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Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12) Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves? Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? To witness? To obedience? To being a disciple? What is the antidote for hypocrisy?

  • 6 months later...

Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12)

Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves?

Nobody likes to look into their own heart.  We are brought right back around to pride again.  We do not like to see our flaws and we certainly do not want anyone else to see them.  We work very hard to cover them up, especially at church.  I have found that the Holy Spirit works through me best when I am open about my flaws and short comings.  When I admit my struggles, it's like chains falling off of me.  The enemy convinces us that our flaws will push others away but, I have found, that admitting my flaws actually draws others closer to me.  I got tired of wearing my churchy Facebook mask all the time.  It was exhausting.  God laid on my heart the Scripture where He says He is made strong in my weakness, and I chose to believe Him.  I understood that as long as I kept my weaknesses hidden, the enemy had power over me.  He used my weaknesses to instill fear in me.  Fear of others finding out where my struggles were, where I fall into temptation.  But, bringing them into the Light, removed the enemies hold on me... it set me free and not one of his lies manifested. I have found that a good measuring line for hypocrisy and pride is this, when I find myself judging those around me, I know I have taken my eyes off of Jesus and am no longer examining my own heart.  It's a wakeup call for repentance and self-examination.

Why is hypocrisy so deadly:

  • to spiritual growth? Because hypocrisy is kin to the flesh and you can't grow spiritually if you are feeding your flesh.
  • to witness?  Because we cannot show the world Jesus when our actions look like the world.  In fact, we hinder them finding Jesus if we are proclaiming to be His and acting like this.  Who would want to be a part of a Kingdom that looks to be built on hypocrites?
  • to obedience?  How can we be obedient if all we are worried about is looking good ourselves?  When we are self-absorbed there is no time for God's Will in our lives... our will takes precedence over everything else.
  • to being a disciple?  A disciple is one who follows Jesus. We cannot follow Jesus if we are more interested in following our own agenda.  We cannot point others to Jesus if we are too busy pointing them to us instead.  When others are focusing on us, we have stolen what is God's.  I do not want to ever be guilty of stealing God's Glory for myself. 

What is the antidote for hypocrisy?

Honesty, vulnerability and obedience.  When we stop worrying about what others think about us, we will no longer be in danger of being a hypocrite.  When we understand who we are in Christ, we will not worry about who others think we are.  We will walk in confidence, we will repent quickly and openly, knowing our Savior loves us no less or no more based on our mistakes and that He forgives us when we come to him in repentance, we will obey without question, and we will shine like the stars in the sky as we bring Glory to our Father in Heaven.  The antidote for hypocrisy is to seek Jesus with all our hearts... abide in the One Who died to set you free.


Q42. Analogy of the Yeast of the Pharisees (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12)

Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves? ANSWER: Each of us carries a set of biases about ourselves, and they affect the person we see in the mirror. They might leave you oblivious to your shortcomings. If we do know about our shortcomings, we make exceptions and excuses for ourselves. Some of us are unknowing hypocrites. We tell others to do certain things; but then do the complete opposite. It’s easier to see the other person’s faults and totally ignore your own.

Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth?

ANSWER: When it comes to spiritual growth, ministry, and influence, Christians have no business seeking to out-compete one another. If someone else comes along who seems to be more gifted, more charismatic, and more capable of doing the job than they in leading those people to God, they try to compete with that person and even discredit them, be it directly or indirectly. In doing so, they lead people away from the vessel whom God may have truly sent to lead His sheep to His kingdom. They are hypocrites in the sense that they are actually leading people away from the place where they claim to be leading people. They are hypocrites because they pretend to care about people’s spiritual growth, but in reality only care about the esteem they receive from people. They pretend to care about the glory of God, but in reality only care about their own glory.

Why is hypocrisy so deadly to witness?

ANSWER: None of us is perfect. But the greatest dangers of hypocrisy is what it does to unbelievers, who look at us Christians, who profess one way of living but act another way. This action may deter some people from the way of salvation, that is the real danger of hypocrisy.

