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  • 4 months later...

Bro. Ralph, My heart breaks over the lost and I pray so more each day.  I have a growing list over the years.  It's hard to imagine Jesus knowing 8 billion people and caring for them with His eternal love....each one on His heart of love.  God reached down to me as an 11 year old boy in 1961 and radically saved me.  In the church I pastor we pray for lost people by name and for lost people groups (Joshua Project).  Obviously, God's heart breaks much more than mine for the lost, but it causes me to weep as I realize their eternal destiny.  Thank you for this God-ordained ministry and your faithfulness to the Gospel.  With His love, gary

  • 2 months later...

Yesterday, I copied a quote from Whitfield (first great awakening in the United States) which expresses the attitude Christians should have toward evangelism: "When I wake I am planning to save souls. When I sleep I am dreaming of saving souls and my whole heart's desire is to save souls.

Whitfield's is a high bar to leap. This incessant, passionate desire to save every soul we meet is a gift of God, but one we also must foster in ourselves.

Jesus was heartbroken over his sheep because He knew their future, the decisions they'd make and their eternal destiny. The path is narrow, after all. Few find it. Those who do find the narrow path are celebrated by the angels and those who do not find the it are grieved, which is what Jesus is doing.

I don't have to stretch very far to find unbelievers. My family is lost. I am praying for my dying father now who still hasn't accepted Him. My children are unbelievers and the one who tentatively accepted Christ is falling away. Almost everyone from my past is an unbeliever. I'm surrounded! 

So, the question is this: Do I grieve enough? Do I sincerely grieve their eternal damnation? Deeply and viscerally grieve?

I do wonder.

If I felt as Jesus feels, I'd be paralyzed with fear and pain -- I have tempered any grief with daily business and thoughts. My love for the lost has been watered down, lesser-than it should be.

Forgive me, Lord.




Q57. (Matthew 9:36) Why is Jesus' heartbroken over lost sheep? Who are the lost sheep of your community? Of the mission fields that you know about? What is your attitude toward them?

Because Jesus is the Good Shepherd and we are like His sheep. When one of us is lost He leaves the herd to find the one and return it to the fold. He loves us so much that He would give His own life to save us.

Anyone who doesn’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Anyone who doesn’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Jesus loves them and is searching for them. I should do likewise. One at a time.


. (Matthew 9:36) Why is Jesus' heartbroken over lost sheep? Who are the lost sheep of your community? Of the mission fields that you know about? What is your attitude toward them?


Jesus is heartbroken over the lost sheep because it would be a prey to predators- Satan who would make the Jews to miss salvation by rejecting Jesus Christ the Savior of the whole world.

The lost sheep in my community are all those who believe in any other gods other than Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.  


Jesus was heart broken because His sheep has been mislead, and uncared for, there scattered like sheep with no shepherd. 

The lost sheep of our community are the ones who have been hurt by the church and fell away. 

The missions that I know of, and have been associated with are like the refugees who have been pushed away and forgotten by community or even the church. 

I want to reach out to everyone I can to the hurt and struggling, for my heart is broken with compassion for them. 


Only a Good Shephards heart breaks over Lost Sheep.

Every single sheep matters to Him

He doesn't cut his losses and move on.

He is the Good Shephard who has given His Life with every single Sheep in mind. He died for every single human being .

So it grieves Him to see them taken advantage off, mistreated , uncared for, battered by those who were meant to protect them.

Lost sheep are anyone who doesn't know Jesus as their Saviour and those shunned within the church and have left their first love because they are not established in the truth of the New Covenant and hence fall prey to the fiery darts of the wicked one. 


Q57. (Matthew 9:36) Why is Jesus' heartbroken over lost sheep? Who are the lost sheep of your community? Of the mission fields that you know about? What is your attitude toward them?  Jesus is heartbroken over the lost sheep because He loves them MORE.  2 Peter 3:9 reminds us of His heart toward all people, "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."  In my community--many people need Jesus, but several neighbors I know personally - need to know Him.  I pray for them and hope for opportunities to talk with them and bless them.  In the mission fields I know about, I pray.  Friends on the front lines report that people ARE coming to know Jesus.  Each one is no longer a lost sheep.


