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Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45) From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does he teach us to discern false leaders? Why is this so important in our churches? Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets?

  • 6 months later...

What is in a person's heart the mouth will speak. A person can't keep hiding it. It will come out. Their words will let you know what is really going on with a person. For example If a person is fearful about something they can't hide it to long. It will come out. 

A true disciple will produce good fruit and right works according to God's word. A false leader will produce poor quality work and lead others astray.


It is important in churches so people will know who to trust to keep them from being deceive. This is something good for the pastor to recognize(if their corrupt) in order to protect the congregation.


 No one is perfect. If a person cannot recognize the difference between a flawed leader and a false prophet, then it can cause the person to falsely accuse someone of things that are not true and can cause Much damage to that person's reputation. There is Always room for improvement in all of us.


From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does he teach us to discern false leaders? Why is this so important in our churches? Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets?

Jesus teaches his disciples that you can tell a false prophet by carefully examining their

  • Actions and outcomes (Analogy of the Tree and Fruit),
  • Words (Analogy of the Treasure of the Heart).  
  • They come in "sheep's clothing," that is, they look like other members of the flock -- harmless, innocuous, friendly. They're also "prophets," that is, they are active in the church, typically opinion leaders, influential, and vocal.

Discerning False prophets is important in our churches because they destroy the unity of the flock and pull away the sheep who are at the edges to fulfill their own personal agendas. Their lives may be corrupt, turning people to sin.  False prophets ravage the flock and destroy sheep. They teach one thing and then live another way and when their lifestyle is exposed, it devastates the congregation who had been taken in by their hypocrisy. Believers who are thus hurt by the false prophets can become very bitter because of the fraud and some even leave the faith.  They may never be able to trust another Christian leader or prophet again.  

However, we must not take a person's minor flaw turn it into them being a false prophet!  we shouldn't expect perfection in our leaders. None of us is perfect. We all have weaknesses and flaws. We must be gracious towards one another and bear with each other's weaknesses. 


Q46. Analogy of the Tree and Fruit (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45)

From Jesus’ images of wolves in sheep’s clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does He teach us to discern false leaders? ANSWER: Wolves in sheep’s clothing twist God’s Word to deceive or influence the audience for their own purposes. "Therefore by their fruits you will know them" (v. 20).  Identifying false teaching and false teachers: 1) there’s the test of the fruit of their lives. Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits; 2) there’s the test of sound, central doctrines. We need to measure the doctrines that are being taught by the sound words of our Lord Jesus Christ and by their implications for godliness; 3) there is the test of submission to Scripture. Everybody says true things from time to time; even the devil. But that doesn’t make them reliable teachers; 4) there is the test of the gospel itself. In other words, if you insist on law-keeping as a way of justification before God, you’ve got to keep it all, and you’ve got to keep it perfectly. In other words, we are to discern by looking at the results or the fruit of the person's life.

Why is this so important in our churches?

ANSWER: It is important in our churches to beware of false teachers and or prophets (wolves in sheep’s clothing) because satan’s greatest ambassadors are not pimps, politicians, or power-brokers, but pastors. His priests do not peddle a different religion, but a deadly perversion of the true one. His troops do not make a full-out frontal assault, but work as agents, sneaking into the opposing army. Satan’s tactics are studied, clever, predictable, effective. Therefore, we must always remain vigilant. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:15-16a).

Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets?

ANSWER: There are false prophets and false teachers who have or at least claim to have membership in the Church. There are those who, without authority, claim Church endorsement to their products and practices. It is very critical that we beware of false prophets and false teachers, both men and women, who are self-appointed declarers of the doctrines of the Church and who seek to spread their false gospel and attract followers by sponsoring symposia, books, and journals whose contents challenge fundamental doctrines of the Church. Furthermore we are to be on the qui vive of those who speak and publish in opposition to God’s true prophets and who actively proselyte others with reckless disregard for the eternal well-being of those whom they seduce.

We as Christians, are commanded against following teachers blindly but we are to be well grounded in the Scriptures so that we are able to discern which teachers speak from God and which are false in their proclamation. Only then can we reject what is false and “hold on to the good.” We are to “test everything and hold on to the good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21).


This was a very instructive lesson. Thank you, Pastor Ralph.


I have a question someone may be able to answer. What is the "discernment of spirits?" Isn't this a gift of the Holy Spirit that allows a Christian to be very sensitive to the motivating spirits in another person? Doesn't one discern evil spirits as well as good?


Words and actions are the first filters to which we must subject people with whom we feel spiritually uncomfortable. We ask ourselves, "Are they living according to what they profess?" None of us do this wholly, of course, for we all have a gap between what we should be and what we are, but that gap can't be too big. Hypocrisy is the state of having a gap too big.

But here Paul is talking about someone malevolent, not "merely" hypocritical, a person who aims to harm the church or individuals within it. 

Objective tests probably won't be as helpful as our intuition -- the inner voice of the Spirit. Ultimately, the Spirit warns and guides us when we meet slippery, smooth-talking people with bad motives and intentions.  

