Pastor Ralph Posted April 22, 2023 Report Posted April 22, 2023 Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when he tells his disciples, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”? What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? What attitude do you have toward sinners? What is the role of a spiritual doctor? Quote
Krissi Posted November 8, 2023 Report Posted November 8, 2023 God wants our hearts, not our superficial, shallow pretense of the Christian life. He wants people who evangelize and give of themselves to others, not people who self-serve in their own family puddles and church groups. He wants people who know they're sinful at core, not people who think of themselves as superior. Jesus loved the broken. He ate with the outcasts. He loved them. Jesus IS the doctor. He bandages the souls of the spiritually wounded. He loves them. Quote
Bianca Posted November 12, 2023 Report Posted November 12, 2023 God wants us to love others and care about others not just give a religious ritual. A person can go through all the rituals that may sound good but their heart is still not right. The Pharisees thought themselves to be better then sinners. They felt they were not the sinners but righteous before God but they needed a saviour to. Jesus loved the sinners because that's what he came for and everyone was a sinner and needed a saviour. Just like Jesus love the lost, we to are required to the love the lost. We were once lost to and didn't understand things. So that is something that I definitely need to remember. Jesus was and is the spiritual doctor because he came to cleanse us from our sin. Our souls needed saving and that's what Jesus did. Quote
t-c Posted November 12, 2023 Report Posted November 12, 2023 Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when he tells his disciples, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice"? What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? What attitude do you have toward sinners? What is the role of a spiritual doctor? It means that Jesus was telling the Pharisees that it’s more important for them to love/be merciful to the sinner than it is to bring in into the Temple a sacrifice to God. They seemingly hated them and looked down their noses at them. Avoided them. Jesus went to them knowing that they needed to hear the good news of salvation. He loved them. I am one of them and by God’s grace go I. I needed salvation and so does everyone else. To love them and share the good news of salvation with them. Quote
hanks Posted November 13, 2023 Report Posted November 13, 2023 Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when He tells His disciples, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice"? What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? What attitude do you have toward sinners? What is the role of a spiritual doctor? Jesus was saying that our heart attitude toward God must come first, and then only can we properly obey and observe religious regulations and rituals. The self-righteous Pharisees would not associate with sinners, putting up a front of obeying the law, such as fasting twice a week - doing so-called good deeds. But in actual fact their hearts were hard, cold, and merciless. They were hypocrites, being very quick to point out the sins of others. Jesus came into the world to save sinners (1 Tim 1:15). Since we are all sinners, completely lost, and cannot save ourself, the only way to spend eternity in heaven is through the substitutionary work of our Lord Jesus on the cross. I feel sorry for all those whose souls are in disarray. When a leading pastor mentions that only 60% of his congregation are truly born again, that is a worrying statistic. Just think what it means to mass of people at large – 90%+ or even more are lost? Who refuse our Lord’s free gift of salvation, and will spend eternity in hell. Only sinners who admit their guilt and their need of help require a spiritual doctor. They need the healing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Great Physician. For Christ is the mercy promised - the one all-sufficient sacrifice. Quote
haar Posted November 13, 2023 Report Posted November 13, 2023 Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when he tells his disciples, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice"? What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? What attitude do you have toward sinners? What is the role of a spiritual doctor? A56 Jesus clearly told his disciples (and the Pharisees/ all his followers) that his mission to the world was motivated by love and mercy that would lead to the salvation of souls from sin and not just to carry on rituals of sacrifices that take care of the physical body which the Pharisees were more inclined to doing. The Pharisees who considered themselves as righteous would not associate themselves with sinners. Their action was thus contrary to the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ who came to seek and save those who were lost in sin. My attitude should be like that of Jesus, to love and lead sinners to salvation. Quote
