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If and when God give us a task that we are not familiar with and not know the outcome He will give us that special faith that is needed to accomplish that task.

No; I have not had any opportunities of this caliber

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Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

I think there are a couple reasons special faith is needed. 1) I think because we are not always sure that what we may think we are doing is in obedience to God or just something other people think we should do. 2) We do not know what trials will be encountered along the way.

Those "opportunities" occur all the time. Yes, I have to admit we (my family) is in the midst of this sort of adventure now and we are anxious about it.




Q3= By faith we are made rightous before God as was Abraham. The rightous will live by faith Hab. 2:4. Without faith it is impossible to please God Heb.11:6. Also faith is the assurance of things hoped for the substance of things not seen Heb.11:1. This I believe is a special kind of faith given by God if we will trust Him and His word.


It takes special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out because then we have to fully rely on God. I have not had any of these "opportunities". I am not in the midst of this adventure now.


Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? For a person to have this special faith they must first believe in Christ, if a person does not believe in Christ they will not trust in Christ or believe in His teachings or Calvary, without this faith they will not do something if they can't see how it will turn out for they have no trust in the Lord. This faith in christ, the total dependence on Christ, assures the faithful that we will be lead the right way even though we can not see where we are heading. Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Oh Yes. Are you in the midst of this adventure now? Every day.


Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out?

Because our human nature is to remain in our "comfort zone", where we are close to family and friends. A place where we have someone we can see to lean on in tough times. It takes special faith to step out of this area and be obedient to God because we con't want to leave our "comfort zone", and because, as humans, we are so used to relying on things we can physically see and touch.

Have you had any of these"opportunities"?

Yes, I have. I felt so uncomfortable when I first felt God's calling to be a Sunday School teacher, which was about 8 years ago. I've been teaching a class since that time. I felt even more uncomfortable when I felt God's calling to be a Preacher. I am still struggling with this calling, but I know that when I truly turn it over to God and say "Lead Me, Lord. Show me the way", that all will work in God's glory!!!!

Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

YES! As I stated before, I am in the beginning stages of studying to become a Preacher. I am relying more and more on God to lead the way for me, which is the way I should be! God, not I, knows the way that I should go.


I think often we are reluctant to step out in faith because we are afraid of failure. Often we have doubts because we wonder if something is really of God or not. Also we don't always want to do something in obedience to God because it may mean changing our whole lifestyle or giving up some things in our lives. :unsure:


Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out?

This takes faith on our part because we are unsure of the outcome. But with God


Special faith......I think every measure of faith within believers is special. The proverbial mustard seed, starting off so teeny, yet GROWING into a grand and awesome tree. I can remember times when my fervent prayer was "Lord, hold tight my mustard seed!" (He did :) ) As believers in one body, I think we need to be considerate to others as to where thier faith may be, in the different stages of growth we all experience, and meet them where they are, maybe to give a little sunshine, maybe a little water, maybe a little shade from the heat, but definately not to badger them for what they "lack" or are incapable of at the time. To get to the great faith like Abraham demonstrated, I think it's important to obey the baby steps along the way, one day at a time!

I have had many opportunities. Some I consider a "success" and others "failing", but in the long run, it's all to the glory of the Lord and for my good. I've learned some valuable lessons from the times I "failed", and looking back, I wouldn't trade the lesson. It was hard won, but won still, by grace I'm sure.

Yes, I am in the adventure of a lifetime! I just had my first baby! It was something that took me trusting God completely. We didn't know if we were ready, but God knew what we needed, and led us the whole way! I'm so glad I listened and gave that control over to Him. I am so amazed at how one little child has already changed and blessed not just our lives, but our whole family! Stepping out when God opens the door and asks is sooooo the way to go! It's exciting! It's terrifying! If I think too far ahead I start to twitch and my ears start to smoke :blink: , but day by day, I can handle it, and it's all good. :P God knows what we need, and where we want to go, and if we'll just follow step by step, I think we'll each find that the destination is what we've always been looking for, but we just didn't know it at the time.




We are used to using our reasoning when we plan to do something. We like to see results and we want to see them now. We also want a garauntee that things will turn out a certain way according to our reasoning. It is not faith when we already see. We have plan A, B & C. God's ways and thinking is higher than ours and our reasoning cannot comprehend His. When we begin to do things that we cannot comprehend thru our reasoning, it takes faith. We can only trust that God will lead us and work all things for the good of His chlidren. There are things I didn't understand that only in retrospect did I see how the puzzle piece fit.

I'm in the midst of something that I know was necessary to bring me back to God/Jesus. I'm also hoping God will use this experience by enabling me and equipping me to comfort, help and assist others with similar experiences.

  • 2 weeks later...

[b]Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now? [/b]


  • 4 weeks later...

i've been called by God to medical shool by faith, for i have no financial means. IN the midst of it I fell into sin and have been struggling ever since. Now i know the Loving Shepherd is calling out for me and scooped me back home.

