newtothis Posted August 18, 2011 Report Posted August 18, 2011 Abraham was blessed because God chose him to be a blessing to all people. When God chooses you for that reason only are you blessed. Abraham's blessing is eternal through Jesus Christ. Quote
newtothis Posted August 18, 2011 Report Posted August 18, 2011 Abraham was blessed because God chose him to be a blessing to all people. When God chooses you for that reason only are you blessed. Abraham's blessing is eternal through Jesus Christ. Quote
SISMONZICA Posted April 25, 2012 Report Posted April 25, 2012 Abraham was bless in these ways. 1. He made him a great nation 2. He placed personal blessings on Abraham by giving him a son 3. He made his name famous through out the earth 4. He bless those that bless Abraham and cursed thoes that cursed Abraham 5. He made Abraham a blessing to all the people of the earth. Abraham life was a blessing to all through his obedience to God and the way he live with God and this had brought incredible blessings of salvation to us all. Abraham exercise of faith in God without question, doubt or fear, build my faith more in God and is a blessing to me in my life, for I understand more. Quote
SISMONZICA Posted April 25, 2012 Report Posted April 25, 2012 Abraham was bless in these ways. 1. He made him a great nation 2. He placed personal blessings on Abraham by giving him a son 3. He made his name famous through out the earth 4. He bless those that bless Abraham and cursed thoes that cursed Abraham 5. He made Abraham a blessing to all the people of the earth. Abraham life was a blessing to all through his obedience to God and the way he live with God and this had brought incredible blessings of salvation to us all. Abraham exercise of faith in God without question, doubt or fear, build my faith more in God and is a blessing to me in my life, for I understand more. Quote
royk Posted August 11, 2012 Report Posted August 11, 2012 Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life? He was blessed to be chosen by God for the things God expected Him to do, so that he would be such AN EXAMPLE OF FAITH. God had this all planned out for Abraham. Yes, he was so blessed to be chosen for this. But can we imagine to be told to execute our first born child and then start to follow God? No way, not in the 21 century; we/I don't have faith like this ( or to get out of a boat and try to walkon water.) We ae lucky to be studying this deeply, right now, to have a greater feel for what his faith was. I know my faith is nothing compared to his, I hope God will use me and I know He is testing me in litte and big trials each day. I am not comfortable about possibly losing my job, about maybe needing a hip replacement opeation and being too afraid to deal with it. I'm not happy with my progress in tyring ot learn Spanish. I understand it is in my mind that these things are not workingbecause my faith is weak. That I'm afraid to launch my own business with "Legal Shield," a powerful christian company. Sharing what faith I do have with others is one way they are blessed; it is the work of the Holy Spirit, coming through me. If people can feel my happy heart ehen I say "God bless you," or if I share the Gospel of Christ with them, it si GOd's work, not mine, when it is successful, and the lost come to him. SO please count your blessings as I will, and they bless others, even with just a beaming smile. Quote
joy irowa Posted January 13, 2013 Report Posted January 13, 2013 Abraham became a great nation through his son isaac people are blessed by faith, and through the coming of our saviour Jesus Christ when God used me to be a blessing as a believer Quote
Old Jerry Posted February 5, 2013 Report Posted February 5, 2013 Abraham was blessed by God giving him some great wealth, a family, a famous name and all the people know of Abraham. We the people of the earth have been blessed because Abraham did as God told him to so that today we have the blessing of God with us. Abraham continues to bless people through my life because of my belief in Jesus Christ and God and by that I do my good works. Quote
krascu Posted March 11, 2013 Report Posted March 11, 2013 Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life? Abraham was blessed to be the conduit in which God reestablished himself with man. He had the faith to influence those away from idolitry. The peoples of the earth have been blessed by this new covenent between God and the people. In this way Abraham is still a blessing to us. The covenant still reigns. Quote
Craig Posted September 28, 2013 Report Posted September 28, 2013 Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life?   Abraham was made into a great nation; was made famous; was/is a blessing to others; and all the families on earth have been blessed through Abraham.  All the peoples of the earth have been and continue to be blessed by Abraham through Israel, founded by His descendants, through their preparation for the Messiah; the preservation of God's Holy recorded Word; and the arrival of the Messiah in Israel via the line of King David. In other words, through Abraham we have the daily blessings of God's recorded Word and Jesus the Christ. Through Abraham we have the opportunity for salvation and a relationship with God for eternity.    Quote
Ernie's Son Posted November 9, 2015 Report Posted November 9, 2015 A. 1. A great nation. 2. Personal blessing. 3. Great/famous name. 4. Blessing to others: a blessing to those who bless Abraham and a curse to those who curse Abraham. 5. A blessing to all the peoples of the earth. 6. Abraham was blessed with wealth. 7. and with an heir in Isaac. 8. also with Ishmael the father of Arab peoples, and with six children with Keturah. Â B. "Through his own life--and through his descendant Jesus the Messiah--has conveyed the incredible blessing of salvation to all the people of the earth."1 Â C. An ending footnote on Gen 12:3 follows: "Or by you all the families of the earth shall bless themselves" (ESV). Â There are two Scriptures that would seem to have this in mind: Â 1 Pet. 3:9 "Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing" (ESV). Â Mat. 5:16 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven" (AV). Â People are blessed to the point that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. Â By this, the blessing (through Him) keeps blessing. Â Can I also say that to receive a blessing, I must be a blessing? Â 1. Dr. Wilson (B1). Â Â Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted February 12, 2016 Report Posted February 12, 2016 Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life? Abraham was blessed in many ways; the Lord says "I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you' I will make your name great and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless yoyu and whoever curses you I will curse. and all people on arth will be blessed through you". All the people of the earth have been blessed because the Messiah came through the seed of Abraham. Abraham continues to bless people in my lifebecuse we get to witness for Christ the seed of Abraham the Messiah. Quote