Why is hypocrisy so deadly to obedience?

ANSWER: Sometimes, living in obedience to God’s Word is presented as the path to blessingGod knows what is best for us and obedience to His Word brings blessing. Disobedience always results in pain and trouble. The main reason we should want to obey God is not to be blessed, but rather, to honor Him. The main reason we should fear disobedience is that God’s holy name would be dishonored. He is infinitely worthy of all honor and glory and praise. So we should fear the sin of hypocrisy, of putting a veneer of godliness over disobedient hearts, because we do not want to dishonor the all-glorious God who saved us for His glory.

Why is hypocrisy so deadly to being a disciple?

ANSWER: It makes us resistant to the call of God to repent. When we are living hypocritically, we can justify ourselves to ourselves (though God is never fooled) by pointing to the outward expressions while ignoring the evil in our hearts. When we think of ourselves as righteous, we see no need to change our ways.

What is the antidote for hypocrisy?

ANSWER: The antidote to hypocrisy is transparency, integrity between our beliefs and our actions, with confession and apology when we are inconsistent. To avoid hypocrisy, turn your focus to believing the Word of God and applying it to your own heart. When you focus on Jesus, He'll teach you, guide you and fill you with love and grace to extend to others. Also another antidote to hypocrisy is the willingness to contritely confess our sins quickly and openly to those before whom we have sinned. This kind of humble piety is fertile soil for spiritual growth.


It's easy to detect out hypocrisy in others, but difficult for us to detect it in ourselves; because of shame, we want to hide our sins, but at the same time point out others faults. 

Hypocrisy is very deadly to spiritual growth, because it keeps us from showing who we really are, therefore we become stagnant and can't grow.  From witness, because our hypocrisy destroys our witness when we say we are Christians but our actions are worldly.  Our obedience, because it keeps us from really being true to ourselves and God, therefore if we are hiding our sins, we are being disobedient to God. 

We can overcome hypocrisy by the help of the Spirit through repentance and confession of our sins 


Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12)

Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves? Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? To witness? To obedience? To being a disciple? What is the antidote for hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy like yeast/leaven passes secretly, silently through dough, and only a small amount is needed to lead many people astray. This yeast of false doctrines, if tolerated, will spread, permeate, and contaminate throughout an entire society. In the Parable of the Speck and the Beam (Mat 7:3-5), Jesus exposed our tendency to easily detect hypocrisy in others, while ignoring, or finding it difficult to detect the same condition/fault/sin in ourselves. The harmony that exists between the various doctrines of the Christian faith is such that error in regard to any one of them produces more or less distortion in all of the others. Any deviance from the truth will be deadly to true spiritual growth. We must also resist the temptation of appearing righteous, and obedient to His Word while our hearts are far from Jesus. Pray that others don’t see us, and therefore Christians as hypocrites, keeping them away from our Lord Jesus. As a disciple, we need to remedy our own faults before criticizing them in others. The only antidote for hypocrisy is complete honesty towards our own condition, recognising that we are sinners, and that we have to be very careful before we judge others, or look down upon them.


Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves?

because we easily judge others and not ourselves.

Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? To witness? To obedience? To being a disciple? What is the antidote for hypocrisy?

If we disciples fail to take heed, our hypocrisy is capable of so clouding the gospel of God's love, that it will prevent millions from being saved.  The antidote to hypocrisy is transparency, integrity between our beliefs and our actions, with confession and apology when we are inconsistent.


Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? To witness? To obedience? To being a disciple?

All sins hinder spiritual growth for sin festers and poisons what's around it. I see a Christian's character as a whole and don't chop personality into various virtues and vices -- for example, honesty, love for others, selfless giving, etc. Within us, these virtues and vices are mixed. As vices are dealt with through confession, contrition and the Spirit's work within, they morph into virtues. But every vice that remains in us is like a diseased organ in our body that spreads it's poisonous impact to the rest of the body.

