Pastor Ralph Posted April 22, 2023 Report Posted April 22, 2023 Q36. (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of his disciples too uncompromising? Are we too compromising with the world's demands? What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted October 15, 2023 Report Posted October 15, 2023 Q36. (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of his disciples too uncompromising? No, by this time JESUS has make it clear what HE wants from them. To set the record straight, I don't think it is too uncompromised. Better to let the disciple know the standards of GOD's Kingdom then face a surprise of not knowing. JESUS wants IT ALL!!! Are we too compromising with the world's demands? Some time YES, Christians want to leave too many things in GOD's. We pray about things but we are nowhere to see for what we stands for. The Word say, GOD will fight your battle, yes it is right, but where are you as Christian in that fight. We have to let the world know that we serve a GOD of the impossible. Don't compromised with worldly standards or demands. Our basis or reference must always been, what does the Word of GOD say. What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? Body, Soul and Spirit. Quote
Robomom3 Posted October 17, 2023 Report Posted October 17, 2023 Q36. (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of his disciples too uncompromising? Nothing Jesus did or does is too anything so... the answer to this question has to be "no". Jesus didn't compromise anything for us... He gave everything He had including His Life on a cross... He NEVER asks us to do anything that He did not do Himself... It is for us to decide if we are willing to sacrifice everything this world offers us for everything Jesus offers us... there is no fence to sit on in the Kingdom of God... We must hate this world to enter His Kingdom... Are we too compromising with the world's demands? Yes... Yes... and again YES!!! We have a fleshly desire to fit in and be liked by everyone. This causes us to compromise, or sometimes hide our true identity in certain groups or situations. This is no different from Peter denying Christ to the crowds... We deny Christ every time we compromise with the world. Forgive me Lord I pray. What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? My time... I am selfish with my time and covet my alone time... However, God is working on me and I know He won't give up on me until I have an open hand with my time. Not only an open hand but a joyful heart when asked to give up and share my coveted time (this is where I fail the worst). Quote
Zanele Tlhakanelo Posted October 17, 2023 Report Posted October 17, 2023 Not at all. Jesus Christ is specific as to the kind of a person who wants to be His disciple. You cannot serve too masters at the same time because the other one will suffer while serving the other. Jesus is clear that when you want to be His disciple, there are certain loads that need to be left or put aside and serve Him wholeheartedly. All the disciples that He chose had to leave their daily jobs and followed Him. Following Jesus is being obedient to the call of God. That is why God does not want lukewarm disciples but those who will carry out the message of the Kingdom without compromising the Word. We certainly are. We make excuses because we want to satisfy our desires. We please the world more than we please God. Our priorities are always about me, myself and I and then God. The truth be told, when people are supposed to support the work of the ministry through their giving, we first make ourselves happy and then God at the end. We listen to all the negative things happening around us and want to believe that our God does not see and will not help us. We are really too compromising and actually give the world priority over God. My ego. I must allow God to work on me and not think that I am better than other people or I can do things better than time. I need to appreciate the good done by others and be able to sincerely applaud them. God must surely work with my heart. Quote
Steve Lanning Posted October 18, 2023 Report Posted October 18, 2023 Are Jesus' demands of his disciples too uncompromising? They shouldn't be to the sold-out believer. However, some of us believers in the sixth, seventh, or even eighth decade stewarding a 7- or 8-figure nest egg in retirement can look at compromise in the light of children or grandchildren instead of focusing resources on getting the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ out around the world--now. Are we too compromising with the world's demands? Letting the world squeeze us into its mold--contrary to Scripture-- is one indication of compromise. We should be careful to steward our Temple, (mind, physical, mental), our Time (schedules, relationships, etc.), our Talent (experience, spiritual gifts, aptitude, etc.) and Treasure (money, land, etc.) to look to 'finishing well' in this life so that we hear a "Well, done!' of Matthew 25:23 from our Savior! Seeking to sing "I Surrender All" every morning to His glory and honor. Quote
