Pastor Ralph Posted March 18, 2024 Report Posted March 18, 2024 Q20. (Proverbs 19:17; 22:9) Why is giving to help the poor so basic a practice in Judaism and Christianity? Why are we sometimes hesitant to help the poor we see in our streets? What are some wise ways by which we can make a regular practice of giving to help the poor? Quote
Krissi Posted May 27, 2024 Report Posted May 27, 2024 There is a concept of "the deserving poor." It stands in contradistinction to the concept of "undeserving poor," though rarely made verbally explicit. The deserving poor are victims of horrible circumstances such as health crises that rob them of their ability to crawl out from poverty. They're mired in a Dickens-like world, a world they don't deserve to live in but are unable to get out of. But then, there's the undeserving poor. Here, the definition gets murky. Is a drug addict undeserving if he/she is now trapped in addiction? We tend to believe that all prostitutes, addicts, thieves and others are in this state because they CHOSE to be this way (which, in a way, is true) and therefore are reaping the consequences of decisions they could have made differently. They are responsible for their condition -- that's the bottom line. But ... I know this isn't entirely true. For one, ALL of us make lousy choices but not all of us reap the consequences of those choices. Sometimes we get away with making mistakes without paying the price or suffering the consequences that should have been ours, but were not. The consequences seem almost happenstance as there is only a tenuous correlation between stupid/evil decisions and poverty, for example. Both poor and wealthy people can be "good" or not. It could be the case that a lack of morality actually increases one's ability to make money. And, in my opinion, this is why Christians are a bit skeptical about very wealthy people in their churches -- are they really true or mature Christians, and if so, why don't they give it away? So, to answer Pastor Ralph's question, I hesitate to give money because I cannot be certain that the recipient of my money is truly needy or "deserving." Furthermore, I'm skeptical that organizations to which I give are not skimming too much off the top. Organizations can be incredibly wasteful. Many years ago, I worked in a city. Every day, as I got off the metro train, I was greeted by a long line of beggars. Most were addicts. Every day, I used to bring a small wad of one-dollar bills to give away until a man on the train chastised me for doing this, saying that the homeless were stashing away bills until they had enough to buy drugs. So, I decided to make sandwiches. If the homeless addicts were hungry, I reasoned, they'd appreciate a good sandwich. To my surprise, most of the homeless either threw away the sandwich or refused it. Very few took a sandwich to eat. This was a watershed moment for me and my view of the homeless, drugs and poverty. But, still, I wondered if they have done better? Humans do have agency, after all. They have the ability to make decisions and save or improve their own lives. There does seem to be a point, though, when humans can't get out of their circumstances without some sort of jarring event/person from the outside. But even then, people react differently to jarring events. I've decided that for charity to be moral and effective, the recipients have to want to better themselves, to really want to live in a different way. Many of them say they want to be different, but when given the opportunity, don't work hard enough. Even when given a chance, they relapse into addictions, poverty and homelessness. We are all responsible, for example, for accepting or refusing Christ. If we are responsible for such a weighty, eternal decision, the responsibility to not take drugs or steal or whatever seems far less weighty. I don't have answers, as usual. Even Jesus said that the poor would always be with us. He must have understood the social ramifications of the human psyche and sin better than we do! I very much want to help both the deserving and undeserving who want to escape the consequences of past stupid decisions, but can't distinguish between undeserving and deserving, and those who are determined to live a better life from those who are just taking advantage of my tender heart. I tend to err on the side of generosity, just in case. Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted May 29, 2024 Report Posted May 29, 2024 Q20. (Proverbs 19:17; 22:9) Why is giving to help the poor so basic a practice in Judaism and Christianity? The commands to aid the poor begin in the Law, with instructions to leave some of one's crop in the fields so the poor can glean there. Why are we sometimes hesitant to help the poor we see in our streets? What we gave them they used for something else. What are some wise ways by which we can make a regular practice of giving to help the poor? Learn them to catch a fish instead of give them a fish. Quote
hanks Posted May 30, 2024 Report Posted May 30, 2024 Q20. (PROVERBS 19:17; 22:9) Why is giving to help the poor so basic a practice in Judaism and Christianity? Why are we sometimes hesitant to help the poor we see in our streets? What are some wise ways by which we can make a regular practice of giving to help the poor? It is part of our culture. Moses taught that the Israelites should be generous in their giving (Deu 15:8, 11). Their law of debt cancellation (Deu 15:1-6) every 7th year was also intended to instil a spirit of generosity in the nation. Solomon himself encouraged generosity (Prov 11:24), and that by giving freely a person will have plenty. Conversely a person who is miserly, failing to help others in obvious need, will themselves always be in need (Prov 28:22). In Cor 9:6-15 we read that God loves a cheerful giver and that they will be generously rewarded. Jesus even taught us to lend to our enemies (Luke 6:35). It is difficult to help the poor in the streets. We are not always sure if they are genuine in their need, and maybe they just want money for drugs. We have to be careful about a hardened heart is always looking for excuses to not donate (James 2:16). This shows that we don’t trust the Lord to keep His promise of blessing givers. It is our responsibility to honour our Lord Jesus by giving to those in need. Quote
