Pastor Ralph Posted April 22, 2023 Report Posted April 22, 2023 Q40. (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? When arguing about who was greatest? Why is humility essential to repentance? To learning? To obedience? Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? Quote
RD35 Posted October 23, 2023 Report Posted October 23, 2023 According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? Humility What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? Arrogance When arguing about who was greatest? Why is humility essential to repentance? To learning? To obedience? Pride can prevent a person from entering the Kingdom. Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? These parables of becoming like children teach us that we must come to Jesus with lack of pretension. Humility is appropriate, with a recognition of God's grace and mercy allowing us to approach at all. We can only enter the kingdom when we come depending upon Jesus and not ourselves. Coming to Jesus has nothing to do with our worthiness and everything to do with his willingness to forgive, cleanse, and transform us. Quote
hanks Posted October 23, 2023 Report Posted October 23, 2023 Q40. (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? When arguing about who was greatest? Why is humility essential to repentance? To learning? To obedience? Why did Jesus give His disciples the saying of becoming like little children? We are to change, put aside any thoughts of personal greatness, and take the position of a little child. This is the exact opposite of how the world thinks today. The disciples saw the parents as an intrusion and annoyance, and rebuked them. To them children were wasting Jesus’ time, for He had much more important things to do. When arguing about who is the greatest, they don’t realise that God’s kingdom is not based on power, status or wealth. Jesus came as a humble, servant, offering His Kingdom to those who have faith – childlike faith. This looks foolish to the world, but Christ is the mighty power of God (1 Cor 1:26-31). To humble ourselves as a child, acknowledge our sinfulness and unworthiness, and in repentance receive Jesus Christ as our only hope. Again, we need to have a childlike faith in our Lord. Trusting in His Word and in our obedience to Him. Jesus warned us not to be childish in our dealings with each other, but rather childlike with humble and sincere hearts. Quote
t-c Posted October 23, 2023 Report Posted October 23, 2023 According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? When arguing about who was greatest? Why is humility essential to repentance? To learning? To obedience? Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? Their faith. Pride and ignorance.They were annoyed at the parents, thinking that the children were an unwanted distraction (not important enough),keeping Jesus from doing the more important work. It’s hard to have an attitude of repentance when you have such a lofty opinion of yourself. Pride keeps us from seeing the truth of who we are and what we have done or not done. And the willingness to confess it. To being teachable as well as obedient to the truth. Because He wanted them to see what childlike faith looks like. And the importance of teaching children at an early age about Jesus. They are not yet worldly. They are the future and one day will be witnessing and disciplining others in Jesus’s name. Quote
Niyonka16 Posted October 23, 2023 Report Posted October 23, 2023 Q40. Parable of Welcoming Little Children (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? ANSWER: We should show the qualities that young children have: trust, dependence, faith, innocence, humility, and love, if we want to enter the kingdom of God. If we don't trust in God like a child His father then neither can we enter into the kingdom of God. What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? ANSWER: The disciples rebuked the parents because children were viewed as unimportant and they felt it was the right thing to do. They also thought it to be an unwarrantable intrusion on their Master's time to have children brought to Him to have Him touch them. At the heart of the disciples’ conflict rivalry is self-righteous pride and selfish ambition, stirring up conflict, division, and disunity. The disciples apparently couldn’t shake wrong, hardened, and even harmful estimations concerning the dignity and the value of children. It would appear that the disciples were being harsh, even cruel, as they issued this rebuke. You might say they were very belligerent. When arguing about who was greatest? ANSWER: The disciples were arguing over who was best. They wanted to know if Jesus had a favorite or which one was most important. Jesus hushed the argument with a simple and memorable answer, “it is the one who is least among you” all who is the greatest. Everyone has an equal chance to be great in Christ. Why is humility essential to repentance? ANSWER: Repentance, admitting that we were wrong and promising to live a new way, isn’t possible without humility. We open the door for pride to rear its ugly head when we refuse to admit we are wrong, when we refuse to say we are sorry, and when we refuse to repent. Repentance is the truest fruit of humility, and to repent simply means to change your heart and mind toward a certain thing. A big part of God’s work is to reveal areas in our lives that we need to allow Him into, and where we need to surrender to Him more fully. Why is humility essential to learning? ANSWER: Humility is an important