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the significance of abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh" was that he declared there was only one true God.. he left behind all that he knew and gave his life for God to direct.. abraham worshipped, sacrificed and talked with God..

to "call on the name of the Lord" means to acknowledge God is first in your life above all else.. to cry out to Him for salvation.. "call upon the name of the Lord and be saved".. its saying to God that we cant live our lives without Him.. calling on God is an act of worship, reverence and draws us close to Him.. it refocuss us as to who is in charge of our life and circumstances..


Abraham was living in a land full of false gods. It was a demonstration of his faith to call on Yahweh as his protector.

It showed God that he was placing his life in God's hands to do with it what He wills.

That I think should be our attitude as we pray to God, His will be done.

He refers to us as clay and himself as the master potter in many places. He seems to want us to acknowledge that by placing His will above ours, as did Christ.



Q4. (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"? What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"?

Abraham decided to follow the Lord and accepted His authority on his life. Abraham depended on the one true God and wanted to be guided by Him. Yahweh became a 'confidante' of Abraham. Abraham wanted Yahweh to be part of everything that he did. That was the extent of the significance of Abraham calling on the name of Yahweh.

To me the meaning is almost the same as Abraham's. After accepting Jesus as my personal Savior and Lord, His name is precious to me. The name that is on my lips at every turn, every event, every moment of my life. :rolleyes: I call on the name of the Lord for guidance, support, help, in fact, everything. I call upon Him to praise Him, honor Him and worship Him. My life, is nothing without my Lord by my side. I just thank God for chosing me to be His vessel and do His work on this earth.


Q4. (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"? What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"?

Abraham was in a foreign country. He knew he needed guidance for his life--where he would go and what to do--and he also knew where to get that guidance. He turned to the Lord for His wisdom and control of His life.


For me, "calling on the name of the Lord" means the same. We do not know what will come up in the day ahead, let alone the long range view of our life. In our own strength, we cannot prepare nor be accepting of what will come. However, with the guidance that God will give us, we can live from day to day in confidence, knowing whatever comes, He will be with us and strengthen us--IF we listen and obey His voice as we call upon Him daily. :rolleyes:

We are at present selling our farm and moving who knows where. Being in our eighties, this is difficult, but we know that He will be with us and bring things about that are for His intention and for our good. So, we call upon Him and then step out with confidence! B)


What was the significance of Abraham calling on the name of the Lord?

It signified his total faith and trust in the one and only God (Yahweh).

What does it mean for you to call on the name of the Lord?

It means the same thing. Total faith and trust in the one and only true God who is to be my life and my salvation. Nothing else matters.

God Bless,



Q4. (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"?

That Yahweh was who Abraham had decide to trust. Abraham will move sometimes into trusting the end God has given him while trying to supply his own means but this lack of understanding of God's timing and God's methods did not keep him from being chosen as God knew ahead that this would happen and it did not keep God from fullfilling his promises and pointing us to Abraham's faith..

What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"?

Far too often far me it means frustration and a lack of self worth for me as Satan tears at my perception of all the Lord gives me and trys to tell me I am not anything but a thorn to others and to God. I call anyway.

4a.) (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"?

4a.) Abraham recognized his chronic need for God. That he was completely at His mercy, by leaving everything and setting out for the unknown land on only a promise.

4b.) (12:9) What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"?

4b.) I am drawn to what Jesus teaches in the fifteenth chapter of John. "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." {John 15:5)


Abraham's calling on the name of Yahweh signifies the recognition of God's supremecy over all things. It indicates submission and trust, and an understanding of who God is-Lord of all the earth, Lord of all the heavens. Abraham trusted God, and in that respect he may have called on him much as a child will call on a parent whom they trust. But beyond the trust there was most likely the awarenes of the incredible power of Yahweh, the true and living God. Psalm 124:8 says, "Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth." His name holds power over all creation, and all beings of lesser power, physical or spiritual, must bow down to the authority in the name of the Lord. Abraham knew that.

