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Q49. (Luke 16:13) What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve Money rather than God? How can we detect these temptations in our hearts? Why did Jesus tell his disciples the Parable of the Two Masters?

  • 6 months later...

What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve Money rather than God?  How can we detect these temptations in our hearts?

Some very subtle ways we begin serving money rather than God is when

  • We serve Mammon when you give importance to your wealth. 
  • We will put your mind in all our treasures, so we think less about God and Heaven.
  • We accumulate and hoard money in our accounts and not give it to the Lord's work and give to the poor and needy
  • devote more time to work and generate money than spending time with God
  • We prefer prosperity preaching over that of repentance of sin.

Why did Jesus tell his disciples the Parable of the Two Masters?

Jesus tells his disciples this parable because he wanted his disciples to understand that when we serve two masters, the tendency is that we may develop more affinity for one than the other. If we share our service to God Almighty and things of this world, we will miss fellowship with God. And because of serving two master's at the same time, the disciples could become weak spiritually. Thus, they cannot pray and are not committed to the things of God. 




Q49. Parable of the Two Masters (Luke 16:13)

What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve money rather than God?  ANSWER: Scripture repeatedly warns and guides us regarding handling money. Serving money means to calculate all of your behaviors, all of your life, to maximize what money can give you, always asking what benefits can come to you from money. Our view of money and the way we relate to wealth can become an obstacle in our relationship with God or it can reflect our commitment to Him. We can have great wealth but not willing to give it up to follow Jesus. Serving God has always been an all-or-nothing proposition.

Having wealth is not the same thing as serving it. We can be deceived by money into thinking that we’re secure and into thinking that we don’t need God. When we serve God rather than money, we’re free. Free from the pressures and worries that serving money brings, not to mention, free from greed and from the deceitfulness of wealth. True freedom, and true peace, come from choosing to serve God over money.

How can we detect these temptations in our hearts?

ANSWER: We must be aware of these temptations in our hearts. We must flee and be careful not to dabble in or justify the temptations. Temptations we are to flee from: fleeing the temptation to love money, the temptation to desire riches, the temptation to be stingy, the temptation to put our hope in money, the temptation to not put God first in our finances, and the temptation to cover our needs and wants first. When we keep money in its proper place, we can experience what God promises to provide for us in our need. It’s essential that we trust Him. Only God is the proper Master of our hearts and only He can fill you with true riches. By letting your heart only be filled with the rich grace of God as its source of fulfillment, you will be rich in the truest sense.

Why did Jesus tell his disciples the Parable of the Two Masters?

ANSWER: Jesus told the Parable of the two master because He wanted them to understand the danger of serving both. If we share our service to God Almighty and things of this world, we will miss fellowship with God. And because of serving two masters at the same time, you can become seduced and weak spiritually.

God does not want us following after idols nor to declare them to be the master of our lives. Everything created, including human beings, was created by God and for His glory. God does not want to share us with the “masters” of the world. He will not share His glory, praise, and honor with anyone or anything else. God is a jealous God. This is why we cannot serve two masters. We can only be fully devoted to one or the other.



One area we may begin to serve Money rather than God is to be engaged in areas/ business that will give us money instead of serving God.

One typical example in some parts of Nigeria is that Sundays have become market days and attract Christians to miss church service in favour of attending the Sunday markets.

In another development, mostly women, do go to church on Sundays with some ‘things’ for sale. In this case, such people pay attention in locating and contacting friends and other potential customers instead of paying full attention to worshiping God.

This clearly is an attempt to serve two masters- money and the Lord.


The subtle ways of serving money than serving God is when we prioritize our needs over what we have to do in advancing the Kingdom of God. We start by paying all the debts that we have and take to God what I call "leftovers". The other way is when we people moonlight and work so hard that they prefer to take two or three jobs in order to make money and not fellowship with others. Running after money rather than feeding their spirit. People want to create wealth at times at the expense of others.

We detect these temptations in our hearts when we do not want to share with people that are poor or vulnerable. We hoard things and at times when there is a project that the church wants to embark on, we ignore such but we are able to spend money on things that are temporary. We do not even discuss with God on how to spend the money forgetting that it is God who gives us the ability to create wealth. We always want to satisfy the self but unfortunately, we cannot because when something comes up, we end up buying things and at times, those things bought are of no value.

Jesus taught His disciples the Parable of the Master so that they understand that it will be impossible to satisfy or love money and God. He indicated that the other one will suffer. We cannot serve God and also have our hearts in the things of this world. I like the book of Deuteronomy 30 verse 19 where we are given a choice to either choose life or death. I love of God because He begs us to choose life. Indeed, when we choose money over God we end up worshiping it and forget about God or give Him less attention. We need to fully serve God and Him only.


