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Q53. (John 13:4-17) In what way is Jesus washing the disciples’ feet a parable? Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples? In what sense is this a parable of cleansing? In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition? In what way is it a parable of humble service? In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching?

  • 6 months later...

I find the idea of an acted parable fascinating but not entirely convincing. If this were the case, then all actions with intended meaning would be parables. For example, Jesus' desire to get away from everyone and pray in solitude to His Father -- this was clearly an act He expected the disciples to mime, so was this, too, an "acted parable?"


Parable or not, the story is about humility, willing self-abasement and the reordering of status in the Kingdom of God. In God's eyes, the last are first, the humble should be rewarded ... and those who wash feet, elevated in status.


God is using this story to get me to change the way I think and behave. Though a woman, I don't like kids. Never have. Little cretins irritate me. An hour with a child will do me in! So, in church, I usually tell people that I'll do anything EXCEPT teach kids. Anything! Please, no kids.

I'll even wash feet.

But that's the point, isn't it? Washing feet today isn't what it was 2000 years ago (though still it would be gross), but is a metaphor for doing the ONE thing I hate the most, which, of course, is what Jesus wants me to be willing to do. For me, washing feet = teaching kids. And Jesus is asking me to be willing and ready to teach your little cretins ... sorry, your precious children.

I'm not so noble that I'll volunteer, but if asked, yea, I'll teach your kids, change their poopy diapers and take the rest of the day off to get over the trauma.

(I had three children, btw.)


Q53. Jesus uses this time with His disciples to teach them about humility and service to others. He chose to do one of the most menial job, washing His disciples feet to give them and us an example to follow. A parable is about teaching and so is this a very clear teaching which would not be easily forgotten and so this is a parable.

This was shocking and embarrassing to the disciples because it was a job done usually by the lowest of servants. It was considered too menial for a Jewish slave, never mind The Master Himself! It was something that totally took them out of their comfort zone. It was strange and disconcerting for them. 
It is a parable of cleansing because it teaches us that when we accept Jesus as Lord our sins are forgiven. However we do need to regularly come to Jesus and confess any sins we commit , this is shown in the parable by having a bath signifies the total cleansing at conversion and the washing of feet only is the regular confessing to Jesus of sins committed during the day.

It is a rebuke of pride and competition because Jesus is gently showing them how He desires them to act. To think of others , to serve in humility. This is the way to become ‘first’ by being a servant to those around us and those that are hurting in this evil world. 
It is good to be reminded by this parable of what Jesus wants us to do. There are certain people that I come across in my voluntary work that I just don’t like and I find hard to engage in conversation with and I know this must change and it is something I have been working on. Some days I am more gracious than others. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Q53. Acted Parable of Washing the Disciples’ Feet (John 13:4-17)

In what way is Jesus washing the disciples’ feet a parable?

ANSWER: Jesus washing the disciples' feet is indeed a parable. Jesus is saying, like I am a servant to you, so you must be a servant to one another. It is an acted parable, summarized with a clear comparison. Throughout His ministry, Jesus frequently demonstrated the extraordinary humility and servant leadership He expected His followers to emulate. Washing the disciples’ feet was a precursor to the sacrificial love He would soon model on the cross. Jesus goes on to say that He intends for the disciples to display this same humility and self-sacrifice to others. Over the course of His ministry, Jesus consistently challenged the norms and revealed a better way to live. Every interaction He had with others helps us discover more about who He is, what He is capable of, what the kingdom of God looks like, and how we should live in light of that. His parables offer a wealth of wisdom, and His life provides a powerful model of sacrificial love.

Since Jesus took the time to demonstrate this act of serving His disciples, there  were some important things that we can learn from His example. 

  1. Jesus came to serve, Not to be served.
  2. We are to show others the same kind of love that Jesus shows us.
  3. Jesus had a healthy understanding of Who He was, and where He came from.
  4. It is not true humility to deny someone who wants to serve us.

Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples?

ANSWER: The disciples wouldn’t have even thought to wash each other’s feet, let alone the feet of someone with lower status than themselves. The disciples did not understand what was about to happen, but Jesus was trying to set an example for them. This act was meant to give Jesus’ disciples a dramatic example of love to follow so that they could continue being like Jesus for each other after He had left the earth. Jesus’ actions reveal the character of God, symbolize another cleansing and ultimately model how we should humble ourselves to demonstrate His love.