Illustration: I just had my gall bladder removed in emergency surgery. I didn't realize how sick I had become until is almost burst within me. After it was removed (less than two weeks ago!), I suddenly felt better in ways that had nothing to do with a gall bladder which is just a storage receptacle for liver bile. Parts of my body that are unrelated to the digestion of food feel better, now. This reminds me of sin. When a sinful trait, characteristic or behavior is removed, one's entire spirit/soul/personality is uplifted and healthier.

What is the antidote for hypocrisy?

I loved how Pastor Ralph described transparency as the opposite of hypocrisy, and how our response to this sin must be to confess it to those in front of whom we have been hypocrites. This is much, much easier to type than do. I want to be used by Him. I want God to send me on His missions and to be able to trust me to complete them. If my character is weak, I will not be used. So, the antidote to this particular aspect of a weak character, hypocrisy, is the same as for any other aspects of a weak character:

  1. Admit the sin/fault/trait, etc. Write it down. Look at it. See it in yourself. Hate it.
  2. Confess it to God. With gross detail, explain your sin to God. 
  3. Ask to be forgiven, to have that blight wiped away forever. Be truly contrite. Half-hearted contrition doesn't count.
  4. Ask to change, to have the strength, desire and Spiritual help to become a more usable Christian by not having this certain trait or sin.
  5. Continually be on the alert for backsliding in this sin. Quickly change your circumstance, if necessary, to avoid this sin. Make it difficult to sin. Transparency fits here.
  6. Praise God and thank Him when that sin is NOT committed. Daily praise for not committing that sin is very necessary. Small victories are victories.
  7. In time, as this particular sin recedes from focus, another will take it's place. Character development never ends. There's always another sin to admit, confess, etc. 



Hypocrisy is easy to detect in others because we are always judgmental and want to correct mistakes done by others. We always look for minute mistakes done by other people and always think we are better off than others. We always think high of ourselves and most often think that we are holier than thou. That is why the Word of God says I want to remove the speck from my brother's eye yet there is a plank on my eye. This then says we are quick to judge others when they have sinned but maybe we commit too much sin that at times we do not want to acknowledge.

It is deadly to spiritual growth in that instead of loving and caring about people, we want to correct how they behave and this we do not do in truth and in spirit. We must first take the new converts into confidence and teach them what is expected by God since they now have established a relationship with Him.

To witness: we always need to declare the Word of God as is. We should not teach people to live a Godly life whereas we are doing the opposite.

To obedience: people must be taken through the Will of God and it is so simple in that God says love your neighbor as you love yourself. When you truly love people, it will be difficult to judge them but easy to correct them because you live a Godly life yourself.

To being a disciple: you need to show people the way and not say do as I say not as I do. Disciples must be examplary at all times uphold the Word of God and always being humble to those they shepherd.

The antidote is that you need to be honest, reliable, trustworthy and not live double standards. Be willing to be corrected yourself and always accept that we did not save ourselves but Christ took the fall and thought of us above all things.



Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12) Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves? Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? To witness? To obedience? To being a disciple? What is the antidote for hypocrisy?

1. We have shame and want to pretend we have it all together. It is easier to look at others and judge them and not ourselves.

2. It is false and hinders our growth. God does not dwell in an unclean temple.

3. If we are to serve God, he does not want us to let others see a lie in our life. It can hinder some people from being truly saved.

4. We must not pretend as if we can do what we want. Others can become confused which will involve hurting them and ourselves. God saves choose ye this day whom you are going to serve. Therefore, we must choose God or Satan, not in between.

5. A true disciple of Jesus is not confused and living their way. A true disciple will seek the ways of God and praise him at all times. They will be an example expressing the fruit of the spirit.

6. Be truthful, humble, loving, doing all of what God says whether we like it or not. Repent to God and others as needed soon as possible when we make a mistake. Trust and believe God at all times.




