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Q31. (John 10:6-15) Why does a true shepherd “lay down his life for the sheep”? How did Jesus' do this for his disciples? For us? In what way did Jesus intend his disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep? Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this?

  • 5 months later...

Q31. (John 10:6-15)

Why does a true shepherd “lay down his life for the sheep”?

Because He owns the sheep, He knows the sheep and He loves the sheep... I have been bought at an inconceivable price...

How did Jesus' do this for his disciples? For us?

Jesus spent His entire ministry instructing His disciples... He vested the whole of His time into them.  I assume most shepherds would not take the job if they were told they would lose their lives to save their flock... not maybe... but... definitely... you will lose your life.  But, Jesus knew the climax to His story... He knew there was a cross in His future, yet... He willingly chose to take the job... He loved the sheep even before we were His...

In what way did Jesus intend his disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep?

Jesus commissioned us to be disciples (His followers), learning from Him so that we could live as He lived.  He told them they would drink from the same cup He would drink from.  As His followers, we are to lay down our lives (our will) and pick up His.  He carries on His ministry through us.  How awesome is that?!?

Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this?

If we are talking about choosing to die for others, there are many martyrs through the centuries that have died for the Name of Christ.  Beginning with Stephan and then including most of the disciples and it is still happening today. 

If we are talking about giving up our worldly lives for the sheep, this would point to pastors, teachers, missionaries (both at home and abroad), and all those who devote their time to different outreach as well as in-reach ministries.  I thank God for the shepherds He has placed in my life who have helped me in my walk and faith.  I also thank God for the privilege of the role as shepherd He has given me in different people's lives.  And... Pastor Ralph... I don't know if you read these comments but... I would say you are a perfect example of one who has laid down his life for his sheep.  This is an incredible ministry and I feel blessed to have found this resource.  Thank you for your obedience to God's call on your life.  If takes me about 4 hours each week to go through these lessons... I cannot imagine how much time you put into creating them! May God continue to bless you and speak through you!


Q31."I am the Good Shepherd”  (John 10:6-15)

Why does a true shepherd "lay down his life for the sheep"?

ANSWER: As Scripture tells us, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends" (John 15:13). Jesus gladly lays down His life because we’re His sheep. He will lay down His life for the sheep, which is motivated by His love for them. This love Jesus has for us is so strong that when the wolf came for you, Jesus our Shepherd took our place.  He laid down His life for the sheep/us.  Jesus willingly endured the wolf Satan’s attacks, even the pain and spiritual torture of the cross, for us.  It was our Shepherd who from the cross cried out, “It is finished!”and then willingly gave up His spirit in death. His death saved us from three destroying wolves: 1). sin 2). death and 3). judgment.

How did Jesus' do this for his disciples?

ANSWER: At Calvary, the cross of Christ became an eternal emblem of love. Jesus not only laid down His life for those who loved Him, He laid it down for all men and women, even those who choose to reject Him.

How did Jesus' do this For us?

ANSWER: At Calvary, He didn't die just for those closest to Him. He died for all of us; no one is left out. Jesus showed that “there is no greater love than this” when He laid down His life for us.

In what way did Jesus intend His disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep? ANSWER: Jesus tells us there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. He did exactly that. He laid down His life for us, people He never knew, and yet called friends. He first laid down His life in heaven to come to our world to help us learn. Then   He laid down His life on earth and allowed Himself to be crucified for our salvation.

Jesus is not asking us to follow Him by literally dying for one another, but He is asking us to consider how we respond to the needs of others and give up part of our lives for the benefit of others. We are to be are willing to put ourselves at risk, to put our lives aside to benefit others without weighing the risks and cost to ourselves. Laying down our life for others means going out of our way to meet another’s need. It means giving up a part of our lives, sacrificing our own resources and energy to meet the needs of another person. When you lay down your life, a little each day, you are modeling Christ-like grace. You are sharing love. You are becoming more like Jesus.

Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this?

ANSWER: God selected Abraham and his descendants so that they become a model nation for other nations and that “All the families of the earth will find blessing” in them. Jesus received the command to lay down his life for humanity with the freedom to accept or reject it. The Christian missionaries all over the world give up their comfort and risk their lives for the spreading of the gospel and enlarging the one sheepfold of Jesus. Jesus calls us to imitate him. He tells us that we too are called to lay down our lives. It is not an incidental offering, but an intentional one. Most often, the place we will be called to imitate the Shepherd is in our vocation. It is only in giving up our lives that we truly live.





A true Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep because he loves and cares for his sheep, he has an intimate relationship with them. 

Jesus cared for His disciples just like a Shepherd cares for his sheep. Jesus took care of His disciples, taught them to follow Him and died for them that they may have life and have it more abundant. 

