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Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

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i knew God was calling me to do bible college.. in order for this to happen i had to leave all i had ever known.. my friends, family, culture, land etc and move to another place where i didnt know anyone, the culture of the place was different and it was larger than where i was from..

because i knew that this is what God wanted for me to do.. i stepped out in faith knowing that God would provide and help me along this journey.. it was tough and i yearned for what i was familiar with.. but it was the best choice i ever made.. and i am so glad i was obedient to the call of God..

currently God is preparing me for the next move.. and although i have never lived there or know what to expect.. i know that my God will make a way where there isnt a way.. and will go before me.. He is with me every step that i take.. holding my hand, providing for me and leading me on the adventure He has for my life..

it is exciting and scary at the same time.. but that is what faith is.. stepping out into the unknown.. but knowing that God will never let you fall or be humiliated.. trusting Him when you can't see beyond the now.. then all will see that is it only 'but God' that has made it happen.. all the glory is given to Him..

go God!


Well, lets try this again. Maybe I was just having a senior moment :)

I wonder if the faith shown here is special. What we see in Abraham is an almost child like faith. He believed God and then acted upon it. He did not no where he was going or how he was going to have an heir with Sarah but he believed God and it was counted to him for righteousness according to Hebrews 11.

Christ told us that we needed to come to him as a child. Perhaps this is what He meant.

James said that if we can see a thing then it is not faith, God is pleased when we take His word for something and then ACT ON IT. This is the kind of faith I think Abraham was showing.

Again James said faith without works is dead. Abraham showed his faith by the works that he did. God said it so he did it.

One scripture that was an eye opener to me whas when God told Abraham that NOW HE KNEW that Abraham would fear and obey Him. It was like He didn't know until Abraham was willing to "ACT" on what God said about sacrificing Isaac.

  • Gen 22:12 And He said, Do not lay your hand on the lad, nor do anything to him. For now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only one, from Me.



I believe that it is not so much special faith , as it is faith that produces obedience,for unto everyone of us is given a MEASURE OF FAITH.

I guess that faith of this kind is special, because it calls a person to take

a step of faith when the way is unclear, but there is a strong urging in the spirit of a man to be obedient to the call that he feels God has put on his life.

I was once given the opportunity to teach a new beginers class, and there

were doubts , but then realized that God would not call me to do something for Him that He would not also equip me to do. Stepping out in obedience proved to be the will of God.


As a purpose driven Christian, I believe that I am always in the midst of an "adventure" and what an exciting ride it is. The Lord sometimes moves me like an earthquake is under me and I just know that it is something I must do. Sometimes I am not sure why. For example when He led me to sing a certain song as a solo in the church. There must have been someone who needed that song at that time, but I may never know who that was. I just trust that since I felt so moved by the Spirit to go to the Bible book store and was directed to that particular song, there was a purpose for it.

The biggest adventure occurred when He told me to leave my corporate job of 15 years and a very satisfactory salary to go to 4 yrs of schooling to become an RN. I was the sole support of my family. My husband had not yet earned disability. I had two pregnancies while I was in school, but we came out of it alive and well and with a roof over our heads. Somehow He saw that we had what we needed to get through it. He is faithful to those who are faithful.


Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

Faith is the substance of things hoped for....God had asked Abraham to move to a place that He will show later. Abraham hoped that in due time God would show him that place. So in blind faith he set out on that journey. Journey of hope, better prospects, better life, better land and perhaps better people. God had amply proved His faithfulness by providing all that Abraham had hoped for.

In days of GPS, Satellite Phones, Wireless Internet etc, we still find it hard to take those kind of steps that Abraham took. That's why Abraham's faith was reckoned to him as righteousness through which he was justified. That's special faith.

God had not tested me so far for my faith in this fashion and I've not had any 'opportunities' like that. It may sound that I am lucky to escape those kind of circumstances, but at the same time I feel that God is not sure whether I'll be able to handle the situation. That's why He has not given me those kinds of situations.