For me to call on the name of the Lord also means recognition of and submission to the holiness and authority of the Lord. It is also a privilege and blessing that as his child I have access to using his name. I have a three year old grandaughter who is the apple of her father's eye (as we are of our Father's eye), and when she yells "daddy. daddy" her dad's eyes light up with pleasure and love. Daddy is her title, her name for him, and at the sound of it he immediatlely responds to her need. We have been told to cry out "Abba, Father" to our father in heaven, and I believe it is a blessing to his heart when we call on his name in trust with all our needs, both big and small, or in love because when we say his name, it brings us close to Him.


When Abraham called on the name of Yahweh he was worshipping the one true and living GOD. He had come to understand and believe in a living GOD Who could hear his prayers. He believed GOD and worshipped Him.

I call on the name of the LORD as soon as I awake every day and many times during the day. I praise Him for Who He is and for all that He has done and continues to do. He is my LORD and Savior and without Him I would be nothing.

Q4. (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"? What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"?

I don't know what it is, but my nerves are wracked over this question. It's not hard, not hard at all. I'm not answering it, and maybe I'm being stubborn, I don't know. I actually feel angry. Lord forgive me. I know that I am not above such a question. Just for some reason I feel angry and like it's a waste of time. I am not usually lacking in patience, (studying Gods' Word doesn't even require patience). :(:unsure::angry:

I don't know what's up, but I have felt this way on every question of this study so far. I feel the spirit of depression coming on me, and can't quit crying over it, and I do not know why. Please you all Pray for me on this. All's I can say is what I have. I'm feeling like I'm going to drop out of this particular study. I don't want to though, but I don't know how to deal with the anger welling up inside me. I don't know why I feel angry and can't quit crying. :(:angry:

I know where the anger is coming from. Praise God. I'm not mad at God or myself. It is Abraham. I Praise God for establishing His covenant with Abraham, and there is no but's about that, but I know why I am angry. Abraham is called the Father of Christianity. That may be true, but Christianity wasn't a religion then. Christianity came about through Paul, Father of the Gentiles, which came about by his being taught by and following JESUS. So to me Jesus is The Father Of Christianity. Also Abraham did Not believe God when God told him he would be the Father of Nations, and he had sex with his wife's slave, yes on Sarah's wish that it be so, but he could have said no to Sarah's request and just waited. But still Abraham did not believe God. So he begat Ishmael through Hagar, ultilmately causing more division. Abraham fell on his face and laughed at God. Abraham was a liar to save his own life. Now Adam is the cause of turmoil, in which he could have repented, yet did not, and so because of him, life is how we know it. Abraham did not help matter's and further caused more division by his disbelief, that seems so casually ignored, or something that our Pastor's won't address, even his lieing to save his own life. So in a nut shell, I am upset with my adoptive parents (Abraham & Sarah). Reason's just stated. God obviously Loves them, and didn't hold the short-comings against them, and so neither do I. I just needed for this to come out of me, so as to not answer the question's of this study without considering all I know about the subject matter. <span style='font-family:Times'>Further more I don't know why these things I have stated about Abraham are never adressed, maybe they are beside the point, the point being He is the Father of Nations. For some reason I can not just let it go, and pretend any reason for lieing and or disbelieving God is acceptable. It is not acceptable. God said people like that have there place in the lake of fire. Maybe they repented and it was just not included in The Word.<span

On another note: I am not upset with Abraham either, for as I was reminded also that we all faulter, and thanks for the reminder bonita. I did not mean to get out of line with the question/s. I just had to identify what was happening inside of me as a result of this study. The issues I meantioned about Abraham, have been addressed over and over again. In that he wasn't perfect, and neither are we, and although he faultered, he remained with God, and blessed us, and I also bless him In Jesus Name. Thank You Amen!!!


We are not told in detail the type of encounter Abraham had with the Lord.

Whether it was a burning bush, a still small voice, an angelic being or some other way that God gets our attention, one thing is clear- for abraham to leave his country, kindred and go to a place where he knew not, it was most

certainly an encounter that totally convinced him that he was in the presence of the EVERLASTING GOD, THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA, the only

One who could give life and that life more abundantly.

For me , calling on the name of the Lord, is the only thing that brings sense

to this life I live, yet not I but Christ who lives in me. In Him I live and move

and have my being. Praise the Lord.

Q4. (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"? What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"?

