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Q17. (2 Samuel 12:24b–25; 1 Kings 3:3) At Solomon’s finest, what does his devotion to God look like? Can you think of anyone else in Scripture who is loved by God and loves God back? (Hint: 1 John 4:19) Yet, Solomon’s life is a cautionary tale for believers. Why?

  • 2 months later...

At Solomon's finest, he loved God and sought to obey Him. This is no different than the relationship with God that all believers in the NT are supposed to have -- We, though, are going to love—love and be loved. First we were loved, now we love. He loved us first.

God must have loved Solomon first. Solomon reciprocated.

Yet, in spite of the love between them, Solomon was a womanizer. In a way, his womanizing is disloyalty to God and the love God had for him. If Solomon in all his wisdom was unable to keep his love pure, how can we have hope to be pure? He was given great wisdom so must have known the consequences of his poor behavior, and yet did it anyway ... wisdom crashed on the shoals of desire. He was greatly self-controlled in all other areas but this. 

The good news is that in spite of his sin, God loved him.

The bad news is that in spite of his great wisdom, Solomon still sinned and the consequences of his sin impacted future generations.


Q17. (2 Samuel 12:24b--25; 1 Kings 3:3)

At Solomon's finest, what does his devotion to God look like?

A man who loves God and whom God loves

Can you think of anyone else in Scripture who is loved by God and loves God back? (Hint: 1 John 4:19)


Yet, Solomon's life is a cautionary tale for believers. Why?

Although he loves GOD and GOD loves him, he betray GOD by worshipping idols on high hills and was led into sin by foreign women.


Q17. (2 SAMUEL 12:24b-25; 1 KINGS 3:3) 
At Solomon's finest, what does his devotion to God look like? Can you think of anyone else in Scripture who is loved by God and loves God back? (Hint: 1 John 4:19) Yet, Solomon's life is a cautionary tale for believers. Why? 
His devotion is shown by his sincere love and great zeal for the LORD. By his walking “in the statutes of his father David and his love for the LORD (3:3). Also, the fact that he took David’s dying instructions seriously by walking in obedience to the LORD (2:3). All who put their faith in Jesus Christ are loved by God, and we love Him because He first loved us. He loved us so much so, that even while we were still sinners Jesus Christ, His One and Only Son, died for us (Rom 5:8). I can’t think of any greater love than to give up one’s life out of love. God gave Solomon gifts that helped him rule as king. Gifts of wisdom – wiser than anyone else in the world; as well as very great insight; and a measureless breath of understanding (1 Kings 4:29). As long as he lived in obedience to the Lord these gifts were successfully applied to the glory of God. It was through the influence of extravagant living that his heart was drawn away from God and he began to fall. This can be a warning to us as believers. We belong to our heavenly Father and if we stray and don’t use the gifts that we are blessed with can also lead to our downfall. We must be careful not to be sidetracked by serving other gods – self, fleshly lusts, and worldly values. 


At the beginning of Solomon’s reign , he was full of fire for doing the will of God that he even asked God to give him wisdom to rule His people. He was truly into living in obedience in all that his father David commanded him to do . He was successful and loved by his people . He displayed great power that all the neighboring nations paid respect to him and he honoured God and his name still rang high in the history book in spite of his flaws that ended his fame. 
The apostle John was said to be the disciple whom Jesus loved at the last supper and John showed his love to Jesus as he took care of his mother after his death.

Apostle Peter confessed 3 times his love for Jesus as Jesus took  him back from his betrayal at the court.

The life story of king Solomon showed us we cannot deny the need to be vigilant in our walk with Christ .

  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/18/2024 at 7:30 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q17. (2 Samuel 12:24b–25; 1 Kings 3:3) At Solomon’s finest, what does his devotion to God look like? Can you think of anyone else in Scripture who is loved by God and loves God back? (Hint: 1 John 4:19) Yet, Solomon’s life is a cautionary tale for believers. Why?

Solomon is a man who loves God and whom God loves. That is the source of his greatness, and as long as he maintains that love he is blessed and blesses his people.  Solomon showed his love for the Lord by walking according to the statutes of his father David, except that he offered sacrifices and burned incense on the high places.

David, a man after God's own heart. The Psalms display David's inner thoughts. 

Solomon in the first part of his reign served God, but later on in his life, he was led into sin by foreign women. He had realized that all is vanity.  This brings me to the last verse in Ecclesiastes  12:13-14  Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. 

Stay close to Jesus with all your heart and strength, as it is so easy to slip away. Stay in the Word and fellowship with God.  John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Q17. (2 Samuel 12:24b--25; 1 Kings 3:3)

At Solomon's finest, what does his devotion to God look like?  At first he walked in  the ways of David his father and truly loved the Lord.  

Can you think of anyone else in Scripture who is loved by God and loves God back? (Hint: 1 John 4:19)  We love God because He first loved us.

Yet, Solomon's life is a cautionary tale for believers. Why?  There was a but.  Solomon also sacrificed and burnt incense in high places.  This was something that was an abomination to the Lord.  He also was divided in his heart as he loved foreign women and this turned him to also serve foreign gods.  That was  breaking the Commandment:  "You shalt have no other gods before Me", as stated by God.  We need and to keep our love pure and serve God only.


The Lord LOVED Solomon.  In turn, Solomon loved the Lord. He was walking in the statutes of David his father.  Solomon started out good at first: he was faithfull but as time went on, his faith started to wan.   Marrying pagan wives and allowing concubines and pagan idol worship did not help matters.   Solomon went into a state of prelast;  carelessness in matters of spiritual living.   Presumptuous thinking clouded his mind.   A false sense of security must have gripped his mind and heart; neglect of prayer life, and pride.   Though Solomon knew so much, a presumptuous mind misled him down the road of backsliding.

We are loved by God !  Apostle Paul wrote eloquently about the Wonder love of God throughout his Epistles.  Epistle to the Hebrews is a masterpiece describes our heavenly call; we are beckoned to enter the Holiest of Holies.   We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. However; we must work out our salvation in trembling and in fear; we cannot fall into a state of inertia.   We need to walk in the statutes of God: mortification of the flesh, daily Bible study and adherence to the commandments of God are indispensable.  We cannot compromise our walk with God: we like Solomon must maintain a childlike faith in God, we don't know how to go out or come in.  The HOLY Spirit is our Comforter and Teacher who will lead us into all truth 

  • 4 months later...

At Solomon’s finest he was devoted to God. He did everything the way that God wanted it to be. The one that stands out most to me that loved God and was loved by God was Jesus. There of course others that loved God but not like Jesus but God loves us all. Solomon’s life is a cautionary tale for believers because later on in life he didn’t follow God so closely.

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