Jesus in the same way cared for us, saving us from the enemy, healing us, cleansing and teaching us. Jesus also layed down His life for us all that we may have everlasting life. 

Jesus taught and encouraged His disciples to follow Him in all things: He taught them to feed the lambs and sheep, and to lay their lives down for others that they may be saved. 

Yes many of Christ servants have went the extra mile for others so that they may be saved. They have fed the hungry, clothed the poor, help the sick receive their healing. And there are some who have layed their own lives down, or on the line to save others, even the lost and dying. Praise God for Christ like servants. Thank God for Jesus Christ the true Shepherd of us all. 


Q31. (John 10:6-15) Why does a true shepherd “lay down his life for the sheep”? How did Jesus' do this for his disciples? For us? In what way did Jesus intend his disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep? Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this? 

A true shepherd always has concern of the flock under his care foremost.  Jesus gave His life for His disciples and for us--for the world.  Through His parables and lived example, Jesus let the disciples know how to lay down their lives.  I find the scene after washing the disciples' feet especially poignant, "When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” John 13:12. He goes on to be very explicit in verses 13-17, "“You call me ‘Teacher’ and ‘Lord,’ and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them."

Just this morning I learned of a Ukrainian couple who hid their children from the terrorists. They died in the fighting at their house, but so did 7 terrorists.  The uncle found the children many hours later - unharmed.  My friend asked for prayer for these precious children. Lord, may they come to know your incredible Love.


A true Shepherd lays His life down for the sheep because they belong to Him and He cares and loves His sheep dearly that He is prepared to protect them from any danger that may befall them. He provides and protects the sheep against robbers and thieves.

Jesus protected His disciples from all the criticism they faced from the Pharisees and scribes. When they questioned Him about His disciples not washing hands when they were eating, why they did not fast and all sorts of Jewish laws that the disciples did not do, Jesus explained that while they still have Him with them, there was no need to do these rituals.

Jesus Christ said "Yes" to the Will of God so that we can receive the wonderful gift of salvation. He became sin though not a sinner so that we may be the righteousness of God. Jesus Christ had compassion for all people and He fed them both spiritually and physically. He healed the sick and He took our shame by dying on the Cross.

When He was with them, He taught them that they needed to take care of orphans, widows, the needy and the poor. He taught them to serve others and not be served. He also made them understand that they should not take front seats but wait to be ushered to take front seat.

Christ's servants are taking care of the vulnerable by clothing them, providing water in areas where there is no clean water. Food parcels are donated and one can safely say that a lot of Christ's servants are doing that which Christ expects us to do.


Q31. (John 10:6-15)

Why does a true shepherd "lay down His life for the sheep"? How did Jesus' do this for His disciples? For us? In what way did Jesus intend His disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep? Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this?

The true shepherd is motivated out of love for his sheep; as opposed to a hireling who does not care about his sheep, and are only motivated by the love of self, and the love of money. The same loving relationship that exists between the Father and the Son exists between the Shepherd and His sheep – He knows His sheep. Some shepherds have willingly died while protecting their sheep from danger. Jesus, the Good Shepherd, on the other hand, willingly gave His life for His sheep. Even actually laying down His life for them. Dying on behalf of His disciples as well as for us - as our Substitute. “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom 5:8). “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed” (1 Peter 2:24). In the same way, Jesus intends us as His disciples to truly love and care for His sheep so much so that we should be willing to protect them with our life. Remembering that they are defenceless and need the care of a shepherd (Ps 23). Unlike the many in our churches today who choose the ministry as a means to a profitable occupation/business. They have no concern for the love of souls of men, or even for the love of truth (Titus 1:10-11). When danger threatens, they are nowhere to be found. Their main priority is self-preservation. King David is an example of a shepherd who many times risked his life for his sheep. However, I immediately think of Stephen who died as a martyr for Christ (Acts 7:59).


Q31. (John 10:6-15) Why does a true shepherd “lay down his life for the sheep”? How did Jesus' do this for his disciples? For us? In what way did Jesus intend his disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep? Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this?

1.  He has concern for this sheep and will protect them from danger and harm. He does that because he loves them and is willing to help them live with him eternally.

2. He protected them from the religious Jewish that were intended to steal, kill, and destroy them. 

3. He died on the cross to bear our sins, to deliver us from sin, and its consequences. 

4. Jesus was the example that we should follow. He taught that we should love one another by protecting, fighting for them, and teaching them.

5. Some give food, clothes, and are willing to teach as an example.



Q31. (John 10:6-15)

Why does a true shepherd "lay down his life for the sheep"?

