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Q41. (Luke 14:7-11) Why do people push themselves forward? According to verse 11, what will happen to them? Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples? What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson?

  • 5 months later...

It can be fallen human nature to want to be noticed and be first. Sometimes humans feel like they got to exalt themselves before others when it's not time instead of waiting on God to exalt them.

God has made it very clear if a person try to exalt themselves before others he will have a way to humble them.


Sometimes when a person is exalted to higher position it can cause a person to get lifted up into pride. So Jesus wanted them to guard their hearts 

and also us to. 


The danger is we can get out of control and get lifted up into pride and go in the wrong direction and it can end up truly costing us. 


Q41. (Luke 14:7-11)

Why do people push themselves forward?

Because we have bought into the lie that to come in 2nd is to be the 1st loser, that bigger is always better, and that to not take care of yourself is essentially telling the world you are a doormat. We want to look like we have it all together, like superheroes in the game of life. Best job, best husband, best kids, best home, etc. etc. Because... then... others will envy us and stroke our egos.  Pride is the root of all evil.

According to verse 11, what will happen to them?

We will be humbled every single time we exalt ourselves!

Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples?

Because pride is the enemy of God.  How are we going to reach a lost world if all we are worried about is serving and exalting ourselves?  All that will accomplish is division and chaos, which is evident all around us in this world.  Without humility, we are not only useless in the Kingdom, but we are actually stumbling blocks for others who are looking for Jesus.

What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson?

There is no room in God's Kingdom for a prideful heart.  Satan's sin was pride... He was God's most beautiful angel, in charge of worship, part of God's inner heavenly circle... and pride cost him his inheritance for eternity.  If Satan was cast out of heaven due to pride, that is a clear warning sign to all that pride has to be removed from our hearts... it is essential that we understand the danger of having a prideful self-serving heart. It is much easier to choose to humble ourselves than to have God step in and do the humbling for us. 


Q41. Parable of Places at the Table (Luke 14:7-11)

Why do people push themselves forward?

ANSWER: Pressing toward the goal of Christian maturity requires determined endurance to stay the course through the trials of life. We as Believers are to actively press forward in our knowledge of the Lord and in our fellowship with Him until we obtain glory finally hearing Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant. . . . Enter into the joy of your master” (see Matthew 25:23).

According to verse 11, what will happen to them?

ANSWER: The Bible tells us that, for all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. We are to do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. We must always remain humble and that we should not become too proud of ourselves. Pride brings humiliation whereas humility brings honor. We should consider three aspects of Biblical humility: 1) think of yourself less often, 2) think of others more often, and 3) think of God most often.

Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus’ disciples?

ANSWER: The importance of humility is directly related to the deadly consequences of pride. Pride separates us from God as we do not acknowledge and appreciate the eternal sovereignty of our Lord. Therefore, humility is important in our deep gratitude for properly recognizing God's divinity and love for us. Humility's importance is also found in recognizing our flawed nature as humans on earth and our susceptibility to sin, if not vigilant against temptation. Humility helps one extend more compassion and empathy to others. Humility offers the opportunity to become less self-involved and more attuned with the feelings of others. Having humility causes one to glorify God.

What is the danger to us, if we don’t learn and internalize this lesson?

ANSWER: There is a danger in not seeing ourselves as God sees us and that can hinder our ability to partner with Him and serve Him effectively. If we fail to learn and internalize the lesson of humility we will tend to talk about the importance of our service, but won’t serve others; will actively try to be praised and put on a pedestal; will want to give our energy to people who serve our purpose (they only hear from us when we need something); will do what other people want, without thinking of doing the right thing; will be afraid of correction (will not ask for feedback); and do no value what other people need to say. In all essence, false humility sets in giving an appearance of selflessness, but at the heart is a self-benefiting agenda (arrogance cloaked in deceit).


People push themselves forward because they want the best seats, to sit closest to the guest of hon,to be seen or recognized as someone special. 

But Jesus says to beware of taking the best seats less someone of more honor comes and then you will be asked to take a lower seat, and you will move back in shame. 

Jesus wants His disciples to learn that they must humble themselves in every situation, for unless you humble yourself you can not enter the kingdom of heaven. 