characteristic to learning because it leads to better listening, increased collaboration, and a more compassionate leadership style. It creates more authenticity and a constant drive to learn. Humble people are open to new information in a way that allow them to continue learning about themselves and the world. And they focus more on others rather than themselves, showing greater appreciation and awareness of others in their day-to-day lives. Why is humility essential to obedience? ANSWER: Humility is key to obedience in God’s commandments. We are encouraged to obey God’s commandments. The house of God is a house of order and is designed to develop our very character. Those characters or attributes are Christlike attributes. Some of those attributes are humility, obedience, charity, faith and patience. Why did Jesus give His disciples the saying of becoming like little children? ANSWER: He says His disciples must become "like children" in order to enter the Kingdom. Our whole heart attitude and posture should be that of: “I am the child and God is the Father. I am the student and God is the teacher.” We must realize that we don’t have it figured out, seeing that we need Him, His Word, and His wisdom. Just like a child, we are to be open to correction for mistakes for the reason that we are learning to do things His way. Also, we are eager to learn what else we can do to know Him better and please Him because He is so good to us. Finally, we are to know our place. We are not attempt to be above God or on equal footing with Him. We must accept that God is ours parent and He is the final authority. Quote
Robomom3 Posted October 24, 2023 Report Posted October 24, 2023 Q40. (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? Humility... not having any pretense when we come to God. Jesus has done it all for us... we only need to humbly submit to His Lordship and accept His sacrifice. Children understand this... they have simple faith... we have a hard time understanding that Jesus actually did do it all... there is nothing He needs our help with... no fine print... no extra clauses written in... "it is finished"... He fulfilled every condition necessary to reconnect us to Himself and His Father. What characteristic were the disciples showing: in rebuking the parents? Arrogance... they had decided who was important enough to see Jesus. And, in so doing, they had demoted children as unworthy of Jesus. when arguing about who was greatest? Again... arrogance and pride... we have been deceived in this world. It has convinced us that power = position and position = power. Because this world has convinced us that we are our own god... we should serve ourselves and look out for ourselves and make sure we get the best we can get for ourselves. Because, "if you don't look out for yourself, who will?" The enemy loves turning his lies into catchy little slogans. Just google "slogans about self" and click on the images tab to see how clever our enemy is. All of this leads to anxiety and depression and self-comparison and self-destruction. But we now belong to a different Kingdom... the original Kingdom... the upside right Kingdom... and we are told not to worry about our position... we are told to serve and love others, not ourselves. This is the key to true joy and contentment. Why is humility essential to: repentance? Because only a humble heart will recognize how sinful it is and how much in need of a Savior we are. learning? Because a prideful heart cannot receive instruction. Pride says, "I know more than the one teaching me", even if the One teaching you is God. obedience? Because a prideful heart does not like to be told what to do. It will rebel. Only a humble heart understands that obedience is a sign of strength, not weakness. Only a humble heart is able to recognize the authority of God and bows in submission to His Will. Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? He needed them, and us, to understand that there is nothing we can do to earn our salvation. It is a free gift, and we need to not complicate it... our faith should be like a child's. If God said it, we just need to accept it, not expand on it or try to "improve" it. We also need to be on constant watch of any pride that wells up within us. We must not categorize others. We are all equal, young or old, rich or poor, well or sick, no matter our position in this world, we are all equal and in need of a Savior. Quote
Krissi Posted October 24, 2023 Report Posted October 24, 2023 According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? I'm not sure. The passage quoted only says that we have to come to Him like a little child, but doesn't describe what attribute we're supposed to emulate. What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? The parents were reflecting their society's cultural norms which included treating children as unformed adults. My hunch is that cultures in which the early death of children is common do not put a lot of effort into children until they're old enough to seem like survivors. The disciples, then, were protecting Jesus from irritating children. Others subpopulations in that culture were treated horribly, too -- those with deformities, diseases, women with their period, divorcees, etc. This was not a gentle and kind society. When arguing about who was greatest? Pure ego, right? Perhaps. But maybe Jesus was suggesting to the disciples that the social hierarchy of that culture had been inverted, that the least shall be first, the poor exalted and, in this case, little children