Pastor Ralph Posted August 13, 2024 Report Posted August 13, 2024 Q2. (Matthew 5:3-10; Colossians 3:10-12). Why do you think that virtues flow from humility and vices flow from pride? Why are humility and pride so central to character? Quote
Elle Jee Posted September 21, 2024 Report Posted September 21, 2024 Humility and pride, in my opinion, are the good and bad angels on my shoulders. I love the definitions you included in this lesson from the secular Webster’s Dictionary. I pray much about humility and pride. I lean on Mother Teresa’s teachings. I’m growing more self aware of my prideful ways and try to pray about them. I notice that I repeat some prideful behaviors - I know I have to work hard on that. The Humility Prayer helps a lot. It is powerful and humbling. I know I’ll never perfect my character - and be completely humble, and I know I have to pray to be just that for the rest of my life. Great lesson. All these years, I viewed the Beatitudes as individual characters. Thank you. Colossians 3 is beautiful. It wraps it all up, teaching us to wrap up ourselves, or “clothe” ourselves with all of the characteristics taught in the Beatitudes and everywhere else in the Bible. Quote
Commissioned Posted September 21, 2024 Report Posted September 21, 2024 Q2. (Matthew 5:3-10; Colossians 3:10-12). Why do you think that virtues flow from humility and vices flow from pride? Why are humility and pride so central to character? I believe that virtues naturally arise from humility, while vices stem from pride. Humility is central to authentic Christian character. A humble spirit is the foundation upon which the qualities described in Colossians 3:12-14—such as compassion, kindness, gentleness, patience, and love—are built. Humility allows us to cultivate these virtues because it opens our hearts to God and others, encouraging us to put aside selfish ambitions in favor of living a life of service and grace. Without humility, pride takes root, leading to negative traits like arrogance, selfishness, and harshness, which ultimately give rise to destructive behaviors. In essence, humility leads to the growth of Christlike character, while pride fosters attitudes and actions that distance us from God's will. So then, humility and pride are central to character because they shape the core of how we relate to God, others, and ourselves. Humility fosters a heart of openness, submission, and love, allowing virtues like kindness, patience, and forgiveness to flourish. It aligns us with God's will and enables us to serve others selflessly. On the other hand, pride turns our focus inward, leading to self-centeredness, arrogance, and resistance to growth. Pride disrupts relationships and distances us from God, while humility builds character that reflects Christ’s love and grace. Thus, the presence of humility or pride profoundly influences the direction of our spiritual and moral development. Quote
Morecowbell Posted September 22, 2024 Report Posted September 22, 2024 Virtues flow from humility because humility is “other based” and “god based” focused. Pride on the other hand is self-centered or “self based” focused and therefore vices flow from pride Quote
David Babcock Posted September 22, 2024 Report Posted September 22, 2024 Why do you think that virtues flow from humility and vices flow from pride? Virtues are other centered and vices are self-centered. This seems to me to be the short answer. More I think as I study and ponder. Quote
Brother Clifford wilson Posted September 23, 2024 Report Posted September 23, 2024 Humility is the practice of humbling myself before the Lord. All things good comes from our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Presenting myself a humble disciple of Christ lets his spirit fill my heart with fruits of the Spirit. This is the inward man being filled and the result is the outward manifestation of love and good will towards my neighbors. Pride is the outward manifestation of self. Pride is outwardly ignoring the absolute grace of God. I can be proud of myself while all along I still piggyback on Christs gifts to me. This is dangerous, self-serving runs amuck with pride. Quote
Brother Clifford wilson Posted September 23, 2024 Report Posted September 23, 2024 When humility is high pride is low. When pride is low humility flows and produces character trait of the spirit of God. Isn't this what we delight in being a disciple of Jesus? One comes from man; one comes from God. Oh, that men will praise the LORD for his goodness, and his wonderful works to the children of men! Ps 107 vs 21 Quote
Jewells Posted September 23, 2024 Report Posted September 23, 2024 Q2. (Matthew 5:3-10; Colossians 3:10-12). Why do you think that virtues flow from humility and vices flow from pride? Why are humility and pride so central to character? put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience [which has the power to endure whatever injustice or unpleasantness comes, with good temper]; In this instruction, we see we must come into agreement with the Holy Spirit and choose to yield to Him. We put on something by choice to yield and obey. However, when we don't yield we struggle and wrestle in our own understanding and pride. Sometimes it is difficult to know when God wants us to stand up to injustices and when to endure. It is a learning process. He gives us the story of Joseph to see how he works in our lives and will eventually turn everything to good if we will yield to Him. As we are wrestling with our circumstances He is changing us as well. Quote
Kak Posted September 23, 2024 Report Posted September 23, 2024 Q2.When we are humble we are not focused on ourselves but on God. We want to please and obey God therefore we are living a disciplined life, feasting at God’s table by spending time with Him. We start to think and act like Jesus. We develop virtues like kindness, patience, compassion, and of course humility. They are interlinked where humility is the other virtues are too. If a person is full of pride and does not have Christ in the centre of their lives, they are on a dangerous path of pride and selfishness which develops into all kinds of sin. This furthers the distance they are from God. It will continue to get worse unless the person is convicted of the error of his ways and seeks forgiveness through repentance. Quote