Hypocrisy makes us to see the spec in some ones else eye while we ignore the log that is in our own eye. This calls for self-examination and confession to God and apology to those we have criticized. Doing this will enable us to be true disciples that can be trusted.


Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12) Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves? Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? To witness? To obedience? To being a disciple? What is the antidote for hypocrisy? 

Hypocrisy is easy to see in others but difficult to detect in ourselves because we have justified our behavior to ourselves and not let Christ shine His light into that area of our life.  Hypocrisy is so deadly to spiritual growth because the hypocrite becomes entrenched in the cement of the continued sin.  It is so frustrating to witness because some people then use the hypocrisy of Christians as an excuse for not coming to Christ.  Hypocrisy is not obedience.  1 John 2: 3-6 says, "We know that we have come to know Him if we keep his commands. Whoever says, “I know Him,” but does not do what He commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys His word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in Him: Whoever claims to live in Him must live as Jesus did."  And we know Jesus is the opposite of hypocrisy; He is always TRUTH. "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14)


Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12) Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves? Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? To witness? To obedience? To being a disciple? What is the antidote for hypocrisy?

It reminds me of the saying, “We want to be judged our intentions but want to judge others by theirs actions.” We can see it in others but we’d have to dig deep, pray, and be introspective to find it in ourselves.

It doesn’t matter how much you serve, pray or know God’s word, if you’re living a life of hypocrisy you’re not moving towards God but away from Him.

People trust your actions more than your words. So if your actions don’t match the words of your mouth, your witness as as follower of Jesus Christ suffers. And it’s have to repair.

You can’t love God if you have a foot in the world and a foot in faith. Been there and done that; it doesn’t work; it’s got to be all in with God. And the same goes with being a disciple. Can’t live a double life.

Instead of looking at the splinter in your brother’s eye, take care of the log in your own eye first. In fact, take stock of your own walk with the Lord and don’t worry so much about what others are doing. Draw close to God and He will draw close to you. Be thankful and humble for the love and grace God has shown you. And pray for those that you see that maybe struggling, not judging them but realizing that their struggles could one day be your own. By God’s grace go I.



Q42. We tend to excuse, ignore or live in a bubble of denial when it comes to hypocrisy. We can easily detect it in those around us but we think, I’m different! 
Hypocrisy is talking in one way but acting differently. We are not walking the talk. Usually it is because of lack of humility, or pride! When we are full of pride we are not growing Spiritually because we are focused on me and not on God and the things of God. In the same way we will be disinterested in witnessing, neither will people be interested in what we have to share once they know that we are hypocritical. If our life is full of hypocrisy , we are being disobedient to God and distinctly show our disinterest in being obedient to God. If we want to be followers of Jesus we must get rid of all hypocrisy in our lives, as it goes against all the teachings of God, and we have been warned about it in parables from Jesus himself. Hypocrisy and following Jesus are not compatible.


Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12)

Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves?

Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? To witness? To obedience? To being a disciple?

What is the antidote for hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy =  the assumption of moral standards to which one's own behaviour does not conform.     duplicity    deception    falseness     insincerity     fakery

Hypocrisy is not a very nice character-trait.  It is not easy to acknowledge that something despicable is in us.  It is a big flaw that in many ways, is covered up, but is bound to reveal itself sooner or later.  Because of its despicable nature, hypocrisy is detectable in others and because we are so  busy to try to hide the flaw in our character, we tend to see it in the next one rather than in ourselves.  As some have mentioned:  we see the spec in other's eyes and not the log in our own.

Hypocrisy is a deadly  trait in our life because it is deception, it is insincerity to the nth degree.  If there is something false in your life. eg.,  living as being someone in one place and someone else in another place, you cannot grow closer to the Lord.  There is falseness in you.  We cannot expect someone to follow our example, if our actions do not tally with what we say. 