Clelie Posted May 30, 2024 Report Posted May 30, 2024 Giving to help the poor is taught in Judaism and Christianity because God is generous and gives us everything to richly enjoy. Prov 11.24 . But Jesus said there will always be poor on earth .We who have need to give to help those who don’t have out of love and obedience to God who also loves the poor. In our present days societies, there are unfortunately many fake poors. Some come under false pretense , others beg for money to buy other things than food or other necessities . For those reasons many refrain from giving freely. Some wise ways to regularly help giving to the poor is to be involved in a group or organization who deals specifically in that domain. Or giving through the church which has a caring ministry. Quote
Katy Posted May 31, 2024 Report Posted May 31, 2024 Q20. When Jesus was on earth He spent His ministry helping people. Most of these people were poor and in need. Today we as Christian’s are God’s hands and feet. We must emulate His actions and give to the poor. This giving may be to people who are poor financially or it may be poor spiritually. It is directed in Scripture to help the poor by leaving some grain behind for the poor to glean.Leviticus 23 v22. Proverbs has many verses about giving to the poor, and helping them Proverbs 19v17, 22v9, 22v16. Everything we have comes from God , therefore we should be generous in giving some back. We are sometimes reluctant to give to people we meet on the street because we are not sure how genuine their need is. They may have an addiction which we could be helping to feed if we give them money. In this case it is wiser to offer to buy them a sandwich or something else and a cup of tea/ coffee. Then if they accept to go and buy it for them. I think the best way of giving to those in need is by giving on a regular basis to a Christian Organisation who are involved and helping those in need. Another way is to get involved in helping in a Charity shop which supports a children charity or other charities which help people. Another way is to get involved in a food bank or a homeless feeding station. Quote
Janzie Posted June 6, 2024 Report Posted June 6, 2024 On 3/18/2024 at 7:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q20. (Proverbs 19:17; 22:9) Why is giving to help the poor so basic a practice in Judaism and Christianity? Why are we sometimes hesitant to help the poor we see in our streets? What are some wise ways by which we can make a regular practice of giving to help the poor? Because the Word of God says: If there is among you anyone in need ... do not be hard-hearted or tight-fisted toward your needy neighbor. 8 You should rather open your hand, willingly lending enough to meet the need, whatever it may be." (Deuteronomy 15:7--8) We are hesitant because some people may use it for their vices. Remembering two times I gave it to someone who asked and they did not use it for gas but for something other than what they asked for. But I had decided to do it even though they did not put it to good use. I just put it in God's hands. We can do it to people in the church we know have needs, missions and needy families outside of church. We can't out give God Quote
Irmela Posted June 19, 2024 Report Posted June 19, 2024 Q20. (Proverbs 19:17; 22:9) Why is giving to help the poor so basic a practice in Judaism and Christianity? Why are we sometimes hesitant to help the poor we see in our streets? What are some wise ways by which we can make a regular practice of giving to help the poor? Much has been said in the answers given above. Wisdom is indeed needed in this field of giving. We need to be wise in the who to give to, the when to give and the what to give, and the why we give. It is so true that there, but for the GRACE of God, go I, in that I maybe made a different choice. Also many times the way to help is rather to teach them how to fish rather than just hand out the fish, left right and centre. Yeah, we sure need God's help in this. Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted July 6, 2024 Report Posted July 6, 2024 We have opportunities to lend to God. God Himself becomes a "debtor" for everything given to the poor. God will pay it again either in this life or in the next. There are a number of commands in Torah that underscore the importance of taking care of the poor, widows and orphans, including those who migrated into Israel. The Old Testament prophets also stressed the necessity of being kind to the poor. Having mercy on the unfortunate has always been a Hallmark of Judaism and Christianity. We must use prudence in the distribution of our monies. We don't want to be Inadvertently supporting illegal drug habits or reinforcing aberrant behaviors. Best way is give of our substance to various groups that highly monitor their clients. Yo carelessly give monetary a donations on a street corner is not the best option unless if the indigent would accept directly a food package or clothes. Quote
Old Jerry Posted November 13, 2024 Report Posted November 13, 2024 I think that giving to help the poor is basic because we were brought that way. I know that the reason that I am hesitant to help the poor I see on the streets is because I don’t know if they are really poor and are just trying to get money. I will give them something to eat but I will almost never give them money. There are lot of the people on the streets are drunks. Quote
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