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Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

I beleave the greatest blessing to Abraham was the fact that God was with him all the days of his life. Don't we read: 'Seek first the Kingdom of God, and ALL things...'? And this is exactly why I am also blessed without measure!

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Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed.

God made him father of Israel and other nations through his descendants

How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed?

It was through Abraham's family tree that Christ was born to save all people of the earth

In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Christ was born from Abraham's family tree, making it possible for all who believe in Christ, his death and resurection... to have a personal relationship with God. This message is passed through me.

  • 8 months later...

Abraham was blessed in many ways in his own lifetime. First; he became a great man who was clearly respected and revered even amongst Kings eg Melchizedek (14, 17) in his own time. Second he was blessed with great wealth. Third, he was blessed with great wisdom (God's wisdom?). Fourth, he was blessed with an heir (Isaac) when it seemed impossible that he could ever have such an heir as well as with many other children which would lead to him being made a "great nation". Finally, he lived to an old age and went to his ancestors in peace as promised by God (15, 15)

Ever since Abraham, the people of Israel have been blessed as a result of the covenant which God made with Abraham. This blessing was extended to all people of the World through Jesus Christ and the new covenant established by His sacrifice on the Cross.

If I am a true disciple of Jesus and follow in his footsteps I am a living embodiment of the covenant which God made with Abraham which was extended to all by Jesus. In my life, everyone should be able to see Jesus and the blessings that His covenant has to offer. This is an blessed position to be in and I pray that God will make me worthy of it and through me in some small way extend this blessing to others.

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

He was blessed to be a great nation(Israel), his heir(Isaac), spiritual father of many nations(including the Arab peoples through Ishmael), peraonal wealth, through his own life--and through his descendent Jesus the Messiah-- has conveyed the incredible blessing of salvation to all the peoples of the earth. Abraham continues to bless people through my life by my salvation, that was given freely by Christ who died for all, as I can convey what Christ has done in my life to others.

  • 2 months later...

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was blessed by God because God chose Abraham to be a patriarch, father of a chosen people and ancestor of Christ. He blessed Abraham with sons, Isaac and Ishmael. He also blessed Abraham through his devotion to Abraham. In a way, a big way, Abraham was earmarked by God.

Abraham is a blessing in my life because of his ancestry to Christ, who is my Saviour. I also am deepened spiritually buy learning about Abraham and his obedience to God. He is, to say the least, a great example.

  • 2 weeks later...

Abraham was blessed to be a great nation, wealth, blessing to others and an inspiration to others.

We are truly blessed through Jesus Christ(salvation). We can tell others about Jesus, what he has done for us, how he has changed our lives and how blessed we are to be his children.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

HE was blessed to be a great nation, Father to many,a blessing to many, a curse to those who curse. Also a relative of Jesus Christ who saves us today. Abraham is also am example of immediate obedience. A man of great faith, believed and acted with out any knowledge of his future, He showed complete trust and dependence on God.

  • 1 month later...

Q2. (12:2-3)

In what ways was Abraham blessed?

How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed?

In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was blessed when God made a covenant with him that included the following promises: a land - the land of Canaan; a great nation - the Jewish people; material and spiritual prosperity for Abram and his seed; a great name for Abram and his descendants; they would be a channel of blessing to others; friends of Israel would be blessed and those who curse Abraham would be cursed; all the peoples of the earth would be blessed in Abram, pointing forward to the Lord Jesus Christ, who would be a descendant of Abram.


Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was blessed in many ways, but physically, he was blessed with family, wealth and his faith gained the respect of others. All people have been blessed by Abraham's descendant and our Lord, Jesus Christ. Through the faith of Abraham, I have an example of what true faith is and, God willing, canshare this faith with others.

  • 1 month later...

In what ways was Abraham blessed?

Abraham was blessed with great wealth, an heir Issac that God had promised, and also Ishmael through Hagar.

How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed?

All of the people on earth were blessed through Abraham by his belief in God's promises. Because of him, we have the nation of Israel, the Jewish relion, Christianity, and Islam......alll are through the line of Abraham.

In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Because of his obedience to God he opened the doorway for the birth of the Savior.

  • 5 weeks later...

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

God bless Abraham to be a father of many nations, God bless Abraham to have riches and wealth, His seed is bless and has cover the land through the years even today the people that love the Lord and obey him is consider Abraham seed by rigtheous living.

  • 4 weeks later...

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was blessed because he was blessed to be a great nation. His name was made great. He received personal blessings from God. God blessed those who blessed Abraham and cursed those who cursed him. All people on earth are blessed through him because of his legacy of faith. Abraham continues to bless people because of the life of faith that he lead.

  • 1 month later...

In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was blessed with having a heightened relationship with God. He was wealthy and had material provision. He was also given Issac and Ishmael to pronounce his legacy. He knew that God was directing him and his family to fulfill the purpose for which God called him.

All the peoples of the earth have been blessed because of the seed of Abraham, Christ the savior of all mankind. Jesus has defeated death and allowed everyone who receives him to inherit the relationship with God that Abraham did. All the benefits of being a child of God have come through Abraham.

Abraham blesses people through my life because I have seen the truths of his life come to pass in my life. As I have been called to kingdom principles, the blessings have been overwhelming in my life. I have seen these blessings pass on to others through God's call on me and my family.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

I believe Abraham was blessed by being chosen by God, God speaking to him, making promises to him and then fullfilling them. If we accept Christ we are a seed of Abraham which is also a seed of Christ.

  • 1 month later...