Now, I'm facing with the financial problems in the face again. Like Abraham, i started off in faith, discarding my worries at the Cross but unlike him, I have fallen so much since and am facing responsiblities for my sins; like seeds of unbelief...influencing my faith.

I need a time of refreshing and am so ashamed everytime I call out upon His name.

Please pray for me guys. Thanks


IT takes special faith indeed, for if it were un-special aka lukewarm, we would only fail God and wander in the wilderness. In answering God's call for a life of faith, i fell into sin and was bonded. TIll today, i struggle for deliverance and is wriggling with much anguish to see myself crucifying Christ again and again by sinning. YEt there is unlimited mercy and grace...for though my soul is safe and kept with the Lord, my life on earth here for Him is in shambles..I am now trying to rebuild my faith with His guidance and resume my Walk with my loving Friend, whom i betrayed.

Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

faith is believing gods word faith is i can not see it but i believeis going to happen because i believe in god and god said it the word said and that settles it but we do need that special faith to get save because faith comes by hearig after we hear the word god gives thatb special faith to become save and we grow stronger hearing the word of god

  • 1 month later...

First of all, it seems to me that if we set out to do something and see how it is going to turn out that doesn't require a lot of faith, but to step out and do something that doesn't make sense or we can't see a clear reason for it, it takes a lot of faith. The first point is believing that it really is God we heard telling us to do something and then facing up to questions of those around us as to why we are doing this or that and are we sure it really is God telling us to do something.

I have several instances in my life when that has happened,some smaller than others. In spite of how small it always becomes evident after the fact of how and why God directed me in the way He did.

I am presently in an adventure and I really don't know where God is taking me or why but I sense His presence in it and have a real peace. So as the bumper stickers say, get in, shut up and hold on.




(a) I do not know if it is special faith or what I would call a staunch faith to be obedient to God when we do not know how it will turn out. I believe if we have real faith we will not be, "like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind (James 1:6b), we will be obedient to God and not look back like Lot's wife did. If we do not have this real faith with our eyes on Jesus at all times, we will not be obedient to God because of fear (False Evidence Appearing Real)

(B) Yes, I have had "opportunities" to obey God, not knowing what the future holds. Have I always obeyed? No! why? Because of fear.

© Yes, I think I am in the midst of an adventure now and it calls to leave family & friends like Abraham had to do when he left his ancestors way of worship. Well I obey? I pray that my eyes will be upon Jesus and I will let the Holy Spirit lead me.


I don't know if it is "special" faith or not. Maybe it is in the sense that Abraham did not "know" God previous to God speaking to him about the move, and yet, he trusted that he was hearing from the one true God, and he obeyed

I do find it interesting to note, though, that Abraham had many stumbles along the way that people seem to look over. To me, the story of Abraham is of great encouragment, not only because he was a man of great faith, but also because he was a man who's faith faltered briefly on occassion, and God still looked on him with grace and mercy and with the blessing that was promised him because Abraham managed to always come back to God.

For Abraham's sake, it was a good thing that God was so faithful to His promise, because Abraham on many occassions was only "partly" obedient. For instance, bringing Terah and Lot with him out of UR. Not according to God's plan. So, what happens? Abraham ends up waiting for years for the promised blessing to come.

In fact, he doesn't leave Haran until he's 75. But, it would appear (as opposed to what I said in a previous post) that he does NOT wait for his father to die before leaving Haran. Chronologically, I believe that would have made him 135. So, it would appear that he leaves Haran 60 years before his father dies. it seems to me that maybe the passage in 12:1 is an indication to us that the Lord "reminded" Abraham of his calling to "leave his father's household" in order to receive the blessing.

So, he leaves. His faith in God once more revealed, but also the imperfect nature of his obedience to God. He only half obeys, AGAIN, because he brings Lot with him ("leave your people").

Then, if you pay careful attention, you'll notice that God does not speak to Abraham again about the blessing/covenant until AFTER he and Lot separate, when Lot moves to Sodom. THEN, the Lord renews His covenant with Abraham (Gen 13:14 - "The Lord said to Abram AFTER Lot had departed from him, ....").

Following that, Lot is captured and Abraham goes to free him. So, Abraham again goes back to the one thing that seems to continue to stand in the way of his receiving the blessing: Lot (Abraham's family). How often do we seem to keep going back to the very things that keep us from God's calling in our lives and his ultimate blessing.

When Abraham rescues Lot, what does he do? He brings Lot and his possessions back home with him. People may disagree with me, but I believe this was not in obedience to God's original calling, since he was called to LEAVE his people behind when he left UR. I don't necessarily think there was anything wrong with Abraham going to save Lot, only that he brought Lot home with him.

