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Answer to Q1:

God has blessed me with the talent of preaching God's Word. I started lay-reading about 1991 and have preached God's Word in several churches in our hometown. About Five years ago we moved to another town and I have not preached since we moved. I believe God may have stopped using me for this time in my life so He could prepare me to be used in a greater way in the future. I have been studying His Word under a well-educated Pastor, for a six week course, I listen to tapes from a well-known speaker while I do my work, I am teaching Youth Sunday School classes and I have been asked to supervise Youth nights. Recently, I was asked to give my personal testimony for the first time in our new hometown, in a church I attend at night because there are no services at night in the church I am a member off. This was the largest congregation I have had the opportunity to speak to. I believe God is slowly bringing me back to do His Work and He is using people to do this. May I continue to be obedient to the Holy Spirit. I covet your prayers. Amen!

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I am looking at this bible study for as a group application. Twenty of us from Mt of Olives Church in Mission Viejo CA meet weekly at a local restaurant for breakfast to pray, fellowship, and do Bible Study. I want to see how particiapting in this study would work out for our group. One of our members was referred to this site, and has recommended it as a good resouce. Thanks for the effort putting it together. Appears very well designed. raymelb


My wife and my family were called to move to a new town to be more a part of our new church. We kept looking for a "used" home because we didn't want to go through the hassle or wait for a house to be built. Time after time we found a home we thought might be the one only to learn that it was not. It became very frustrating as we had our house up for sale for two years and still could not find anything (nor find a solid buyer for our previous home).

I now know that it was God who intervened and purposely did not allow a buyer on our previous home, because we would have had nowhere to go. As we began questioning whether God had really called us to move to Lowell it became clear that the call had not changed, but our perspective had been skewed by our own want for the "easy path". As it turned out, the Lord had a wonderful 5 acre wooded plot already picked out for us.

In addition, my wife had been feeling a call to begin a "home for unwed mothers", but we didn't really know the specifics of how that would materialize. Well, the Lord provided for that too. We did end up building, and, in the end, the Lord blessed us with a 5,000 square foot home (the homes we had been looking at purchasing were generally 2500 square feet or so -we've got 4 young children). The basement will be turned into the "home for unwed mothers" in God's timing.

Often it's easy to become overwhelmed with such a large home and feel like we are undeserving. Also, because we moved to this home from such a small home, it often feels like, financially, it was not a sound move. However, I am absolutely confident that this is where the Lord called us to be, so I choose to believe that financial issues will not become a concern. I know that my God can take care of that without a problem.

The issue left now is that we have somewhat stagnated over completing the basement work. In the midst of this, we had promised the basement to a friend from church who has three kids and is living in subsidized housing of about 500 square feet. Our basement alone is about 1200, so, since we knew we were going to turn it into an apartment anyway, we figured we could help her out and allow her to stay there while we waited for the "unwed mothers" thing to materialize.

No matter what we tried, we just couldn't make it work financially to finsh the basement off for her to move in. It became clear, over time that the Lord was putting those roadblocks in our way because we were following our own direction and not God's. What we had offered to do was a "good" thing, but it was not "God's" thing. We have since told this friend of our disobedience in this area and apologized for offering something we never should have offered.

Now, I think it is simply a matter of becoming more diligent about praying over this ministry and waiting on the Lord to give more clear direction. I have not really been praying over this home for unwed mothers for quite awhile. It is time again to "pick up the torch" and allow God to speak to us in this matter.

I appreciate this study already, and I'm only a week into it. I know that it will be a wonderful stepping stone toward helping me become more obedient.

PS - Just a note of encouragement to any and all who read this. A few months ago, my wife developed a very large breast lump. Over a period of two months it grew to the size of an egg. Very large, very well defined. Physically, if it hadn't been so painful, it was actually possible to "grab" the lump. It was actually "measured" via ultrasound by the surgeon on two occassions and it continued to grow.

Praise God! We were scheduled for surgery, but received a CD from Dr. Gary Coller with healing scriptures on it. We listened to that CD over and over for a period of a few days. Finally, two days before the surgery my wife and I sat down and had a good talk. We decided it was time to get serious about our Faith. Did we really believe our God was a God who heals?

Well, we made a commitment to believe. Even if we had to remind ourselves every 5 minutes that we were healed, we were going to choose to believe God had answered our prayer for healing.