Lisa Wolf Posted November 13, 2023 Report Posted November 13, 2023 Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when he tells his disciples, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”? What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? What attitude do you have toward sinners? What is the role of a spiritual doctor? Mercy is a concept foreign to human selfishness and the attitude that 'I always have to be right'. As God revealed His character throughout the Old Testament, He always showed us His Mercy and showed us that He is Just. A sacrifice is something you can do. Mercy cuts deeper into our souls to require a heart that is like His. The Pharisees despised sinners because they were sure they were above them; Jesus came to heal and to save. Standing at the foot of the cross, I know I am a sinner--a forgiven sinner--and I KNOW Christ extends that forgiveness to all. A spiritual doctor has compassion on the hurting and broken. The role is a PRAYING one. Quote
GeraldG Posted November 13, 2023 Report Posted November 13, 2023 Jesus desires mercy, not sacrifice, which means that He desires us to have mercy, compassion, and love for others over our little sacrifices. Pharisees thought that sinners were unworthy of their time much less their compassion. They felt like they should just avoid sinners, pushing them away. Prideful attitude. Jesus had a merciful attitude towards sinners with love and compassion. I feel like sinners need someone who will understand, who will listen, and who will have mercy and compassion on them leading them to Jesus. The role of a spiritual doctor is to go out and reach, and heal the sin sick soul for Christ so that they may have life Quote
Elizabeth Kuruvilla Posted November 14, 2023 Report Posted November 14, 2023 Jesus called out Matthew to be His disciple and dealt with the disapproving, nit-picking Pharisees. They disapproved of Jesus hobnobbing with “sinners”. Jesus pointed out to them that the sick needed a doctor, sinners needed a Saviour. Jesus reminded them that God had told His people that He desired that His people be those who show mercy & grace, much more than He desired sacrifice and empty-hearted, dutiful Law compliance. Fear of punishment lay at the heart of Pharisaic compliance to the Law. Instead of understanding God’s heart in formulating a particular Law, they set about interpreting it and created their own understanding of what it meant to fulfill a Law. As sons of Adam, we were like that paralysed man and the man with the withered arm. Our spiritual muscles were atrophied and lacked the ability to fulfill their function. BUT… as Jesus teaches and commands … His Word supplies us what we need to obey _(live out the word)_ *as we open our hearts and _receive_ it.* _And as we receive it,_ He creates “spiritual muscles” to enable us to “work out” His command. Those who receive well can give well. To receive well, we need to recognise our poverty of spirit & soul. Jesus saw sinners as sheep without a shephard and he was moved with compassion on seeing their condition so far removed from the original design for man . We ought to remember we are Also Sinners saved by Grace and extend Grace ( hesed ) to sinners and those in the Kingdom who fall. Quote
Niyonka16 Posted November 14, 2023 Report Posted November 14, 2023 Q56. A Heart for the Lost (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when He tells his disciples, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”? ANSWER: When Jesus told his disciples, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” it simply means that you cannot buy sins with sacrificial offering. True Sacrifice is reparation restitution and includes repentance. It is better to obey and repent than to offer sacrifices while disobeying as faithless, wicked transgressor or lawless. God does not take delight in sacrifices but in obedience righteousness. Righteousness alone is the goal of sacrifice, which means you will not sin again, reminding you the dangerous consequences of sin. He wants us to get our hearts involved, tangled up with other people's lives. God does not desire to extract from us sacrifices for our sins and promises that we'll do better next time and all the other things we might do to make up for our weakness. God cares more about our heart’s love for Him than the things that we do in His name. We must not substitute religious traditions for a relationship with God. May we never be like those whom Jesus described: “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me” (Mark 7:6). What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? ANSWER: Christ's attitude toward sinners is one of respect, one of compassion, and one of love. He never berated them for their bad decisions or sins. He never acted as if they were beneath Him (though they were…all of us are!). He did, however, tell the truth and told it unapologetically. He told the truth in a manner that they (and all) could understand. In God's eyes all are 'lost', but all are loved; for to describe anything as lost means that we have invested it with value. Grace is God’s unmerited favor toward sinners. God loves us (sinners) and wants what is best for us, meaning He wants to keep us for heaven. What attitude do you have toward sinners? ANSWER: The attitude that I have toward sinners is, I need to focus on being a light to them (sinners), and loving them. It is hard to love others, and show the gospel to them, when we are angry at them, or hating on them. Anger and hate are not the way of Jesus. Seven Biblical Principles for addressing