Faith is hope in action. Abraham put into action his faith in his works which was excepted as his righteousness. He walked with God in great faith, trusting and not doughing. Today we must put into action faith to keep our walk with Christ Jesus.

Faith that God still does the same things for us today as he did for Abraham makes us stronger. Many doors have opened for me to walk through because of faith in God. In order for anything to be done you have to sometimes just step out in faith knowing God will be there for you.

God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Each day is a new chalenge in our walk. The adventure that he has set me on is one of his word and knowing and understand the scriptures of Mark 16: 15-18. God did not change so we should be working these things as did the those that Jesus called to walk with him.


Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

Many times. One is in writing a book that I felt MUST be written--about the life of Abe Lincoln's grandmother, Lucey Hanks. I thought it was more for my family (since we are distantly related to him) than for others. I did not even see it as especially being in "obedience to God", but the results show me it had to be from Him. As is so often true, when we feel we should do something (something Biblically correct, of course), we look back and see how His hand has guided us--if we allow Him to do so!

But, it was produced and published--and feedback has told me that the effect on others has been far beyond my expectation, and in ways I had not imagined it would have! Isn't God wonderful???!!! :o

Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out?

We are fearful of the unknown . . and we as people like to have control of our destiny. . .we like to remain in the familiar surroundings we have grown accustom to. . . to come out of that is to stretch ourselves and it is uncomfortable to stretch, it even hurts sometimes. . . and we want to avoid hurt at all costs. . .

Have you had any of these "opportunities"?

Yes, I am one to step out in faith and have stretched myself to do so many times in the past. I think it's a challenge for me. . . because every time I stretch myself whether I understand it or not I receive a spiritual blessing and spiritual growth. Sometimes things don


TennLady said:

Faith is hope in action. Abraham put into action his faith in his works which was excepted as his righteousness. He walked with God in great faith, trusting and not doughing. Today we must put into action faith to keep our walk with Christ Jesus.

That reminded me of something that was said to Joshua:

  • Jos 1:7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest.

It seems that God wants us to be strong and courageous so that we may follow Him in all things. The great news is that His Spirit gives us the Hope that allows us to be strong and courageous. To step out in faith if you will.

  • Phi 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.



To step out in faith as Abram did is truly remarkable to me. Abram at the time he was called was thought to be a pagan - not really knowing God. But what is implied is that when Abram heard God's voice - - he knew exactly who God was and knew he had to obey without questions.

For us today, do we have that same reverence/awe/respect/attitude for God when He calls? I pray daily that all believers will have the faith that is listed as a spiritual gift - - that faith that comes from trusting God. God provides many opportunities for us to prove or show Him our faith - - but many times we run to man for counsel, or want to do it the world's way

The original word for faith "pistis" implies believing, and acting upon it. Satan knows who Jesus is but acts not according to His plan and ways. We know Jesus and need to step out in faith -- and He will supply the rest for us.

Each day for me is an adventure in faith - - doing it one day at a time - - listening for God's voice - - what a glorious way to live on this earth!



Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

Special Faith????? Well, I guess Faith could be classified as Special. For some other words for Special are: studious, learned, bookish, exceptional, gifted, studentlike (just to name a few that I thought relevent to the question). After all we are being taught and guided by The Holy Spirit. We are Gods' students and children and friends, as well as His bride.

Faith & doing the Will of God go hand in hand. We don't do the Will of God just to see how it will turn out. That sounds like testing God out of disbelief, and who are we to test God!

I have done something very recent, that if not done in Faith that God will provide, would set me back in a very hard way. God is Faithful, and won't let me fall. He started the work in me and will provide for the completion of the task. In Jesus Name Amen!


I am faced with this right now God is calling my family out of the church that we have belong to since are Salvation and this is very hard< But we know that we have to do what God wants but just steping out We know we have to do what God wants for are life

3a.) (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out?

3a.) Because we are self serving and like "ccs" said in their post, we want to be in control.

3b.) (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10)  Have you had any of these "opportunities"? 