We judge on a sliding scale. Ours is not a black-or-white decision, usually, but a "grey zone" determination. Particularly charismatic (small "c") people can seem to be charlatans when they're not. When I watch pastors on the Internet, for example, there are many that make me uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean they're wolves. It's imperative that I do not judge incorrectly for someone can be grievously hurt by my rejection. Different social classes and mannerisms can masquerade someone as a false prophet or teacher.

I'm worried about wolves in the church as well as sheep accused of being wolves. I err on the side of gentleness until I have clear confirmation and discernment that someone was a wolf.


54 minutes ago, Niyonka16 said:

It is important in our churches to beware of false teachers and or prophets (wolves in sheep’s clothing) because satan’s greatest ambassadors are not pimps, politicians, or power-brokers, but pastors. His priests do not peddle a different religion, but a deadly perversion of the true one. His troops do not make a full-out frontal assault, but work as agents, sneaking into the opposing army. Satan’s tactics are studied, clever, predictable, effective. Therefore, we must always remain vigilant. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits” (Matthew 7:15-16a).


This is a great answer! 



False leaders and indeed every follower of Jesus Christ would be known by their fruits. If the conduct of a leader contributes to building up the body Christ then such a person is not a wolf in sheep clothing or false leader.


Jesus teaches us to be aware of false prophets because these are people who are like all of us but come wearing the sheep skins. The dangers are what they teach because normally they say one thing but act differently. They are always people of influence who want to lure people from knowing the truth and deceive people into following them. They are ferocious because their actions and attitudes do not symbolize that of the followers of Christ. They put themselves first and God last and do not care who they hurt along the way.

It is important in the church to know these people so that they are not given any position because they can easily divide the unity of the church through  their actions. They bear bad fruits and because of their actions, they corrupt people and lead them to sin. Paul warns Timothy that these are people that should not be ordained quickly or lay hands on them. 

Flawed Christian leaders are those that are weak but not necessarily dangerous false prophets. They may allow things to happen in the church and nor rebuke those people simply because they take care of their personal needs and do not want to offend them. Whereas, false prophets  interpret the Word of God in order to deceive people  and want people to worship them rather than worship the Living God. The Word of God says even the elite will be deceived. It is therefore important that children of God should ask the Holy Spirit to help discern between the flawed Christian leaders and the false prophets.


Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45) From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does he teach us to discern false leaders? Why is this so important in our churches? Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets?

Jesus says you will know them by their fruit: a good tree (man) can’t produce bad fruit and a bad tree (man) can’t produce good fruit.

Jesus says a good heart produces what is good and evil heart produces what is bad.

Discern false teachers by their fruit.

It makes me think of Galatians 5:22, the good fruits are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:19 lists the bad fruits: immortality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness and carousing.

To go back to a parable: it’s like the yeast of the Pharisees’s. False teaching, if accepted by some, can work its way throughout the entire congregation and send it in an Unbiblical direction that may take years to correct, if at all. Harming many people along the way.

One leader is flawed and not the right person for leadership, the other is working for Satan and is only there to destroy a church or denomination by false prophecy or teaching.






Jesus teaches us to discern false leaders by watching their actions, observing their fruits, and listen carefully to their words.

This is very important in our churches, for false leaders looks just like everyone else, therefore they can deceive, and mislead, pulling others away from the truth. 

Flawed Christian leaders makes mistakes but quickly repents and learns from their mistakes. But dangerous false prophets don't see that they are wrong, and don't care that they are wrong, and they just want to draw as many as they can to follow after them.


Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45) From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does he teach us to discern false leaders? Why is this so important in our churches? Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets?

1. Know their fruit and listen to what they say. A bad tree can't have good fruit. A good tree can't have bad fruit.

2. A false leader can be deceiving and divide the church.

3. No one is perfect. We all have flaws and must repent.


Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45)

From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does He teach us to discern false leaders? Why is this so important in our churches? Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets?

Jesus teaches us that their actions and words will expose their true beliefs, their attitudes, and their motivations. What is in the heart will eventually come out in behaviour and speech. A spiritually good person will bring forth blessings for others out of the good treasure of their heart. On the other hand, a person who is basically impure only brings forth evil. We see it, for example, in their lifestyle, the way they treat fellow disciples and family, and the role that money plays in their life. Their licentious lives and destructive teachings, as well as their words, will eventually betray them. Watch out if their words dilute or minimize the truth, glorify themselves, and diminish our Lord. We should test their teachings against the Word of God (Isa 8:20). A heart filled with goodness will be evidenced by words of grace and righteousness. In the same way, an evil heart expresses itself in blasphemy, bitterness, and abuse. They attack the church from within, preying upon the congregation, showing no mercy. They aspire to places of prominence, speaking perversions of the truth, and trying to draw away the disciples after themselves. Often destroying the church. Since we are all sinners, and we fail every now and then. We must be careful to distinguish these flawed leaders from the false prophets. Although flawed there will be evidence of good things, such as an interest in the work of God; an eagerness to read the truth; a zeal to win people for God and His kingdom.


Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45)

From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does he teach us to discern false leaders?