If we don't learn this lesson we need to understand that unless we humble ourselves we cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 


Q41. (Luke 14:7-11)

Why do people push themselves forward? According to verse 11, what will happen to them? Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples? What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson?

People rush for the places of honour, so that can be seen with the right people, the wealthy, the influential, those with power, and those with status. In verse 11, Jesus warns us that in the kingdom of God, everyone who exalts themselves will be humbled, and everyone who humbles themselves will be exalted. We are not to elevate ourselves only to end up shamed. We are to learn how to take the last place, the lowly place; then God will lift us up. Humility is important, if not, we will be guilty of boasting about our own merit and worthiness, placing ourselves above others. It also shows the true nature of a disciple, evidence of repentance, an awareness of our own unworthiness, of our faith and trust in our Lord for our salvation. We need to internalize this lesson, otherwise we will be excluded from the kingdom of God.


"He gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: 'God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.' Submit yourselves, then, to God...." (James 4:6-7a)

God gives us grace when we are humble. That's amazing, really. Grace is a nebulous term, but always positive. God does something positive in our lives when we are TRULY humble.

It's the truth of our humility that worries me. I pray that our humility is honest, not contrived.  I'm thinking about what this means in my daily life, what changes I must make to be humble. And, I'm thinking about the difference between true humility and self-abasement (false humility).

1. Many people put themselves down, not because they're humble, but because they've been beaten down by life and have given up. Where I live, homeless men and women crowd the streets. On every intersection are beggars with signs that ask for food or money. I never know who is truly needy or just opportunistic. Is their self-abasement humility? For some of the homeless, I'm sure it is, but a cop, here, told me that I should never give them money because they'll only buy drugs and therefore I'm encouraging crime by giving them a dollar bill, or two. 

2. One aspect of humility is the ability to accomplish things without expecting to be noticed by others. Humility seems to have a social aspect to it -- it's comparative. So if I do something secretly, making certain that few people are aware of what I've done/accomplished, have I been humble? Or, am I pretending? I guess I'm wondering if taking the low place at the table can be a form of pride, not humility. If it's done so people notice the humility, it's not really humble, is it? Motivation is key.

3. I'm thinking of those, too, who serve others quietly and without notice, but their service is neither personally gratifying nor does it give them a sense of accomplishment. The drudgery of caring for a family member who is dying, for example, is not lauded by anyone. That must be humility. Unnoticed and ungratifying service to others. This makes humility a sacrifice. Personally costly. 



People want to push themselves forward because they consider themselves as better than others. They want to be acknowledged and praised in public places.

In verse 11, such people feel humiliated when they are removed from the higher places as they are supposed to wait and be seated.

Humility is important because people get to respect you when you are humble and they will then learn from you that you do not have to consider yourself as important because more important people will surface and you end up being embarrassed.

If we do not learn and internalize this lesson, we will be working against the will of God. The Word of God says "Humble yourself before God and He will lift you up".


Why do people push themselves forward? People push themselves forward to promote themselves.  to show and make known to others that he or she is a person of a particular position.  

According to verse 11, what will happen to them? They will be humbled.

Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples? Pride is destructive, selfish, and poisonous to Christian service and Christian maturity. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. 'Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." (1 Peter 5:5b-6)

What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson?  "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted" (Luke 14:11).


Q41. (Luke 14:7-11) Why do people push themselves forward? According to verse 11, what will happen to them? Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples? What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson?

1. They want to be seen as being bigger than others. They want praise and to be acknowledged.

2. They will be put to shame. If they put themselves in a higher position, they can be asked to get a lower position and become ashamed.  

3. We must put others before ourselves. God hates pride and it is sin. It doesn't show respect for others.

4. It shows that we are an enemy to God. We will be humbled down.



People push themselves forward to be recognized and exalted. However, such people may end up humiliated.

Humility is so important for Jesus’ disciples because it is a prerequisite for those who would enter the kingdom of God.


Q41. (Luke 14:7-11)

Why do people push themselves forward?

They want to be seen and want to have the best view. They make themselves important in a way of taking closest seat from the main table.  

According to verse 11, what will happen to them?

They will received the least important seat.

Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples?

Stay humble and in near time GOD will lift you up in due time.

What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson.