3b.) Yes. I think God provides us with opportunities each day, whether they are grand or small in our minds. :P

3c.) (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

3c.) Yes, with a number of other saints in the development of a program to reach out to the un-churched. But a Scripture has popped into my mind and we have to remember: "But Joseph said to them, 'Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is being done, the saving of many lives.'" Genesis 50:19-20 God's intention is for good even though we will face trials and tribulation. Abraham did not know what lay ahead, and this is why his faith is so inspiring to me.


Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

I think we are always in the middle of these when we are trying to follow God and so yes I am in the middle of such a task and at the moment not sure what my next step should be but praying for God to show it to me.


I think the faith that Abraham exhibits is rooted in trust, and trust is rooted in relationship. God gives all of his children a measure of faith, and I think any increase in that faith is also a gift from God. We can't conjure up faith. If God asks us to do something, He also provides the means to do it, even the faith that we must have to make a move towards what God is asking of us. If we are willing to move towards what God has asked of us he will increase our faith to believe he will finish what he has set in motion. He tells us what he promises to do before he asks us to move forward. He told Abraham "Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee, and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee and make thy name great... " God was very definite about what Abraham must do and what He would do once Abraham had obeyed. There was constant communication on God's part to encourage and guide Abraham into the land that He had prepared for him. God does the same for us today.

He speaks through his word, tells us of his promises to his children, encourages us until we are willing to trust him, and when we do we move right into the next measure of faith that he wants to give us. I don't

recall ever moving forward in the Lord without him prparing me to do so. I don't think he expects us to go forward blindly. He leads us, guides us, prepares us, calls to us to follow. His sheep know his voice. And yes, I am in the middle of moving forward according to the Lord's desires for me, and I don't yet know what he is peparing for me, but I trust him and every day he keeps adding to my faith. He certainly led me to this Bible study. Isn't it amazing how he loves us all?





When God called me to do His work I did not fear because I knew that I had to step out on faith.

I put my faith in Jesus. The all powerful one. I had to walk by faith and not by sight. I had to be like Abraham. Not knowing where I was going, I just had to go. So if God call you to do something, Step Out In FAITH.


Our faith is commenced at the initiative of God. We have no particular spiritual qualities that draw God to us. God, in His electing grace, chose us to follow Him, while we were going our own way. I would have to acknowledge that it was God who sought me out and saved me, on the basis of divine grace. Thank God our spiritual lives are dependent on His faithfulness and not our own. Given that my faith is a gift from God, it would be pretty special. It is because of this faith, which is not my own, that I can step out in obedience to God. I


Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these opportunities? Are you in the midst of an adventure now?

Moving out of my comfort zone seems difficult to me but I have always been blessed and grown when I have let God have His way in my life. We don't know how things will turn out but we can trust in God who even if we make mistakes is sovereign and has all under His control. I have moved on the average of once every three years or so and every time I find that it feels like the rug has been pulled out from under me and God is the one I have to cling to. How grateful I am to Him and His faithful guidance when He has asked me to step out in faith.

It seems like I am always on an "adventure". "Through many dangers toils and snares I have already come, Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And grace will lead me home."

God Bless,


Numbers 6:24-26


We have to have faith in order to obey what God is telling us. But we cannot get the faith ourself, God gives us the faith. God gives us the faith and then gives us the words and situations in order to minister.

When I go in front of the abortion clinic, I don't know what is going to happen that particular day. I don't know what I'm going to say. I just have faith that God will show me as I actually deal with the situation. The words come to me and what I am to do.

Most times I obey and do what God is telling me. But sometimes I am afraid or talk myself out of something that God wanted me to do or say. That is when I feel really bad that I didn't have the faith that He wanted me to have. Or I didn't act in the faith.

But He brings wonderful things to happen sometimes. A woman will change her mind and not have an abortion and we praise Him!


If we can see the out come, we are making ourselves to be God. We are not letting Him lead, unless He has shown you the outcome. His sense of humor, allows us to do things our way. His grace gains glory as he picks us up and leads us back to the path and the goal He has for us.