The Holy Spirit grows His Fruit through our branches.  We are clearly told in Scripture what this Fruit looks like, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. False prophets will not produce these fruits in their lives.  They may produce a cheap imitation of this fruit for a short time, but they will be easily angered by those who disagree with them, they will be harsh towards those who do produce the Spirit's Fruit, they will be self-serving and will not have the churches best interest at heart. They often will not be open to any other view accept theirs, unwilling to compromise.  And their words divide, divide, divide.  Their objective is to cause strife within a congregation.  

Why is this so important in our churches?

We must be able to recognize those who are placed by the enemy in our churches so that the church will not be destroyed from the inside out and the weaker sheep are not led astray.  We are given a spirit of discernment through the Holy Spirit within us.  He lets us know when we are in the presence of a wolf.  We feel it in our spirit... never dismiss this uneasiness regardless of how harmless, attractive or forth coming the person may seem to us.  Trust the Holy Spirit's discernment within you and be cautious when He warns you of someone's true character.

Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets?

Flawed Christian leaders will be open to Truth spoke to them in love.  False prophets will not be open to Truth at all.  We cannot automatically assume someone who has misinterpreted God's Word is a false prophet. This would mean we are not producing the Spirit's Fruit in our own lives. We need to first, recognize false doctrine when we hear it, and then counsel with the one who is teaching false doctrine to determine if they have misinterpreted the Scripture or if they are purposely distorting the Scripture to cause tensions and disillusions within the church.  We are all flawed Christians... we all get it wrong at times... even passionately wrong... I think of myself when I was a new believer and how passionate I was for every new revelation God brought to me.  Some of those revelations were received out of context and thank God He had surrounded me with wise Christians who patiently and lovingly encouraged my passion while at the same time steering me towards complete Truth and understanding.  We must be patient with each other, slow to judge and quick to encourage and strengthen.  We are called to mentor, encourage and discipline each other... not judge, breakdown and punish.  


Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45)

From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does He teach us to discern false leaders?

Why is this so important in our churches?

Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets?

We must be able to differentiate between those who are innocent and those who are in fact disguised as though innocent.  The fruit  in  their lives should warn us.  The fruit of the false leaders will be different to the fruit you would expect from someone in the position of leadership.  The actions shown in  difficult times will show if the person is genuine or not.  The seemingly nice character of the person may hold good for a season, but will ultimately change if that is not the real person.  The true character will eventually emerge.  One will see through the disguise.  Listen carefully to their teaching .  It will be strange and somewhat perverted or twisted from what you're comfortable with.  

These people are rather influential and "tear" the church apart.  

"Flawed" Christian leaders are innocent in comparison to false leaders.  If they are genuine and are approached in a loving way they will repent.  They will seek help from God to overcome that weakness.


Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45) From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does he teach us to discern false leaders? Why is this so important in our churches? Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets?

Jesus teaches us to watch Christian Leaders.  We should stay alert and be certain that the teaching we receive from them and the life they live tell the story of who they really are.  It is so important in our churches because false teaching ravages the congregation as a wolf ravages a flock of sheep.  Many fall away.  Christian leaders with flaws are human; they are humble, willing to repent, and work hard to lead a God honoring life that lines up with God's Word.  Christian leaders who are dangerous false prophets are self-righteous and join with the serpent in Genesis:  'Did God really say...'


Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45) From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does he teach us to discern false leaders? Do not expect them to appear different from true sheep outwardly. Observe the quality and abundance of their fruit. Listen carefully to the words as they represent the abundance within the heart.

Why is this so important in our churches? The enemy is constantly at work to destroy churches effectiveness. He uses people that fall for his deceptions. We are at the end of the age. The church is going through the silver refiners process. The lead within the silver medal is being burned away. As the heat rises the pressure upon believers, they will revert to their true foundation in speach and behavior. Watch. Listen. Pray.

Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets? False prophets are about stealing sheep. Twice I have been an associate pastor. Twice on my departure the statement was “you are the only assistant I have had that didn’t try to split the church.” My answer is “I was sent to help”. False prophets are sheep thieves or like jackels and weazels destroy beyond any hunger need for their nature is blood **** to kill.


Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45)

From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does he teach us to discern false leaders?

Watch out for false prophets and observe their fruits. Listen carefully to their words. Don't ignore or quickly pass over things that strike you as wrong. Jesus teaches us that there will be false prophets, that our congregations will not be immune from them. 

  • Strange or somewhat perverted teachings.
  • Dominant character flaws.
  • Actions and attitudes that don't conform to what you expect of a Christian leader.

Why is this so important in our churches?

They must be exposed because they are misleading innocuous congregants. They carry a spirit of confusion and this spirit they carry over to congregants.

Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets?

The flawed Christian, they are not perfect nevertheless none of us is perfect. They will weaknesses and flaws. We must be gracious towards one another and bear with each other's weaknesses. 

The dangerous false prophets they knew for a fact what they are up too. They promote there own agendas in favour of what GOD wants from HIS church. 

  • 1 month later...

Jesus is teaching us that a false prophet can be spotted if we just look out for them. That is comparing what they are saying to what the Gospel is saying. They can split up a church or they can turn us against the pastor and lead us astray. Flawed Christian leaders can be corrected where a false prophet is trying to lead the church astray.

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