Rosesam Posted May 6, 2019 Report Posted May 6, 2019 Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life? From him came a great nation. He was blessed and his name was made great and he became a blessing to all. All who blessed him were blessed but all those who cursed him were cursed. In him all the families of the earth were blessed. Even though I am not in the line of descent of Abraham, I am blessed because of the spiritual connection. By faith I become a descendant and share in the promises that God made to Abraham. Just as by faith, righteousness was imputed onto Abraham, by faith righteousness is imputed unto us when we believed on Him that raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. And now having become the sons of God, we become a blessing to those around us. Quote
William Richardson Posted September 21, 2019 Report Posted September 21, 2019 As christians, we MUST realize it's a Blessing to be in God's Family and look forward to that "Mansion in His Home" where He's the Host. BUT that Blessing from God comes with a requirement that we be a blessing to others by sharing that Gospel story so they too may become our brothers and sisters in the Lord's family. Without our fulfilling that responsibility, we might just jepordize our own Blessing from God, and find ourselves in the "Smoking Section" instead. Remember, we MUST be the salt of the world, a light set on a hill and shine God's Light through our deeds and our words. God Bless you all. Quote
Godswriter Posted November 29, 2019 Report Posted November 29, 2019 Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life? Abraham was blessed first through by being called by God. Then by the fact He chose to believe and obey. He also was blessed by the fact that the Lord gave him a child in old age as promised. He was also blessed by the fact that his descendants were going to be a bless the world with a Savior which would be Jesus Christ the Lord. By me choosing to obey the Lord. Quote
Irmela Posted February 16, 2021 Report Posted February 16, 2021 In what ways was Abram blessed? He became the "Father of a Great Nation" ...... the Jewish nation ... through Isaac who was born in his old age. He is also the father of the Arab nation ...  through his son Ishmael  .... the son he had with Hagar. He also had six children with Keturah after Sarah died. Abram became rich in "cattle". He had big herds, so much so that his and Lot's herdsmen faught over the grazing grounds. His name is great and famous among the nations. A blessing is promised to all who bless him. How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? He is a blessing to all the earth as it is through his ancestral line that the Messiah was born. In what ways does Abram continue to bless people through your life? Because i accepted Christ as Saviour, whatever i do or say to bless others is indirectly still Abram blessing people through my life. (I am adopted into Adam's race)  Quote
Irmela Posted February 16, 2021 Report Posted February 16, 2021 Correction. I am adopted into Abraham's race. Quote
Lizzie Posted May 4, 2021 Report Posted May 4, 2021 Q2. (12:2-3) In what ways was Abraham blessed? How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life? Abraham was blessed of God, but before looking at how he was blessed, I think it is necessary to understand that God required a sacrifice of Abram's obedience before he experienced the blessing. It took a lot of courage for Abram to go to leave his place of comfort - his family and home - to go to the place that God would show him. Only after his obedience, did Abram, become Abraham, the Father of Many nations and have land, wealth, notoriety, and finally an heir. Because of his obedience, we also are blessed through salvation through Jesus Christ. This is a free gift for all people, but we must be willing to step out and receive it. This act alone could be an act of courage for many. Others are blessed through us as we also courageously step out in obedience to do what we are lead to do. As we are obedient, we will surely bless others in our lives. Quote
Krissi Posted April 17, 2022 Report Posted April 17, 2022  In what ways was Abraham blessed? How have all the peoples of the earth been blessed? In what way does Abraham continue bless people through your life? This story sends me down paths of many questions. How did this happen that God chose one polytheist among many and then blessed him? Did Abraham merit God’s favor in some way? If so, what did he do or be? Is it possible for us, today, to be singled out and blessed like this, to hear His voice as clearly and distinctly as did Abraham? Abraham was told to leave his people and family. He did not do this. He took them along with him. Was he disobedient, or am I understanding this incorrectly? I’m bothered by the notion that through Abraham the world has been blessed. Though Israel is/was God’s chosen people, they have rarely been a blessing on the nations that surround them. It is true that the Jews are singularly successful in their contemporary state and have managed to thrive among hostile, equally belligerent Muslims. And Jews are, as a religious cohort, quite wealthy. Abraham was the genetic father of both Muslims and Jews to which Christians are added by adoption or conversion. Are Muslims’s blessed through him? How do we deal with the fact that Muslim’s openly curse both Christians and Jews – are they, therefore, cursed? As a Christian, I have inherited the blessing once given to Jews; I have been grafted onto a foreign vine, one now universal. Ultimately, Abraham’s blessing was the gift of salvation for all, the extension of the salvation franchise, so to speak, so that it includes anyone who wants to partake in Abraham’s blessing.  Quote
Bianca Posted July 4, 2022 Report Posted July 4, 2022 Abraham was blessed with Issac. The promised that God had given to him concerning a son. God blessed Abraham to be wealthy and to have many descendants. Through Abraham his descendant Jesus came to save the world and brought salvation to us all. Abraham help started this. His faith in God help open up the door for us all and I have become a spiritual descendant so when I'm blessing someone it goes back to Jesus first. Because it's Jesus working in me but it also goes back to Abraham by his faith open up the door for me to be a blessing to others through Jesus. Quote
Kim J Posted January 26 Report Posted January 26 I believe the first way Abraham was blessed was God CHOSE him. Â Why did He choose him? Â What was it about Abraham? Â Through my family tree, I was blessed to know God through his Son, Jesus. Â Not everyone has been blessed to be taught about Jesus as a part of their upbringing. Quote
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