Q4. (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"?

Abraham is now a believer in the One God


Calling on the name of the Lord requires knowing HIs name. I love to learn about the many names used to discribe some of God's characteristics. Praising an attribute is my joy each day.( todays is the Shepherd) I have favorites I refer to each day of the week, but call on others as situations arrise. I call to give praise, not to ask for more of anything., As wise David praised and followed closely, so I want to be able to approach God with praise and humbled heart, wanting to know more of HIm, so he can show me how to grow or heal or learn or become more of Him in each situaltion I struggle with.

By faitb, Abraham was able to call on God, we have teachers and the Bible to learn who it is we are to call on, lets step out in faith and learn who God wants to be with us, Give Him a new name today as you learn something new about Him.


Abraham trust was in the Lord.

I call on the Lord because I know He will be there when I need Him.I know what He is to me. I call on Him to give Him thanks and to give Him the praise. I love to glorylfy His name. I put all my trust in the Lord.


Calling on God's name means to get personal with Him. To realize He is the most supreme of all, it is a title of reverence - He is the I am. In ancient times a name was carefully considered for the meaning behind it. In our limited languages, now words are sufficient to explain God's name which original Hebrew YHWH. Many scholars differ on the exact meaning, but to believers it means that God is my every breath. Abram was giving honor to God acknowledging the perfectness of God's direction in Abram's life - saying to God all you require - here I am.

To call on the name of God means the same to us as Abram, that we acknowledge the greatness of God, the total perfection and power of God and rely on His strength and direction for our lives. Not a religion that we put on and take off - put a part of our being everyday, as breath is to our body for life sustaining, calling on God is essential for our soul.


When you stop and think about it Abram had no concrete evidence that a life of blessing lay ahead. He was away from his home and family, all he had to rely upon was God. In the final analysis that is all anyone can have. As Abram went from place to place, the will of God must have seemed like a riddle. No stop along the path was irrelevant or without purpose. Calling upon the name of the Lord was an act of public worship and probably viewed with particular interest by the the Canaanites. It is also an act of faith. Since we will never know exactly what the future holds, but know God who holds the future, we should call on the name of the Lord in worship and faith. We have daily enemies which make our existence a life of continual conflict. Only God can give us the help we need and calling on the name of the Lord is a strong public testimony that we have faith in the one true God alone for all our needs.


Abraham knew he was calling on the one true God the one that was alive and real and could talk and let him know he was real. He was out of the sin of the Moon God and had turned to the loving God the Father for all his needs and knew it was him that was sending the blessing upon him.

It means life for me to call on the name of the Lord. Just as with Abraham he is alive in me. I know his love and how much he does for me. I thank him for who he is in me and too me. I am so glad he is real in my life and I want to always praise him and thank him for all he does for me.


Abraham is calling on the only true and living God that he believes in and not some other god or gods. Abraham is a believer of one God. He needed help, guidance and direction.

:) I am like Abraham, I know where all my help comes from. I call on the name of Jesus the one that is able to hold and keep me in all things. This means and I know that Jesus is my ever present help. THANK YOU LORD JESUS! :)


For Abraham to call on the Lord, he was showing total submission to the will of God. When one calls on the name of Yahweh we are acknowledging Him as the Great I am, the alpha and the omega, the one who always was and always will be. We are powerless where He is ever omniscient and omnipotent.


I agree with Millie, I can call on the Lord just because I want to hear from him. I don't have to want anything, just to talk. I like the saying, and it is true, I am a child of the most High God. It reminds me of who and whose I am. The gratitude kicks in when one can understand the different names and HE is just that to us.


I cant even began to explain what it means to me to call on Him I dont think there is even a way to explain. I know when I call on that name He is always right on time There is a song that says'He may not come when you want Him to but He is always right on time" And that is so true


Q4. (12:9) What was the significance of Abraham "calling on the name of Yahweh"? What does it mean for you to "call on the name of the Lord"?

The significance is twofold. 1) Abraham was not just calling on any god, but on the true God of the universe in a personal way, by name. 2) By calling on the LORD, Abraham was admitting his dependence on God, his need for God's direction and help.

It means the same to me.

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