In what sense is this a parable of cleansing?

ANSWER: When Jesus washes the disciples’ feet, it is a symbolic reminder about His authority to forgive sin. The disciples, just like any of us, were sinful and in need of redemption. Jesus knelt down to show that He is more than willing to wash us clean. We are fully washed clean when we trust in Christ. Just as a bathed person needed to wash his feet periodically, we need periodic cleansing from the effects of living in the flesh in a sin-cursed world. This is sanctification, done by the power of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, through the “washing of water by the Word,” given to equip us for every good work.

Jesus washing the disciples’ feet has significance in three ways. 1) For Jesus, it was the display of His humility and servanthood in forgiving sinners. 2) For the disciples, the washing of their feet displayed a mindset in direct contrast to their heart attitude at that time. 3) For us, washing feet is symbolic of our role in the body of Christ.

In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition?

ANSWER: We learned that at this holy meal, there is an undercurrent of unrest among the disciples. "A dispute arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest." (Luke 22:24). Jesus redefining greatness and leadership, leadership is not telling others what to do. Leadership is doing the work yourself. Leadership is not in speaking but in doing. The greatest person is not the one who strives to be on top, but the one that chooses the bottom. Jesus does not offer titles. He hands out towels to serve. The three lessons one can learn from this is: 1) Jesus is great; we are not. 2) True greatness is not by compulsion or power. 3) True greatness is found through serving.

Great people do the work others don’t want to do. Great people do the work behind the scenes. If the disciples were going to follow Jesus, there was going to be a new way of doing things. It was no longer going to be a competition of who was greater than who like the disciples had been arguing about.

In what way is it a parable of humble service?

ANSWER: The first lesson Jesus has taught the church,  is to humbly, lovingly, and sacrificially serve other people. We wash each other’s feet today by serving each other in ways that don’t puff up our own pride. Washing the feet of imperfect people, especially those who betray and deny us, won’t often feel good or make sense in the moment.

In John 13 we are given several reasons why we are to serve each other in servant-like ways. 1. Jesus told us to. 2. It’ll help us become more like Jesus. 3. We’ll be blessed. 4. We’ll be loving each other in concrete ways. 5. More people will come to know Jesus.

In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching?

ANSWER: The goal of the Christian life is love. The measure of our maturity is our love for God and our love for others. If we fail in our love we have missed what it means to be a Christian. We cannot love others like Christ without Christ.


Q53. (John 13:4-17) 
In what way is Jesus washing the disciples' feet a parable? Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples? In what sense is this a parable of cleansing? In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition? In what way is it a parable of humble service? In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching? 
It fits the description of a parable, contrasting known practical situations with spiritual truths. In this case the washing of feet with humble service. This was totally unexpected and shocking at the same time. Jesus, God in the flesh, humbling Himself, doing the work that the lowliest servant would normally do. This is a parable of cleansing in that this was a picture of spiritual cleansing. Not cleansing from the penalty of sin, which occurs only once through the blood of Christ, but cleansing from the pollution of the world. On earth we are exposed to all sorts of evil and we need the cleansing power of the Word. As we read, study, listen, and discuss His Word we are cleansed from the surrounding evil influences. Our Lord Jesus has given us a lesson. We as His disciples should never let pride get in the way of us serving those whom we may look down upon. This parable highlights inner humility, and not to follow the example of Jesus is to exalt oneself above Him and to live in pride. Remembering that no servant is greater than his master (John 12:26). This is a parable of humble service in that we are to serve God by going into the world serving each other. Willing to serve any way that glorifies God, we also serve by bringing the message of salvation to the world. Jesus washing the feet of Judas, who would betray Him, makes me think that I need to change my thinking about all the evil that is occurring in my country. The 70+ murders daily, the 130+ rapes daily. No law and order and all the plundering of state resources that is going on. I need to pray for these perpetrators that there might be a change of heart (pray for your enemies?). 