The antidote for hypocrisy is openness.  When you have failed, you have sinned, confess it.  Don't make as if it never happened.  Be honest that you need help and cannot do "life" alone, you need help.  


Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12)

Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves?

Hypocrisy is growing in you starting small, perhaps, but growing and taking you over, specially when we put on a good front of being good Christians, but struggle with sin and pain and brokenness. 

Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth?

When you don't want to mention at work that you are a Christian or that you go to church. You don't want to bring discredit upon Christ and his church, so you do not identify yourself with HIM for fear of being branded a hypocrite. In this way spiritual growth becomes dormant with in you.

To witness?

As a Christian it is clearly betrayal towards our LORD JESUS CHRIST to see how our so call Christians find themselves in hypocrisy and make as if everything is wright. 

To obedience?

As a Christian we have to obey the teachings of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Stand for what CHRIST has done for us. 

To being a disciple?

Strictly follow our LORD JESUS CHRIST

What is the antidote for hypocrisy?

The antidote to hypocrisy is transparency, integrity between our beliefs and our actions, with confession and apology when we are inconsistent.

We Christians have a serious public relations problem.


Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12) Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves? We do not spend much time in introspection. We are equiped to look outward to collect data and learn. Our how am I doing is as a race against not a check on our internal self. Or balance of think, do, and especially say against the scriptures. James 3 in a traffic jam is a good beginning test on our righteousness. Are we blessing them in the mess. Are we being pushy or polite? Are we giving way? Or insisting on our own.

Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? If I think I have achieved I lose the drive to advance and especially correct the issues that stall advance spiritually.

To witness? The life you live is a far better wittness than anything you say. Hypocrisy cripples us before we open our mouth.

To obedience? If I am not seeking correction and guidance to better then I am stalled out or receeding.

To being a disciple? Jesus requires you be attentive to the Holy Spirit and the scripture. 2Ti 3:16  All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2Ti 3:17  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.  I see much in the way of course change and correction not much pat on the back. My first Pastors wife once said to me If you want to hear God don’t expect to hear your right very often.

What is the antidote for hypocrisy? Humility


  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/21/2023 at 11:46 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12) Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves? Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? To witness? To obedience? To being a disciple? What is the antidote for hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy is easier to see someone's faults and weaknesses rather than our own.  Sometimes we fall into hypocrisy without even knowing it.  Always putting our best foot forward than really confessing our faults and shortcomings, and being transparent with others.

Hypocrisy  is so deadly to spiritual growth because it is hard to hear from God and when you are a hypocrit.  It  hinders our growth  and does not give us the passion to witness and bring others to Christ and it clouds the gospel of God's love, that it will prevent many from being saved.

It hinders our witness, obedience and being a real disciple. 

The antidote for hypocrisy is being open and transparent to others, even apologizing for our slip ups in not giving glory to God in everything we do. 


Q.42 (Luke 12:1-Matthew 16:11-12) It's so easy for others to detect hypocrisy in others because of pride. It's like blaming others for something when you know it was you fault. Pride gets in the way. Like in (Matthew 7:3-5) remove the speck out of your own eye before judging others.

Hypocrisy so deadly to our Spiritual growth because it is said to be so pervasive among Christians. It can hinder our walk with the Lord. We must be mindful of and be very cautious of the "yeast" that may rises in us. The Pharisees were a good example of hypocrisy and as of today their are many Pharisees out there hiding in the temple of God. When we heed to fail or heed to hypocrisy we can cloud the Gospel of God's love that it will prevent millions from being saved.

The antidote to hypocrisy is transparency, integrity between our beliefs and our actions with confession and apology, when we are inconsistent.

  • 1 month later...

It is because we think we are good at hiding our hypocrisy but we really aren’t as good as we think, because if we can see it in others then they can see it in us. Hypocrisy is so deadly to spiritual growth because we are saying one thing and doing another. The antidote for hypocrisy is to do the something all the time no matter who is around you.

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