Pastor Ralph Posted October 24, 2023 Report Posted October 24, 2023 Q3. (Titus 2:2-8) What are the weaknesses are younger wives and husbands need to be careful of? How about employees? What positive qualities should substitute for these sins? Why is Titus’s example so important in teaching good Christian behavior and morality? How does our behavior impact Christ’s reputation? Quote
Krissi Posted February 6, 2024 Report Posted February 6, 2024 Paul accepts without questioning the dominant values of his society which include submissive, chaste and subordinate young wives and self-controlled young husbands. He also accepts the social institution of slavery, expecting slaves to accept their low status in society. Part of his message may be to not push back at the social and political institutions around us, but accept and work within them -- this is a message that grates at contemporary Westerners who tend to think that all social institution can be "reset." This begs the question that has to do with our responsibility to ameliorate sinful institutions in society and be "change agents" in a corrupt government. -- I do think that the church should emphasize a respect for the elderly -- conversely, I think the elderly should feel responsible for mentoring younger men and women in the church. This respect/responsibility has been mostly lost; it's a grave mistake to ignore the gift of wisdom that older people usually have. Part of this teaching/mentoring concerns behavior or morality, though faith itself would probably be the most important purpose of mentoring. If younger people were "assigned" to an older mentor in church, and if they developed a close relationship with their mentors, perhaps it would be easier for younger people to listen, learn and defer to the church's moral teaching. They would trust, that is, the human source of wisdom. Obviously, our behavior is what seculars see in the church, not our hearts, intentions or even faith. We are judged by our deeds. Thus, our deeds either commend us to the broader society or convict us in their minds. Having said that, many seculars are so determined to defend their own sinful behavior (sexual proclivities and perversions being the most obvious) that they attack Christians for being pure and sticking to biblical ethical teachings. There is no guarantee that our good behavior will be accepted or lauded by seculars in the prevailing culture -- in fact, the more we live our faith out publicly, the more persecution we often experience. Quote
haar Posted February 20, 2024 Report Posted February 20, 2024 Q3. (Titus 2:2-8) What are the weaknesses are younger wives and husbands need to be careful of? How about employees? What positive qualities should substitute for these sins? Why is Titus's example so important in teaching good Christian behavior and morality? How does our behavior impact Christ's reputation? A3. Some of the weaknesses that younger wives and husbands needed to be careful of included among others, the tendency to go off without thinking things through and thus do or say things that are neither reasonable nor acceptable. The caution that was required by younger church husbands and wives was to ensure a disciplined church atmosphere. Timothy had to exhibit good example in everything he says and does so that others would copy him. Else, he would not be taken serious when he teaches or instructs anyone Quote
Eldress Rowe Posted February 21, 2024 Report Posted February 21, 2024 Weaknesses that younger wives and husbands need to be careful of are self control, being reasonable, sensible, purity, being submissive, loving their husbands and children. taking care of the home affairs. In addition the young men need to be able to keep their heads and not go off without thinking things through. Employees should submit to the instructions of their employers, try to please them, not be argumentative, and not steal but show that they are trustworthy. Young women should be taught how to be good mothers and wives by example, to love their husbands and children, self-control, purity and to be attentive to household duties. They should be taught moral goodness that expresses itself in kindness and to be humbly obedient. Young men should be taught self-control, to be prudent, reasonable, sensible, serious, temperate, reverence, and to keep their heads because they have a tendency to go off without thinking. Titus's example is so important in teaching good Christian behavior and morality because it involves wisdom, the Word of God and doctrine of Jesus Christ, and was to be done in love, and by example. The way we conduct ourselves has a lot to do with how effective we are in attracting people to faith in Christ and the reputation of the Church, Our behavior affects our testimony and the public's perspective of Christ and Christianity either negatively or positively. Quote
Diane D. Posted February 21, 2024 Report Posted February 21, 2024 Younger women and men are tasked to raising families and being leaders in their communities. Therefore, they need to be examples, modelling their behaviours on Christ with no carless speech, slovenliness, disobedience, irreverence. They need to be sure they are compassionate and suitably obedient and respectful. It is important that we think before we act, show compassion, run a good household, be temperate and perform good works toward others so that this models Christ to others and makes Christianity more real and inviting others to know more about it. If we are not to be good examples of Christ for the people around us, we are missing the opportunity in showing how this life is better for us now and through eternity. We would be abandoning our ability to display hope and provide the longer vision for others to learn and rely on as well. Quote
Clelie Posted February 22, 2024 Report Posted February 22, 2024 Young couples coming from different background especially today in our time , have a lot to learn to fit each others in their cohabitation. Paul teaches eternal values which apply to today,s societies .Both husbands and wives should live a godly life in respect towards each other and in self control . Dangers of seeking self or showing disrespectful attitude bring disgrace to the word of God. Employees should respect their employers however harsh they may be for they are working as unto the Lord. Our behavior as followers of Christ should be doers of the Word not only hearers only then people will believe in the Word. Quote