Q49. (Luke 16:13)

What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve Money rather than God? How can we detect these temptations in our hearts? Why did Jesus tell His disciples the Parable of the Two Masters?

We have to make a choice, the one we choose will have priority in our live. Either we put God first and reject the rule of money, that is love the one and hate the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. 1 Tim 6:9-10 teaches us a lot about the many griefs and destruction that can occur when we choose money. There is no sin in being wealthy, but the desire to be rich leads us into temptation, and all sorts of trouble. This desire becomes a trap which we cannot easily escape. Besides when is enough, enough? Greed takes over. The result can be total destruction and the total ruin of happiness, of virtue, of reputation, and of the soul. There is trouble in the getting of it. There is anxiety in the keeping of it. There are temptations in the use of it. There is guilt in the abuse of it. There is sorrow in the losing of it. There is perplexity in the disposing of it (JC Ryle).  The warning signs are there when we find ourselves often thinking of money. Often counting it, to see if our wealth has grown; thinking of schemes to make more and more. We have to be careful for these thoughts and temptations can lead to our love for money, and the control it has on others. We think of the promises of having it – power, happiness, pleasures, and more. We find it harder and harder to give some towards God’s kingdom. Spiritual things are neglected; there’s no love in our heart, no love for others, only love for self. Ultimately, becoming self-centred, tight fisted, money-obsessed, lonely, unhappy, obsessed with money, without any compassion for those in need - a miserable person. Jesus warned His disciples that they must be careful when it comes to money matters, for it can easily take His place in their lives. Stating that no one can serve two masters. It is impossible to live for God and for money at the same time. One will inevitably take precedence in their loyalty and obedience. So, it is with God and mammon.


One of the most subtle ways we serve money, not God, is in the concept of tithing. Once we give our obligatory 10%, we feel morally expunged from the charge of materialism ... but we're not. ALL our money/stuff is God's. Not ten-percent of it. Every windfall, no matter how small, should be put before Him and considered a test of our willingness to serve Him exclusively.

Another subtle way we serve money is with secret pride. To have money and not let others know, to live simply and frugally, but have bullion hidden in a vault, can be very deceptive for the secretly wealthy Christian. It is true that overt and disgusting displays of money have been eliminated, that the tut-tutting and grandstanding before others has been denied the self, but the secret sense of superiority needs to be dealt with too, and this is quite difficult. Money becomes a hidden source of pride.

A third subtle way we serve money can happen when we fear we don't have enough of it, which means we're not trusting God for our provision. Then, we start to hoard or become obsessed with self-sufficiency, homesteading and that sort of thing. This is worshipping money through it's proxies -- land and it's bounty, the self and the ability to provide for oneself/family.

I like how Pastor Ralph drew a thick line between serving money and God -- one has to be on either side of that line. Every decision is taken on that line. We either step to one side of it or the other. That's the parable of the two masters. It is very difficult to have wealth and not feel some sort of drawing or attraction to it, or not trust in it rather than God for our provision, or not have a secret pride in the wealth itself. For this reason, I tend to think we should give away everything we have. I know this is utopian and "irresponsible" to many reading this, but if we get to the end of the month with nothing left, we tend to go to God for our provision for the next month. We depend on Him, first, not our own clever investment or capability to predict how much we need to save for the "rainy day."





Q49. (Luke 16:13) What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve Money rather than God? How can we detect these temptations in our hearts? Why did Jesus tell his disciples the Parable of the Two Masters?

Well there many ways that this can happen. And you don’t have to be wealthy to experience it. As a retired person living on a mostly fixed budget, it’s not hard for me to be depending on my retirement income to be sufficient to meet my needs as well as my loved ones. Instead I should be relying on God to meet those needs, it all belongs to Him anyway. To trust in, rely upon and cling to Jesus to meet all those needs as well as my salvation. If I fix my eyes on Him I won’t be worried or stressed when unplanned expenditures come up.

When we begin to obsess about acquiring something we could do without because of the status that goes with it. Or when we are willing to compromise or make bad choices when the end game is all about more money. I think that both of these choices can cause stress and conviction in our            

Because He didn’t want them to ever get caught up in this situation where wealth could come between them and God. How devastating it would be.



We begin serving money rather than God, when we spend our money on worldly things for ourselves more than we give to the Lord. 

We can detect these things by asking ourselves if the things we are buying with our money is glorifying God or not. 