Q53. (John 13:4-17) In what way is Jesus washing the disciples' feet a parable? Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples? In what sense is this a parable of cleansing? In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition? In what way is it a parable of humble service? In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching?

He illustrated to them the importance of service to one another. And to not let pride get in the way of getting down on your knees and serving someone’s needs.

That Jesus, the Son of God, the Messiah would lay aside His garments, grab a towel and wash His disciples feet. This would be a servants job and an humiliation for Jesus to perform.

Jesus says to Peter that whoever bathes is clean except for his feet and that all of the disciples are clean except one. He was speaking of a spiritual cleanliness and that Judas wasn’t clean.

Well if a person is willing to do the lowest job in God’s kingdom then he/she is not competing with anyone or feeling to prideful.

Well once again a person doesn’t consider any service, (aka foot washing) beneath their dignity.

I would think that in the type of service that Mother Teresa did in Calcutta. I watched a documentary movie on her life and she was willing to serve wherever God placed her. Under truly horrendous circumstances; an amazing Godly woman.






Jesus washing the disciples’ feet is a powerful parable that teaches us humility and service to others especially those lower than us.

His disciples were shocked to see him washed their feet because that was usually carried out by the lowest in society (servants) for those higher up in society. This was the peak of humility demonstrated and taught by Jesus to his disciples then. It is however a hard lesson for us in our generation to learn and practice.


Q53. (John 13:4-17) In what way is Jesus washing the disciples’ feet a parable? Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples? In what sense is this a parable of cleansing? In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition? In what way is it a parable of humble service? In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching?

1. It teaches that he loves them, is an example of being humble. It also teaches that they can serve one another by being humble and putting away pride to serve others.

2. They didn't think Jesus would humble himself to wash their feet. 

3. It became spiritual because he was letting the disciples know that our soul should be cleaned. One disciple was not cleaned. Our sins need to be cleaned. 

4. Jesus was an example by letting the disciples know we must serve and not look to be served. He was letting the disciples know it not trying to be better, but showing love.

5. Jesus was allowing the disciples to see him being humble at washing their feet, not complaining, showing that they must serve, and expressing his love for them.

6. I need to be more humble, express love in a nicer way, and continue to keep in mind that serving is beautiful.


Q53. (John 13:4-17) In what way is Jesus washing the disciples’ feet a parable? Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples? In what sense is this a parable of cleansing? In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition? In what way is it a parable of humble service? In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching? 

A Parable, a story, a teaching easy to remember because of the action associated with it.  Jesus wanted His disciples to know and remember this teaching.  Washing the disciples feet was so shocking to them because the culture of the day had so many 'rules' associated with it.  It is a parable of cleansing in that Jesus taught us that if we have bathed (been baptized for the forgiveness of all of our sins) we only need to wash feet (confess our daily sins); the Bible teaches us not to cherish sin, not to carry sin, and that all sin has been nailed to the cross.  It is a parable of humble service in that Jesus, the Master, performs this demeaning service for all in the room. Next, He tells the disciples to DO THIS TOO.  All of them, all of us NEED to offer humble service.  I need to implement this parable in all areas of my life.  I need to ask God when He wants me to do this and then obey Him.


It is a parable, for Jesus is saying that just like He is a servant to us, we must also be a servant to one another. 

This was so shocking because Jesus was Lord and Master, therefore He should be lower Himself as a menial servant. 

It's a parable of cleansing in comparison just as if you take a bath then you only need to wash your feet and your clean. And just like once you're baptized, we must just wash away our sins we commit day by day in repentance. 

To wash another one's feet, you must put away your pride and except being a servant. 

It is one of the greatest lessons to humble ourselves teaching us how we must serve one another to the very lowest degree. 

We really need to implement this teaching in our everyday lives, for we must have a servants heart in order to serve one another and reach others for Christ 


Q53. (John 13:4-17)

In what way is Jesus washing the disciples’ feet a parable?

It is a demonstration of how we are to treat others and a demonstration of the need to wash off daily sins.

Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples?

Because Jesus, as the Son of God, should not take on the role of the most menial servant of their day.  There was a culture in place and in their culture the students served the teacher... not the other way around. Today, this might be equivalent to your Pastor coming to your house and cleaning your toilets.  I would not only be shocked but greatly humbled and uncomfortable. 

