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Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38) Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel? Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper? Why is there such a shortage of reapers? Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you?

  • 5 months later...

Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel?

I live near military bases. As the Western wars against Russia and China heat up, the real threat of having to fight is dawning on the men and women in the military, most of whom have never seen combat. Perhaps they are thinking of their own potential deaths and the need for eternal life. As the old saying goes, "There are no atheists in foxholes." Furthermore, the US has already sent thousands of military men/women to fight in the war in Israel between Jews and Muslims. I would think that the religious and eschatological dimension of this war along with the possibility of dying in it would cause militarymen/women to consider more seriously their own salvation. 

I rarely talk to military people, however.

Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper? Why is there such a shortage of reapers? Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you?

I see myself as a reaper as it is. Sowing takes more patience than I possess! Since I live almost exclusively among secular people, by His grace opportunities arise to share the gospel. 

Reaping requires a confidence in the salvific message of Jesus. It requires a real sensitivity to His Spirit's prompting as to when and how to share the gospel. It's hard to do which is one reason why there's a shortage of reapers.


Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38) Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel? Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper? Why is there such a shortage of reapers? Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you?
From my observation, people are usually more sober and receptive to the Word at funeral service when everyone is more sober and reflects on the possibility that death could call at any time. 
I see my responsibility as both sower (sharing my faith) as well as a reaper that leads people to Christ. 
However, the fact is that I pray for more grace to enable me to be involved in sowing and reaping of souls as the opportunities arises.  


Q58. Analogy of the Harvest and the Laborers (Matthew 9:37-38); Analogy of Fields White for Harvest (John 4:35-38)

Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel?

ANSWER: I truly used to think that the people I was trying to reach were harder to reach than the people in another place and that it was a more difficult place than anywhere else. I had to change my thinking from “my people group (or area),” instead, I had to trust and believe what Jesus told His disciples. He said, the harvest is ripe.

I believe that our underlying beliefs/feelings affect our perceptions of reality about our region or area. We need God’s eyes to see the people around us as ripe and ready. This requires faith. We are easily tempted to put our faith in past experiences, rather than in God’s power and His Word. We need to pause for a moment and ask God for fresh faith to believe His great truth, “the harvest is ripe.” Jesus is telling us that God's harvest of people is right in front of us and are ready to receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper?

ANSWER: ONE SOWS AND ANOTHER REAPS … I see myself as both, a sower and a reaper. Both sowing and reaping are necessary to win souls.  Yet the two are not always done by the same person(s). We may reap where other have sown. Jesus did the sowing, but the disciples would do the reaping. God only holds us responsible for sowing the seed. The power is in the seed, not in the one who sows or the reaper.

The sower and the reaper are not the same. The sowing is the telling of the message and the reaping is the belief of those who hear the message. Each complements the other. Some work to plant spiritual seeds, while others might be the ones collecting the harvest. Both are valuable and we should be ready for opportunities in either case. Others had gone before them, tilling the ground, planting the seed and watering the soil; and now they were witnessing the harvest.

No matter whether God calls us to sow or to reap, let us be faithful to prayer, the Sacraments, works of mercy, and reading the Scriptures. Let us tend to our own souls, knowing that by so doing, we are making ourselves more likely to make a difference in the lives of those around us. Let us aim for greater docility to the Holy Spirit, and allow Him to abide in our hearts.

Why is there such a shortage of reapers?

ANSWER: Some of Christ’s last words on earth were, “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). We can get as caught up in the “reaping” as the disciples probably were. We often focus on the harvest as opposed to the tilling, sowing, watering, and cultivating that must occur before we reap. In other words, we want to see the end result and not just experience the work that comes before. This can also cause us to be discouraged when we don’t see quick results in our ministry. However, we can be encouraged by Jesus’ words and realize that the work we are doing now will bring a harvest even; if we aren’t there to be a part of it.

Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you?

ANSWER: Yes, I am willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps me. First, every sower is a reaper. Secondly, both sowers and reapers are servants or laborers on God’s farm. Last but not least, it does not matter who sows or reaps both the sower and reaper have the same reward from God. In God’s mission reaping what others have sown is not a big deal because the harvest is already plentiful and more workers are needed. Let us go out there to sow and also to reap, for the harvest is plentiful. In other words, we must go into the field to preach the Good News and also to win souls who have repented as a result of the evangelistic activities of others.


I have experienced more people receptive of the gospel in the street services, and rehab centers, jails and prisons. 

I really see myself as a sower and a reaper for I don't want to just leave someone with a word, but I want to see it through where salvation comes and heaven rejoices.

People doesn't seem to want to go through with the long haul, if they don't receive it right off the bat they just quit with those people. They don't like going through the hard times to see salvation through. 

Yes Lord please, I want to reach as many as I can for the gospel of Christ and see salvation come, and heaven filled. 


Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38) Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel? Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper? Why is there such a shortage of reapers? Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you? 