treated kindly. Why is humility essential to repentance? To learning? To obedience? We just studied the parable of the tax collector v. pharisees in which the honest self-assessment of the tax collector was complemented at the same time the prideful tut-tutting of the Pharisees was condemned -- humility, then, must be very important to Jesus. It's difficult to feel repentant about something that doesn't make one feel guilty, embarrassed and humbled. Similarly, it's difficult to learn from another person unless that person is regarded as more wise or knowledgable, which means, of course, that one has to regard oneself as less knowledgable, etc. Also, one can be forced to obey a person who is in authority but will resent it if that person seems morally repugnant; obedience to someone respected is far easier, though never completely easy! Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? Again, I am not sure. If He's saying that they need to be willing to accept low status positions in society, this makes sense. If He's trying to say that children are humble, innocent or in some way have a better character than adults, well, this is ridiculous. I've had children. They are far from innocent. BUT, they do trust in those who love them, so perhaps Christ was pointing at this attribute. I don't know. Quote
GeraldG Posted October 24, 2023 Report Posted October 24, 2023 We must come to Jesus like little children be pure in heart, open minded, and trusting, and receptive to the word, and humble. In rebuking the parents the disciples were being prideful thinking that the children wasn't good enough to get what they were getting. In arguing about who was the greatest, the disciples were being very selfish. Humility is essential to repentance, because unless we humble ourselves we can not be forgiven. It's essential for us to learn all that we can, for we can not have a relationship with Christ if we don't get to know Him. Obedience is essential, for we know that Samuel told Saul that Obedience is better than sacrifice, we must be obedient to the word of God that we can enter into the kingdom of God. Jesus was telling His disciples that they really need to be careful and be more like the little children so that pride and selfishness won't take over and cause them to fall. Quote
Zanele Tlhakanelo Posted October 25, 2023 Report Posted October 25, 2023 The characteristics necessary for salvation are humility, openness, trust, innocence and receptivity which are all character traits that little children displayed and Jesus expects us to be like them. The disciples displayed arrogance and selfishness. They did not understand the Master belongs to all His creation. It was not a matter of protecting Jesus but considered themselves as more important than others. Arguing about who was the greatest showed that they considered themselves superior as compared to others and in the eyes of Jesus we are all the same as the Word of God says that He is not the respecter of persons. Humility to repentance says you are quick to acknowledge your sins and are ready to ask for forgiveness and repent from all your sins. Humility to learning indicates that we must have a teachable spirit and always allow to be led. Humility to obedience says be prepared to be corrected in order to grow and be able to carry out the Will of God Jesus wanted to teach His disciples to be approachable and be able to engage with everyone without classing people. You cannot be a disciple and want people to serve you. A humble person will show compassion at all times because he/she cares about people. Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted October 26, 2023 Report Posted October 26, 2023 Q40. (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? Children are very much innocence, as the parable said; becoming like little children. Children are very much openness, trust, and receptivity. Humility, the children's humble station is itself symbolic of the humility required to approach God. What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? They rebuke the parents in no uncertain terms. When arguing about who was greatest? Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Why is humility essential to repentance? Humility is appropriate, with a recognition of God's grace and mercy allowing us to approach at all. To learning? There is no urging involve, no head knowledge, only humbly receive from what is learning. To obedience? Humility makes it so spontaneous to be obedience. Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? Little children are humble, therefor JESUS said that they have to change and become like little children. Quote
Debra Grant Posted October 28, 2023 Report Posted October 28, 2023 Q40. (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? When arguing about who was greatest? Why is humility essential to repentance? To learning? To obedience? Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? 1. Being innocent, trusting, open minded, and receptive to the word of God, and humble. 2. They showed pride, ignorance along with rebuking the parents with doubtful, (unknown, undecided) terms. They felt as if the children were not worthy of Jesus' concern. 3. Arguing about who was the greatest they made it known that their thinking was considered of themselves greater than others. We are all the same in Jesus eyes. We must humble ourselves like little children to enter the kingdom of God. 4. It is not pride or selfishness. We must have it to enter the kingdom. It let us become low of heart. 5. A humble person is willing to learn because of a clean and clear heart. 6. We have to be willing to submit to God completely. Obedience is also following God and repenting immediately when we fail. 7. To let them know little children are humble. receptive, and willing to learn. Quote
