Pastor Ralph Posted October 24, 2023 Report Posted October 24, 2023 Q1. (Titus 1:9) Why do pastors and elders hesitate to correct false doctrine today? What is the result of laxity? What is the result of gentle but firm discipline with regard to doctrine? Quote
Krissi Posted February 4, 2024 Report Posted February 4, 2024 I have never heard of a pastor or elder correcting anyone's theology, at least in a public manner. Perhaps privately this is done, but if so, I have never experienced it, and frankly, I wish a pastor had cared enough to channel my thinking when I was young. The result of my own and pastoral laxity is confusion. It takes longer to sort through biblical truths without a guide to put up boundaries or hedges for belief. Theology is difficult. Christian thought is not intuitive, but often counter-intuitive. Those of us who come to faith from secular backgrounds don't have a foundation on which to build. The ideas of faith have to be ordered, connected and channeled. I have found this to be incredibly difficult. These past few months, I've struggled with the idea of suffering: does God cause suffering to improve our character and knowledge of Him, cf. Job? Does He put us in the crucible to burn off the bad stuff? Or, is suffering the work of Satan, thus keeping God's goodness intact? No pastor I know seems to struggle with this, or is able to talk, openly, about these two very divergent ways of conceiving God's power/sovereignty and goodness. In relatively contemporary thinking two schools of thought exist simultaneously: for example, Lettie Cowman v. Rick Renner. Perhaps the reason why congregants are not mentored or corrected is that many pastors don't have the courage or ability to do so. Many simply haven't thought deeply about theology and are incapable, therefore, of correcting us?. Pastor Ralph doesn't consider this possibility, but I think that pastors shy away from controversy and depth because they don't have answers and don't want to struggle their way to an answer, even one tentatively held. Christian history is full of competing ideas. Ultimately, it's up to us, the congregants, to sort through these ideas when they arise in daily life or cause pain and distance from God. God Himself corrects us. The Spirit gives wisdom to us when we ask. Our vertical relationship to God is the primary source of knowledge and wisdom, not our horizontal relationships with other believers on earth. We answer to God alone. We learn from Him alone, too. Quote
Dr. Gracie L. Adderly Posted February 18, 2024 Report Posted February 18, 2024 I think that most pastors (today) hesitate to call out false doctrine because of public ridicule vs. their call to the Gospel - i.e., being cancelled, appeasing the audience - as much, stumbling over the truth next to an articulate heresie. Heresies live for a good debate, and count on Christians that learn cliched phrases rather than what the Bible truly says. It used to be that when religious authorities decide that a belief was heretical, they would take active efforts to eradicate the belief, (by excommunication or worse). We are called to study to show ourselves approved, (Timothy 2:15). It is unfortunate that most practices of false doctrines study more than our pastors or people of the Christian faith. Most Baptist preachers are able to "call out" a false doctrine from the is "his" monologue...(so to say). But in Bible study, when false doctrine speaks back, the embarrassment is mortifying. Some false doctrines boldly come to your front door for the sheer purpose of debating you - counting on you not knowing the truth behind "Jesus wept". Heresies often use half truths or no truth at all, but many,many words that sound good to the itching ears. The Bible calls for wisdom; showing and teaching all things that which is true and pleasing unto God. The last thing I would say is to let your teaching be so powerful in clarifying the greatness and the beauty and the worth of God’s truth that your people will smell error before it infects their lives. The shape of error is always changing. You can’t preach enough negative sermons to stay ahead of it. And you don’t have to. The best protection against the darkness of error is the light of truth. Quote
Eldress Rowe Posted February 20, 2024 Report Posted February 20, 2024 I think that most pastors and elders toady hesitate to call out false doctrine because they are afraid of the many different doctrine that are prevalent in today's societies and they are afraid of the backlash. But if it is not in accordance with the Word of God and the doctrine of Jesus Christ, which is truth, then they should speak truth and leave the results to God. As a result of laxity more and more false teachers are spreading false doctrines and leading people astray. That is why we should study the word for ourselves and ask God for understanding, that we might know the truth that makes us free. Gentle but firm discipline with respect to sound doctrine will exhort the believer to their duty, influence and engage them, comfort them in all their tribulations, and convince gainsayers who resist the truth, oppose and object to it to be refitted and convincened by it. Quote