In what sense is this a parable of cleansing?

Many believe that repentance is a one-time event and once saved there is no need to repent any longer because Jesus paid it all already for us.  But, the Bible is clear that we are to walk with a repentant spirit daily... the meek, the poor in spirit... these are those who will receive the blessings in the end.  We must realize who we are without Jesus working through us and how often we squelch His Work in our lives to do what we want to do instead.  This is sin and we are to be aware of it and repent of it each day.  This keeps the line of communion open with our Heavenly Father.  Often we are unaware of the foot washing we are in need of.  But, as we immerse ourselves in God's Word... the Holy Spirit reveals our hidden unknown sin to us so that we may continually be made clean.

In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition?

We are not to strive to be the best and stand out amongst our Christian brothers and sisters.  That is what the enemy would like for us to focus on but we are told we are to serve our family... nothing about competition fits into a servant's role.  This is the number one thing God has broken in me... my competitive spirit... I always had to be the best at everything I did... how exhausting that life was... and how prideful it is to think there can never be anyone who can do anything better than you can... I no longer have this drive in me... I still put forth my best effort at everything I do but I no longer feel defeated if someone else gets the prize.  This is nothing more than the Holy Spirit cleaning house within me.  

In what way is it a parable of humble service?

If we are constantly focused on others and what we can do to serve and help... we do not have time to think about our position or rank.  Jesus is clearly showing it isn't about us and what we can get for ourselves... even putting that in writing sounds just awful "what we can get for ourselves/what's in it for me"... sadly, this is often what our actions reveal about us... But we are to be about our Father's business and our Father's business never calls us to worry about ourselves.

In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching?

There was a time, not long ago, that serving sounded like a dirty word to me... I hated the thought of it and used the excuse, "that's just not my gift".  As I learned more and more about my identity in Christ and how we are to live in Him and in so doing, allow Him to live through us, service became something that feels very natural to me.  I enjoy doing things to help others and I enjoy the mundane tasks that I avoided like the plague when I was trying to do this Christian life under my own strength. We cannot be this kind of servant on our own... it is not possible... it is Jesus, living through us, that renews our heart and mind to Kingdom character... It is Him and Him alone who serves through my broken vessel. My only role is to continuously seek Him with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength and EVERYTHING else that comes from that immersing is Him taking control and doing His Will through me.


The washing of the feet is a parable in that Jesus wanted to teach His disciples about servanthood and humility. It is important to learn that even though you have a high position, you must be humble and learn to serve others. Although we understand that a servant cannot be higher than the master, it must also be understood that the master can humble himself just like Jesus who was supposed to have His feet washed to remove the dust only but He took time to teach His disciples that they ought to do the same to other people.

The disciples were shocked because this was a menial work and only slaves or servants were supposed to wash the feet of their masters. They were shocked to see their Master pour water into a basin and started washing their feet and this made Peter to want to object because he was not sure why the feet and wanted his entire body to be washed.

It is a parable of cleansing because Jesus Christ will be crucified for our sins and His blood will wash away all the sins of human kind whether we believe in Him or not. All human kind will be forgiven their sins when the blood and the water ooze out of His body.

It is rebuke of pride and competition because His disciples wanted to know who is the greatest among them. We know that in God's eyes we are all equal. Jesus wanted to deal with the issue of competition as the Gospel is for everybody and there should not be any competing.

It is of humble service because it teaches us not to want to be served but to serve. Most of the time people occupying high positions wants to be served and there is nothing wrong if you occupy that position and you stand to serve others. We should always strive to be helpful and emulate Jesus in both our actions and thoughts. Put people's needs before your needs.

I must always humble myself in all aspects of my life. I must consider myself a servant who is on earth to do the Will of God and not my will. I need to be obedient to God and whatever I do to any man, I must understand that I am doing it to God. I always pray that I should remain humble and not want to occupy front seats unless I am called to do so.


Q53. (John 13:4-17)

In what way is Jesus washing the disciples' feet a parable?

Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples?

In what sense is this a parable of cleansing?

In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition?

In what way is it a parable of humble service?

In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching?