Q57. Analogies of the Lost Sheep (Matthew 9:36)

Why is Jesus’ heartbroken over lost sheep?

ANSWER: You and I have all turned away or at one point have been separated from the Shepherd. In His great mercy, God didn’t leave us in that condition but went after us to bring us back home. God doesn’t want anyone to perish, but He wants everyone to come to repentance. This desire is why God pursues you, because He loves you deeply and cares about you. There are many lost sheep out there and God has commissioned you and I to go and share the gospel with them.

God doesn’t want to have any of us be tempted by Satan and thus keep far from Him, indulge in the pursuit of money, fame and gain, covet worldly things and carnal pleasure, and no longer have any place for God in our hearts. Instead, He hopes that we can worship Him and live under His blessings and promise.

Who are the lost sheep of your community?

ANSWER: The lost sheep of our community is someone who's turned from God and walking in the ways of the world instead. Those who sin are like the lost sheep. We are called to support and seek out those who may have strayed, extending the same love and grace that God offers to us. As we meditate on this parable, may we be encouraged by the depth of God's love and inspired to reach out to the lost and broken, extending the same grace and compassion that we ourselves have received. This parable reminds us of the importance of fostering a compassionate and inclusive community that rejoices when lost souls find their way back to God's embrace. In God's eyes, we are all significant, whether a lost sheep or member of the ninety-nine 😇.

Of the mission fields that you know about?

ANSWER: The Lost Sheep of the mission fields are: … People who have wandered away from the Almighty. People who do not know Him. People who have lost their ultimate purpose and a sense of their eternal destinies. We need to remember that every follower of Jesus was at one time a lost sheep.

What is your attitude toward them?

ANSWER: My attitude toward the discovery of God's will for others and myself  should be on of open-mindedness, faith, trust, eagerness, and joy. God wills only well for us, and the process of discernment can help us find the truth and live it in our lives. We are to offer the individuals who are lost and don’t know the Father love, prayer, forgiveness and blessing.


Q57. (Matthew 9:36) Why is Jesus' heartbroken over lost sheep? Who are the lost sheep of your community? Of the mission fields that you know about? What is your attitude toward them?

1. The sheep have been lead astray by their shepherds and scattered because there was no shepherd. They have been mistreated. 

2. People that have backslid, don't have a true shepherd, and been hurt by others possibly church members.

3. Those that are not true leaders, (pastors, prophets, antichrist).

4. The leaders that mistreat people should be afraid that God will chasten them severely. God said, vengeance is his.






Q57. (Matthew 9:36)

Why is Jesus' heartbroken over lost sheep? Who are the lost sheep of your community? Of the mission fields that you know about? What is your attitude toward them?

Jesus must be heartbroken when He looks down upon the multitude who are lost - without a shepherd, who are stressed, and helpless. His heart of compassion goes out to them. All who have not repented and put their faith in our Lord Jesus are the lost in my community, and the world. I live in Africa and I know there is much work to be done here. Although I hear in Europe the churches are battling to survive. I truly feel it is time for our Lord Jesus to come. Come Lord Jesus, come!


Jesus is heartbroken about the lost sheep because they have heard the voice of the Shepherd but still do not want to follow the Shepherd. They have hardened their hearts and rightly distanced themselves from following Jesus. 

The lost sheep in my community are people who say there is no God and some say Jesus Christ is not the Messiah. These are people who have seen God save them from a lot of evil things and hardships but still do not want to believe.

There are also Pastors who do disgusting things especially in our country and yet they want people to follow Jesus. Their actions do not at all witness that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior but want to give people stuff so that people can start believing in them than in Jesus Christ.

I pray that God have mercy on them and let them come to true repentance. Our God is patient and even those who makes mockery about the Word of God should repent before it is too late.


Q57. (Matthew 9:36) Why is Jesus' heartbroken over lost sheep? hell and the lake of fire is so terrible and intended for Lucifer and his angel's only.

