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Q54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas? How are you using the “talents” Jesus has given you? What causes people to “bury” the talents they once used for the Lord? If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness? Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people?

  • 5 months later...

Q54. Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30); Parable of the Minas or Pounds (Luke 19:12-27)

Why did Jesus give His disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas?

ANSWER: Christ uses the Parable of the Ten Minas (A mina was a good sum of money - about three months’ wages), in Luke 19:11-27 to teach about the coming kingdom of God on earth. The occasion of the parable is Jesus’ final trip to Jerusalem.

How are you using the “talents” Jesus has given you?

ANSWER: I am using my God-Given talents to perform the following for the glory of God:

  • Being hospitable and relatable to make people feel comfortable.
  • As a Minister, spread the word of God, pray for others, visiting the sick etc…).
  • Prepare meals for individuals who are not able to cook for themselves.
  • Help teach Sunday school at my church.

It’s important to let ourselves be used by God because we may never know how we affected someone’s life.

What causes people to “bury” the talents they once used for the Lord?

ANSWER: The first reason that people don’t use what God has given them is that they have a bad relationship with, or a total misunderstanding of the Owner. And some people are afraid to take the risk of using their gift or even sharing their testimony because being honest with people will shock them. Doing what God made them for or sharing their story will cause people or will see them in a different light. Fear prevented them from embracing their talent. If God has equipped you with something, then ask Him how to use it. Just don’t sit on it, or keep it to yourself. Even if it’s just a little… show your faith in God by starting to use it and develop it for His glory.

If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness?

ANSWER: One of the greatest rewards of faithfulness is the gift of trust. Faithfulness births and grows trust; so over time you earn the reputation of a trustworthy person. Those who can be trusted with a little can be trusted with much. Thus, be faithful so you can be trusted.

Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people?

ANSWER: Jesus created simple people who aren’t as smart or talented as others because those people, when they humble themselves before Him, allow Him to love them the most, and allow Him to show His glory through them to the rest of the world. So He took pleasure in creating the simple people just as much as the brilliant and sophisticated people, because the former reflect His Divine Majesty as much as the latter do.

God knows what He gave the genius and what He gave the feeble-minded. The one who uses all God gave him for God’s glory is the smartest Intelligence Quotient (IQ) has little to do with comprehending spiritual truths, and, in the grand scheme of things, knowing God and walking in His ways are all that matter.


Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas?

Jesus' motivation? I'm not certain but the impact of these parables has been to motivate Christians to do more with what they have in this life, less so in the next.

How are you using the “talents” Jesus has given you?

I'm not, frankly. I'm in a holding pattern. I'm doing things I detest which build character in me. I pray to be released and to move onto something more than this. I pray to use both the natural and supernatural gifts He has given me, and perhaps will still give me. So far, this prayer has not been answered.

What causes people to “bury” the talents they once used for the Lord?

At some times, it's fear or laziness ... at other times, God Himself puts a Christian into a position where talents are buried for many years. His ways are mysterious.

If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness?

I know this is the wrong answer, but it seems true to me -- the reward for faithfulness is the feeling of accomplishment that accompanies it. It's the "Well done, good and faithful servant ... " moment, that inner sense that moral/character progress has been made.

Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people?

Does He?

Whatever He expects is contingent on Him putting us where He wants us. Sometimes, He puts us where our talents cannot be utilized or even developed.

I've read many missionary-sorta stories in which the missionary is inserted into a circumstance where he/she has to do something beyond ability and experience. Only then is total dependence on God required just to get through it.

The problem with natural talent is that it easily becomes a fall-back position -- the naturally gifted speaker, for instance, tends to gravitate toward places where he can speak. But God calls us, at times, to minister in circumstances where our natural talents/abilities cannot be exercised. He expects less of us because we are unable to do anything more. Our prayers are for release from these stifling circumstances as well as the strength to get through still another day. Perhaps that's enough for Him? 







Q54. Jesus told the disciples these parables to teach them about being faithful to their Master, and using the talents and gifts He has given them to bring glory to God and benefit those around us. There is also teaching on the punishment for being unfaithful and disobedient, these people will be thrown into darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 

For a long time I thought I had no gifts but on studying further I realised I did have some, because I am a Christian and so I have been given them by God. My gifts are encouraging, serving and listening. I serve where ever I can in church, and I do voluntarily work which I try to use as a means of sharing God’s love and speaking about Him. I try to be a good listener, I find so many people today are burdened by one thing or another. So many are lonely and just need someone to talk to. 