Lord make me like You.  Please make me like You.  You are a Servant.  Make me one to.  Oh Lord I am willing, do what You must do,  To make me a like You Lord, Please make me like You.  Please make me willing,  please make me like You.

I never thought of it as an acted out parable beforehand.  It was what happened just before He was betrayed.  His words and actions were clear.  

A parable is a story and this tells a story.  It is far more than something that was done, something that transpired.  It has a deep spiritual meaning.  When bathing the whole body is cleansed.  Coming to Christ for Salvation, is like coming for a spiritual bath.  We are cleansed, washed because of the fact that His blood cleanses us.  Then as in everyday life, we walk through the dust of the streets,  our feet need washing again, just so, in the spiritual sense, we come into contact with the "dust of life",  and somewhere along the line we hurt someone, we omit to do something, we don't transfer a message ,  a truth is hidden, a wrong word is spoken, etc., in plain English, we sin.  Then we too need to confess that sin, bring it to the light and are washed clean.  

The disciples were shocked, because this task was done by a menial slave or servant.  Here Jesus, the Teacher, the Messiah, is washing their feet.  

As mentioned before, we need cleansing when we have sinned.  Just so our feet need washing when we have walked in the dust of the day. 

It was not one of the disciples washing the feet, but it was the Master, the Rabbi, the Teacher,  The Greatest of them all, Who was taking on the role of a servant, the role of a slave and washing  their feet.  This sure pointed out that there was no room for pride and competition for place and position.  The Lord showed that humility was the order of the day.  


Q53. (John 13:4-17) In what way is Jesus washing the disciples' feet a parable? He by his action demonstrated thecposition of the apostles in the ministry ahead. They would be lifting the lost, stollen, stray, willfull, obstinant sheep backminto fellowship with God. Fixing their walk.

Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples? The greatness of the disparity between the savior and the lost was driven home.

In what sense is this a parable of cleansing? It reset their attitude toward their function and the purpose of the apostles office.

In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition? It clearly showed humility is never inappropriate.

In what way is it a parable of humble service? There is no more humbling service than serving the banquet table of God’s feast before a rejecting public.

In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching? Beginning the work of plowing the fallow fields in sacrificial prayer and fasting for the coming harvest. The lost cannot save themselves. There is a spiritual battle in place for their souls. Repair the breaches of the kingdom. Finish the work it is the ending of the age.


Q53. (John 13:4-17)

In what way is Jesus washing the disciples' feet a parable?

JESUS has acted as a servant to disciples, JESUS wants them to be a servant to one another.

Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples?

Their MASTER our LORD JESUS CHRIST has done a job what was suppose to be done by a slave or servant. Above all it was their feet JESUS washed.

In what sense is this a parable of cleansing?

JESUS already washed them with HIS WORD, so to wash their feet is a parable of cleansing their feet.

In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition?

Peter don't want JESUS to wash his feet because it was not right in his eyes that JESUS must do the work of a servant. when JESUS explain the act he still rebuke JESUS not to wash his feet only but his hands and head as well.

In what way is it a parable of humble service?

JESUS as Teacher and LORD step down, humble (kneel before them) HIMSELF before HIS disciple and wash their feet.

In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching?

Have to do introspection to see short comings and do accordingly. 

  • 4 weeks later...

Q.53 Jesus wanted to teach His disciple about serving  one another

It was so shocking because it was done by the low class people to the superiors not the other way round as Jesus did to His disciples 

It was customary that before reclining to eat they must wash their feet to remove dust , hence Jesus did it to His disciples 

When it was Peter's turn to be washed , he couldn't  accept Jesus washing his feet and started questioning  Him to the point where he asked Jesus to wash his whole body. Jesus had to tell him there is no need to wash the whole body since that has been done (initial salvation)

Washing a person's feet is humbling service as it requires a servant heart to do so  and also being service done by low class people to their superiors

  • 4 weeks later...

Jesus was acting out the parable if being humble when He washed the disciples’ feet. The task of washing feet is one of the most menial tasks that there was at that time. The sense that a parable of cleansing was just a way of showing us, that if we are trying to please God all the time, we will sometimes stumble and will need to ask for forgiveness. The parable is also showing us we need to be humble and help our fellow man.

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