In my life so far I have been a sower and an encourager.  I definitely need Jesus' help to become a reaper!!!  Thankful that it is God who gives the growth and the Holy Spirit who gives the words...I am willing.  As far as a region that seems ripe for harvest, I see people coming to faith at a somewhat-nearby church that straddles many socio-economic areas as well as many multi-cultural areas.  In September they did a survey: people from 32 countries and 27 languages.  They worship God together and many are coming to faith and being baptized. Many.  The church I attend does a strong outreach to college students, so the church has many, many college students in various stages from questions to strong faith.  A friend is reaping a huge harvest in a war-torn area of our world.  Lord, may many come to believe in You.


Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38) Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel? Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper? Why is there such a shortage of reapers? Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you?

1. I would say at church, jail, and families that are supportive at being in the same church.

2. I am mainly a sower, but I know God lets me reap.

3. The harvest is plenty, but the sowers are few. People don't want to put in time to sow.

4. Yes, I would like to reap. I want to sow first and then be a reaper with the help of Jesus. I am willing to help the needy in coming to Christ.


Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38)

Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel? Do you see yourself mainly as a Sower or a reaper? Why is there such a shortage of reapers? Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you?

In my country we have an over 40% unemployment rate among the youth. Some will be without hope, and I think here we will find a ripe harvest. I also feel that if they are told about Jesus many will give their lives to Him. Much prayer is needed. I see myself more of a gardener who waters and then perhaps a reaper. The reapers are few – as Jesus said the workers are few (Mat 9:37). They know they will face much opposition and aggression. Only our Good Shepherd can protect them. With Jesus’ help, I would be willing.


Q58. Analogy of the Harvest and the Laborers (Matthew 9:37-38); Analogy of Fields White for Harvest (John 4:35-38)

Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel?

ANSWER: I truly used to think that the people I was trying to reach were harder to reach than the people in another place and that it was a more difficult place than anywhere else. I had to change my thinking from “my people group (or area),” instead, I had to trust and believe what Jesus told His disciples. He said, the harvest is ripe.

I believe that our underlying beliefs/feelings affect our perceptions of reality about our region or area. We need God’s eyes to see the people around us as ripe and ready. This requires faith. We are easily tempted to put our faith in past experiences, rather than in God’s power and His Word. We need to pause for a moment and ask God for fresh faith to believe His great truth, “the harvest is ripe.” Jesus is telling us that God's harvest of people is right in front of us and are ready to receive the good news of Jesus Christ.

Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper?

ANSWER: ONE SOWS AND ANOTHER REAPS … I see myself as both, a sower and a reaper. Both sowing and reaping are necessary to win souls.  Yet the two are not always done by the same person(s). We may reap where other have sown. Jesus did the sowing, but the disciples would do the reaping. God only holds us responsible for sowing the seed. The power is in the seed, not in the one who sows or the reaper.

The sower and the reaper are not the same. The sowing is the telling of the message and the reaping is the belief of those who hear the message. Each complements the other. Some work to plant spiritual seeds, while others might be the ones collecting the harvest. Both are valuable and we should be ready for opportunities in either case. Others had gone before them, tilling the ground, planting the seed and watering the soil; and now they were witnessing the harvest.

No matter whether God calls us to sow or to reap, let us be faithful to prayer, the Sacraments, works of mercy, and reading the Scriptures. Let us tend to our own souls, knowing that by so doing, we are making ourselves more likely to make a difference in the lives of those around us. Let us aim for greater docility to the Holy Spirit, and allow Him to abide in our hearts.

Why is there such a shortage of reapers?

ANSWER: Some of Christ’s last words on earth were, “Go and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). We can get as caught up in the “reaping” as the disciples probably were. We often focus on the harvest as opposed to the tilling, sowing, watering, and cultivating that must occur before we reap. In other words, we want to see the end result and not just experience the work that comes before. This can also cause us to be discouraged when we don’t see quick results in our ministry. However, we can be encouraged by Jesus’ words and realize that the work we are doing now will bring a harvest even; if we aren’t there to be a part of it.

Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you?

ANSWER: Yes, I am willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps me. First, every sower is a reaper. Secondly, both sowers and reapers are servants or laborers on God’s farm. Last but not least, it does not matter who sows or reaps both the sower and reaper have the same reward from God. In God’s mission reaping what others have sown is not a big deal because the harvest is already plentiful and more workers are needed. Let us go out there to sow and also to reap, for the harvest is plentiful. In other words, we must go into the field to preach the Good News and also to win souls who have repented as a result of the evangelistic activities of others.


Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38) Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel? Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper? Why is there such a shortage of reapers? Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you?

I work at my church’s food bank and often get to take the food to people’s cars. I get to greet the people and often have the opportunity to check in with them to pray for them. Rarely has anyone not wanted prayers; of course this isn’t the gospel message. But I believe that the harvest is ripe among the poor and those that have great need. Covid has greatly increased poverty in the area that I live in.