sin in a sinner’s life: Confront yourself first. Personal humility is necessary when confronting someone else’s sin. Prayerfully examine yourself and confess any known sin. Confront from a loving heart. Speak with grace and affection to sinners. Speak to the sinner from a heart of love and mercy. Confront at the right time. Before you address a sinner’s sin, consider the best time to have that conversation. Confront the most important matters. Your role as a Christian friend isn’t to address every infraction of God’s righteousness that you may see in others. Confront with Scripture. When confronting a sinner, base your concerns on clear biblical truth. Confront confidentially. Be careful to keep the matters you discuss with the individual(s) confidential. Confront, and then provide accountability. If the sinner receives what you say to him/her, recognizes the sin in his/her life, and repents of it, you now have an opportunity to provide him/her with accountability. We are to always remember the primary goal of confronting sinners in their sin, is to restore him/her to a right relationship with God. Let's be like Jesus accepting the person, loving the person whoever and whatever they have done but let's not accept the sin. Instead of judging people let’s show people toward Jesus as only He has the power to forgive sins What is the role of a spiritual doctor? ANSWER: The definition of a spiritual doctor is a spiritualist or medium. The main work of a spiritual doctor is to diagnose the ills of the soul and the hinderances to its contact with God. Spiritual doctors are someone who tries to make a person healthy without using medicines or other physical methods, sometimes as part of a religious ceremony. They use spiritual healers alongside orthodox medicine. Quote
Debra Grant Posted November 15, 2023 Report Posted November 15, 2023 Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when he tells his disciples, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”? What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? What attitude do you have toward sinners? What is the role of a spiritual doctor? 1. He desire compassion and not false sacrifice that is showing to be superior which is not from the heart. 2. They had pride that caused them to look down on sinners and they believed to be better than others. The Pharisees wanted to get attention from everyone as if they were great. 3. He loved the sinners and had mercy on them. He said, it is not the healthy that needs a doctor, but the sick. He did not come to call the righteous, but the sinners to salvation. 4. I love them and will do what I can to help them get saved. I will help physically as well. My attitude is to live a life that is an example of Jesus. 5. A spiritual doctor helps sinners to come to repentance and accept Jesus. They help the sin sick soul to become healthy spiritually. Quote
Zanele Tlhakanelo Posted November 17, 2023 Report Posted November 17, 2023 Jesus does not want people to make sacrifices as if impressing Him but is touched by people who have compassion towards other people. People who show love and care about the wellbeing of others. The Pharisees discriminated people they referred to as sinners because they did not follow their religious observations. They considered themselves as people who have integrity and looked down upon others. When Jesus Christ went to dine with the "sinners", they were disappointed and made remarks that were uncalled for. Jesus Christ loved the sinners because He understood that His mission was to save those that are lost and to heal the sick. He did not discriminate against the sinners because He understood that He came for the lost so that they may have life. I understand that I was a sinner and Jesus Christ took the fall and thought of me above all. It was only through His grace that I got saved and therefore, I cannot judge those who are still sinners. I have been called to be light of the world and the salt of the earth, therefore, I cannot condemn anyone who is still living a sinful life but pray for them and believe that God will change them. A spiritual doctor is the one who reaches out to people that are sinners and prays that they see the light. He feeds sinners with the Word of God so that they understand that the wages of sin is death and those who want to have an eternal life must accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Quote
George L Posted November 19, 2023 Report Posted November 19, 2023 Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when he tells his disciples, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice"? We are to be merciful and seek mercy reather than judgement for the lost. What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? They expected them to clean themselves and also to profit from their purchase of sacrificial offerings. What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? Jesus calls no one sinner, He calls all of them lost. And he cares for them as lost sheep. What attitude do you have toward sinners? They are my masters lost sheep, Lost, stollen, stray, decieved, enslaved. They are all the Lords and I an under sheherd entrusted with caring for them and recovering them. What is the role of a spiritual doctor? Undoing the damage done to souls by words and actions in the world. Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted November 22, 2023 Report Posted November 22, 2023 Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when he tells his disciples, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice"? JESUS are more concern about the loss, the sinner, the person that has never hear this Good News. JESUS don't want them to bring offerings unto HIM HE has no compassion in that but in the loss soul. What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? The Pharisees thought that they are better than sinners, they are not allowed to communicate with sinners. According to them, they are the only people who knows GOD's Word. The Pharisees already condemned the sinners. What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? All are welcome. JESUS said that HE has come for the lost, for the sinner. HE didn't come for the righteous, but for the sinners. A healthy person are not going to doctor, but the sick. Therefor HE has come heal the sin-sick soul. What attitude do you have toward sinners? Interduce JESUS to them. What is the role of a spiritual doctor? To heal the sin-sick soul. Quote
Robomom3 Posted November 22, 2023 Report Posted November 22, 2023 Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when he tells his disciples, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”? Jesus is not looking at what we do outwardly... He is looking for the motives that drive us inwardly. He came to transform our hearts, not change our appearance. What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? Judgment... they saw sinners as "others" and all sinners as beneath them. What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? Mercy and Love... Compassion and a true desire to help them. What attitude do you have toward sinners? What is the role of a spiritual doctor? Honestly... it depends on the sin... I have much more compassion for some than others. Those who are stuck in addictions or struggling with self-control I find much easier to feel compassion for than those who are filled with hate and are doing things that destroy the lives of others. I know I am not to feel this way, but it is something God is still working on within me. What is the role of a spiritual doctor? To recognize that sin is a sickness and the only hope for healing is the Blood of Jesus. Quote
Irmela Posted November 24, 2023 Report Posted November 24, 2023 Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when He tells his disciples, "I desire mercy, not sacrifice"? What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? What attitude do you have toward sinners? What is the role of a spiritual doctor? Sacrifice is an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else more important or worthy; an act of penitence or prayer as propitiation (appeasement, to make amends or compensate) Mercy is compassion or forbearance shown to enemies; pity; tolerance; sympathy; kindness; soft-heartedness; generosity; consideration Sacrifice in a way has to do with oneself. Giving up something for oneself. Mercy is an act towards one's fellow-man. Mercy involves the other person, be it someone who one is friendly disposed towards or otherwise. I feel Jesus is telling His disciples that we are to be kind towards our fellowman, whether they are the same or different than we are. We are not only to tolerate them, but also be generous towards them. Accept them and do not show contempt for who they are, for their station in life. (Hate the sin but love the sinner). The Pharisees despised those who they saw to be sinners. They openly showed how they felt towards them. There was no tolerance or acceptance for them at all and they openly showed this. Jesus never pushed the sinners away. In fact He went to them and showed them kindness. He showed them that as human beings they were accepted. He ate with them. He allowed them to listen to His teachings. He called them also, to follow Him, this of course meant leaving the sin and starting anew with Him. I don't dare point a finger, for there, but for the grace of God, am I. The role of a doctor is one who treats or fixes something or someone which or who is broken. Thus a medical doctor will "fix" someone who needs medicinal care. A "mechanical doctor" will "heal" something that has a mechanical problem. So then you find a spiritual doctor is someone who helps someone with a spiritual problem. Quote
Zibuyile Posted December 19, 2023 Report Posted December 19, 2023 Q.56 Jesus meant by mercy than sacrifice - He had compassion for the sinners and seeks to save them rather than feeling better than them or feel righteous The pharisees had an attitude of being superior and more righteous than the sinners Jesus had compassion towards them and seeking to save them Love and and longing to see them getting saved The spiritual doctor is the to provide healing to the people Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 15, 2024 Report Posted January 15, 2024 Jesus is saying that He would like us to be merciful to those that don’t know the Lord more than he desires sacrifices. The Pharisees wanted to ignore the sinners. They had no compassion on them and just wanted them to go away. Jesus came to save the sinners. The role of a spiritual doctor is bringing all that will listen to the Lord. Quote
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