Zanele Tlhakanelo Posted September 25, 2024 Report Posted September 25, 2024 The two-part definition of humility correspond to the two greatest commandments in that as children of God we are expected to love God with all our heart, soul and mind as the first one and secondly, we must love our neighbors as we love ourselves. In humbling ourselves we recognize that God is the Only One that has to be lifted up above all people and all things and sincerely obey Him as God. In loving our neighbors, we are able to serve the needs of those we live with and offer our service to them, meaning, we put other people's needs above ours. Low-self focus means we humble ourselves before God and consider Him first. High-other focus means we consider other people's needs and have compassion just like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had compassion on all mankind. A disciple must understand that he/she is called by God to do the will of God. It is therefore important that he/she must know that he/she has come to serve and not to be served. Walk in humility and be obedient to the will of God. Quote
Zanele Tlhakanelo Posted September 25, 2024 Report Posted September 25, 2024 The two-part definition of humility correspond to the two greatest commandments in that as children of God we are expected to love God with all our heart, soul and mind as the first one and secondly, we must love our neighbors as we love ourselves. In humbling ourselves we recognize that God is the Only One that has to be lifted up above all people and all things and sincerely obey Him as God. In loving our neighbors, we are able to serve the needs of those we live with and offer our service to them, meaning, we put other people's needs above ours. Low-self focus means we humble ourselves before God and consider Him first. High-other focus means we consider other people's needs and have compassion just like our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had compassion on all mankind. A disciple must understand that he/she is called by God to do the will of God. It is therefore important that he/she must know that he/she has come to serve and not to be served. Walk in humility and be obedient to the will of God. Quote
Frances Kay Posted September 25, 2024 Report Posted September 25, 2024 Love God with all your heart, soul and mind first means acknowledging God exists. By that I acknowledge that He is greater than I am, that He is Creator and I am created. I am what He has made me to be. I acknowledge His existence with my emotions, my spirit and my intelligence. I love Hime with my emotions, my spirit and my intelligence. Love others as myself means I am no greater and no less than anyone else in this world. There is equality. Of course, I want to preserve and benefit myself, try to enjoy the life God has given me. I also want this for others if I love them as myself. This true perspective of my relationship[ to God and to others helps me to be content, fulfilled and free of much negativity. Quote
Reina Posted September 25, 2024 Report Posted September 25, 2024 We all have needs, I especially know what I need, but I know who provides for me. Sometimes my faith weakens (or a lot of the times), but when I look back, I see how God has provided for my needs even when I didn’t ask. So I feel at times that God blessed me so I could bless others, it’s kind of like I’m fulfilling God’s expectations of me. I have what I have because of him, now go out and bless others in his name with goodness, kindness, compassion, and love. Although I need to be vigilant and watch that I realize none of this. (comes from me but him.). I need to confess of those thoughts and redirect myself in humility, knowing it’s his control that allows my every move and thought, I just have to listen with my whole heart.(my emotions and feelings.) with my soul.(that’s who I am, the personality That he gifted me with, and my mind (my choices that I make to follow him and do his will, to reach others that are not only poor in material needs, but poor in spirit, to look beyond myself and to see others and love others as God sees them, and as God loves them. To realize that being high and lifted up is his place not mine. I want to draw others to Jesus not me. In humility I back off and raise him up. I think none of this is possible without Love. Loving God with my whole heart, my whole mind and my whole soul. Quote
Mama Eve Posted September 25, 2024 Report Posted September 25, 2024 (Matthew 22:36-40) How does a 2-part definition of humility correspond to the two greatest commandments? As believers we are to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul and mind. And love thy neighbor as thyself. "Agape" Love. We must also keep I mind to love someone we must love ourselves first! In what sense is humility? A low-self-focus combines with a high other focus? Humility means to practice meekness, be obedient to God, respect of self and others,submissiveness, modesty and people who put others needs before themselves. Jesus is the perfect example. What does that look like in a disciple? (Colossians 3:12) Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Again, Jesus is the perfect example of humility when He washed the disciples feet. Quote
Patricia A. Conti Posted September 25, 2024 Report Posted September 25, 2024 Loving God above all things is serving Him by obeying all His commands, and.making Him the center.of Loving your neighbor as yourself is first, seeing your neighbor as your equal so you don't ever make yourself superior. Second, serve a need out of love asking or expecting nothing in return. Quote
hanks Posted September 26, 2024 Report Posted September 26, 2024 Q1. (MATTHEW 22:36-40) How does a two-part definition of humility correspond to the two greatest commandments? In what sense is humility "a low self-focus combined with a high other-focus"? What does that look like in a disciple? The greatest commandment is found in Deut 6:4-5, and the second greatest in Lev 19:18. Jesus Himself called these two commandments the greatest in Mat 22:37-40. They both require humility on our part. To love God with all our heart, our soul, our strength, and our mind we need to humble ourselves and become less and God more. Exalting Him to be the centre of our lives; bringing all glory to Him. In the same way to love our neighbour as ourself, we need to humble ourselves to serve others. To show respect, kindness, and compassion towards those in need, not expecting anything in return. In both cases there is a low self-focus as we focus less and less on self, and there is a high other-focus as we focus more and more on serving and obeying our Lord and serving others. This is a disciple who loves God and lives a life in obedience to His Word, always willing to help any neighbour in need. To love them as ourselves - a selfless concern for the well-being and happiness of others. It might entail helping financially, if possible; the sharing of our talents, time, passion; and even listening and encouraging each other. This behaviour does not come to us naturally and is only as the result of the Holy Spirit’s work in the believer’s life. Quote
