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Q11. (Philippians 2:5-11). In which two ways does Jesus humble himself according to this passage? Why did Jesus humble himself? What is his motivation for humbling himself? What is the result of Jesus’ humbling of himself?

  • 1 month later...

Q11, 1ST. Philippians 2:5-11 In which two ways does Jesus humbled himself according to this passage?

Jesus  gave up His riches in heaven in order to become a servant. He came to earth  where he had no home, he was rich but became poor.

Why did Jesus humbled himself?

Jesus who is God humbled himself voluntarily to become a human being, to suffer and to die a shameful and torture death.

What is his motivation for humbling himself?

God exalted him to the highest place and now He sits at the right hand of God His Father.

What is the result of Jesus humbling himself?

That in the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the Glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:10-11).


Posted (edited)

Jesus took on the form of a manservant was subject to the physical demands of being a man.  As both man And God there but walking as a man, Jesus came to fulfill the Law and to save us from fleshly sins.  We are receiving the spiritual gifts of God and becoming closer to his image.  Only Jesus can do this.  He bore the sins of man and humblely lived through the same temptations.  Jesus became obedient even to die on the cross.  We miss the boat if we view Christ only as man or only divination.  Jesus in his divinity choose to obey the will of the father;  what great faith in the Godhead, to  accept Gods plan of submission to us.  Jesus motivation come from the Love that the father God has for you and I.  Love and humility is its own motivation to serve.  What a great salvation this Man/God placed before us.  How can we neglect working out our own salvation in our many lives.  What a example of love that humbles Jesus and even his subjects.

Edited by Brother Clifford wilson
Grammer and detail from God

Jesus empties himself,humbles himself,and gives himself up to a tortured death for us.

Jesus humbled himself so that God could exalt him  to the highest place and gave him a name above all names.

His motivation for humbling himself is that at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven and in earth and 

every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. 
 That God the Father may be glorified. 


Q11. (Philippians 2:5-11). In which two ways does Jesus humble himself according to this passage? Why did Jesus humble himself? What is his motivation for humbling himself? What is the result of Jesus' humbling of himself?

Jesus humbled himself when he took on human flesh and dwelt among us as a human being.  From his glorious place in heaven, as part of the Godhead, he decided to come to earth and tabernacle with us and reveal himself in a way we could understand:  Emanuel, God with us.  He displayed the character of God, the fruit of the spirit, and revealed the power of God available to men as he revealed the kingdom.  He taught principles of the kingdom through the parables and he taught how to have a relationship with God through his life.  He did not serve religion but taught with authority the true principles of God.  He did all of it in meekness and humility.  He is our example of how to walk with God.  The Lord had wanted the Israeli people to be a light to the nations.  By walking with God, and living in obedience to his law, they would demonstrate God's glorious benefits but they failed.  Jesus came to show us how to walk in the Spirit to fulfill the law not fulfill the law by making more laws to fulfill the law!!  Jesus came and loved God with all his heart and his neighbor as himself and fulfilled all of the ten commandments as well.  He fulfilled all righteousness on our behalf.  He died in our place for the wages of sin is death.  He humbled himself to do this as he did nothing wrong and so he took our place.  He became the substitute for us.  He being the greatest of all became the least and most despised upon the cross.  He redeemed mankind who could not know or could not do what only he could do and did do.  The resurrection was the victory over sin and death.  He died to bring life back to all of his creation under judgement for sin.  The humility of a kind and gracious and loving God saved us all.


Jesus humbles Himself by firstly giving up His Divine privileges and appearing in a form of a man. Secondly, He humbles Himself by being obedient to God and allow to die a criminal's death on the cross.

Jesus humbled Himself so that as His disciples, we must learn from Him that though He is God, He does not think of equality with God as something to hold on to. He wants to teach us that the only way for us to be true disciples, we must be obedient to do the Will of God.

The motivation of humbling Himself is that mankind should be saved from eternal damnation. He still wants to preserve mankind from dying in sin but rather that we have eternal life.

The result of Jesus humbling himself is that "God elevated Him to the highest honor and gave Him the name that is above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee sould bow in heave and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."