Niyonka16 Posted February 20, 2024 Report Posted February 20, 2024 Q1. (Titus 1:9) Why do pastors and elders hesitate to correct false doctrine today? ANSWER: He should also be a man who "holds fast the faithful Word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict." Pastors and Elders have a responsibility to protect the church. In leadership, challenges abound. But with the Word as our guide and the Holy Spirit as our companion, pastors and elders can navigate the treacherous waters of false teachings, always pointing the way to the unchanging truth of Christ. The health of the church requires that its leadership know how to identify false teaching and are prepared to silence it. What is the result of laxity? ANSWER: According to the Bible, laxity is a tendency of being too easy-going, or not strict enough. The act of laxity is a behavior that shows little care, attention, or control: God's commands regarding idolatry. Laxity is the first stage of lawlessness. The more lax one becomes, the more double-minded he or she becomes. A double minded person loses their grip. What is the result of gentle but firm discipline with regard to doctrine? ANSWER: The basic meaning of the term doctrine is “teaching.” Christian doctrine, accordingly, is the attempt to state in intellectually responsible terms the message of the gospel and the content of the faith it elicits. The Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. Discipline must be gentle but firm in order to be effective. If discipline is only gentle, then it’s too permissive. If discipline is only firm, it turns into punishment. Paul shows Timothy how to carry out the gentle art of correction. It applies especially to church leaders, but it also applies to every Christian, because we all have relationships that require at times, if we truly love others, for us to offer biblical correction. So although it is never a pleasant task, it is a part of biblical love. As the Lord’s servants, in love we must wisely correct those in sin and serious doctrinal error. You cannot truly love someone and let him head toward a spiritual cliff without warning him. Paul shows that we should not be argumentative or quarrelsome, but he also says that we should correct those who are in opposition to the Lord. He gives us four guidelines: Correction must be done wisely. Correction must be done in love. a. CORRECTION MUST NOT BE QUARRELSOME. b. CORRECTION MUST BE KIND TO ALL. c. CORRECTION MUST BE PATIENT WHEN WRONGED. d. CORRECTION MUST BE DONE WITH GENTLENESS Correction must be based on God’s Word. Correction must be done in the awareness of spiritual warfare. Probably every one of us who is walking with Christ would not be where we’re at today if other brothers and sisters had not corrected us in love. We all need this ministry from time to time, because we all are prone to get off the path. If you are a cleansed vessel, fleeing from sin and pursuing godliness, then you are called to practice this gentle art of correction towards those who are flirting with or already have drifted into serious doctrinal error or sin. I want to give you some gentle, but firm correction by saying, “DO IT!” Gently correct those you know that are in sin or error. Do it wisely. Do it in love. Do it in accordance with God’s Word. Do it prayerfully, being aware of spiritual warfare. But do it! Do it because you love God more than anything and you love your brother or sister as you love yourself Quote
t-c Posted February 20, 2024 Report Posted February 20, 2024 Q1. (Titus 1:9) Why do pastors and elders hesitate to correct false doctrine today? What is the result of laxity? What is the result of gentle but firm discipline with regard to doctrine? It seems they are possibly concerned with offending people of their church and fear that would leave and go to another church. Losing not only their fellowship, service, but their monetary support as well. So many false doctrines are tied to what are now societal norms, which puts pressure on the church to “loosen up a bit.” Many people, myself included, have been enjoying the series, The Chosen. It is even discussed or mentioned in Sunday School class. But our Sunday School teacher doesn’t rely on The Chosen episodes to teach his class, but uses the Bible. If our Pastor denounced The Chosen from the pulpit for being doctrinally inaccurate he would offend many people and possibly lose some. A generation ago, it was the Left Behind series that caused such a stir in the Christian community and elsewhere. Of course these books differed from The Chosen because they portrayed a doctrine that was disputable. But like The Chosen, they created quite a stir amongst Christians around the world. At the church I attended, our Pastor took the time to explain the different interpretations of the end times and how that might play out. Noting that the Left Behind series only focuses on one. He told the congregation the church’s interpretation for end times and encouraged us all to read our Bibles and seek God’s wisdom and understanding. I would say that his handling of the Left Behind situation was appropriate and even if it stepped on some folk’s toe, it led them back to God’s Word, searching for the truth. Quote
haar Posted February 20, 2024 Report Posted February 20, 2024 Q1. (Titus 1:9) Why do pastors and elders hesitate to correct false doctrine today? What is the result of laxity? What is the result of gentle but firm discipline with regard to doctrine? A1. Pastors and Elders may hesitate to correct false doctrine today probably to just let the sleeping dog lie to avoid disputes that would lead to loosing members. However, to ensure righteousness in the church, correction must be made and where discipline is needed, it should be carried out but to be done in love. Quote
