jesus. What we've worked so hard to do seems so small and insignificant, like a mustard seed or a bit of yeast -- so small, so hopeless, so tiny. Many times we may not have the patience to wait for God's timings or for the mustard seed to grow into the tree. But the seeds we sow today will grow great crops in season, even if we never live to see them. "We walk by faith, not by sight" (2 Corinthians 5:7, KJV). Quote
Debra Grant Posted October 9, 2023 Report Posted October 9, 2023 Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? Why might the disciples be discouraged by the “size” of the Kingdom? Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? 1. The mustard seed is very tiny at the beginning, but it grows to become much bigger. Don't get discouraged because it starts tiny. The main emphasis seems to be on the beginning which is very small and the end which is very large. A small amount of yeast is small at the beginning but will leaven to a large amount of dough. Small beginnings become large endings. The kingdom of God starts small, but it is more powerful as it grows. The kingdom of God will start with being small and increase in power stronger as it grows. We are affected in the kingdom to grow together like a bubble starting small then growing bigger. 2. They don't understand how powerful the kingdom is and what is in it to strengthen it as it grows. 3. We are discouraged because we don't see any growth at the beginning. 4. We must have patience to wait on what is becoming from a little start and believe that something bigger will expand. Without patience and faith, we cannot please God. Patience brings about true faith. Quote
Robomom3 Posted October 9, 2023 Report Posted October 9, 2023 Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? To not get discouraged with the incredibly large task ahead of them... to understand that their tenacity at staying faithful and committed to what God calls them to do each day will pay off. Why might the disciples be discouraged by the “size” of the Kingdom? Because the task ahead, "to the ends of the earth" seems impossible. Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Because all we can see is the piece of the puzzle we are standing on in the moment, and it may be a piece that doesn't have much to show on it. We begin to wonder if God actually called us to certain ministries when they do not take off right away... or seem to struggle much more than we feel they should... we want to do "great things" for God and we feel we fail Him when we do not see significant progress. We forget that it isn't us, but God that is doing the work and part of His Work may be to humble us first so we go into the ministry with the right heart... if we were to see instant success every time we walked in obedience to God, we would begin to feel there was something special about us instead of giving the Glory completely to God. Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? Because we have to learn to not rely on our eyes or our emotions in our walk with God. We need to trust that He is doing something in every situation, no matter how great or how small. Patience comes when we submit our will completely to God and trust Him to move things in His timing. Quote
GeraldG Posted October 9, 2023 Report Posted October 9, 2023 Jesus wanted His disciples to learn and understand that the kingdom of heaven starts out small, but not to get discouraged because it will grow to be very large as long as you keep the faith. The disciples might have gotten discouraged because it seemed to be so small and not much happening at first, so they may have wondered if it was worth it. We too get discouraged sometimes when we don't see much anything going with our church, or our ministry, and we don't understand why its not growing like we would have liked for it to. Patience and faith both means that we are hoping for something that we may not even see with the efforts, and labour we are putting in to what we are doing, and therefore keeps us from getting so discouraged, but gives us hope for something greater, even though we may have started very small. Just like planting seeds in the garden, hoping for a greater harvest, we must wait out the storms even with patience that we may receive a great harvest. Quote
hanks Posted October 10, 2023 Report Posted October 10, 2023 Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend His disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? Why might the disciples be discouraged by the "size" of the Kingdom? Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? Jesus teaches us that His kingdom is similar to a Mustard Seed and yeast, and that given time, it will experience phenomenal growth. The disciples should not be discouraged by the initial very small size. Despite these initial small beginnings, once it starts growing it is impossible to stop. Today we might also be discouraged by the attempts of governments to eliminate Christianity from their countries, and the persecution believers suffer. As well as the many people in the world today, turning their backs on our Lord Jesus. Yet like yeast, with time His kingdom will continue to grow. Personally, we need to have faith and patience in the opportunities given us. Whatever we are doing for the Lord might seem small and insignificant at the time. Remember that bigger is not always better, and that our Lord Jesus rejoices more in what is right, than what is big. Rather be patient, trust Jesus, and leave the results to God. Quote