Niyonka16 Posted October 18, 2023 Report Posted October 18, 2023 Q36. Cost of Discipleship (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of His disciples too uncompromising? ANSWER: NO…Jesus speaks to the cost of discipleship. He is not calling His followers to hate their families in terms of emotional response; instead, He calls for undivided loyalty to Himself above family loyalties. He taught His disciple that nothing or no one should come before or place first over God. To follow Him, we must know our priority and embraced our personal cross for the good of others. Are we too compromising with the world's demands? ANSWER: YES…Compromise is supposed to be one of the keys to a happy life, but do too much of it and you’ll lose yourself. It can be tempting to compromise ourselves, especially when we’re offered the reward of love or opportunity in return. We compromise our integrity, our values and even our pride when it comes to fulfilling the longing we all have inside. We primarily compromise ourselves and our values out of a feeling of fear. Not all compromises are good or right. What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? ANSWER: Jesus calls us to do is to “deny ourselves,” which means that we are to surrender self-will and embrace His perfect will. Surrendering all to God is relinquishing your control, plans, and wisdom to Him. You then become like a sheep led by its shepherd, so He directs your steps and decisions and orders your life. Surrendering to Jesus is a daily commitment. It's not going to be easy, but it's going to be worth it. The best way to fully surrender to Jesus to follow the: Believe, Obey, and Worship (acronym BOW). Quote
hanks Posted October 20, 2023 Report Posted October 20, 2023 Q36. (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of His disciples too uncompromising? Are we too compromising with the world's demands? What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? Before embarking on a life of discipleship the total costs have to be considered. If not it’s possible we will abandon this dedicated life after a short while. It will demand total surrender to our Lord Jesus Christ; no half measures. It will mean wholehearted devotion, all-out loyalty, complete self-denial. We place our ourselves, our time, our earthly possessions, our talents, etc., all at His disposal. It may require us to give up our social status, our wealth, our family, or our career. At the same time, it will not be a trouble-free life. Are we prepared to do this? If we are not prepared to give up everything, Jesus Himself said: “… you cannot be My disciple (Luke 14:33). I don’t think these demands are too rigid. He knows what it takes to surrender all. On the other hand, we are definitely too flexible with our standards. Remember the eternal rewards will be great. Quote
Krissi Posted October 20, 2023 Report Posted October 20, 2023 A long time ago I read the Cost of Discipleship by D. Bonhoeffer which is about what a Christian must give up in the face of unrelenting government persecution. In his case, he was executed. Bonhoeffer gave his life. Did he calculate the cost beforehand? No. He had no idea when he was put into a nazi prison that he would die, but within that prison, in daily life, in the little things he did toward others, he gave and gave and gave. I don't think it's possible to know the cost of obedience and selflessness. We may think we know, but we don't. Our obedience could cost us everything. Maybe Jesus gives us hints that our lives will be shortened if we obey Him? I don't know. It's impossible to put God first always -- that's my goal, my aim. I always stumble. My selfish self rise to the fore. I battle my desire for self-preservation and ease. So many Christians, myself included, beg to NOT suffer, not to suffer obediently to death. This is wrong. Giving up money is easy compared to other things God demands of us ... cheap grace. Giving up autonomy and life ... that's costly grace. Cheap grace compromises with the expectations of the world. ----- The last question Pastor Ralph asks, I'm uncertain how to answer: What do I need to do to completely surrender to Jesus??? Much more. First, I have to accept His will, which is very difficult now. Submit to it. Even rejoice in it as Paul rejoiced in prison. Second, I have to truly accept the idea that suffering and sorrow are a big part of surrendering even though, frankly, I'm tired of suffering. I tell Him too often that I want joy, to feel His love and presence, to hear His audible voice, to be comforted, AND not suffer. This is wrong of me. Third, I want to praise Him and mean it. No begrudging praise. No praise with caveats. If I can ever do these things -- to want differently and less selfishly -- Jesus will have most of me. Quote
GeraldG Posted October 20, 2023 Report Posted October 20, 2023 No, Jesus's demands are not too uncompromising: If we truly want the things of this world, we do without and give up everything we can to receive it. Should we Not be willing to give our all for the kingdom? Yes, we usually are too compromising for the things of the world. Sadly we think that we should be able to have both. We need total commitment to Christ, humbling ourselves, asking Christ to come in to our hearts and fill us with His Spirit that we may completely surrender our all to Jesus. Quote
Lisa Wolf Posted October 21, 2023 Report Posted October 21, 2023 Q36. (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of his disciples too uncompromising? Are we too compromising with the world's demands? What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? Jesus demands 100%. ALL of ourselves. ALL of me. He is WORTHY of 100%. Am I too compromising? Good question. Certainly sometimes. What do I need to completely surrender? Another good question. I gave Him my life and Lordship of my life a long time ago. He continues to reveal what I have not surrendered; I trust Him to complete that. I trust Philippians 1:6, "being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." Quote