I think many do not know the importance of using their talents and gifts for the benefit of others and the glory of God. They don’t realise that they are depriving those around them of the benefits of their gifts. I knew very little about gifts until I studies Dr Ralph’s course on the Holy Spirit. This series was a revelation to me, most of it at least. Other people are selfish and can’t be bothered to use them. 

God expects more from greatly gifted people because they have been given more to work with. They have the benefit of education, social skills, and possibly finance to further their talents. Their reward will also be great if they are obedient and use their talents to further Gods kingdom and benefit others. 


Q54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27)

Why did Jesus give His disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas? How are you using the "talents" Jesus has given you? What causes people to "bury" the talents they once used for the Lord? If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness? Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people?

To teach us, as His disciples, that we must use the resources He has given us according to our abilities. Our time, gifts, talents, and money are to be used wisely until He returns. Being an 85 yo, my talents are not so much in demand as before. I must admit I have in the past used them, perhaps not as wisely as I could have, or to the best of my ability. People stop using or developing their talents by becoming lazy or even too busy with self, the **** of the flesh, and the world. There is no more love for our Lord. The rewards for faithfulness will most probably depend on the talents we have been given and our use of these talents. I should imagine that those who know scripture will be under greater responsibility to obey it. This is not salvation itself, which has already been occurred through the blood of Christ. I think the principle is that the greater the gift, the greater the responsibility.


Q54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas? How are you using the “talents” Jesus has given you? What causes people to “bury” the talents they once used for the Lord? If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness?  Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people?

Jesus gave the disciples the teaching of Talents and Minas to let them know that each person is of value in His Kingdom.  Each of us is a combination of gifts and talents that are unique to each individual.  Each of us has gifts to advance His Kingdom and as we walk with Him we become more confident in using those gifts.  The reward for faithfulness, SALVATION in Jesus certainly, and hearing Him say, "Well done," (Matthew 25:21) God expects more of greatly gifted people because they have more to give.  Are we ALL Greatly Gifted??? and it is just our culture or context that does not value that gift?  Something to think about.


Q54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas? Because they are chosing to walk into ‘to whom much is given’ in talents, gifts, and anointing. They will be responsible to the Lord himself for their use thereof.

How are you using the "talents" Jesus has given you? I am at an advancement point. My some is becoming much and my responsibility for proper use a betrothed covenent relationship. I must learn to use what is being given me that is His for His purpose.

What causes people to "bury" the talents they once used for the Lord? Become decieved that they have done enough. Selfish, I have and will live just fine on my blessings.

If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness?  Oh the great wash of the Holy Spirit over you as you walk away from ministering God’s love to someone and ‘get it right’. Just being obedient to the still small voice. And suddenly know heaven is rejoicing at that obedient act, word, prayer and the fruit it will bring to the kingdom. Oh to bring Joy to the Lord. That alone is more than enough. It is a delight to have the privilege to serve the Lord God.

Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people? You are given a greater toolset for the Lords work. Wheather it is a more powerful bulldozer or finer surgical instrument you are expected to become a mature (kjv perfected) practitioner for the Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth. Bringing greater reward to the Lord for the price He paid.



Jesus gave the disciples the Parable of Talents and Minas to teach them (and teach us too) that we are all given responsibilities that require diligent action. Each one would be rewarded according to how faithful one executed such responsibility.

Over the years I was told that I had a gift of teaching. I then got involved in teaching at the Sunday school and Bible study classes in my local church. I have tried to find out the other areas I could serve the Lord but I am more at home in teaching.

I think some people tend to bury the talent they once had or the talents they current have due to laziness and carelessness.

In addition to salvation, there could be crowns of service that would be given those who would have earned them while here on earth.


Q54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas? How are you using the "talents" Jesus has given you? What causes people to "bury" the talents they once used for the Lord? If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness? Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people?

So His disciples would understand that God expected them to share the gift of salvation  with others while using the other gifts they have received to share it.

I pray for opportunities to witness to other and am in a position to do so regularly. And try to do my best to share the talent and treasure God has given me to bless others. But there is always room for improvement.