For the next two days we literally walked around the house reminding ourselves that we had received the healing and rebuking the deception of Satan in this matter. The night before the surgery the lump was still there and as big as ever. The morning of the surgery the lump was still there, but we were choosing to believe the surgeon was going to find nothing that morning.

Our God is AWESOME!!!! Believe it or not, even though the surgeon could not feel a definable lump when it came time for surgery, whe went in anyway and went on a treasure hunt. Well, that part's not soo good, but we had committed to this thing from start to finish and had decided that if surgery had to be done for someone to come face to face with our God, that we were up for it (easier for me than for my wife, that I'm certain of). At any rate, she could not find a lump. The egg sized mass was GONE! And when I say the size of an egg, I'm talking an extra large Grade A egg.

Praise God for his faithfulness. Don't give up, don't lose heart. Just believe. And believe and believe and believe until the lord counts it to you as righteousness and proves your faith strong. I think it's worth saying that I believe Abraham probably had to recommit to sacrificing Isaac about every 30 seconds on his way to their destination. As a father, I cannot imagine taking that long journey and not thinking a thousand times, "You know, I could just turn around and act like I never heard God. How could I possibly sacrifice my son?" Those of you parents out there, I think can certainly relate to what I'm saying.

But, even though I'm certain that Abraham probably had second thoughts a thousand times along the way, he followed through, HE was faithful and obedient to God. I don't think God sees our obedience or disobedience in terms of how many times our flesh tries to deceive us, but moreso on whether we stand firm and finish the race. Temptations and deceptions will come against us daily but our level of obedience and love for God is determined by our resolve to overcome and/or run away from those temptations so that we remain pure and true before God.

Anyway, hope that's not too off topic, but it is actually the story of Abraham and Isaac that God used to show me that faith is a walk, a journey, and sometimes you wander a bit from one side to the other of the path (we're only human). The question is, do you make an effort to find the path again (do you seek God) or do you continue in your own way and down your own path, the one that doesn't require you to put your full trust in the God of the universe, the one that allows you to remain in control.


This doesn't quite answer the Question for today, but it is a question I have that maybe some of you have some insight on. The passage reads:

[11:31] Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and

his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together

they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when

they came to Haran, they settled there.

[11:32] Terah lived 205 years, and he died in Haran.

[12:1] The Lord had said to Abram, "Leave your country, your

people and your father's household and go to the land I will show


Dr. Wilson indicates that there may be some discrepency over whether the passage in 12:1 should read "HAD said" or just simply "said". Here is my question. Do any of you believe, as I do, that maybe it is more appropriate to think that the "HAD said" version is more accurate?

First, if not, then why would they have picked up and left? That's a big move to make, "just because".

Other questions that arise for me, though, are:

1) If the Lord spoke this to Abraham, what made all the rest of them tag along? If they really were a moon god worshipping culture, what would have made them think that GOD had actually spoken to Abraham? Did he have THAT much influence with his family, even his father?

2) Maybe the fact that Lot and Terah came along is precisely WHY Abraham ended up in a holding pattern in Haran. The Lord said to LEAVE your country, your people and your father's household. Maybe I'm misinterpreting this, but it comes across to me as, leave your family behind. I'm calling YOU. They will be a hinderance to you.

Now, I'm assuming that since God is God is God, yesterday, today and forever, and His Word makes it clear how sacred the marriage relationship is, the assumption would be that Sarah would have been expected to come with Abraham. But, it seems that maybe Abraham was supposed to separate himself from Terah and Lot, but was not fully obedient in that.

3) To me, the placement of that verse at 12:1, AFTER they have stopped in Haran and basically waited until Terah has died gives me the impression that we are being almost "reminded" of the fact that this might not have had to be, if Abraham had actually listed to God fully and left Terah and Lot behind. Even though there was no mention previously of God speaking to Abraham about leaving, the passage in 12:1 implies that there was AND that Abraham's response was not FULLY obedient.

4) Some of the "proof" seems to simply be the rest of Abraham's journey to finally arrive in Canaan. First he has to wait in Haran for Terah to die. Who knows why. Maybe Terah makes the decision to stop there and is not ready to move on. Abraham is respecting his father's wishes. So, he waits in a holding pattern, missing out on what God had for him.

Then, he has issues with Lot. First, the quarreling between their herdsman over land for the livestock. So, he parts ways with Lot. Then, he ends up having to rescue Lot. Then, he has to convince God not to wipe Lot off the face of the planet along with his less righteous neighbors in suburban Sodom.