Niyonka16 Posted February 22, 2024 Report Posted February 22, 2024 Q3. (Titus 2:2-8) What are the weaknesses are younger wives and husbands need to be careful of? ANSWER: It probably seems strange that women needed to be taught to love their husbands. This implies that the practical applications of love don’t necessarily happen naturally. They need to be learned. This was probably especially true in the ancient world where most marriages were arranged and therefore were at least initially less romantic. They were often arranged based on social or economic status—moving up in the world and having an heir. Husbands having concubines (official mistresses) was normal, especially when wealthy. Marriages were commonly functional, and love was not involved. However, these young women needed to learn what God expected from a marriage, including loving their husbands. Paul’s command implied that wives were to develop companionship with their husbands. They were to learn how to listen to him, care for him, and sacrificially serve him. They were to forgive their husband’s failures and not hold grudges against him. Young mothers need wisdom in how to love their children correctly. Mothers must love their children by imparting wisdom to them through both teaching and discipline, including forms of corporal discipline. the most important way young mothers can love their children is by teaching them Scripture and helping them come to a saving relationship with Christ. Proverbs 29:15 says, With the young men, Paul only gives one characteristic for them to develop and that is “self-control.” it is the chief characteristic for healthy young men, probably because they often fail in this area. They must practice self-control in their passions. It is important because young men have a tendency towards addictive practices. These may be excessively drinking alcohol, playing video games, binging television shows, watching or playing sports, playing on social media, or ever being overly career-driven. These endeavors may not be bad in themselves but when they take up so much of one’s time and passions, they can be destructive idols. Young men have a tendency towards uncontrolled ****. Lustful thoughts, consuming sexual media, having multiple dating partners, or even being unfaithful in marriage are all things young men have to be especially careful of. How about employees? ANSWER: Some common employee weaknesses are: 1. Disobedience … Christian workers should demonstrate their faith by obedience to their leadership. To not obey would dishonor God. When the Christian employees’ work ethic doesn’t live up to their testimony, it pushes people away from Christ. (Christians should obey their superiors in everything but not if it means disobeying God by doing something immoral or unethical. They are to be lights in the workplace in their motivations, words, and actions.). 2. A workaholic or a perfectionist (This should never be a Christian’s highest objectives. But to do that which is pleasing and acceptable to our Lord). 3. Wasting their employer’s time by playing on social media or with video games during work hour (one must aim to be a people of absolute honesty and integrity). 4. Dishonest/Pilfering (one must have absolute integrity in their stewardship; not bending the rules). 5. Argumentative (Christian workers should not be disagreeable or confrontational). 6. Complaining, cursing, and back-biting. (Should be edifying in speech when corresponding with leadership and co-workers. Also we are to be thankful, wise, and courteous with our words). As an employee, it is important to understand what your strengths and weaknesses are. This allows you to do what you do best through your strengths and get better at your weaknesses. In the workplace other should be able differentiate whether the believer is patient or impatient, kind or uncaring, selfless or selfish, honest or dishonest, clean or vulgar in his or her talk. They have the opportunity to see how well the Christian lives up to the faith he professes and the principles of the Scripture he claims to hold dear. Inviting unsaved friends to church certainly has a place in witnessing for Christ, but it will be useless and even counterproductive if one’s attitude, reliability, and honesty on the job are questionable. What positive qualities should substitute for these sins? ANSWER: The positive side of weakness is: Knowing your weakness is protection. Knowing your weakness opens your heart to receive help. Knowing your weakness helps you honor the strength of others. Some weaknesses enhance strengths. Leaders who don't acknowledge their weaknesses flounder in the end. Weaknesses tell you what you shouldn't do. The way we conduct ourselves in the workplace has a lot to do with how effective we are in attracting people to faith in Christ and to the reputation of our church. Why is Titus’s example so important in teaching good Christian behavior and morality? ANSWER: Doctrinal truth leads to godly living. The message of Titus is that sound aching leads to godliness. As authentic apostolic doctrine is received and loved, all kinds of people will learn to live in ways that are pleasing to God; from those currently enmeshed in false teaching to those who are elders and overseers of the church. How does our behavior impact Christ’s reputation? ANSWER: In reference to reputations, Gods says, we are to choose a good reputation over great riches; being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold. Following Jesus is an ongoing, disciplined practice of becoming a person of no reputation and, thus, of becoming more like Christ in this unique way. We are not the caretakers of our own reputation. We are called to be obedient disciples of Jesus Christ. That may bring us a good reputation, a bad reputation, or no reputation at all. That’s up to God. If we obediently follow Him, lead as faithful and obedient stewards, love our neighbors, speak the truth in love, and proclaim the coming kingdom of God, then our reputation should be of little consequence to us. We are not to lead in a way that ensures the safekeeping of our own reputation, or are to. be willing to give it up completely in order to follow Jesus regardless of the cost. The first thing we have to do is to turn our reputation back over to God, then place it in His hands with the confidence that if we obey Him, He will be the caretaker of our reputation. Quote