Many things I’m sure, at least with me that has been the case But I think that it’s mostly related to fear: of failing, not doing it right, not doing it good enough, rejection, self conscious, etc. This relates to sharing your faith. With other gifts; often times people don’t know that they have them, or how to use them, other brothers/sisters may see theirs gifts and tell them, pride, possibly not being rightly related to God.

Eternal life and crowns received that we can lay at the feet of Christ. Because it’s all about Him.

He has called us to love Him and to love our neighbors. We love both Him and our neighbor if we use the gifts He has given us to bless others. The more we are gifted the greater our capacity to share/gift/bless others He puts in our lives.




Jesus gave this parable to instruct and encourage His disciples to use the talents He has given them to advance the kingdom. 

I am going into the prisons, and in the streets, nursing homes, as well as in the churches, and even the mission field preaching the gospel unto all that will receive. 

Sometimes people allow problems and trials in their lives to cause them to bury their talents. 

Not sure exactly what the reward will be if other than salvation, although whatever the kingdom offers will be glorious. 

God expects more out of people who are given more, so those who are greatly talented, there is more expected out of them. 


Q54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27)

Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas?

They, and we, need to understand that we have a responsibility to be good stewards of what God gives us and we will be held accountable to what we do with the gifts He has given us. 

How are you using the “talents” Jesus has given you?

I teach God's Word and I absolutely get such a joy out of using this gift from my Father.  God has also called me give honest Godly counsel and I see Him working that through me as I allow myself to be open to those who are struggling in different areas of their lives. I have found that as I have used my gifts He has given me more... I have recently received the gift of hospitality (which I never thought I would have) and praying over others. I have been given the gift of music and I used to use this greatly for His Kingdom, but for the last decade I have hidden this talent.  I have been asked to use it once again in our Christmas play this year and the thought of it gives me a great deal of fear and anxiety.  I am extremely out of practice but, this lesson today has greatly convicted me.  I do think I will accept this opportunity and allow God to show me that's it's Him, not me, that will give me the talent I need to succeed and bring Him Glory.

What causes people to “bury” the talents they once used for the Lord?

I can only speak for myself... I buried my talent because I left the narrow road for a time and joined the world.  God found me and brought me back to His path several years ago but, I just didn't want to take the time to hone my gift and put in the practice necessary to be useful to Him again.  I have selfishly kept one of my talents buried because I have a fear of playing my instrument in front of others.  This is leftover residue of the perfectionism God has removed from my heart and spirit.  It's time to step over the line of fear and watch what God and God alone can do with my obedience once again.

If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness?

For me, I just want to please my Father... if I can hear, "well done", oh what a wonderful day that will be!!!

Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people?

Because it is God who gives out the gifts.  He knows exactly what our DNA + our environmental upbringing + His Spirit can produce.  He knit us together for a specific purpose and for specific gifts... He placed us in the family and culture we grew up in to hone the characteristics needed to fulfill our purpose.  We have no excuse to not fulfill our intended purpose except laziness and rebellion.  


Q54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas? How are you using the “talents” Jesus has given you? What causes people to “bury” the talents they once used for the Lord? If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness? Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people?

1. To teach us that we are to use our Talents to praise him and help others to come to him. We are to use our Minas to help others that are in need. It is a spiritual responsibility.

2. I help the elderly that are in the nursing home. I am a mentor helping other women physically and spiritually.

3. They don't care for the Lord. Their trials and peer pressure becomes more to them. They become lazy and slothful.

4. The reward is giving us the desires of our heart. We are blessed to have our spiritual life and talents increased to a higher level in God. We will be rewarded for our faithful duties done here on earth.

5.  Whoever has been given more, will be expected to do more because of what they have. We must use what we have to benefit others and ourselves. The greater our talents, the more we are use them.


Jesus gave His disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas so that He emphasise that God has given each one of us Spiritual gifts, talents, etc. so as that we use whatever God has bestowed upon us for the advancement of His Kingdom. We are not to hoard these talents and gifts because God believes that if we use the gifts and talents given, the Kingdom will grow and most people will come to the knowledge of God.

I use them to bring women together from all denominations and we teach one another the Word of God and pray for our families, our country and the body of Christ. Our home cell has a lot of projects like feeding the needy, buying school shoes for those learners who do not have, feeding soup to people looking for jobs and I must say that I diligently use the resources that God has given me.