God opposes the proud, instead of receiving covering under the mighty hand of GOD, GOD's wrath will follow them.


Q41. (Luke 14:7-11) Why do people push themselves forward? According to verse 11, what will happen to them? Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples? What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson? 

Why do people push themselves forward??  Such a good question--selfishness perhaps, or our feeble attempt at giving our own selves worth???  Verse 11 reminds us that anyone exalting them-self will be humbled.  Humility is such an important lesson for Jesus' disciples because the opposite puts us in direct rebellion to our Almighty God and Creator which puts us in danger of falling badly.  Humble is exactly who Jesus is (Matthew 11:28-30, Philippians 2:5-11).  We are his disciples when we live as He lives. 1 John 2:6 says, "Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did."


Q41. (Luke 14:7-11) Why do people push themselves forward? According to verse 11, what will happen to them? Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples? What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson?

A desire to be noticed and thought well of; A feeling that they deserve a higher place of honor than others do. Pride.

They will be humbled.

You can’t serve God and others when your serving yourself.

We will be chasing the bright lights of notoriety and self promotion instead of the light giver, the life giver, Jesus Christ.


Q41. It is our human sinful nature that makes us think we are important and so we push ourselves forward, so people will notice us . This is not God’s way! In these parables we are warned that we need to be humble otherwise we may be humiliated. If we jostle for the best seat nearest the host, we maybe asked to move and give our seat to a more important person. In this way we will be humiliated. Verse 11 of Luke 14 tell us “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted”.

The disciples needed to learn this lesson to enable them to succeed in the task Jesus was leaving them to do. We also need to be humble and realise our desperate need for Jesus’s forgiveness and help every day of our lives, otherwise we may find Jesus wants no part with us because we have been too proud and self assured to be useful to Him. We will have been too busy serving ourselves rather than God. 


Q41. (Luke 14:7-11)

Why do people push themselves forward?

In one way, I think it is, so they are not left out.  Also, so that they are noticed.  The bottom line would be fear and pride.

According to verse 11, what will happen to them?

They will be abased or humbled if someone of importance has come and they are asked to take a different seat,  to in fact give up their seating for someone else.

Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples?

It is very important to stay humble, because very easily people put someone who is used of God in a mighty way, on a pedestal.  If pride is a part of your character, you will easily fall for satan's ploy and become proud because of it.  Whereas if you remain humble you will easier push that aside and give God the glory.  Remember pride was satan's downfall.  

What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson?

That we become proud.  We believe that we are the one's that are important.  Eventually we try to turn the spotlight onto us and not on Jesus.


Q41. (Luke 14:7-11) Why do people push themselves forward? Pride in their assumed worth.

According to verse 11, what will happen to them? The respect they have in themselves may be offensive to the host who likely values others greater than them. They then will become publicly humiliated being set lower at the table.

Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples? Love is the most powerful weapon. It has the ability to change and heal hearts damaged by words and life. One must always be attentive to the Holy Spirit to say what he guides, and not do beyond what God desires at any time. We do not overpower the lost, we are out to catch and win the skittish fish.

What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson? We will be set down so we will do less or no damage to the Lords harvest work.


  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/21/2023 at 11:45 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q41. (Luke 14:7-11) Why do people push themselves forward? According to verse 11, what will happen to them? Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples? What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson?

People push themselves forward, because they think that they are more important than others, that they deserve it, are selfish and prideful.

Those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

Humility is so important because God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.' Submit yourselves to  God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come close to God, and God will come close to you. 

Don't humiliate yourself, take the lowest place, Clothe yourselves with humility toward one another. If we dont learn and internalize this lesson we will be humbled because God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble.



Q.41 (Luke 14:7-11) People push themselves because they want to prove that they are better than others and can obtain more than others. People don't realize this because they are to blind with pride.

For everyone who exalts himself will be humbles, and he who humble himself will be exalted.

Jesus taught that the greatest om the kingdom is the one who would humble themselves as a little child.

God opposes the proud gives grace to the humble.

  • 1 month later...

I think that we push ourselves forward because we think we are more important than we really are. According to verse 11 we will be humbled because we will be asked to move back. I think that humility is so important because we can be taught if we aren’t all into ourselves. We will be able to learn from others.

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