Lisa Wolf Posted October 10, 2023 Report Posted October 10, 2023 Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? Why might the disciples be discouraged by the “size” of the Kingdom? Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? Jesus intended his disciples--all of us!!--to learn the lesson of small things. Our God is SO GREAT that nothing is too small for His notice. Nothing. We get discouraged when we forget that the seeds we sow when we do not see anything are truly growing anyway. 1 Corinthians 3:7 reminds us, " So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." The passage goes on to say that we are co-workers with God. If we are co-workers, then we have to do our job and leave the rest to the Holy Spirit. Discouragement happens;patience and faith are critical as we join with God in His Work which is completed in His time. Quote
Niyonka16 Posted October 10, 2023 Report Posted October 10, 2023 Q28. The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend His disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? ANSWER: There are three lessons Jesus intend His disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven. Lesson one: the parable of the mustard seed illustrates the outward growth of the kingdom of God. Lesson two: the parable of the leaven illustrates the inward growth of the kingdom of God. Lesson three: nobody is physically born in the kingdom of God. Why might the disciples be discouraged by? ANSWER: The disciples were greatly discouraged because they have seen Jesus heal and do miracles, but they’ve not seen anything that might resemble a kingdom. Even though the disciples believed. Things are not adding up very well. They were not seeing the visible manifestation of a Kingdom. The problem was the disciple’s understanding of what God’s Kingdom is all about and what it looks like, is what made the disciples discouraged. Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? ANSWER: Pride can lead us to be discouraged in ministry because we expected God to do more through us and even for us. We take our eyes off of who we are in Christ, which leads us to forget our identity in Christ. Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? ANSWER: Faith is a powerful force. It always works. It is not that our faith is weak and needs strength, but without the power of patience we ourselves stop the force of faith from working with negative confession and action. Faith must be coupled together with patience. Patience undergirds (supports) faith and gives it endurance to persevere until the answer comes. It takes both faith and patience to achieve God's will for your life. Quote
Krissi Posted October 12, 2023 Report Posted October 12, 2023 Perhaps the idea behind these parables is the simple one that from small beginnings, incremental progress can yield great results. In secular terms, it's the story of the tortoise and the hare. The slow, plodding, methodical patience of the tortoise wins over the showy forward-jumps of the hare. Incrementalism is always discouraging. Signs of progress are barely visible and, at least in my case, it's hard to believe that change is really occurring. In the promise of the kingdom of God's manifestation, it's difficult not to look around and say to myself, "things are going the wrong way ... getting worse, not better." And yet, God promises that all of the loose threads will be rewoven back into the rope moving forward. As I age, I realize the importance of WAITING. Just waiting. Not doing anything but trusting God. It's a hard lesson. Quote
Zanele Tlhakanelo Posted October 12, 2023 Report Posted October 12, 2023 Jesus Christ intended to teach His disciples to be patient because they expected the ministry to grow fast. He taught them that the beginnings are small but the endings are big. When Jesus used the two Parables He wanted to show them that when seed it planted, it does not end up as a seed but becomes a tree or when a yeast or leaven is put into a dough, it is small but after some time the dough becomes bigger, meaning that when the Word of God is preached, a few people may respond positively to the Word but that does not mean that only a few will hear. People will share the Word until the whole world understands the Kingdom of God. The disciples wanted to see the fruit of their work immediately. It does not matter how long it takes for a person to repent because the Word will do its work. The Word of God is powerful and people will eventaully know about the Kingdom of God in the whole world. We lack patience. We want people to immediately follow what we believe in but once the Word is planted in their hearts and they see how we life for Christ, they will then understand that surely, the Kingdom of God is alive and eternal. Faith is when you believe the unseen. The disciples must have faith that the work of the Lord will surely be accomplished because it is His will that all men should not perish but come to the knowledge of His Word. Patience teaches us as disciples not to give up when people do not want to listen to the Word as it is preached but to continue to pray that God should open the eyes of the hearts of those whose hearts have been hardened. Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted October 14, 2023 Report Posted October 14, 2023 Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? "Don't despise the day of small things." JESUS wants HIS disciples look over the small beginnings, but to see the bigger picture, the bigger end of the process. As the tiny little Mustard Seed grow into a huge massive tree or the little Yeast or Leaven allow the dough to raise into enormous versus its size. In the beginning things might look small, insignificant or moving slow, but the end result will let them stand amaze. Why might the disciples be discouraged by the "size" of the Kingdom? The disciples were the first to that received the commandment to expand the Kingdom, therefor they looked upon that small number. Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Sometimes you see the results immediately, but sometimes over a long period and during that period things began in the mind "will it really manifest?" We have to have great FAITH to do GOD's work. Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? Patience to endure the long period of waiting and waiting, to be wait upon the LORD and not try to do thing out of human strength. Faith that built up through out that waiting period of patience and see how GOD came though to deliver HIS promises. Quote