Only AFTER the King of Sodom takes the people back to Sodom (I assume that included Lot, although it doesn't actually say), does the Lord then AGAIN renew his covenant with Abraham and expand upon the details of the covenant by indicating Abraham will actually have a son "from [his] own body".

Unfortunately, Abraham again blunders by allowing Sarah to convince him to sleep with Hagar instead of waiting on the Lord to provide a child through Sarah, his wife. So, again, Abraham waits for the blessing from God (14 more years for Isaac to come along) when it might have come much sooner had he been patient to begin with and not allowed Sarah to convince him otherwise.

To be clear, I'm not putting all the blame on Sarah. The Lord has spoken to Abraham, not Sarah. Since HE had received the word from the Lord, HE should have been the one to stand firm and explain to Sarah that they needed to be patient and wait. He should not have slept with Hagar.

So, now, Abraham has to waste another 14 years dealing with the Hagar, Ishmael, Sarah triangle, which never should have occured and you know had to be a MAJOR thorn in his side. Amazingly, God is still faithful and merciful to Abraham and answers his prayer regarding Ishmael. God tells him that He will bless Ishmael as well, even though the covenant will be with Isaac.

There are certainly a few other examples of Abraham not completely trusting God in his EVERYDAY life while seemingly continuing to trust God "for the long haul".

The sad part through all of this is that Abraham waited AT LEAST 25 years to see the beginnings of the blessing in his life (through Isaac). I would be willing to bet, though, that it is far closer to 60+ years. That is a LONG time to wait for the blessing, and it might have been much shorter, had he been fully obedient in the first place.

So many times in life, God calls us to something and instead of being fully obedient, we are partly obedient, bringing along baggage that keeps us from the fullness of God's plan (or introducing baggage that didn't exist before).

I can think of numerous occassions when God has called me to something, and I chose not to fully obey. I can, however, also think of times when I was fully obedient and the blessings from those events in my life seem to be so much more intense, it is hard not to see that the blessings in our lives are directly tied to our faith in God and our obedience to His calling.

It is encouraging to know that Abraham was considered by God to be a man of great faith and obedience, even in the midst of so many "blunders". Helps me to recognize that I don't have to get it all right. I just have to make sure that each time I get up and brush myself off, the first thing I need to do is look for God to "get my bearings", before I decide which way to go.


Faith is not credulity, but the reliability of God's Word and the accurate fulfillment of its prophecies install confidence in the realization of ALL of His promises. We now live in an age when people want results immediately.It does take a special faith to wait on results,wondering if the choices we have made were pleasing to God.

Faith is not the possession of all persons,as it is a fruit of God's spirit 2Th3:2; Ga5:22.

Each new day is an opportunity to have faith and prove it by what we say and do. I certainly try to keep this in mind.

Yes I am in the midst of this adventure now. Are we all hoping to be in good standing at the second coming of Jesus? Of course we are, that is why I read the examples of people in the Bible who had faith.


Q3. It takes special faith to begin to do something in obedience to GOD before we see how it will turn out.

Well, it takes one out of their comfort zone. Most people want visible proof. Something stationary. Things that are unseen, usually makes the journey seem unsurmountable. Therefore, it takes special faith to be obedient to GOD.

Yes, I have had some of these opportunities. The outcome was supernatural. I experienced supernatural breakthrough from the spirit realm. My situations were so chaotic, that men could not rectify them. It took miraculous faith and healing.

Yes, again, I am in the midst of this adventure. And sometimes it gets very uncomfortable, because what I am facing seem larger than life. I am being attacked from all sides. But I believe and trust, and most importantly TRUST GOD!


  • 7 months later...

Q3. (12:1 with Hebrews 11:8-10) Why does it take special faith to begin to do something in obedience to God before we see how it will turn out? Have you had any of these "opportunities"? Are you in the midst of this adventure now?

Having being out of town about the Lord's work I am running a little behind on the questions. If we know what the outcome would be it would not be faith and it would also cause our flesh to recoil and not be obedient to God's will if the outcome was one that would bring trails and hardships no one in their flesh desires to hurt and be tried on every hand.

I am in the midst of an adventure that is taking a lot of faith I reaching a senior age and have just decided to start my Bible College credits but it is what I feel led to do. I also am traveling with an evanglist to revivials right now just testifying but am open to what God wants me to do. Little is much when God is in it and if he has a work and I don't have but a few years I'm willing to give him all I have.

  • 1 month later...

Faith is a powerful motivator. The problem some times is to know where your faith will lead you. Faith in God assumes that God will lead. I cannot personally know the outcome or my action to God


One of my gifts (or curses) is to bounce into changes with a smile on my heart. It has served me well in my profession. My problem is that, here lately, I have been questioning myself: Is this God's decision--or is it my decision? I do trust God with all my heart. I know He wants what is best for me. I know that every task I am asked to do will not necessarily be pleasant 24-7. Through my faith, I can answer to God.

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