People bury talents maybe because they do not know that these are not for their keeps but for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. There are also people who are selfish and do not want to share with other people. It is important to know that God gives us different talents so that we can complement one another.

Faithfulness is nothing but being obedient to the Will of God. If we are faithful ,we listen to what the Holy Spirit tells us to do. Being faithful is not grieving the Holy Spirit but following instructions that we must carry out.

God expects all of us to use the talents/gifts He has given us accordingly. It is pretty obvious that if God has greatly gifted you, He expects you to use your talents/gifts to advance His Kingdom.


Q54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas? Apostles are the repairing, strengthening, correcting gift package to the church. They will encounter a divers set of issues through their careers. In each they are to seek to salvage, encourage, and empower the madters gifts in those people to enhance the kingdom of God.

How are you using the "talents" Jesus has given you? I have been sent to a church staged for growth and expanding outreach. I am assigned to pray for the pastorate gifting as Aaron held up the arms of Moses. I discern, fix the wall, and pray support.

What causes people to "bury" the talents they once used for the Lord? They deny the value of the gifting God gave them. Not good to treat the master as unknowing of your purpose.

If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness?   21 years of active navy and 25 years as a navy civilian. Technician, repair electronics, work in a lab environment. The reward is seeing the high level function restored to the system. You know your part is as critical as the pilots.

Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people? Your purpose for him is greater in criticality. Some people search for the edge of can do. A few of them decide that how long can I run on the edge is theirs. Even fewer are the test pilots that find how to recover from missing the edge of the edge. God needs all to run at their best for the kingdom.


Q 54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27)

Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas?

How are you using the "talents" Jesus has given you?

What causes people to "bury" the talents they once used for the Lord?

If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness?

Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people?

These parables teach us that we are to use what we have, in Christ's work, whatever we are capable of doing. (Being good stewards).  Another reason could be to convey to the disciples, that there will be a delay in the coming of the Kingdom, because they were under the impression that it would be then.  

This "how" question is not very easy to answer.  Whatever we do, we are to do for Him.  Our ability or capability varies, as we get older or as our responsibilities change.  Visits to an elderly relative, who has dementia, who no longer recognizes you, but who is delighted with visits at that time and promptly forgets that you have been there, five minutes later.  That is using ones 'talent' but also doing what you feel Jesus would do.   Filling your time sewing and knitting for some needy children, that is using ones talents.  Doing what we can do.  Praying for or interceding for the missionaries on the mission field, that is using ones talent.  Not everyone is an intercessor.  Those are all small ways those of us who are no longer as active as in by-gone years, can use the talents we have been entrusted with.  

Unfortunately fear, rejection and bitterness play a big role in the fact that talents once used for the Lord, are buried.  It could also be be that the person strayed from following the Lord wholeheartedly due to **** or covetousness.  

The reward for faithfulness, will be to hear His, WELL DONE.

100% REMAINS 100% .   If we use whatever has been entrusted to us to the best of our ability and have done it all for the LORD,  then that is all that is and can be expected from us.  


Q54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27)

Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas?

This is about stewardship, what are we do what GOD give to us. How do we spend our talents and money on. We have to advance the Kingdom of GOD with our talents and money.

How are you using the "talents" Jesus has given you?

To advance GOD's Kingdom.

What causes people to "bury" the talents they once used for the Lord?

They don't understand that they are steward unto GOD. They do things in their own strength. 

If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness?

To spend eternity with our LORD JESUS CHRIST.

Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people?

The more you spend time with GOD and in HIS WORD the more your responsibilities.

  • 4 weeks later...


Jesus wanted to teach His disciples about the last days , when He returns how they used what they have been  entrusted  with 

I use my talents by being there with people in their need , bringing hope , where it has lost and being of help wherever there  is  a  need 

They bury their  talents , because of ignorance, selfishness or deliberately  not seeing the need  to

Reward for faithfulness   is getting praised for the good work done

To whom much is given , much is required 


  • 4 weeks later...

Jesus wanted them to know that His return would be delayed and that He expected them to be advancing His kingdom. God has given us all talents and we are expected to use them to the best of our ability. I think the reason some of the people bury their talents is that they have been disappointed in the outcome of their efforts. I think that the reward for faithfulness is salvation. But there might be more than that if we are true to out talents. God has given those people great gifts and expects them to bring more people to Him.

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