Jesus was telling this parable to His disciples warning them to be careful and not to get caught up with what the love of money can do to you. 



Q49. (Luke 16:13)

What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve Money rather than God?

Worrying about our financial future to the point that it causes anxiety instead of knowing it is God who takes care of us, not our portfolio.  Becoming a workaholic to the point of neglecting God, your family and your friends because you feel the need to acquire more and more wealth.  Taking a job that compromises your beliefs because the pay is better.  Taking a job that requires you to work on days you had set apart for God because it pays more.  Taking on extra jobs so you can buy more and better stuff but, by so doing, your family is left alone most of the time.  Getting depressed because you cannot afford some material thing that you desire.  Going into debt to get instant material gratification. Meditating on what you don't have instead of meditating on God's Word.

How can we detect these temptations in our hearts?

At the end of the day, take a self-assessment... what did you spend most of your time doing?  What thoughts captivated your mind throughout the day?  What does your credit card show you did with your time that day?  How many people did you reach out to?  How did God measure up to the world based on your assessment?

Why did Jesus tell his disciples the Parable of the Two Masters?

Because money is a real threat to our relationship with God.  Money can quickly and quietly corrupt our hearts and destroy our testimony.  We have to be fully devoted to God... we have to give Him more of our time than we give this world.  That is very hard to do when you are raising a family and working a full-time job... but... it is still possible to put Him first in everything you do.  Pray together with your family before you go off to work and they go off to school.  Have a family devotion time set every evening before the TV is turned on... give God credit for your accomplishments at work so that your bosses and coworkers know where your wisdom comes from... visit a nursing home with your family on the weekend instead of attending the ballgame... We are Jesus' current disciples... we must heed His warning and adjust our lives accordingly.  


Q49. (Luke 16:13) What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve Money rather than God? How can we detect these temptations in our hearts? Why did Jesus tell his disciples the Parable of the Two Masters?

1. Buying things we don't need. Spending on others to look good.

2. Pray and ask God about what we should buy or give money to others. Spend time with God and learn what is a necessity. 

3. Money can bring destruction and destroy our relationship with Jesus. He wanted them to know that they can only serve one master and not two. They will love one and hate the other. They will not fulfill the duties of both. He didn't want them to put money before him.


Q49. (Luke 16:13) What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve Money rather than God? How can we detect these temptations in our hearts? Why did Jesus tell his disciples the Parable of the Two Masters? 

I think Jesus told the Parable of the Two Masters to the disciples because love of Money and the World is a basic world view that we as disciples of Jesus need to overcome with Him.  What we see with our eyes certainly tempts us, and if the love of money is allowed to grow in our character it becomes an idol that takes the place of God in our lives.  I love this quote from you, "The question a disciple must ask is: God, how would you have us (me) spend our (my) money?"  Truly EVERY gift we have - even money - is from Him and is His anyway, let's ask! 

Any time we want to spend without asking that question is a warning sign that temptations are coming and we are beginning to serve Money rather than God.




Q49. (Luke 16:13)

What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve Money rather than God?  We can use what we earn to accumulate worldly goods, instead of  first coming before the Lord and inquiring of Him, how we are to spend the money.  If we do ask Him and follow His leading, we keep Him Lord of our life and not possessions or Money.

How can we detect these temptations in our hearts?   When accumulated things and money manipulate our actions and monopolize our thinking.  When we no longer seek God for guidance, as to how to use  the gifts He has graciously bestowed on us.  

Why did Jesus tell His disciples the Parable of the Two Masters?  It was a theme or something that they knew and it would make sense to them.  Some people did work for  two masters and if the masters were not of the same mind and purpose, it was hard.  The one would be more agreeable than the other.  One master would end up being more favoured than the other.  The Pharisees were often around and they, of all the people needed to come to grips with and letting go of, "serving Mammon".  This was a warning  to His disciples that they needed to see and understand that loving money was like loving one master above the other with disastrous results.  They needed to  choose correctly.


Q49. (Luke 16:13)

What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve Money rather than God?

When we spend money more on self-serving decisions rather than spiritual decisions.

How can we detect these temptations in our hearts?

When we bought things for the sake of having it and there is a urge to buy it.

Why did Jesus tell his disciples the Parable of the Two Masters?

They have to be devoted to GOD alone. They must make up their mind and release there is only one GOD and it is GOD ALMIGHTY.

  • 1 month later...

I am not in the position now because I am retired but making a decision of working on a day of worship is serving money and not God. A way of detecting these temptations in our hearts is to meditate on making the decision. I think that Jesus told his disciples the Parable of the Two Masters was to inform them that they had a decision to make.

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