Seems to me that Abraham would have had a much easier time following God's direction and moving into his calling and his blessing, had he not brought Terah and Lot along for the ride. He should have broken those ties way back in Ur.

Obviously, this is alot of speculation. I suppose it's entirely possible that it was God's plan that Terah and Lot come along and maybe Abraham would not have had opportunity to move into his calling any sooner. But, that's just how it comes across to me. What do you guys think?


After being a foster parent I decided to go back to school for a Master's in Education. I believe God called me to do this. I prayed on it for a long time. During my studies I had many obstacles to overcome, financial disarray, and surgery. That delayed my studies. I don't know why all this happened to me, but I survived. I regard it as a test for my stamina. Now I have 3 credits left. Maybe God wanted me to stop for a while and take a self survey. With my 3 year hiatus. I am going to finish this thing. I feel in my heart that my obedience to the Lord has gotten me the ability to come back and complete this degree. I also feel moved by the Holy Spirit and that teaching is my next frontier.


I can not count the times that I have started to study but for different reasons I stop. I pray to God that He blesses my effort and that I apply what I learn in my daily life. I am always so much happier when God is in my life.


GOD wanted me to spread his word. I decided to go to seminary, but I let more unimportant things get in the way. GOD did not want me to stop. Yes, it is time for me to renew my obedience, so I am going to check into some seminaries and Bible colleges


I worked as a full time church worker for ten years in a town near our place. I really felt how the Lord was working through me then. After several years I ofted to resign because I realized that the Christians there became dependent on me and never had a chance to serve God using their own gifts. Now I am working in our own town, but I don't seem to fell that God is working through me as before, maybe renewing my dedication in Bible Study will make the difference that's why I joined here.

  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

At times I have felt God's hand on my life and that He had called me into great things. I let go when the pressure got to hard. I desire to do the will of God, but need more understanding of Him.


Q1. (11:32) Have you ever begun something in response to God's urging and then stopped? Did God want you to stop? Is it time now to renew your obedience and begin again?

I am more advanced in age than most taking courses but I feel very strongly that God has called me to take a discipleship ministry course which I have just signed up for. Had I obeyed when he first started calling I may have already increased his kingdom with many more souls than I have. What God calls us to he will take us through, it is the job of the enemy to try and stop us and God will allow that to see if we are determined to hear His voice and obey even when our bodies and minds say there is no way. I worked in one church for 20 years and a lot of people got in the flesh and caused a lot of hurt and several of us leaving the church I have lacked a lot of faith to step out again in my new church even though the call of God as a prayer warrior and intercessor in pray is a heavy calling on me. I have started to move again just pray, all of us one for another, it is the most powerful weapon we have. :P


Have you ever begun something in response to God's urging and then stopped? Did God want you to stop? Is it time now to renew your obedience and begin again?

In April, I started attending a church in NYC, where I am from. For the month of July , I suddenly got tired of attending, so I stopped going for a while. I feel that God did not want me to stop, so He called me back to my church, and I have not missed a single Sunday since then.

  • 4 weeks later...

I have been pondering this question a great deal for over a year now. God has given me boundless energy to work in His behalf. I THOUGHT that calling was through my church, and I worked as hard as I could. Sometimes "boundless energy" can be wrongly translated as "pushy," and I felt a growing resentment of a few church members. So--for a year now, I have spent my extra energy working for a local hospice and our state Walk to Emmaus organization. :unsure: Down deep, however, I feel God telling me to stay the course with my local church. I am praying.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Q1. (11:32) Have you ever begun something in response to God's urging and then stopped? Did God want you to stop? Is it time now to renew your obedience and begin again? (Don't take this question lightly. Sometimes circumstances prevent us from doing what we once felt God wanted us to do. However, he is able to redirect you into his will for you now. Seek him diligently to learn his will.)

There are many times that i started something that God wanted me to be doing....and when i got in fear or thought that the task at hand was more than what i was willing to give up or do i stopped...It is deffinetly time to renew my obedience....allow God to strenghthen me and hlep me to have trust in him...He is at this time redirecting my life to his will

  • 1 month later...

Yes. I began two activities that I believe God urged on me.

