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Q35. (Luke 9:57-62) What do these three analogies tell us about Jesus' requirements for his disciples? Why is Jesus so urgent? What was he seeking to teach would-be disciples about their priorities?

  • 5 months later...

A person has to be very serious about following Jesus and being one of his disciples. They can't put anything else first. You can't keep living an old lifestyle and saying you Love Jesus and doing whatever you want to do. When he calls you now is the time to change. 


There is only so much time left to let people know about the kingdom of God. We don't know the day when Jesus is coming back and we don't know how much time a person has before it is to late. 


A person priority has to be what Jesus wants first. Whatever his instructions are to the person they need to follow. They can't put parents or anything else first. Jesus must be first. 


Q35. (Luke 9:57-62)

What do these three analogies tell us about Jesus' requirements for his disciples?

The disciple must be 100% sure that they want to follow JESUS. There must be nothing in the way between the disciple and JESUS. JESUS must be the ultimate.  

Why is Jesus so urgent?

Time is no more, time is of the every essence, time is running out. JESUS goal is for humanity is to know the FATHER.

What was he seeking to teach would-be disciples about their priorities?

Put first the Kingdom of GOD. You need to really want it! JESUS teaches asking, seeking, knocking. You have to be active involve, not fair Christian attitude.

JESUS want to make sure that HIS disciples are on path, with HIM and understand HIM. JESUS is not looking for casual Christians but on fire for HIM.


Q35. To follow Jesus disciples must be wholeheartedly willing to put Jesus first before everything else in their lives and that includes family. If we are not fully committed then we are not fit for service.

Jesus has a sense of urgency because time is short. We don’t know the day or the hour that Jesus will come and then it will be too late to do anymore work for the Lord. 
Jesus was teaching that disciples must be fully committed and not half hearted because otherwise they are not fit for service. Nothing in their lives , is to be more important than being fully committed to following and obeying Jesus.


Q35. (Luke 9:57-62)

What do these three analogies tell us about Jesus' requirements for his disciples?

Jesus is to be our top priority.  We are not to fill our lives so full that we are unable to walk in obedience to Him.  Even Jesus Himself was willing to deny His mother and brothers because they were trying to steer Him away from obeying His Father. (Matthew 12:48-50).  Jesus has never asked us to do anything He hasn't done Himself.  

Why is Jesus so urgent?

Obedience is the key to everything... procrastination is not obedience... "if you love Me, you will obey my commands".  I do think Jesus was urgent because time was short but, here, I think He was more focusing on immediate obedience.  Who was willing to do His Father's Will without hesitation?  To whom was He going to entrust the heralding of His Kingdom?  If I needed to get news out quickly, I would make sure the people I entrusted to spread the news also understood how urgent the message was.  I would not choose people who needed to take care of family matters first... that would seem counterproductive...This reminds me that I too need to understand the urgency of Jesus' message... because I am guilty of having a life that is way too full to be readily available to Him.

What was he seeking to teach would-be disciples about their priorities?

There is no greater priority in our lives than the Will of God.  We must rearrange our lives that everything falls in place under His Kingship.  


Jesus requirements for His disciples is that they must be fully committed to proclaim the Kingdom of God, be able to forsake all earthly things and be obedient to the call of doing the Will of God. The message is clear that you cannot want to do other businesses when the harvest is plentiful when the laborers are few. Putting Jesus Christ first above everything else and seeking the Kingdom of God because Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life. All the things on earth are temporal and if you still want to wait to be old to serve Jesus or do some other business, it may be too late.

Jesus is urgent because He understands that the devil, the schemer is like a thief who has come to steal, to kill and to destroy. The world out there needs to be rescued from the evil one and the disciples must preach the Good News to the end of the world. The urgency is that there should not be an excuse of people saying they did not know the Kingdom of God that is why missionaries and evangelists are all over not to miss the souls that must receive the wonderful gift of salvation. This gift is for all of us and Jesus is aware that the devil wants to deny people eternal life by ensuring that they do not hear the message of the Kingdom of God.

