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Abraham was given an heir in his old age, he was made to prosper and he was given wonderful promises for himself and for his descendants.

All people have been blessed thru the coming of Jesus Christ the promised Messiah who promises eternal life to whoever puts their trust in him.

The greatest blessing that we can be to other people is to help them to come to know the Lord


Abraham was blessed in that through him a nation would be great; his name would be famous; he would be personally blessed;others would be

blessed who looked to Abraham, and others would be cursed who cursed Abraham and all the families (being the seed of Abraham) would be blessed

by God.

All the people of the earth are blessed through the FAITH of abraham , whose faith was counted for righteousness before God.

I am of the SEED OF ABRAHAM through faith and his decendant,Jesus Christ,

through whom I have obtained righteousness. I, too, can now impart this

righteousness, through faith in God's word when I reach out to the lost.

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

1.The greatest blessing that Abraham received was that he was to be the instrument through whom all were to be blessed.

he was blessesd to become a great nation,a great name,wealth above all blessed with a FAITH that clung to all Gods PROMISES realising the potential that they held for mankind.

2.In the fullness of time ,the birth of the saviour of mankind was the result of Abrahams faith.

3.Abraham was blessed even before he performed any acts for God.

his greatness was that he believed GOD at all cost,giving glory to gods power and and ability to accomplish all that He has promised.

4.Everytime I cling to GOD at dead ends in my life ,I am reminded of abrahams faith .everytime i receive a blessing i know that it is not only for me but for many around me too.


abraham was blessed over and above what he ever thought possible..

he was blessed by becoming the father of a great nation.. he became famous.. and was a blessing to those around him..

peoples of the earth have been blessed through the blood line of abraham.. the blessing he received from God was passed down through generation to generation.. and because we are heirs of Jesus we also are part of that blood line and therefore receive every blessing abraham was given..

to bless is to impart supernatural favor.. so all that we have been given through Jesus we can then pass it onto other people.. and bless them.. to bless another is to pour goodness and favour upon them..

God blesses us so we can touch others and draw them closer to Him..

" you are blessed to be a blessing "


Because of the faith demonstrated by Abraham God blessed him with physical blessings during his lifetime as well as providing him an heir through a miracle (His and Sarah's age). He was also blessed in that he is given eternal life through Christ because of his faith, demonstrated through obedience.

While it is obvious that Christ having come through his geneology blesses all nations they were also blessed in physical ways. For instance the rule of law has come to be mainly because of the laws of God given to Israel.

It is these laws through which our modern economies exist without continual worldwide wars. Look at the relative peace our modern nations have as opposed to the constant warfare of earlier times. I believe it is the rule of Law that has allowed that. That law came through Israel and was magnified by Jesus. It is the physical blessing of the laws of God that bless the nations, physically at least.

Also I wonder if a case could not be made that nations were blessed when they blessed Israel. Another spin on the blessings promised.



Abraham was blessed by the realization from his eternal home that the seed that would become the savior of all the world would come from him and that those who profess his precious descendent will also become destined to eternal life. He saw God work in miraculous ways throughout his life, prospering him in every way, rewarding him for his faithfulness and proving Himself true to his covenant. Today Abraham continues to bless people through his descendent sons of God. This is when God is recognizable in our lives in all we do. Living a life that glorifies God will bless others as we do unto them as we would have them do unto us.

2a.) (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed?

2a.) Through his heir, Isaac.

2b.) (12:2-3) How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed?

2b.) Only those who have recognized their deliverance comes through his heirs and his nation, Israel.

2c.) (12:2-3) In what way does Abraham continue to bless people through your life?

2c.) Paul writes: "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law." Romans 13:8 Let the light of Jesus shine for others to see. Be that lighthouse.


Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was blessed to have a son in his old age. He was also blessed in having as descendents a nation of people who served the Lord God.

All persons have been blessed through his descendent, Jesus the Christ, who forgives all our sins and restores us to God as His children.

I pray that the Lord God can use my life to do His will--whatever that may be--until He calls me home to be with Him forever! :rolleyes:

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

In what ways was Abraham blessed?

Abraham was blessed was by becoming a great nation through the heir of his children Isaac and Ishmael. He also was blessed by having a great name, a name that is well known throughout generations and religions. He had physical blessings as well and was rich in live stock, in silver and gold, in new land.

How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed?