2a) The Lord said I will make your name great,&will make you into a great nation. He was blessed with wife Sarai,son with Hagar- Ismael & with Sarai-Isaac,grandsons Jacob& Esau,God shows Abraham he keeps his promises in seemingly impossible situations. Abraham was blessed in that through him a nation would be great,&later whole people of God. :blink: B)Abraham has been an inspiration to many millions who follow him in Judaism,Christianity & Islam through his own life & his descendant Jesus the messiah. our Savior who came through the physical line of Abraham. Also GOD's Word came through Abraham's seed. Abraham is our spiritual father. B) C)I am blessed through receiving the blessing of salvation through Jesus, he forgives all our sins, and restores us to God as his children. Romans 13:8 Let the light of Jesus shine for others to see.People see hope when I allow the lord to work through me. :)

  • 1 month later...

Abraham was blessed by wisdom and I believe this wisdom coupled by his incredible love for God led him to obey which resulted in untold blessing. He was blessed by having a close relationship with God, He was blessed in a late age by having a son named :rolleyes: Isaac. :)

  • 4 weeks later...

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was blessed in many ways. He became the father of several nations. He became very wealthy. Had an heir miraculously. As Dr. Wilson has said in his notes Abraham has been an inspiration to many people. I think part of the reason is we can see ourselves in Abraham. I don't believe he obeyed fully at first. Several times he lied to protect himself at the expense of his wife. He can be an inspiration because if God paints pictures with warts and all like He did Abraham and still used him mightily, then there is hope for me to be used as well.

All the people of the earth have been blessed through Abraham because the Messiah comes through his lineage.

Abraham continues to bless people through my life when they see Jesus Christ shine through me. If it wasn't for Abraham it would not have been possible.


Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was blessed physically, financially, and spiritually. And also might add historically as the father of the nation of Israel as well as all of the spiritual Jews. Abraham continues to bless all nations with his history of faith and being the physical progenitor of the Lord Jesus Christ, the only way of eternal salvation.

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed? How have all the

peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham

continue bless people through your life?

Abraham is revered by the descendants of all his wives and Hagar.

All the people of the earth have been blessed because of the ongoing

presence of God amongest the people of God. The blessings continue in

my life because of the change God has worked in me through the faith

of His Son Jesus Christ. That my life has a fruitfulness and deep

satisfaction that as I share the Lord with others God is blessed.


In what ways was Abraham blessed? By God promising and delivering a son to he and Sarai. He was blessed with the promise and title to land for his descendants. He was blessed with God's presence to sustain him in his many travels and especially blessed with the physical means (prosperity ) to enable his mission.How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? All the fleshly children of Abraham were blessed in a special way with the physical means to prosper. This influence and resulting discipline were to be examples and influence to all the nations of the world that there is a righteous God who loves all His creation so much that He offers the free gift of eternal salvation though the blood of His only righteous Son Jesus the Messiah as an eternal blessing. In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

As I live my life in acceptance of God's gift of His Son Jesus, Abrahams Son of the promise) and in obedience to His commands my life is a means that God will use to continue to bless people through Abraham.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was promised to be a great nation, God fulfilled that promise in the nation of Israel and to all of God's people who descended from Israel and later the rest of the world.

God promised him personal blessing - Abraham was a man of great wealth and he was blessed with an heir at a very old age (99).Through Ishmael, one of his his other sons he was the father of the Arab people. He also had 6 sons with Katurah, which undoubtedly grew into other nations.

Abraham has been a blessing to millions of people who blessed him.

Abraham through his own life-through his descendant Jesus Christ has conveyed salvation to ALL the people of the Earth.

Abraham continues to bless people through my life as I'm a Christ follower who rededicated my life to Jesus in 2005. Jesus blesses and sustains my very excistance..so it is through Jesus I continue to be blessed by Abraham.

  • 1 month later...

Abraham was definitley blessed by the lord for his faithfulness which it seems that he was one of the few that "feared the lord". Abraham was blessed becasue he made a convent with the lord that Abraham shall become a great nation, Abraham would have a great famous name, that he would be a blessing to others, and a blessing to all of the people of the earth.

I think that in certain ways of the people of the earth have been blessed, until they do not turn away from their sins. Eventually the lord will stop with the blessings when we refused to "fear the lord".

Abraham is an inspiration of faithfulness especially in these hard times. I have been going through really rough times for the past two years and I did lose my faith in the lord. I think that if I keep my faith and "fear the lord" then my time will come with blessings from the lord but I need to be patient and not rush the lord's plans.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was blessed abundantly. According to me Abraham was blessed materially with cattles, riches etc... i believe that he was also blessed spiritually and physically. People was blessed by the obedience of Abraham to God and the bible says that God will bless those who bless abraham. i Believe that people who bless people are blessed. :)


Abraham was blessed in many ways: a) He became a great nation. B) His name became great. c) he acquired great wealth.


12:5 (ASV)

5 And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came.

Genesis 13:2 (ASV)

2 And Abram was very rich in cattle, in silver, and in gold.

Abrham also had 6 children and all three of the Monotheistic Religions took him as a major figure: Judaism, Christanity, Islam.

The people of the Earth have been blessed through him.

Genesis 12:1-3 (ASV)

1 Now Jehovah said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto the land that I will show thee:

2 and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make they name great; and be thou a blessing;

3 and I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse: and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

Abraham continues to bless people in my life because of the incredible blessing iof salvation to all the peoples of the Earth.

  • 3 months later...

Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?

Abraham was blessed personally with people and material things His name was great, he became a blessing to all nations. He controls both spiritual and material blessings.

All people of the earth were blessed through his descendant Jesus Christ who came and brought Salvation free for all.

He continue to bless people through my life by me carrying on with the work which Jesus committed into the hands of every believer. Telling people about Jesus' love for them and showing them 'love'.

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