We need to prioritise God above everything else. Isn't it that God also prioritised us and gave us His Only begotten So who died for all our sins? We need to do the Will of God while we still have the energy to do so and not procrastinate. The saying says "Time waits for no man" and therefore we need to have the whole world know about God our Creator, our Father who loved and still loves us. If we still have to go bury the loved one or look back, we may not cover enough ground while the devil is out there waiting to devour people. 


I feel very strongly about these parables because I've watched women take inordinate pride in being a "tiger mum," putting all their time and energy into driving Junior to his latest trumpet lesson, decorating the house, bringing casseroles to a neighbor who would rather chat than eat, etc. They are always in a hurry. Always commending themselves on their supposed self-sacrifice. These women justify their pride by telling themselves, repeatedly, that "raising the next generation is the most important thing I can do!"

No, it's not. 

I ask myself this ... when was the last time I led someone to the Lord?  Yesterday? If not, why not?

We're called to follow Him, to conform our lives to His, to give up our own desires to bring others to saving knowledge of Christ. Paul was right -- it's better not to be married (and reproduce) so that our focus is on Him. Those of us who are married have split loyalties, particularly women, but we can still prioritize evangelism. Those with children have to choose whether to obsess over the little ones or give them to God. There's a happy medium between giving Junior every little advantage possible, and letting him go ride his bike independently with his friends and self-entertain while his mum prays and serves others.

If one-tenth of women gave one-half of their time to Him instead of themselves, I truly think the nation would be far more Christian in attitude and outlook. The West is secularizing because Christians act like secular people, prioritizing themselves and their children (proxies for themselves) before anyone else, and doing so pridefully. This is what Jesus means in these parables, in my wee opinion. He's talking about the danger of putting oneself first, justifying it by making oneself seem oh-so-important, and not loving the rest of the world. Jesus doesn't need our effort. He needs our hearts. He needs us to focus on Him and only Him. Exclusively Him.

That's the goal. Jesus and only Jesus. We compromise on our way to that goal because we are human, sinful and needy. God understands this. But we shouldn't justify or excuse this compromise. We must confess it as SIN and ask how to mitigate our compromise knowing that our primary responsibility is to Him.

I hope this convicts a few tiger mums.


All three of these analogies tell us that once we except Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour, and tell Him that we will follow Him, that there is no reason to turn back, for we must make Him the priority of our lives: for anyone who turns back for any reason is not fit for the kingdom of God. 

Jesus makes it so urgent because that's the seriousness of life, eternal life. We are not promised tomorrow. For one day with the Lord is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is life one day. Time and age is of no essence with God. If we want to enter into the kingdom of God, we must make Him our all and all, our top priority, before anything else. 

Would be disciples need to stop riding the fence and get real,make their mind up, and follow Jesus Christ 100 percent, or they may just not be able to enter into the kingdom. 


What do these three analogies tell us about Jesus' requirements for his disciples? Why is Jesus so urgent? What was he seeking to teach would-be disciples about their priorities?

In these three analogies Jesus teaches his disciples that one cannot be a casual follower of him.  Jesus seems to be setting up barriers to discourage those who aren't serious.

The urgency is because the harvest is plenty, the kingdom of God is near.  

Following Jesus comes before every responsibility. Jesus must be number one.


Q35. (Luke 9:57-62)

What do these three analogies tell us about Jesus' requirements for His disciples? Why is Jesus so urgent? What was He seeking to teach would-be disciples about their priorities?

Jesus is telling future disciples that we should count the cost of discipleship before committing oneself. It will not all be a bed of roses, not all pleasure and smooth sailing. Hard times and enmity will have to be endured; it will mean forsaking the comforts and conveniences of life as we now know it. The world, the flesh, and Satan will be against us, even hating us. It is a matter of urgency for there is a hard battle to be fought, a long race to be run, and much work to be done. It will mean forsaking a self-centred life for a Christ-centred life. Our work for Christ takes priority. There are no half measures. This work we do is out of the love we have for our Lord. Everything we do as disciples should be to advance the cause of Christ on earth, To bring Him glory. It is impossible to serve Jesus with a divided heart. It will demand a great deal of dedication and obedience, and a willingness to do all for His sake.