Irmela Posted October 15, 2023 Report Posted October 15, 2023 Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? Why might the disciples be discouraged by the "size" of the Kingdom? Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? The questions are covered but not as they are asked. I do notice that as mentioned there is controversy about the meaning of this parable. Smallness can often be discouraging to us. Be it as being insignificant, unimportant, not being similar in size to other "bigness". We need to remind ourselves it is quality that is important not quantity. It is not that which is seen on the outside, but the work that is going on inside of a recipient of the Gospel message, that is important. Faith to believe that the seed planted will continue to germinate and grow, is vital, else we will continually run back and check. Pull the seed out and look. Do more damage that way. Leave it. Let go and LET GOD. This is exercising both patience and faith. Dr Campbell Morgan writes in his book "The Parables and Metaphors of our Lord" , Quote: "Whatever the popular interpretation may be, It is not therefore necessarily the correct one. It may be correct, but popularity is not any guarantee of accuracy. Considering history from the standpoint of observation and interpreting these parables of Jesus by the facts of history as we know them, is also a perilous procedure to guard against. General principles of interpretation to be observed is the harmony of the teaching of Jesus throughout these parables and the consistency of our Lord's figures of speech." Thru the Bible with J, Vernon McGee gives a similar interpretation. The Sower sowing the seed, being the Son of man. The soil, the field where it is sown, is the world. The birds would then be symbolic of evil. Thus the abnormality of the growth of the mustard shrub/tree, would then make a lodging (camping place) for the birds of the air. This indeed is what is seen that it has become. A great worldly power principally occupied with its loftiness, the expressing of itself in pride, seeking dominion, or domination in the affairs of the world; consequently it has become the refuge of unclean things. Could Jesus not have been giving the disciples a warning in the citing of this parable. Don't think everything must be BIG. Don't think the following must always be LARGE. Don't strive for POPULARITY. Hank said it well: "Bigger is not better". When the Lord cited this parable, He was not dealing with the true nature of the Kingdom. He said: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like . . . " The ethics of the Kingdom are found in THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. Quote
haar Posted October 15, 2023 Report Posted October 15, 2023 A28. The parables of the Mustard seed and Yeast were intended by Jesus the Disciples and those them, was to that small beginnings do transform to big end results. The disciples might have expected the size of Jesus followership to have grown so big and large covering not only around them but all over the globe. But that was not the case and thus they were discouraged and disappointed. The lesson here for me and others is that, as we start projects, spiritual or physical, we should have faith and trust God that there would be transformation leading to growth even if the growth is slow. Quote
t-c Posted October 17, 2023 Report Posted October 17, 2023 Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? Why might the disciples be discouraged by the "size" of the Kingdom? Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Why are patience and faith so important for disciples. I think that Jesus is equating the Kingdom of God as to those who have put their faith, hope and trust in Him alone. And although followers seem to be few now, one day the number would be too many to count. And that His followers would be also include Gentiles. The disciples had spent a lot of time with Jesus and had seen him perform many miracles; even bringing a dead person back to life. They believed Jesus to be from God. As far as the disciples are concerned, between Herod and the religious leaders, it seemed there were more against Him than were for Him. I guess maybe for the same reason that the disciples of Jesus’s day were; we want results and for people we know and love to come to faith just like we did. We forget about the free will that God has given to us all. And that we don’t save anyone, only God can bring someone out of darkness into light. So we have to be faithful and pray, as well as do our part in the salvation process. (sow seeds, water, fertilize the soil) And be patient and allow God to do the “saving part,” as only He can do. In His perfect time. Quote
Irmela Posted October 17, 2023 Report Posted October 17, 2023 Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? Why might the disciples be discouraged by the "size" of the Kingdom? Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? Having re-read the answer as I wrote it, I see that I only covered the mustard seed portion. Looking at the yeast or leaven, I am even more convinced that Jesus is warning that the Kingdom will eventually be infiltrated and not look at all like it should. If we look at what is and has happened over the years. We find worldliness infiltrate into the churches. Many times there is no difference between a person in the world and a so called Christian. The "yeast" has truly done its work. Hidden, so it isn't noticed right away. According to Dr McGee, "leaven" occurs ninety-eight times in the Bible. Never really in a positive sense. Seems strange for it to be so now. Only when Christ returns will the true Kingdom be established. Quote