haar Posted October 28, 2023 Report Posted October 28, 2023 A40. The characteristics of little children that are necessary for us to emulate for salvation are humility, simplicity and trust/ faith. Quote
Katy Posted October 29, 2023 Report Posted October 29, 2023 Q40.To be saved we must come to Jesus like little children, with the humility, and lack of pretension that they have. The disciples were by contrast showing arrogance by trying to send the children away, thinking that Jesus had more important things to do than be interrupted by the children. They were wrong because Jesus was indignant, and rebuked them and took the children in his arms and blessed them. Humility is essential for repentance because if we are not humble we will not see our need for forgiveness or possibly salvation. Our hearts will be full of pride and self sufficiency. Thinking we are different to others and so much better than others. To have a humble heart is also essential for learning and obedience because without humility we will not be able to see how badly we need to learn from God’s word and become obedient to God. Humility helps us to be more aware of others and what they have to offer in any situation, because we are humble we will be eager to listen and learn from others rather than being proud and feeling others have little to offer you. Jesus gave this saying to the disciples that they must come as little children to make them aware that they need to be humble just like the children before they can enter heaven. Children have a lot more worth than they realised. Quote
Lisa Wolf Posted October 30, 2023 Report Posted October 30, 2023 Q40. (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? When arguing about who was greatest? Why is humility essential to repentance? To learning? To obedience? Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? Children just CAME to Jesus in Mark 10--so coming to Him with nothing to give or offer, just coming to Him is one characteristic necessary for salvation and another is receiving. A child receives whatever is offered; we need to come to Jesus for salvation and again daily with our hands open to receive the daily bread of His Love and Presence. The disciples were probably reflecting their culture in keeping the children away. Children are noisy, unpredictable, messy, and not perceived as having as much value as an adult, therefore the disciples thought they were doing the right thing. In arguing about who was greatest, the disciples showed the characteristic of not understanding what Jesus intended them to learn: humility. Humility is essential to repentance, obedience, and learning because we have to admit we cannot reach salvation on our own. Without being willing to let God have full reign in our lives, He cannot accomplish His plan for our full potential in us. Jesus is an incredible teacher! He uses what is at hand to offer a teachable moment that is even more memorable because this lesson can be recalled EVERY time His disciples SEE a child. Quote
Irmela Posted October 31, 2023 Report Posted October 31, 2023 Q40. (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? When arguing about who was greatest? .................. This is not a question or statement. Not too sure what was intended here. ................ Why is humility essential to repentance? To learning? To obedience? Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? Taking a moment and just reflecting on a child in general. Under normal circumstances a child will come as it is, not first make sure that it is clean, scrubbed and "presentable". It does not think so far as, "I have been playing in the sand and my hands might just be dirty." It just comes. Usually it will just leave what it is doing and wander off to the next item of interest. It does not think of danger. It usually desires to see something new close up. No real fear until the fear is instilled by someone. They are curious and will come to meet a stranger, just as they are. Usually sharing is normal. The weak and different are either pushed aside or carefully "mothered." Unfortunately sometimes the grown-up's attitude has already rubbed off on the children and they can be very unkind, even cruel, to the poor and the different in society. Very often the poor and the "have not's" also just want to see and touch, not necessarily take to keep. If left to themselves many times they will be accepted into the "circle" somehow. They adjust to the "different" and accept easier. They don't think before they act, they just ACT. Unfortunately I often experienced unkind treatment from other children, as a child. This has made me see humanity through clouded glasses, at times. These verses have troubled me somewhat. Over the years I have worked with many children and have had my own and so I am assuming that what is meant here is the fact that the children don't take any forethought , they just come and accept what they are told. They are innocent in their humility and striving to reach their goal. I would thus take the characteristic Mark refers to is: The desire to learn, to find out more. The openness of a child. The readiness to come as they are. I think the latter is very important for salvation, to come as we are. Unpolished. The dependence of a child. Absolute faith that God will meet my need. The disciples were being unkind to the parents and arrogant in their behaviour. They reflected the thought of the day , viz., that children were unimportant. When you are not humble your repentance is not genuine. To repent you need to accept the fact that you were wrong and this takes humility. When you are proud, this will block out any advise/teaching given to you from any source available. Obedience also takes humility. Repentance, learning and obedience steers one away from "I can by myself" concept, and actually brings one under the mercy of someone else. The disciples were striving to be the most important and coming dangerously close to thinking they "know it all". They needed to become as the children who desire to know more/ to learn more. Quote