MOS Posted September 23, 2024 Report Posted September 23, 2024 The driving force in humility is "low self-focus and high other focus." The virtues discussed in the Beatitudes are clustered in humility. A humble person will readily serve the less privileged. Pride is the direct opposite of "low self-focus and High other focus." It is focused on thinking more highly of oneself and putting oneself above others. Pride will prevent one from being willing to serve others without any preconditions. When we think of our Lord washing His disciples' feet, we become aware that we are called to be the servant of those we lead. Quote
SuzanneK Posted September 24, 2024 Report Posted September 24, 2024 I think that pride versus humility is a picture of the old nature without Christ versus the new creature in Christ. True humility without Christ is impossible to achieve, yet we will still struggle with our old nature as long as we are flesh. Virtues flow from humility because it is from Jesus. Vices flow from pride because it is from our fallen state. Quote
Nicolaas A.P. Mostert Posted September 24, 2024 Report Posted September 24, 2024 Q2. (Matthew 5:3-10; Colossians 3:10-12). Why do you think that virtues flow from humility and vices flow from pride? Humility is the fountain from where virtues (love) flows. Pride is the fountain from where vice (self-centered) knows better then others and GOD. Why are humility and pride so central to character? It is every easy to become full of humility or pride depending your out look, are you CHRIST focus of worldly focus. Quote
Brenda Joy Posted September 25, 2024 Report Posted September 25, 2024 Virtues flow from Humility because love is connected to humility as is kindness, gentleness, compassion... These virtues are Jesus' character, and they reveal his perfect moral character, that he is imparting to us as we humble ourselves before him. Vices are from the enemy and nothing good comes from a prideful heart. Humility and pride are central to character because, our identity is revealed through character. Therefore, I'm either prideful revealing my identity is aligned with the evil one or I'm humble revealing my identity is in Christ Jesus. Quote
Zanele Tlhakanelo Posted September 25, 2024 Report Posted September 25, 2024 Virtues flow from humility because God expects His children to be compassionate,meaning, we need to be gentle and not meek as the world understands the word but be self-controlled and patient, be respectful at all times in order to understand the needs of other people. We must be God-fearing and not put ourselves on pedestals that are man-made but at all times be considerate, empathetic, kind, hospitable and servig others. Vices flow from the flesh and that is where pride is. In this case, a person thinks about himself/herself and does not care about the needs of others. People who want to be served just because they hold certain positions and it is all about them and no one else. Humility and pride are central to character because they reveal the true you. Humility will show people that you are the child of God by your conduct and actions in always wanting to align yourself to doing the will of God and be the willing servant. Pride of the other hand exposes you to others because of sharing what you have, you will want more and not willing to assist those who do not have. Pride is all about "me" first and "others" later if ever. Quote
Frances Kay Posted September 25, 2024 Report Posted September 25, 2024 Virtues flow from humility because humility is grounded in truth. Vices flow from pride because pride is based on lies. Quote
Mama Eve Posted September 25, 2024 Report Posted September 25, 2024 ( virtues flow from humility 5:3-10) (Colossians 3:10-12) Why do you think that virtues flow from humility and vices flow from pride? 1. Virtues from humility demonstrates compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. 2. Virtues from pride are when people think they are better than other people. They boast about everything and they think they can do it all on their own. And, they have very little compassion for others. Proverbs 16:5 says, Pride is one of the things God hates. Why are humility and pride so central to character? Pride and humility is so central to character because it will determine what type of person you are. Pride is your greatest enemy. Humility is your greatest friend. Pride is being self-centered. Humility is being a God-center person. (Luke 14:11) For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Quote
Janzie Posted September 26, 2024 Report Posted September 26, 2024 On 8/13/2024 at 12:30 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q2. (Matthew 5:3-10; Colossians 3:10-12). Why do you think that virtues flow from humility and vices flow from pride? Why are humility and pride so central to character? Expand Virtues tend to cluster around humility - thinking of others in Kindness, courteous, considerate, forgiving, encouraging, thoughtful, understanding, non-judgmental, merciful, gracious,; vices such as selfishness, arrogant, tend to cluster around pride, thinking we are better than others. Humility is central to an authentic Christian character because our New man is to be a follower of Christ and we are to represent Christ. The old man follows our flesh which is corrupt according to deceitful lusts of which pride is central. Quote
Clelie Posted September 26, 2024 Report Posted September 26, 2024 Humility is dying to self which is to stop focusing on oneself and that leads to desire the character of Jesus who left His glory in heaven and humbly take on the nature of men. Pride is the character of Satan which leads to all kinds of vices . In God’s kingdom there are only those two characters , no in between either good or bad Quote
