Pastor Ralph Posted April 22, 2023 Report Posted April 22, 2023 Q50. (Matthew 6:25-34) How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct his disciples to do? What does obeying verse 33 look like in your life? Quote
Niyonka16 Posted November 1, 2023 Report Posted November 1, 2023 Q50. Parable of the Birds and the Lilies (Matthew 6:25-34) How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? ANSWER: God is intricately involved in every aspect of His creation. Christ calls believers to focus on eternal matters, like riches in heaven, instead of focusing on temporary matters like wealth or our basic needs. He suggests that instead of feeling woe or anxiety about tomorrow, worrying about how we are to survive and make ends meet, we should look at the birds of the air and consider the lily of the field. They don’t worry as we do, yet all their needs are met. Instead of worrying, which does not benefit us physically, mentally, or spiritually, we must: focus on eternal matters instead of temporary ones, focus on our Father’s providential care, recognize our great value to God, recognize how unproductive it is, pursue God’s promises, and focus on God’s grace for today. What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? ANSWER: Don't let worries about the future overwhelm you; turn to the Lord for support in the present. Some potential causes of worry can include severe anxiety, trouble sleeping, headaches, chronic pain, and depression. We must make sure we are lining up our thoughts with God’s Words to defeat worrying about the future. He is powerful enough to change anything in a single moment. He is sovereign, in control at all times. Nothing surprises Him about our circumstances. God loves His people, He is love. He lovingly cares for His people and their future. Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct his disciples to do? ANSWER: Jesus instructed the disciples not worry about their lives, what they will eat; or about their body, as to what they will wear. Life is more than food and clothing. Rather than worrying, they should trust that proper words will come to them when needed. Turn to the Lord for support in the present. Jesus urges His followers to trust in God as their provider. Whenever we find ourselves feeling anxious or worrying about tomorrow, we can take our concerns to the Lord in prayer and “rely on God’s grace.” What does obeying Matthew 6 verse 33 look like in your life? ANSWER: We must make seeking God's kingdom and His righteousness a daily effort and watch God provide for our daily needs. Always keep the Kingdom of God and His righteousness at the forefront. We are advised not to worry or be anxious about what to eat, drink or wear, because He will make them available. One of the great promises of God is to meet the needs of all His children. God knows that we always have daily needs either spiritually or physically and has promised throughout scriptures to provide for us if only we can trust in Him. Our heavenly Father will be with us tomorrow to care for us. If we do our part to make our relationship with God our highest priority, God will make provision for whatever it is we truly "need" in order to accomplish His will Quote
haar Posted November 1, 2023 Report Posted November 1, 2023 A50. It is amazing watching different types of beautiful birds singing and hoping around on trees and flowers I planted on a patch of land around my house. This happens on a daily basis and throughout the year. I see them going through the same routine- pecking their food and singing beautiful songs without any provision from me. They certainly don’t seem to worry about how and what the next day would be!!! So why should I, a child of God worry? If God has faithfully been providing for these birds, he would certainly provide for me, his own child. Yet, I find myself worrying about different needs. I therefore pray that the Lord God All Mighty who supplies the needs of the birds and flowers would help me to trust in him and to endeavor to seek do his will believing that he would ever take care of me. Amen. Quote
Zanele Tlhakanelo Posted November 1, 2023 Report Posted November 1, 2023 Jesus uses the Parable of the Birds and Lilies to teach His disciples about trusting God over all the material things that we are aways after which are of course temporary. We need to fix our eyes on the Creator because He knows what we need even before asking. The Birds and the lilies to not go out to hunt but God, the Provider, ensures that the birds eat and the lilies are always clothed with beautiful colors. Jesus Christ wants us to seek the Kingdom of God first and because He is Omniscient, He will provide for all His children. If you worry about the future that you do not know, you will end up with all the sicknesses and illnesses that are in this world because you will not have peace. It is important to cast all to the Creator because He holds the future. Worrying will not even add a day in your life. Give all to God and have faith that He will provide for all of your needs. Jesus instructs His disciples to seek the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness all will be added to those who diligently seek Him. Matthew 6 verse 33 teaches me to trust God whole-heartedly and never give up trusting Him. There are things in my life that I so desperately wanted and I have learnt that because I have not received them yet, it does not mean that God will not provide them. God's timing is always perfect and while waiting, I must continue to trust Him and be obedient to His Will. When we force matters, I presume that God looks at us and patiently wait until we are disappointed and come back to Him for very things that He told us to wait for. Even when we do not receive those things the way we thought about them, God knows better and His plans about our lives will not be thwarted. Quote