Q35. (Luke 9:57-62) What do these three analogies tell us about Jesus' requirements for his disciples? Why is Jesus so urgent? What was he seeking to teach would-be disciples about their priorities? 

The three analogies speak to the need for us to be single-minded and single-purposed.  Jesus is urgent because God wants all men to be saved.  He needs us to live the good news and thus spread the good news.  He wanted His disciples then and now to hold God first in priority. First.



Jesus disciples must be serious and committed to the business of the Kingdom to the extent that one has to deny his family in favour of the Master of the Kingdom.


Q35. (Luke 9:57-62) What do these three analogies tell us about Jesus' requirements for his disciples? Why is Jesus so urgent? What was he seeking to teach would-be disciples about their priorities?

1. No turning back. Anyone who turns back is not fit for the kingdom.

2. Jesus wants all men to be saved. Time is running out.

3. Don't be messing around and get right. Arrange our life to put him first.


Q35. (Luke 9:57-62)

What do these three analogies tell us about Jesus' requirements for His disciples?

Why is Jesus so urgent?

What was He seeking to teach would-be disciples about their priorities?

They need to be serious about their commitment.  They need to know and understand what their priorities are and live and act accordingly.  Jesus comes first.  Not only one day and not the next, but all the time.  Live for Him. 

Jesus is urgent about this because there are many would be followers, who are actually fence sitters and want to follow for the excitement and the crowds, but they are not really serious about serving Him at all.  Just interested in the good times.  They can be a bad influence or a negative influence on the ones who are serious.

Jesus wants us to keep our priorities right.  Not be wobbly as a wave, and uncertain about Him.  

  • 2 weeks later...

Q35. (Luke 9:57-62) What do these three analogies tell us about Jesus' requirements for his disciples? When Jesus spoke at times of healing “ the kingdom of heaven has come near you”. There are seriously stringent requirements to prioritize the apostalic callings workload. The change from heard a general invitation, called, to being chosen to carry on the work

Why is Jesus so urgent? His time was short.

What was he seeking to teach would-be disciples about their priorities? His power and authority was clear to them by demonstration. His philosophy to serve others plain.  Now they had to understand the true cost to them as individuals.



Q.35 (Luke 9:57-62) These analogies teaches us about he requirements of Jesus as his disciples. Jesus wants total dedication, not half-hearted commitment. We can't pick and chose among Jesus' ideas and follow him selectively; we have to accept the cross along with the crown.

Jesus is urgent because He came to save the lost and the weak. And He wishes for no one to perish. We must count the cost and be willing to abandon everything else that has given us security-without looking back.

As disciples our priorities is to always keep Jesus as the center of our lives and allow nothing to distract us. 

On 4/21/2023 at 11:40 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q35. (Luke 9:57-62) What do these three analogies tell us about Jesus' requirements for his disciples? Why is Jesus so urgent? What was he seeking to teach would-be disciples about their priorities?

That Jesus comes first.  We are not to make excuses but to be serious of following,  believing and trusting in Jesus.  He is to be first in line and our focus should be on Him and doing His will.  

Jesus is so urgent because time is running out and there are so many more needing to be saved and hear the message of the Kingdom. We need to step up our pace and declare the Word of the Lord, so people who are in need can hear the Word of God and follow Him.

He was seeking to teach the disciple that they are to stay steadfast in Him and not to look back but to focus on Jesus and His will for them.


Q.35 Jesus is teaching His pldisciples to Him their first priority over above anything else in their lives

 They need to make haste while the sun still shine , be serious about  making decision  to follow  Jesus  while still can cause time will come where it will be difficult to follow Him

He taught them about setting their priority  of following them and not be moved  by what is happening  in and around them , but be focused in their decision to follow Him

  • 1 month later...

These three analogies are telling us that if we are to follow Jesus, we have got to put him first in our lives. Jesus is so urgent because we have only a short time to sever him. If we are going to serve him, we need to do it with great enthusiasm.

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