He cares for his sheep. He love his sheep. He has empathy for them. He groom them from birth, this creates a special relation between shepherd and sheep. The more the shepherd dwell amongst the sheep the more he got attached to the sheep. 

How did Jesus' do this for his disciples?

JESUS prepare them the night before HIS crucifixion "The bread is JESUS body broken for you and the wine HIS blood sheard is the new covenant.  

The Friday JESUS was crucified, HE lay down HIS life.

For us?

Exactly what JESUS has done for HIS disciples HE has done it for us.

In what way did Jesus intend his disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep?

JESUS set the example to them. They were in JESUS presence for three and a half year, JESUS groom them the way HE wants them to be. They must know their sheep, they must love them, they must care for them and give them the best "food" continuously. 

Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this?

When church's sent out their Evangelist to spread the WORD in the field. When church's reach out to each other with the common goal to spread the GOOD NEWS of our LORD JESUS CHRIST to those in need. When the church practically when out and serve those in need.  


The repetition of "lay down his life" in the parables was surprising and sobering to me. This must be what is required of us as well as what Christ has done for us -- we are to be like Christ.

Jesus died for us. He laid down his life for bleating human-sheep. We have all sorts of enemies, internal and external, satanic and sin-nature-driven. Jesus has to protect us from them all. There is no enemy we can imagine or have that Jesus COULD not protect us from. 

... and yet, we get lost. We are killed. We are mangled. So Jesus' protection isn't blanket, is it? We suffer greatly, often innocently, when Jesus does not protect us. Innocent children are unprotected from sexual deviants; our governments are weaponized against us; we are robbed and cheated, harmed and injected. So as I read this, I'm sobered not only by Jesus' claim to be our good shepherd always, but by the facts on the ground. 

Most parents would lay down their lives for their children -- some children would lay down their lives for their siblings or parents. That's the natural order, though often abrogated. Jesus enlarged the circle for whom we must sacrifice, even our lives, to include every human, good or not. We lay down our lives not only for a good man, but for a bad one.

He promises to help us do this, to strengthen us as we self-sacrifice for Him. Perhaps one of the reasons why evil/suffering exists is to provide us with opportunities to sacrifice our comfort and safety for others ... like shepherds. I believe Christians live for others all the time. Quietly and unnoticed, we lay ourselves down in the entrance to the sheep pen to protect the sheep as they rest. We give unnoticed and unremarked. We're quiet shepherds. Humble ones, hopefully. 

God notices.



A true shepherd lays down his life for the sheep due to the love to ensure the safety of the sheep.

It was love that made Jesus lay down his life for us his sheep  so that we would not perish in hell but to live with him in heaven for ever.


A true shephard is not like a hired hand. The wellbeing of the sheep is his priority. The hired hand only cares for his wages.

If there is a risk to life the hired hand will run away, not a shephard.

Jesus is the Good shephard , who leaves the 99 for the 1 prodigal sheep and he has laid down his life , not just to redeem us from Eternal death but to give us Eternal Life which is Abundant.


Many martyrs have laid down their life , and borne much fruit in a harvest of souls.

Many ministers have left creature comforts to be missionaries. 

Many pastors and leaders have paid a great price to steward the flock of God.



Q31. (John 10:6-15)

Why does a true shepherd "lay down his life for the sheep"?    Because  of his LOVE.

A true shepherd lives for his sheep.  They are his.  They are who he loves , who he is proud of.  He cares for them, so that they are in good health, so that they learn how to be obedient.  He knows that in the misty , foggy conditions, he can walk ahead with his stick, which he puts hard on the ground (so it can be heard) that he has taught his sheep to follow him.   He also knows that his sheep are vulnerable.   He is prepared, because of his love for them, to lay down his life for them.  He gives up creature-comforts, to be with them.  To keep them calm in harsh weather conditions, his presence is enough.  His voice stills them.

How did Jesus' do this for His disciples? For us?  

Jesus knew that the only way for humanity, to share eternal life with Him, a perfect sacrifice was needed.  He was prepared to put aside His heavenly glory and take up life as man starts life.  (a cell)  Like that He grew to be born into a family; to live in a community where he was to be accepted by some, rejected by others;  He learnt to accept instruction, guidance etc., from human parents/guardians;  He was tempted to do wrong, yet He did not sin;  etc.  He was indeed the perfect man  -   the perfect SACRIFICE.  He "laid down" His life for His disciples, for us.

In what way did Jesus intend His disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep? 

Jesus intended us to recognize the need of fellow humans and be prepared to fulfill those needs,  not only in food, clothing and maybe housing but also in giving of ones time.  That is laying down ones life.  Putting aside what is important for oneself and fulfilling someone else's need.  Then too it was in fulfilling the work given to do viz., to teach others about Him.  This could literally mean death for many.  

Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this?

We read of Stephen who was stoned for his faith.  Tradition tells us that many of the first disciples were martyred.  Today still, there are many who give their life in the Mission field and are martyred for their faith.  Others accept Christ as Saviour and who are then thrown out by family and loved ones.  They lay down their lives again for others to see and follow suit.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q. 31 (John 10:6-15) When a true shepherd "lay down his life for the sheep" was no only and expression of immense love and faithfulness towards the sheep, but also of love and faithfulness toward the Father-God from whose loving presence he has come to the broken and this sinful world we live in now.

Jesus volunteer his life and his one time sacrifice for us.

I believe the lesson for the disciples were that they too be willing to died for the sheep. Also, a lesson was that they were to ignore their own needs. We too should ignore our own needs and help others. That is also a way of lying down your life for others. 

We can see an example of this when Steven, he lay down his life for Jesus when he we martyr.

On 4/21/2023 at 11:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q31. (John 10:6-15) Why does a true shepherd “lay down his life for the sheep”? How did Jesus' do this for his disciples? For us? In what way did Jesus intend his disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep? Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this?

He loves and cares for them, they are his, therefore he protects them from enemies and saves them.

By caring for them, teaching them, loving them and dying for them so that they could be saved, follow Him and do as he did,  love others and be willing to die for the Gospel.

For us, In laying down His life, shedding His blood,  forgiving our sin and giving us eternal life with Him.  

They were to lay down their lives by following Jesus,  denying  themselves, caring for others and their needs, putting others first, sharing the Gospel.  

When I first came to the Lord, there was a fellow named Norman who was a hippie, wearing overhauls, barefoot, came to the altar at our church and gave his life to the Lord.  That was around 1973.  Now after so many years he is a missionary in the Phillipines and Asia for over 25 years.  Starting new churches.  What a blessing, laying down his life for the ministry and others. 


Q31. (John 10:6-15) Why does a true shepherd "lay down his life for the sheep"? The shepherd is one member of his family. The sheep and their welfare are the future of the family as to are our children to ourselves, our church, and our nation.

How did Jesus' do this for his disciples? His care in prayer. “Peter Satan desired to sift you… But I..” we need to become active shepherds and under shepherds rather than passive sponges of others blessings.

For us? The Lord, the Lamb of God ever sits at the right hand of God interceeding for the saints. Equals he repairs and adjusts our sloppy misguided prayers into completely perfect prayers to rise as a sweet savor before the Father.

In what way did Jesus intend his disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep? He did so by example. Washing their feet. And the crucifiction reserection episode for majors. Handing them the bread and fish pieces to start and sending them into the crowd. They experienced his power as they kept breaking off pieces and never had to return to him for more. Constant demonstration of His care of the shepherd kind rather than the I Am King kind.

Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this? Every occasion we take a moment of our time to pray, help, do a kindness for others we are giving of our sole resource in this life. Our time. We are giving of our very special God given span of life for another.


Q.31 A true sherpered because of his life for his own would do anything  in his power for his flock to the point of sacrificing his life for the sake of his flocks well being

 Jesus showed love for His disciples by teaching them , being there for them even in their time of need, laying down his life for them so that , they too can learn to do like Him

 Jesus lay down His life for , in that while while we were still sinners He died for us , he died in our place so that we may be Alive in Him

Jesus taught His disciples to have a servant attitude , being there for others and help in their need


  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/22/2023 at 5:34 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q31. (John 10:6-15) Why does a true shepherd “lay down his life for the sheep”? How did Jesus' do this for his disciples? For us? In what way did Jesus intend his disciples to learn that they, too, must be willing to lay down their lives for the sheep? Can you think of any examples where Christ's servants have done this?

The true shepherd lay down his life for the sheep, so that the sheep may have life and that they may have it more abundantly, that way the thief will be able to steal, kill and destroy, Jesus did this by dying for the disciples and us, the punishment we deserved for our sinful nature, he took it, through the cross and rising from the dead,  Jesus showed them that the hireling, the one who do not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, so he shows that the hireling do not care about the sheep, examples where Christ's servants did that, Paul and Silas got arrested for preaching the good news, Stephanie was stoned to death for proclaiming Jesus, 

  • 4 weeks later...

The true shepherd “lay down his life for the sheep” because he knows that the sheep would scatter and be lost. He knows that predictors will attack when he turns his back. Jesus did this for his disciples and me when he died for us on the cross and rose again. Jesus knew that we must be willing to lay down our lives trying to evangelize the lost. I can think of plenty of people that have laid down their lives for others.

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