hanks Posted November 2, 2023 Report Posted November 2, 2023 Q50. (Matthew 6:25-34) How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct His disciples to do? What does obeying verse 33 look like in your life? Jesus teaches us not to worry about the needs that God promises to supply. We only have to look at the birds of the air, and the lilies of the field to see how He provides for them; and we being made in His image, how much more will He care for us. By worrying we question His love, His wisdom, and His power to care for us - to provide for our needs. Worrying about the future is time wasted, rather plan for the future by seeking His kingdom, and His righteousness. We are to put God first in every area of our life; we are to obey, to serve, to worship, and to love Him. Being careful not to let any worries affect our relationship with our Lord. I’m nearly 86, past sell-bye date; I surrender all to Him. I trust Him. Humbly at His feet I bow. Quote
RD35 Posted November 2, 2023 Report Posted November 2, 2023 How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct his disciples to do? What does obeying verse 33 look like in your life? In this parable Jesus asks his disciples to have a look at the birds and the lilies how God feeds the birds and clothes the flowers. We must trust God and not fear thinking God has left us on our own to fend for things. He is very much involved in the life of His creation. If we want to overcome worry, we must focus on God’s providential care for us. The worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth (Matthew 13:22) are specific "thorns" that choke out the fruitfulness of the Word in our lives. Jesus says "for the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them." (Matthew 32) Instead, Jesus points out what is most important: " But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:33-34) Verse 33 teaches me to Seek Gods Kingdom. To obey God's Word and pursue after His promises. I should not worry but trust God and wait patiently for His timings. Philippians 4:6-7 says, Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Quote
GeraldG Posted November 3, 2023 Report Posted November 3, 2023 The parable of the birds and the lilies teach us that if God can take care of the birds and lilies, He can truly take care of us. He teaches us not to worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Jesus instructs us to seek ye the kingdom and His righteousness, and all the things that you seemed to worry about will be given to you, so therefore you shouldn't worry about the future. Obeying verse 33, seeking the kingdom, will give us peace instead of worry, which will make our lives easier and more peaceful. Quote
t-c Posted November 3, 2023 Report Posted November 3, 2023 Q50. (Matthew 6:25-34) How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct his disciples to do? What does obeying verse 33 look like in your life? It says that He meets all the needs of the Birds and Lilies so why wouldn’t He meet our needs as well. He values us over both of them. Worrying does nothing positive for us; it doesn’t add quality or length to our lives. He says, “to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.” To trust in, rely upon and cling to Jesus for all our needs. To take all my fears and worries to God in prayer and to trust Him for the outcome. Micah 6:8-He has shown you, O man, what is good;And what does the Lord require of youBut to do justly,To love mercy,And to walk humbly with your God? Quote
Krissi Posted November 3, 2023 Report Posted November 3, 2023 God provides for our needs. This is a promise. If we believe this promise, we have nothing to worry about other than having less than we desire -- our needs will be met. If we believe this promise, the future is secure from want. If we believe this promise, we're free to give away what we have rather than hoard it as pagans do. Rather than worrying, we're to concentrate on worshiping Him, seeking His will and doing right. Quote
Robomom3 Posted November 3, 2023 Report Posted November 3, 2023 Q50. (Matthew 6:25-34) How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? We are part of God's Creation... all other created things were created with us in mind. They were all seen as "good"... but when He created us, we were seen as "very good". So... if God takes care of that which is lesser in value than us, why on earth wouldn't He take care of us? We must first understand God's Love for us to even begin to understand why we should never worry. I thank God for the time in my life that I struggled to even feed my family. We lived basically on a 50lb bag of rice and beans for a year. My kids never knew we were poor... and their favorite meal is still rice and beans to this day... but during that time, God showed me His Faithfulness in a way that I would have never experienced it had I had the means to fully support myself and my family. My faith is strong because my personal testimony tells of God's provision in my life. Trials are meant to strengthen our faith and bring Glory to God. What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? We are not to spend our time worrying about something we have no control over. We are to trust the One Who holds us in His Hands and walk in the day He has given us. We are to take joy in each moment and not allow what "might or might not" happen in the future steal the Joy He has for us today. Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct his disciples to do? Our only purpose is to seek God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength. If we do this each day... everything else falls into place. We cannot do anything on our own... we cannot force ourselves to be humble... we cannot force ourselves to give joyfully... we cannot produce the Fruit of God's Spirit on our own... but... if we devote ourselves to seeking Him and knowing Him more... We are transformed into a vessel that does all these things naturally... nothing is forced... we become new beings... but we must commit ourselves to seeking Him above everything else in this life. What does obeying verse 33 look like in your life? This verse has been my life verse for several years now. When I finally understood that none of it is about me or what I am able to do... but instead about Him and what He wanted to do through me... I was truly set free! To seek Jesus with everything I have is to die to myself daily. To walk in obedience to Him and to allow HIS POWER to work through my broken abused vessel, this is my purpose... Seeking Him daily allows my spirit to be fully seated in His and as the old hymn says, "the things of this world become strangely dim... in the Light of His Glory and Grace." Quote
Debra Grant Posted November 6, 2023 Report Posted November 6, 2023 Q50. (Matthew 6:25-34) How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct his disciples to do? What does obeying verse 33 look like in your life? 1. He meets the needs of the Birds and the Lilies and we are higher than them. Therefore, we being higher, he will supply all our needs. 2. He teaches us not to worry about the tomorrow because tomorrow will take carry of it self. Worrying will end our life shorter which shows that we do not completely trust God as we should. 3. Do not worry about what we should eat, about our body or what we should wear. Life is more than food or clothes. 4. I am to seek God's kingdom first and the desires of my heart will be rendered to me. Quote
Lisa Wolf Posted November 7, 2023 Report Posted November 7, 2023 Q50. (Matthew 6:25-34) How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct his disciples to do? What does obeying verse 33 look like in your life? Verse 33, But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Obeying that - so important for those who walk with Jesus. Putting God first in everything continues as I walk with Him. I triumph in one area, then we work on another. Seeking first His Kingdom means asking God to show me needs with His eyes. When He asks me to give, He provides a hundred-fold. I cannot even begin to recount the amazing ways He has provided for me through my life. I cannot begin to recount the multitude of stories our brothers and sisters in other countries have told me of His miraculous provision. TRUST. HE WILL FULFILL THIS PROMISE. Quote
Irmela Posted November 11, 2023 Report Posted November 11, 2023 Q50. (Matthew 6:25-34) How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct his disciples to do? What does obeying verse 33 look like in your life? The needs of the birds and the lilies are met without them needing to worry about them. Worrying about the future is unnecessary. God knows what we need. Worrying accomplishes nothing beneficial. You cannot lengthen your life by worrying. So worrying about the future is futile (you might not even be there). Jesus instructs them to rather seek His kingdom and His righteousness. God holds the future, I don't need to worry about it. HE IS IN CONTROL. KOMMT ZEIT KOMMT RAD!!! Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted November 18, 2023 Report Posted November 18, 2023 Q50. (Matthew 6:25-34) How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? The Birds they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet our heavenly Father feeds them. The Lilies they do not labor or spin. GOD clothes the grass of the field in splendor, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire. What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? Our heavenly Father knows what we need. Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct his disciples to do? But seek first HIS Kingdom and HIS righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. What does obeying verse 33 look like in your life? Make JESUS the center of my life. Nothing without HIM. Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 3, 2024 Report Posted January 3, 2024 God has always provided for the birds and the lilies and they do not sow or harvest and He is telling us that we are more important than those birds therefore He will take care of us. The future holds thing that we do not know about therefore we are not to worry about that either. We need to resolve today’s problems. We are to be setting our hearts on the Kingdom of God. Quote
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