Katy Posted February 20, 2024 Report Posted February 20, 2024 Q1. I have never experienced a Pastor who doesn’t correct false teachings. I have not come across false teachings within my church. However I can imagine that if it is allowed to continue by a Pastor it maybe means that he fears man more than he fears God. Maybe his own biblical knowledge isn’t as good as it should be and therefore he is not aware of wrong teaching. Maybe he is afraid of causing splits within the church which he doesn’t believe he can deal with, or maybe he has already experienced such a situation and cannot face it again. In all of these reasons he is forgetting of his duty to God and just how dishonouring the whole situation is to God. There will also be a lack of trust in the pastor by some of the congregation if he is not seen to deal with the problem as it arises. False teachings will also lead to confusion and error among the congregation especially those new to faith or the vulnerable in the church. The pastor and eldership must be gentle but firm in speaking to the offender. There must be a lot of love and patience also. It is hoped in this way things can be resolved without further steps needing to be taken. Quote
Clelie Posted February 21, 2024 Report Posted February 21, 2024 Pastors who hesitate to correct false teachings could be that of trying to protect the reputation of the church to keep his congregation coming as if all is ok. By allowing false doctrine , all the church will be built on the sand no sure foundation. A gentle and loving approach to correct the false teachings with the help of reverting to the scriptures will bring repentance to the true disciple of Christ . On the other someone who refuses to be corrected shouldn't be allowed to participate in the teaching of the word,. Quote
Diane D. Posted February 21, 2024 Report Posted February 21, 2024 Pastors and elders may hesitate to correct false doctrine because we have become a society of freethinkers (which could be good if it is with a purpose). We may be over- indoctrinated to accept all notions whether founded or not on fact and we are encouraged not to 'rock the boat'. The other possibility is that we are not studying enough of the basics and the pastors and elders are also simply not taught the basics sufficiently to make them understood as the basis from which all other thought devolves. Gentle but firm discipline results in being conversant with the scriptures and philosophy as based in the scriptures themselves. It is a key component of the armor of God we are told to put on daily! Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted February 24, 2024 Report Posted February 24, 2024 Lack of a serious appreciation of the purpose of the Church of God; poor understanding of the supernatural high calling of the Church. The people of Crete were exposed to all sorts of mystery religions and cabalistic Judaism. Apostle Paul instructed Timothy to take strong positions on heterodox doctrines, and rebuke false teachers that were spreading false doctrines in the assemblies in Crete. Laxity will bring forth confusion and misled souls into accepting spurious doctrines. It is so evident these days. Many have been seriously deluded to the detriment of their salvation. That's why it is so important for the pastoral staff to firmly buy kindly contend for the Faith once delivered to the saints. This way the heterodox believer or backslider will come back to the truth. Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted February 26, 2024 Report Posted February 26, 2024 Q1. (Titus 1:9) Why do pastors and elders hesitate to correct false doctrine today? In some cases pastors and elders also don't know the scriptural content of GOD's WORD or some times to don't want to be in confrontation with people as the saying is peoples pleases instead of GOD pleases. What is the result of laxity? Confusion and a chaotic system. What is the result of gentle but firm discipline with regard to doctrine? Firstly order will be set straight through out the system. People will be more acceptable to receive such guidance. Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 4, 2024 Report Posted March 4, 2024 I think that pastors and elders hesitate to correct false doctrine because they are concerned about being narrow minded. We have all been told that there is more than one way to interpret the bible. The result of laxity is the mess that the churches are in today. They have started to believe in anything. The result of a gentle but firm discipline would bring the church back to God. Quote
hanks Posted March 5, 2024 Report Posted March 5, 2024 Q1. (TITUS 1:9) Why do pastors and elders hesitate to correct false doctrine today? What is the result of laxity? What is the result of gentle but firm discipline with regard to doctrine? Maybe the main reason is being scared of losing a member of the congregation. Could be that there is so much false doctrine floating around that it’s best ignored. I feel that today our churches are being attacked from within by unbelief, watered-down faith, and false doctrines. We are also busy seeing our true doctrines deteriorating into a type of social gospel, where God centred principles are being abandoned with a strong tendency downward into the debts of man centred naturalism or secularism. The end result of this laxity will be atheism/apostasy. To save the gospel this downward decline has to be stopped by gentle but firm disciple – somehow? Quote
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