George L Posted November 7, 2023 Report Posted November 7, 2023 Q40. (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? Children are excited, simply currious to see and learn. They enter the world with fresh new eyes. They are simply open to the new. What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? Pride and arrogance of their position. When arguing about who was greatest? Concern of their individual attainment and importance displayed before the world. Why is humility essential to repentance? We did not earn or pay for the grace which saved us. It was God’s sovereign choice. We owe we did not earn. To learning? Great openness. Welcoming new information gladly. To obedience? Children are the future of a family and a nation. They were cherished as the riches they represent for the families continuing into the future. They must be treated with loving guidance not strict oppressive rule. Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? Compared to God we have no measure of maturity as standing by any fact of mankind and our attainments. We best come to him with open loving respectful attention and excited thanksgiving that we are adopted in to the brotherhood of the Lamb. Quote
Janzie Posted November 17, 2023 Report Posted November 17, 2023 On 4/21/2023 at 11:44 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q40. (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? When arguing about who was greatest? Why is humility essential to repentance? To learning? To obedience? Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children? Children's characteristic necessary for salvation is their innocence, openness, trust, receptivity and humility. The disciples were upset and angry thinking the children were bothering Jesus and they thought that they were unworthy, and unimportant, but Jesus welcomed them. The characteristic the disciples showed when arguing who was the greatest was their pride, thinking they were better and more deserving than the other disciple, but it is the one who is humble that is deserving and really God's pick. Humility is essential in repentance because we must come to Jesus with lack of pretension, In innocence, in faith believing that he died for us and gives us the grace, grace to change, to obey, and to be teachable. Because becoming like little children is how they should be, in humility believing God to save them. Coming to Jesus has nothing to do with your worthiness and everything to do with his willingness to forgive, cleanse, and transform you. Quote
Sister Evelyn Posted November 18, 2023 Report Posted November 18, 2023 Q.40 (Mark 10:13-16) (Luke 18:15-17) We should be transformed like children who display innocence, openness, trust and receptivity and most of all be humble. The disciple displayed characteristic of arrogance. People who are to proud and look down on others. Even the disciples had faults, but God used them. When arguing about who was greatest Jesus doesn't show favorites. He wanted them to understand they need to humble themselves and be like little children and this is why Jesus called a little child to Him to demonstrate their innocence. Humility is essential to repentance, learning and obedience because when we admit that we are wrong and promise to live in a new way (righteous) is isn't possible without humility. Humility will help you as you strive to be obedient, to work hard, and serve selflessly. What we learn from humility is it makes you be prepared for the life-long journey or learning new things from everyone without any pride or ego. When we come to Jesus we approach him with humility in recognition of God's grace and mercy. Quote
Zibuyile Posted November 19, 2023 Report Posted November 19, 2023 Q.40 Children showed humility The disciples were arrogant When you humble yourself it easy to come with repented heart before God as opposed to arrogance Learning takes place easier when you humble as your spirit is open to receiving Obedience takes place when you humbling yourself and you are open to do what you are told to do Children are innocent , loving and have open hearts , and humble therefore Jesus wanted hence Jesus wanted His disciples to be like them Quote
Old Jerry Posted December 25, 2023 Report Posted December 25, 2023 I think that the characteristic that Mark is trying to convey is one of humility. Maybe the characteristic that the disciples were displaying was one of protecting the Master from becoming burdened with the children. When that disciples were arguing about who was the greatest, they were showing their pride. We need to yield ourselves to Jesus and learn from Him. The children were humble and he wanted his disciples to be humble also. Quote
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