1. Reading the Bible daily for a minimum of five minutes

2. Memorizing one chapter of scripture a week

I continued with these activities for many years. But finally, I stopped the memorization on a regular schedule, and now I have also stopped the discipline of making sure I read the Bible every day for at least five minutes.

Perhaps this is the time to begin again.




I am new to this Forum and am so excited about hearing from others who want a closer walk with God. I want to study the Bible to hear from Him in a personal way.

I have felt that God wants me to work with children or with parents who have lost children. I am at the stage in my life now that I have the time to do to this, but am trying to work up the courage to really devote myself to it.

God has poured His Amazing Grace on me through many hard times during the past few years and I know, without a doubt, that it was HIS GRACE ALONE that sustained me. I want now to extend the blessings He gave to me to others.

I have many decisions to make since Hurricane Katrina. Please pray that I will take the road God wants for me, and that I follow it to do the work He has planned for me. His love for me is so precious! I love Him so!


  • 1 month later...


I 'm a nubie here, but yes I have felt called at time to G-ds work for him, in small ways, and have felt his lovin grace within me. As far as not finishing a job that G-d wanted me to do, I've felt that I have either finished it, or he stopped me till a later date to fulfill a mission that he wants done.

I've always looked for signs of what G-d has for me, and keep a close ear for my Guardian Angles words or instructions

  • 1 month later...

I know that God is wanting me to completely give my life to him. I have known this for a while but I believe that pride is in the way. I fully believe and trust in the Holy Spirit but I am having an internal fight to fully give my life to Christ.


Q1. (11:32) Have you ever begun something in response to God's urging and then stopped? Did God want you to stop? Is it time now to renew your obedience and begin again? (Don't take this question lightly. Sometimes circumstances prevent us from doing what we once felt God wanted us to do. However, he is able to redirect you into his will for you now. Seek him diligently to learn his will.)

I know God is calling me to be one of his children but my pride is refusing to let go. I have such an internal fight going on it almost depresses me. I know God's will but my human nature is keeping me from his glory.

  • 2 months later...

Q1. (11:32) Have you ever begun something in response to God's urging and then stopped? Did God want you to stop? Is it time now to renew your obedience and begin again? (Don't take this question lightly. Sometimes circumstances prevent us from doing what we once felt God wanted us to do. However, he is able to redirect you into his will for you now. Seek him diligently to learn his will.)

yes, wnen God called me i nto a praayer ministtry of prayer I hesitated. Again nudged me after praying for a woman whose husband was dying from cancer. Again God called me as I was clled to the hospital to pray for her husband again. I felt and knew God was talking directly to me. I said "yes Lord. Little did know that in the near future I would be the one who needed the members of the minitry Myself.Today I am still in the ministry In a slowwer pace yet stronger. But God has been faithful and Abrahams faith has strengthheened m y own many times.
  • 4 months later...

I'm certain that anything that I have done in my life that is any good has been done so by the prompting of the Lord. And since, before being born again, I crashed and burned often, I'm equally certain that it was because I didn't complete what God had intended for me to do.

I cannot see God wanting me to stop any work that He had begun in me. I have a free will and by that will I am ultimately reponsible for my actions.

I begin again every day since I am a sinful creature. I must die daily and allow Yahweh to renew me. Every day is a new day, better than yesterday, not as good as tomorrow.

  • 3 months later...
Q1. (11:32) Have you ever begun something in response to God's urging and then stopped? Did God want you to stop? Is it time now to renew your obedience and begin again? (Don't take this question lightly. Sometimes circumstances prevent us from doing what we once felt God wanted us to do. However, he is able to redirect you into his will for you now. Seek him diligently to learn his will.)

I find that it is so important to spend time with God daily (I like first hour in AM) and seek his direction daily. Otherwise, it is so easy to get sidetracked in doing his will and following through with plans we feel are according to His will.

Patricia A :P

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

When the Lord came into my heart 15 years ago, he led me to a little country church about 15 miles from my home. A widow lady (who I didn't know) went to that church and had just moved 2 streets over from me. She had no way to go to church anymore. We went to church together untill the Lord called her home last August. Afterward I felt that maybe my time at that church was done and I needed to find a church here in town. I stoped going regularly but didn't go to any other churches. As time went on I knew that God still wanted me to be in that church. Next Sunday, Lord willing, that lady's great grandson and my grandson's friend will be baptized at our church. They started riding to church with me this summer and look at what God has brought about.

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