I would say that I’m more of a sower than a reaper. Or I have done more sowing than reaping.

I believe that ultimately Jesus is the reaper; that we are just there witnessing when they come to Christ. God does all the heavy lifting. It’s a miracle when someone comes from death into life. But it’s still necessary for someone to be there to share with them the gospel message.                                              
It’s risky, we feel inadequate, we fear rejection or loss of friendship/relationship.      
Fear is almost always involved.



Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38) Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel? The cities and metropolitan areas. The greater the troubles the more troubled the poeple. I find people in service jobs a tremendous field.

Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper? Neither, I see the fields arexwhite acorophetic furure and the huge need for mentors to grow the newly saved a serious shortcoming we must rebuild along with the evangelist anointing.

Why is there such a shortage of reapers? The church has become self satisfied. I have “my salvation” and stopped working.

Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you? I expect to be on the front lines doing on the job training.


Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38)

Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel?

People in the outskirts mostly countryside. This is also where we will find people that don't reason about GOD's WORD. They take as it is delivered.

Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper?

JESUS said there will come a time that you will reap where you not even sowered. I tend to be a reaper.

Why is there such a shortage of reapers?

GOD's Word said that my people perished because of a leak of knowledge. We have to take GOD's Word as little children, when the Word said Yes than it is YES.

Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you?

YES off cause, this is a great need in our days.


I live in South Africa and we do not have boundaries where we cannot preach or share the Word of God. It is just unfortunate that the Government has allowed Democracy in everything and have restricted that no prayers must be conducted at schools. I was a Principal at a High School and I made sure that Pastors were invited to come preach to my learners but unfortunately, in most schools prayers are no longer conducted and I believe that is where the harvest is ripe. In Proverbs 22:6, the Word of God says "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

I am more of a sower because I have been an advocating even at my new workplace that we have morning prayers. It was difficult at first because there are many racial groups and wanted to oppose it but God favored us. We were disturbed by COVID-19  for us not to gather but the Spirit of God wants us to continue. There is nothing wrong being both I presume because somewhere you plant and in other places you reap.

People are being sceptical as well about reapers as there are shocking things happening by people using the Word of God to deceive others. I want to believe that God wants people who will worship Him in Truth and in Spirit. It is my prayer that God should raise such reapers who do not want to enrich themselves but preach the Gospel.

More than willing and let the people believe the Jesus in me and see Him in me through my actions and my speech. God help us to preach His Word without compromising it.


Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38)

Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel?

I am thinking that any answer I give would prove my misunderstanding of God's Word.  "Look around, the Harvest is ripe"... that means everywhere I look the harvest is ripe!  If I pick and choose where I witness based on my perception of their receptiveness, then I am deeming some unworthy of God's great Gift.  We have to step out of our misconceptions and preconceived ideas of who people are and what their hearts are like.  When Jesus sent the disciples out, He sent them into "every" town.  If the town did not accept them then, and only then, were they to shake the dirt off their sandals and move on.  But... EVERYONE should be given the same chance to hear the gospel. EVERY GROUP... EVERY CREED... EVERY SINGLE PERSON...

Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper?

God has called me primarily to sow... I have been called to teach, encourage and mentor... I have been used to escort several souls into the Kingdom of Heaven and that has to be the most awesome privilege given to us on the face of this earth. But, my main "job" seems to be as sower.

Why is there such a shortage of reapers?

I think the church fails to train it's congregation in this field.  My class has asked me to train them and I am so excited to see what God does as a result.  People are so afraid of "doing it wrong".  It is so sad that we have complicated the simplicity of the Gospel to the point that people feel that only pastors can escort someone into God's Kingdom.  It is much like we have gone back to OT culture where only the priests could do certain jobs.  We all have the EXACT SAME SPIRIT OF GOD LIVING WITHIN EACH OF US if we are, in fact, His children.  My husband was saved right here in our living room... just the two of us and the Spirit of God... and if we had a swimming pool or a pond out back... I would have baptized him also... this too has been distorted as only something a pastor can do... we are clearly told to baptize each other in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit... we are, each one of us, priests in God's Kingdom...

Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you?

Yes Yes and YES!!! And it is only with God's help that we can reap His harvest...


Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38)

Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel?

Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper?

Why is there such a shortage of reapers? 

Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you?

I personally understand that at any given time and opportunity that lends itself to us, to share Christ, then we are to do so.  In fact we are to live in such a way, that Christ is seen in us.  In this way we are interchangeably reapers, sowers or those that water.  Lord help me to be willing at all time to be used of You as You see fit.

  • 1 month later...

I live in the southern part of the country and seems to me that the people here are acceptable to the gospel. I was a sower when I was leading the children ministry and I was a reaper when I went on mission trips. I think that the shortage of reapers is due to the fact that we don’t want to standout because the world does not like evangelist. I am always willing to be a reaper with Jesus’ help.

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