Sister Evelyn Posted November 2, 2023 Report Posted November 2, 2023 Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) We as believers should have or believe even in the smallest amount of faith. The mustard seed is a tiny as a pencil dot. And, that's tiny. We should never try to doubt our faith. The smallest of faith can have the biggest impact. Even having a little bit of belief, can move mountains. Yeast- Jesus teaches us that the kingdom of heaven is alive, and it takes patience to grown, and it transforms everything it touches. Lesson is that huge things can happen as the result of a very small thing. The disciples probably might had been discouraged because perhaps they felt they worked so hard and their work felt small and insignificant. And perhaps little faith. Some times we can be discouraged in our christian work because of fear of criticism (what will people think). The fear of responsibility(what if I can't handle it) and the fear of failure. Many times when we see other christian's who are prideful and boast of what they do. In order to continue this journey we must have patience in the trials we face and the faith that God will handle everything as long as you present them to Him leaving it at the alter. Quote
Janzie Posted November 3, 2023 Report Posted November 3, 2023 On 4/22/2023 at 3:31 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? Why might the disciples be discouraged by the “size” of the Kingdom? Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? Expand Although the mustard seed is very small when it is planted it grows to 4 or even 5 ft, like a tree so that even the birds perch in its branches and the yeast in leaven when it is first put together with the flour is small but given a chance to rise, the dough is overflowing in the bowl. Small beginnings, large endings. The disciples might have been discouraged because they didn't understand the Kingdom of God, because the Kingdom seemed very small and was not great in the start, but Jesus is saying that it will grow. But within a single generation after Christ's death, Christianity had spread all over the Roman empire and beyond -- India to the East, Ethiopia to the South, and Britannia to the West. Because we always think we are not doing enough, and we look at some other Christians and all they are doing. Patience and faith are so important. To His disciples because they saw His miracles and how He healed everyone who came to Him and wanted to be healed and that so built faith and patience in them. Faith and patience were built in us when Jesus came into our lives, as we were totally changed and an experience we can never forget, so that built faith in us and because of it, we have patience and we have to keep on keeping on. Quote
Zibuyile Posted November 5, 2023 Report Posted November 5, 2023 Q.28The parable teaches us not to despise small things as they have potential to grow bigger , as the case of mustard seed which was so tiny but produced big tree Discouragement will arise when when focusing on what they see presently and not looking at the future , on what will become We discouraged when we are not seeing growth Faith and patience are in important for disciple for we don't walk by what we see but we need to have faith in what we believe for and while we applying our faith patience is needed to see it come to pass Quote
George L Posted November 7, 2023 Report Posted November 7, 2023 Q28. (Luke 13:18-21) What lesson did Jesus intend his disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast or Leaven? Given that planting and crops are seasonal, and tree crops require several growing seasons to be mature. That said, your words of faith and testimony may appear negligable, but given growing time they eill produce a great change. If you continue in faith and do not dig up your seed or give up on the yeast or dough starter. Why might the disciples be discouraged by the "size" of the Kingdom? The human trait of immediate expectation of results from God is not a new thing. It has been always. However nature has seasons, and the proper starter will bring the proper result. God’s timing is perfect and patient faith brings the greatest reward. Given God’s timing Act 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. Why are we sometimes discouraged in Christian work? Our juvenile expectation that a 25 cent prayer will provide an instant candybar for our gratification is patently absurd when dealing with an ever forever always and eternal God. Why are patience and faith so important for disciples? We are dealing with recovering the lost, stollen, stray, decieved of the world. Damaged hearts, that only the Lord by the Holy Spirit can repair. When the Doctor says take one pill a day for 30 days we should not expect day one to be all that is needed. Should we not allow God to gather that great cloud of witnesses? Quote
Old Jerry Posted December 11, 2023 Report Posted December 11, 2023 Jesus wanted the disciples to learn from the Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast that things start our small and will grow. The disciples might be discouraged by the “size” of the Kingdom because they might have known that the ministry was going to grow and they needed to know that there was plenty of room for them in heaven. Sometimes we are discouraged in Christian work because there seem to be everybody against us. A lot of ruling of the Supreme Court are against us. We have to believe in the things that we haven’t seen and hope for best. Quote
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