hanks Posted September 26, 2024 Report Posted September 26, 2024 Q2. (MATTHEW 5:3-10; COLOSSIANS 3:10-12). Why do you think that virtues flow from humility and vices flow from pride? Why are humility and pride so central to character? Humility is a grace given through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We are made aware of our own sinfulness, the perfect holiness of God, and the price Jesus paid for our salvation. This awareness humbles us and we find ourselves clothed with every virtue (Col 3:12); these character traits flow from love and humility. In the same way vices being the opposite of traits flow from pride. The humble person fears (reverence) God and such fear flows from a heart that is in awe of God and bows to His authority; a heart that is overwhelmed by our own sin and by the beauty and the majesty of our Lord. Character plays a key role in our relationship with God, and our relationship with others. Key components of character are both humility and pride – humility being God-centred while pride is self-centred. A humble disciple has a correct view of themselves (Rom 12:3), shows love toward others (Eph 4:32), and places their needs before their own (Phil 2:3). They love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Trying to follow the example of the Lord Jesus Christ in all they do. Pride, being the opposite of humility is the root of all evil. Here we see power, pleasure, and wealth leading us astray, as we seeks to displace our Lord as the centre of our lives, thereby denying Him all the glory He deserves. Pride is tour greatest enemy; humility is your greatest friend (John Stott). Quote
Reina Posted September 27, 2024 Report Posted September 27, 2024 Question 2. By Being humble I am allowing the love of God in me to control my thoughts, emotions, and my actions . Being humble makes me aware of others needs and prompts me to build them up. In the career world to manage up. It also allows me peace knowing that I am doing his will and that I see others as God sees them and also sees me with a love that is unconditional. By being prideful I am allowing self to take control. It’s all about self no thought of God or of my neighbor. It’s what makes me happy, what puts me at the top and makes me most noticed. And I have no peace because I always need to be thinking one step ahead of all the rest to be the best. What Is My Character? Who am I? Who and What do I follow after? What do I do to accomplish my goals? Who and what is effected by my striving? What is my end result. Who and what is effected by my end result. And what the benefits to me and those that are affected by me. Quote
Cindy Lou Posted September 28, 2024 Report Posted September 28, 2024 Perhaps it’s simplistic, but what about…virtues are Holy Spirit driven and vices are fleshly driven. The more you obey the Holy Spirit the less vices you’ll have and the more humble you’ll become over time. Quote
faith & hope 2017 Posted October 1, 2024 Report Posted October 1, 2024 When a person decides to follow Christ, their perspective of life changes. They surround themselves with like-minded people in fellowship, engage in more Bible-studying activities, and show an interest or involvement in the ministries. They take on the image of Jesus by being more compassionate, tithers (generous), and greatly emphasize pleasing God. Whereas, people of pride are self-centered, and judgemental, and tend to take more than give or to give for the sole purpose of receiving something in return. As Christians, we aim to obtain eternal life with Christ in heaven. We want to hear, "Well done faithful servant." Therefore humility is central to our authentic Christian character. People of pride, on the other hand, live a life differently. They live life for the "now" with little to no desire for the beyond. Quote
Lisa Wolf Posted October 2, 2024 Report Posted October 2, 2024 Q2. (Matthew 5:3-10; Colossians 3:10-12). Why do you think that virtues flow from humility and vices flow from pride? Why are humility and pride so central to character? To support Jesus' teachings in the Beatitudes (Matthew 5) the Colossians verses remind us that God is building an every-nation-congregation for His church described in Revelation. When we interact with people of different cultures and with different languages, humility needs to be central because we look at things differently: time, family, name a few. Since Genesis, pride has been central to character. It is not a good thing when it becomes central and selfishness reigns in our lives. If we are proud, we see our way as the only way. That is not Jesus' way; if we are truly His disciple, we need to live as He lived. (1John2:5-6) Quote
Sandra Brown Posted October 19, 2024 Report Posted October 19, 2024 Virtues are a high moral standard according to the dictionary. Humility I believe, is a high moral standard. When someone lives a life of humility they are not self-centered. Their focus is more on others than themselves. And according to Merriam-Webster dictionary a vice is a moral fault or weakness in someones character.¨ Pride is considered a moral fault or weakness. A person who is full of pride, is a person that is self-centered. Their focus is on themselves. Quote
Krissi Posted October 20, 2024 Report Posted October 20, 2024 Pride has been associated with sin since … Adam and Eve! Verses such as, “Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall,” point to how we almost universally regard pride. The fall of Adam and Eve was/is a big deal! It was the origin of all our evil as well as that of the world. So, if pride was the quality that caused the downfall of humanity, it seems logical that negative character traits would flow from pride. Does this mean that positive character traits flow from humility? Pastor Ralph suggests humility is in the center with all the other traits emanating from it, but perhaps it's more of a mishmash. Positive character traits feed each other, so that one pulls another along … patience encourages a humble attitude, love encourages patience, etc. All of the positive character traits seem to be predicated on his definition of "high other focus and low self focus." Perhaps virtues are more of a mélange of traits that form our character. One or two could be picked out as superior to the others, but if I had to pick one, I’d say that a loving person – LOVE – is the most important. We all know the “love chapter” in Corinthians … love is not proud. The chapter doesn’t say “pride is not loving” or “humility is loving,” but rather emphasizes love. In this chapter, love is central and humility emerges from love. But I'm not sure about this. Sorry, but I’m confused about the idea that humility is the center of character. Quote
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