Who are the lost sheep of your community? Everyone not serving the Lord.

Of the mission fields that you know about? The same, may they be muslim extremists or the Poor and broken in shattered nations.

What is your attitude toward them? Jesus paid the price for all. He proved their worth to himself. He is my Lord


Q57. (Matthew 9:36)

Why is Jesus' heartbroken over lost sheep?

HE is the true Shepherd of all of us. Knowing what was suppose to be done and how they suppose to care for their people, this was to much for our SHEPHERD. That cause JESUS heartbroken over people who gone lost. 

Who are the lost sheep of your community?

Those who didn't hear the voice of JESUS.

Of the mission fields that you know about?

Always those in need. Mostly those that were force to stay some where out of side.

What is your attitude toward them?

Restore their dignity and interduce JESUS to them. 


Q57. (Matthew 9:36)

Why is Jesus' heartbroken over lost sheep?

Because they are helpless to the attacks of the enemy. Just as we are heartbroken every time we see an innocent victim, either human or animal, being harassed and abused... this is how Jesus views the lost of this world.  This is how we, also, should view the lost of this world.  With the same compassion we would give a stranded animal that needs help... how much more should we have compassion on a human soul who is being tortured currently and whose final destination is eternal torture...

Who are the lost sheep:

  • of your community?   All who are out there on their own without Jesus as their Shepherd.  
  • Of the mission fields that you know about?  All who are still blind to the gospel of Christ.

What is your attitude toward them?

My passion lies within the walls of the church.  This is where God has called me to do His Work at this time.  There are so many who believe they are saved but are just wearing a Christian mask while killing themselves trying, through self-effort, to produce imitation fruit for all to see.  The church has bought into so many false teachings or teachings that take verses out of context (which are still false teachings) that we have caused many to stumble and miss finding Christ at all.  I know there is a lost and dying world outside of our congregation, but I also know we will not have an impact on that world until we are all united in Christ moving in the same mind and Spirit.  And that will not happen until the "church" meets and falls in love with Jesus and submits their will to His. Until they realize... He desires Mercy.... not outward sacrifice... until they realize knowing about Him is not the same as knowing Him... until they realize it's not head knowledge that makes us great in God's Kingdom, it is servanthood and mercy and compassion and obedience and submission.  God's Kingdom is the upside right Kingdom... it is the original plan... this world is Satan's upside-down version of the perfection God created.  It is his mission to destroy and distort everything God has made.  We must hold fast to His Word and be sensitive to His Voice and move when He says move... speak when He says speak... and remain still when He says be still... Jesus did NOTHING without His Father's direction... that's a high bar to live up too... I may never reach it but I will live out the rest of my days striving to be a good obedient servant of the Most High God.


Q57. (Matthew 9:36)

Why is Jesus' heartbroken over lost sheep?

Who are the lost sheep of your community? Of the mission fields that you know about?

What is your attitude toward them?

Lost sheep are very vulnerable.  They are prey to the predators.  Words used are harassed and helpless.  (certainly not a happy picture)  Troubled and tormented, without peace.  Jesus knew that the end for the lost sheep was being a prey to the predator, be it in the form of false teaching or rejection or falling away in some way, just no longer believing in God.

The lost sheep are the ones not believing in God.  NO longer trusting Him.  The ones following other non-existing, so-called gods.  

Longing to open  their eyes to their lost state and longing to see them truly set free and following Christ.  Many loved ones are included in this category.

  • 4 weeks later...


Jesus was heartbroken seeing the crowd weary and lost without a sheperd looking after them

The lost sheep of the community  are all those who are not saved , and have no one to tell them about saving power of Jesus Christ

Compassion towards them 

  • 4 weeks later...

Jesus is heartbroken over the lost sheep because God had selected them to bring the word into the world. Now they are lost can’t see what God wanted them to do. Some of the mission fields that I have been on are down in Mexico. I know we have a great mission field here in the U. S. but my heart has been in Mexico.

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