Lisa Wolf Posted October 2, 2024 Report Posted October 2, 2024 Q1. (Matthew 22:36-40) How does a two-part definition of humility correspond to the two greatest commandments? In what sense is humility “a low self-focus combined with a high other-focus”? What does that look like in a disciple? The table you included in the first lesson makes it so clear that humility corresponds to the two greatest commandments Jesus reminded us. Love God=humbling ourselves, so that HE is in charge; Love your neighbor=being other's focused and serving their needs. A disciple of Jesus looks like Jesus. He had His Heart and His Eyes always on the Father, we should, too. Jesus was always ready to meet the needs of those around Him--sometimes on a different time plane than they wanted (Lazarus sickness, death,...resurrection), but always (the woman who touched the hem of His garment for healing). Sometimes the smallest gesture for another speaks loudly to them of our Savior's Love and Care. Quote
sebastia Posted October 7, 2024 Report Posted October 7, 2024 for me in john 12;23to26 23 Jesus answered them, ‘The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. 24 Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. 25 Those who love their life lose it, and those who hate their life in this world will keep it for eternal life. 26 Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there will my servant be also. Whoever serves me, the Father will honour. this is what we are to be others as jesus show us , its tough but ot impossible. Quote
Sandra Brown Posted October 19, 2024 Report Posted October 19, 2024 The two greatest commandments are to: Love the LORD your GOD with all your heart and soul and mind and with all your strength and the second is to love your neighbor as yourself. The first greatest commandment in regard to a low-self focus is life of surrender to God. It's giving ourselves to God. I'm yours God, I surrender my life to you, today. Your will be done in my life. Matthew 16:24 says, "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me." The second greatest commandment in regard to high-high other focus. I believe the greatest love we can share neighbors is share the love of Christ with them. Love them as Christ loves them, unconditionally. Showing respect and kindness to our neighbors, treating them as we want to be treated. Quote
Krissi Posted October 19, 2024 Report Posted October 19, 2024 How does a two-part definition of humility correspond to the two greatest commandments? In what sense is humility “a low self-focus combined with a high other-focus”? What does that look like in a disciple? The two-part definition of humility directly corresponds to the two parts of Jesus' "greatest commandment," according to Pastor Ralph. Because the greatest commandment demands we love others as ourself as well as love God, humility must be relational and not a quality or character trait that one possesses. I"m not sure I understand the implications of it's relational character but this seems to imply that a Christian cannot be humble alone because humility can only express itself within a relationship with God or others. Is this true? Could humility be a trait one develops, like patience, as a consistent aspect of one's character? Could it be that by the agency of the Holy Spirit humility naturally manifests itself within a maturing Christian? If so, how would this happen? I personally think that humility is a character quality that exists in certain Christians more than others, much like patience. Like all qualities, or almost all, it's developed through suffering and failure. If a Christian has been beaten down by life and thus becomes more compassionate and loving toward others because he personally can identify with other's misfortune, his character has actually changed. I'm trying to get at the idea that though humility may be developed in frictional relationships or by failure before God, it is a character-defining quality (among many) that doesn't remain contingent on relationships. I'm thinking of Job who after all the torture and suffering and the loss of friends and family was accused by God of lacking humility. Job responded by telling God, "I despise myself," which strikes me as the ultimate expression of humility. (Job 42). Hating oneself is not relational. Nor is it focused on others. Although contemporary psychologists emphasize self-esteem and all that, perhaps it's self-hate which makes one humble. Quote
GodzAngel Posted October 21, 2024 Report Posted October 21, 2024 On 8/13/2024 at 12:29 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 22:36-40) How does a two-part definition of humility correspond to the two greatest commandments? In what sense is humility “a low self-focus combined with a high other-focus”? What does that look like in a disciple? Expand Low self focus puts me in a posture to love God with my whole being. It allows me to be wrapped up, tied up, and tangled up in Jesus. It's when Jesus heart beat and mine connect. Once I am in tune with the Lord it will not become difficult to exercise high other-focus which is to love my neighbor as myself and have a genuine concern to be of service to others. Quote
Brother Clifford wilson Posted November 6, 2024 Report Posted November 6, 2024 On 8/13/2024 at 2:51 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q41. (1 Timothy 6:3-4,17; Colossians 2:18) Why does having an abundance of wealth and knowledge tend to make us feel superior? Why do false doctrines and heresies often come with a feeling of superiority over lesser Christians who believe differently? How can you show humility if you are wealthy? How can the well-educated show humility? Expand We have feelings and as we walk in the spirit we must be careful to love our neighbors. Love and being loved overcomes all emotions that seek to disconnect us from the unity that Christ teachs us. When we are loved we are filled with the spirit of God. As I grow I am aware of the obtacles and distances implied by wealth and knowledge. We are all parts of the wholeness in Christ. As God works in me I must stay at my post in the vine so when the Lord uses me I know my purpose in overcome differences even in wealth and education Quote
Old Jerry Posted November 25, 2024 Report Posted November 25, 2024 The two-part definition of humility corresponds to the two greatest commandments because if you love some one you have to be humble other wise you would be walking all over them. We should try to look after others as well as ourselves. That looks like love in a disciple. Quote
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