Q11. (Philippians 2:5-11).

In which two ways does Jesus humble himself according to this passage?

As a slave and a human being.

Why did Jesus humble himself?

HE was obedience to HIS FATHERS will.

What is his motivation for humbling himself?

JESUS knew that HIS FATHER is with HIM. JERSUS knew HIS FATHER orchestrate and control everything. 

What is the result of Jesus' humbling of himself?

HIS FATER exalted HIM to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,

On 8/12/2024 at 8:42 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q11. (Philippians 2:5-11). In which two ways does Jesus humble himself according to this passage? Why did Jesus humble himself? What is his motivation for humbling himself? What is the result of Jesus’ humbling of himself?

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

Being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 

His motivation was that for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. The salvation of sinners.

The result of Jesus humbling Himself was that  God highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;  And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.



Q11. (Philippians 2:5-11). In which two ways does Jesus humble himself according to this passage? Why did Jesus humble himself? What is his motivation for humbling himself? What is the result of Jesus’ humbling of himself?

According to the passage in Philippians, Jesus humbled Himself by becoming a human and a slave.  He humbled Himself to die for our sins, in our place to become the only way to God.  His motivation was God's Glory. The result was our Freedom.    


Q11. (Philippians 2:5-11).

  1. In which two ways does Jesus humble himself according to this passage? By taking upon himself manhood and by accepting the most humiliating death, convicted by lies.
  2. Why did Jesus humble himself? That he might be an example to us in the tremendous power of ministry in delicate situations when humility is the mode.
  3. What is his motivation for humbling himself? To be an example for us in how to minister once we are empowered with the Holy Spirit. It is not promotion of position, it is entrusted with sacred duty to serve.
  4. What is the result of Jesus' humbling of himself? He maintains his proof to us that a humble human can do the greatest personal ministries to the lost sheep, decieved, lost, stollen and stray.
  • 3 weeks later...

These are very difficult questions.

1. Pastor Ralph writes that Jesus humbled Himself twice by becoming like us -- being a man -- and unjustly enduring conviction, torture and eventual death on the cross.

2. As to Jesus' motives for becoming human and then allowing Himself to be tortured and murdered by the state, I know the standard answers but these answers don't address MOTIVE, His real motive, as God (He wasn't yet human). God had many options available to Him for restoring people to Himself besides coming to earth as a man and dying so grotesquely. Why did He choose to do this and not something else? Knowing this would reveal His motive, no? When I think of the cross, I tend to believe that God had no other alternatives, but this can't be true.

3. If humbling Himself was the goal, why this? And, assuming that humbling Himself as a man was the only solution, wouldn't there be many ways of humbling oneself other than this? Why then? Why there? I'm overwhelmed with basic questions like this.

So, He was motivated, ultimately because God wanted to save humanity from the trap into which they had fallen. Why sin existed in the first place is a question I'm going to put to the side; suffice it to say that somehow God allowed this situation to occur and then chose Jesus's manifestation as a human and His eventual death as the solution to the problem of sin. God seems to have been motivated positively, out of compassion and perhaps pity for us. He knew that the "regular" ways of getting out of our sin-predicament -- the law, sacrifices, temple behaviors -- were insufficient. 

But, the question asks why JESUS, not God, was humble. Jesus is God's expression in human form. That alone is pretty gross -- humbling, that is. Why did He do this? Again, I'm sure God had other alternatives we don't know but chose the Christ-as-savior option for reasons we also don't know ... and never will until after death. I've got to let this go ...

4. The consequences of Jesus' self-humbling are well-known -- human salvation, potentially, and restoration to the original created status. But, again, I don't understand the very basic reason why Jesus chose to be humbled rather than, say, getting rid of sin in some sort of cosmic battle in the heavenlies, or something along these lines.

  • 1 month later...

Jesus humbled himself when they put him on the cross. He also humbled himself when he forgave those who were against him. He humbled himself to draw more people to forgiveness. The result of Jesus’ humbling himself was to die on the cross and to be raised again to the right hand of God.

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