I made a major life change, knowing He was leading me. I rationalized it to myself and others with realistic outcomes, even tho many would have liked to diswade me. As I packed up and prepared to make this change, horrible sadness and devistation hit my family, tho we all lived separately. With the shelter He provided for the storm, I was able to continue in the plan and recieve more healing and hope and surprise upon surprise of what He really had in mind for me, including a new family.

I knew I would never want another family but was willing to follow, and trusted the lead and knew I would be protected and provided for in my obediance.

I am almost 18 mos into the adventure and have grown and waited in peace and healed and hurt and been glad I couldn't se the outcome, and still don't. Walking by faith is so much more sure of a walk than trying to trust yourself. I am more secure not knowing because I can trust in the very best of wisdom.




is it faith if we know in advance? In looking at a situation, my friend would look at all of the obstacles and point them out to me. Well, I would have to report that God told me to do the thing and He would work it out. Pressing my way through has been a wonderful thing. The praise report was that with each instance, when I arrived at a particular point, God had already shown up and worked it out.

That makes it easier for me the next time I have an assignment.


Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

My answers to this three part question is one answer, my testimony. When I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, of my life that is, I called on the name of the Lord to come in and take control. I didn't know how or when but I knew that He would.

In July of 1999 I was living my worldly life, living in sin. I was on my way home this particular night and it was late. I saw this policeman walking around and I was trying to avoid him because I had a warrant out against me, nothing serious, but I just didn't want to chance going to jail. So he called me and I ran. He chased me but I lost him.

I had ran in this back yard and when I thought it was safe to come out I did. When I got back on the street, a police car came around the corner and he jumped out of his car came at me and put me face first on the ground. And then it happened, I will never forget this for as long as I live.

As I was on the ground and before the policeman could handcuff me, the policeman got up and left me there on the ground. I looked up and he was chasing his squad car. Apparently the either came out of park or the officer never put it in park. I saw my chance to get away but as I tried to get up it felt as though some one was sitting on me, not letting me get up. At least 2 minutes went by and I still could not get up. And then I remembered what I had asked of the Lord only three days before, to take control of my life.

So I submitted, I stopped fighting myself and trusted God. The next morning in court, they told that I had a warrant in Greenville, SC from 1989 but they wasn't going to bother with coming to get me. All I had to do was spend the night in jail and take care of a failure to appear, this was in Connecticut. So as I sat in that cell waiting to go to court the next day an officer came to get me to finger print me again. He told me that South Carolina changed their mind and was coming to get me. For a misdemeanor from ten years earlier.

Anyway they came and got me, sentenced me to a three year sentence. I was in a state of shock, I could not believe it. But I realized that God was in control, and when I realized that I knew that everything was going to be all right.

I only had to serve a year and a half, but after serving nine months I was granted parole. I had to turn that down because of the conditions of my being released. There was no way since I was from Connecticut. But a couple of months later something else came up, early supervised release. I am originally from South Carolina, but I spent all but four years in Connecticut. I was writing this woman that was into prison ministry. I was telling her what was going on with me. I had put in addresses of my aunts and uncles so that I could be released to them, but I was turned down three times and I was suppose to have only two chances, but not when you have found favor with God.

She told me to try her address, this woman didn't know me only from poems and a few letters. But it happened, I was released to Rock Hill, SC. That was September 2000, five months early. And I have been blessed ever since that day. I had a job the first day I got here and I am still working. Two years ago God blessed me with an Executive Chef position, I'm still there, three and a half years ago I got married, to the same woman that told me put in her address, GOD IS GOOD, GOOD IS GOD!!

I have attend Bible College, I am the president of the Men's Choir and the Hospitality Dept. I am a son to my mother, a father to my children and Big Daddy to my grandchildren. Abraham story is my all time favorite. I have studied it taught it and lived it. But its to God be the glory, He saves to the utmost.

I welcome your prayers, and I'll do the same for you all. In Jesus' name.

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