Through Abraham


Abraham was blessed by receiving revelation from God that he, Abraham, would become the father of many nations. He was blessed in the respect that God also provided faith for him to believe His promises. God must have done so, because faith is a gift. He was blessed in that he had an active relationship with God. He heard his voice. He was blessed through acting on God's directions to him, thus seeing the love of God demonstrated and the plans of God unfold, as with obeying God's command to sacrifice his only son Issac- a foreshadowing of Jesus and his position as a sacrifice for atonement of sin for all of mankind. Abraham was blessed to be used as an instrument of God. Because Abraham believed God, his lineage established God's people, the Jews, who carried the truth of the One True God, the Living God. Ultimately, Jesus came through these people, and his coming ushered in the promise of salvation for all of mankind throughout the ends of the earth. Just as God promised Abraham that he would become the father of many nations, so he promised every nation that He would send His Son to be the savior to all nations. We learn through Abraham that God will perform his promises.

God first shows us through Abraham that he keeps his promises often against, what are in the natural, impossible odds. Since he kept his promises to Abraham, he will most certainly keep his promises to us,and as we allow God to demonstrate his love and faithfulnes to us, we serve as living proof of his mercy and grace. We can tell of his blessings to us from day to day, and we can point others to the best kept promise of all -God's only son Jesus Christ who did come as promised, who became the atonement for mankind's sin, and has provided salvation for all who will accept his sacrifice.


Abraham was blessed with faith to believe GOD, with material wealth, a son by Sarah in his old age, his descendents became a great nation, his name is famous and revered. Out of all of those who worshipped the moon in Ur GOD chose Abraham for His servant.

All of the peoples of the earth have been blessed by our Savior who came through the physical line of Abraham. Also GOD's Word came through Abraham's seed. Abraham is our spiritual father.


Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed?

Abraham was first blessed in that God revealed himself to Abraham and provided him with purpose and the means to fulfill that purpose.

How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed?

Through Abraham's example of faith and trust in the coming Messiah which all of us have now in turn been able to recieve as well after his coming.

In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

As I step out from time to time when the Spirit reminds me and gives me the grace to move forward by remembering Abrahams faithfulness.

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was blessed to be a great nation. Personal blessings. His name was made great. He was a blessing to others. He was blessed with wealth. An heir in Isaac. The people blessed him.

The people of the earth have been blessed by Abraham conveying the incredible blessing of Salvation through Jesus. This work continues to be a blessing today because it is the Truth & Life, so for those who receive The Lord, also receive the blessing of Abraham. :)


Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was blessed physically - through wealth and his geneology

He was blessed spiritually - He was the spiritual father of the Christians - Jesus was his descendant.

Because Abraham was the physical head of the generations of God's chosen people. His blessings have been passed down to all of us who are God's chosen people.

Through my ministry in the church, bible studies and prayer cell groups and counselling on the Internet.


Abraham was blessed by God in many ways, The Father of a great nation, he had great health and great faith in God.

Christ Jesus came through the seed of Abraham. He is a blessing to all nations. He saw first hands the miraculous works of God's hand.

Today we are blessed by the seed of Abraham and by the promises that where given to him for they still apply today. His faith in God show me that I can do all things through Christ who stengthens me. We are all given faith we are blessed when we put it into action.


Abraham was blessed to be a great nation, wealth, blessing to others and an inspiration to others.

We are truly blessed through Jesus Christ(salvation). We can tell others about Jesus, what he has done for us, how he has changed our lives and how blessed we are to be his children.


(a) Abraham was blessed in many ways. But the most important blessing he received was that he was chosen by God. And we all are.

(B) Jesus died on the cross for each and every one of us. Now we all have the chance to be reconciled to God. Salvation is for everyone that will receive it or accept it. David said, "O taste and see that the Lord is good..."

© I love the stories of Abraham, they teach me to have faith in God in all matters of my life. I try to show my faith in God by telling others where God has brought me from.

Abraham was blessed with great wealth and an heir, Isaac, despite the advanced age of he and his wife Sarah. But more so God blessed Abraham with a great name when he chose Abraham

In what ways was Abraham blessed? How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue to bless people through you life?

Abraham was blessed to be called by God first and foremost. Abraham was blessed because he obeyed God. It seemed to be a partial obedience in that he took Lot but I am not sure about family (ties) there however Lot became the ancestor of the Moabites and the Ammonites. It's important to give God total obedience because partial obedience can result in unwanted consequences.

All peoples of the earth have been blessed with the opportunity for salvation through Jesus. Only those who accept that sacrifice have the fruit of that blessing in their becomings heirs of salvation. We also have the written Word of God through the line of Abraham.

As a believer in Christ people are blessed through my life when I show and express my faith in the atoning blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus who is the Christ.

Lets remember to pray for each other as this also pleases God our Father! He made the way for us to have this privilege and if it is a privilege for us to vote in this country how much more a privilege to pray.

Thank those of you who have prayed for me. I am grateful!

God Bless,




Abram was blessed by the promise that God made to him. Talk about a wonderful covenant.

It was one of the first promises I fully realized. It still holds much truth.

hi mary B)

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