Katy Posted February 23, 2024 Report Posted February 23, 2024 Q3.The young woman needed to love their husbands and children, otherwise they would be thought to be neglectful of their responsibilities. They were to be mindful of being pure and moral always, or their behaviour wound reflect badly on the church and ultimately on God. Young women were not to neglect their household duties, to be kind and do good in their communities, this goodness would come from their moral goodness. They were to be submissive to their husbands as head of the household. In all these things if done as they are taught by the older ladies they will bring honour and glory to God and attract nonbelievers to ask questions. The young men as to be instructed in just one area and that was self control. They were to stop and think through things before diving straight in with planning etc. They were to be reasonable in everything that came their way in life. All employees are to work to the best of their ability, not to be lazy or doing enough just to get by. They should be respectful to their employer and not be smart, answering back etc. They must never steal, if they do their employer will not trust them, and will not have any desire to know about Christianity. It would be a great insult to God. Very often people will pay attention more to a leaders actions rather than what they are preaching. That goes for all Christian’s our lives must reflect what we are saying and what we are saying must reflect our words. They can never be different. While we are here on earth we are God’s representatives, therefore anything we do or say that is wrong, unkind, judgmental or unloving will reflect badly on God and we are responsible! Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted February 26, 2024 Report Posted February 26, 2024 Q3. (Titus 2:2-8) What are the weaknesses are younger wives and husbands need to be careful of? To the weaknesses of young husbands; "to be prudent, with focus on self-control, be reasonable, sensible, serious, keep one's head." Furthermore the tendency to go off without thinking things through, and the need to be reasonable. To the women it has the idea of "be chaste, virtuous". How about employees? Relate to a business owner or supervisor at place of employment. Submitting to their instructions, Trying to please them, Not being argumentative, and Not stealing, but showing that we can be trusted. What positive qualities should substitute for these sins? That they can be fully trusted, so that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive. Why is Titus's example so important in teaching good Christian behavior and morality? Because behavior affects their testimony and public perception of Christ and Christianity: "... So that no one will malign the word of God." (Titus 2:5b) "... So that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us." (Titus 2:8b) "... So that in every way they will make the teaching about God our Savior attractive."(Titus 2:10b) How does our behavior impact Christ's reputation? Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 6, 2024 Report Posted March 6, 2024 The weaknesses that younger wives and husbands need to be careful about is how they act when in the public. They need to make sure that they are following God rules. The employees are to be listening to their supervisors. They should not be taking back and should help those who are in need. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted March 6, 2024 Report Posted March 6, 2024 Young men: lack mature logical thinking. They act in immature ways that don't glorify God and bring scandel to the church They lack sound speech devoid of healing words for spiritual and physical healing. They don't have a pattern of good works. Instead they waste time in idle chatter and living in hypocrisy. Young wives: Busy in wasting time in idle chatter, neglecting their domestic chores and not being obedient to their husbands. Employees: Being argumentative, disrespectful, disobedient, stealing goods and acting unchristian on the job. We are to deny ungodliness, deny wordly lists, live soberly, live righteously, live godly and adorn the doctrine of God our Savior in all things. Titus was to be an icon of Christ to the Christian Church of Crete. He truly adorned the doctrine of God our Savior in all things. Titus was a prime example of the Christian lifestyle. People could look to hi as a model of a God-fearing man of God. Paul knew that Titus was truly a man of God: Titus was a true model of Christian living. Quote
hanks Posted March 13, 2024 Report Posted March 13, 2024 Q3. (TITUS 2:2-8) What are the weaknesses are younger wives and husbands need to be careful of? How about employees? What positive qualities should substitute for these sins? Why is Titus's example so important in teaching good Christian behaviour and morality? How does our behaviour impact Christ's reputation? A weakness for a young wife would be not loving or caring for their husband and children, and neglecting their household duties. Not being submissive to their husband. The younger husbands not taking responsibility for their role in marriage. Examples of weaknesses are laziness, not careful in money matters, irresponsible, insincere, drunkard. Employees are to be honest, hardworking as to working for the Lord. Positive qualities would include faithfulness, loving, responsibility, prudence, integrity, dignity, self-respect, and a strong work ethic. All are to be sound in faith, in love, and in endurance. Without good Christian qualities the world will have lots of reasons to criticise us and see us as a bunch of hypocrites. Quote
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