haar Posted October 21, 2023 Report Posted October 21, 2023 A36 Jesus demands his disciples to totally surrender all and follow him as nothing short of this would cause them to qualify for a place in his Kingdome. I need to have him as my first choice in every aspect of my life by seeking first his kingdom his righteousness so I would have eternal and worldly things like food and shelter can be mine as well. Quote
Debra Grant Posted October 26, 2023 Report Posted October 26, 2023 Q36. (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of his disciples too uncompromising? Are we too compromising with the world's demands? What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? 1. No, because he wants his disciples to follow his leading and guiding. He wants them to obey his covenants. 2. Sometime we are to compromising, but we should not be at all. 3. We need to be determined that we will obey Jesus regardless of what is going on in our life. Put him first above all. Quote
Irmela Posted October 28, 2023 Report Posted October 28, 2023 Q36. (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of His disciples too uncompromising? (unyielding) Are we too compromising (ready to reach an agreement) with the world's demands? What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? Jesus is saying to us, come at all costs even if it means, losing relationships etc, He, Jesus has counted the cost and was willing to give up everything, for humanity to be saved. He does not expect of us, what He hasn't done Himself. Quote
George L Posted November 7, 2023 Report Posted November 7, 2023 Q36. (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of his disciples too uncompromising? Welcome to the narrow doorway. A.B Simpson’s small book ‘the Self Life and the Christ Life’ lays it in a more explanitory way butvthe same conclusion. Every Day putvyour self desires up on thevtree andcfolloe Jesus way to finish His work. That serious His Work. Not something like it. The real thing. Are we too compromising with the world's demands? When we start out. When the truth that those dreams, visions, and prophetic words were windows on your future if you would cherrish the you God designed you to be before he saw you knit together in your mothers womb. Do you want to truly become rightly fit for service to the body of Christ? Or will you settle forvless than God’s best for you. What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? You need to let go of all your your do lists, priorities, desires, imaginations. And step into the unknown wonder of serving God as He needs believers to do. Every morning, meet with the Holy Spirit for guidance through the day ahead. Verse 3 of ‘olde rugged cross’... When my trophies I lay down. “Do you own that stuff or does that stuff own you?” Is what the Holy Spirit laid upon me. It is all going. And I am finding out it is not easy to give up the enjoyable imaginations of those hobby items books and technical toys. Quote
Sister Evelyn Posted November 8, 2023 Report Posted November 8, 2023 Q.36 (Luke 14:25-32) I do not believe the demands of his disciples are too compromising for the fact that one has t be a true believer in Jesus. One has to be a devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Joining Jesus' as fisher's of men. He doesn't ask for the impossible. Jesus asks for the possible. Following Him with a true heart we will be transformed in his likeness. Are we too compromising with the world's demands I would put it t his way to compromise is one of the keys to a happy life, but do too much of it you will lose yourself. I need to continue to surrender my heart - my pains, sorrows, my soul-my entire life, and my mind helping rid of negative thoughts that creep in. I have and will continue to surrender all of me depending on only My King! Quote
Janzie Posted November 14, 2023 Report Posted November 14, 2023 On 4/21/2023 at 11:41 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q36. (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of his disciples too uncompromising? Are we too compromising with the world's demands? What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? No, because Jesus is God, creator of the universe, who made us and loves us, and longs for us to have fellowship with Him. Why can we not follow and obey Him? We sometimes forget about God and live in this world and do our own thing. We need to be reminded about the Savior and how much He loves us. We need a full heart surrender, not being afraid but totally surrendering, committing and trusting our lives to Him. Quote
t-c Posted November 28, 2023 Report Posted November 28, 2023 Q36. (Luke 14:25-32) Are Jesus' demands of his disciples too uncompromising? Are we too compromising with the world's demands? What do you need to completely surrender so Jesus has all of you? No, I don’t think that they are. Jesus gave His all, everything to us and for us unto death. If we are to be effective as disciples and experience the abundant life promised in the Bible, we need to be all in. Probably so; we are in the world, but not supposed to be of it. It’s easy for that line to be blurred and to get on the wrong side of it. It will be a constant struggle: the world, the flesh and the devil. Obedient and fearless. Quote
Old Jerry Posted December 21, 2023 Report Posted December 21, 2023 Yes, Jesus’ demands of his disciples are uncompromising but if we start compromising on his commands then we will be like the rest of the world. I know that I am too compromising with the world’s demands. It seems like every time something comes up, I am required to compromise Jesus’ commands in order to fit in. Quote
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