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Jesus was humbling himself before God and the message was do as I do humble yourself before your master.  Do unto one another as I have done to you.   Jesus sends us out to serve him and we are to humble ourselves before him.  Am I humbling myself before you Lord?


Q19. (John 13:4-17) Why did Jesus intend to shock his disciples by performing such a lowly act? What message was he trying to instill in them by this footwashing?

In the society and lifestyles of Jesus' time, washing someone's feet was generally done by a servant. As He revealed in Matthew 20:28, He came “not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

So, Jesus taking on this position demonstrated His will to be a servant to His disciples. 

Jesus washed His disciples' feet as a figurative act of humility and service, demonstrating that even the greatest leader should be willing to perform the most menial tasks for others, and to heartened His followers (us) to serve one another with the same selfless love, even when it requires putting aside pride and taking on a lowly position; fundamentally teaching us to lead by serving others.


Q19. (John 13:4-17) Why did Jesus intend to shock his disciples by performing such a lowly act? What message was he trying to instill in them by this footwashing?  Through the shock of performing the lowly act of foot washing, Jesus taught His disciples that no task was too demeaning.  The Presence of the Lord is with us in all things.  ALL.  He instilled in them HUMILITY.  I am certain they would never forget the image of Jesus washing their own feet and going around the room washing the feet of their friends.  How quiet must have been the room during that time watching the Man they followed, looked up to, and hoped in, serving in such a lowly position. May we also learn and live this lesson.


Q19. (John 13:4-17) Why did Jesus intend to shock his disciples by performing such a lowly act? What message was he trying to instill in them by this footwashing?

He was demonstrating what he taught, the greatest among you must be the servant of all.  He knew he was going to the cross and soon the disciples would be scattered.  He knew what he was going to do and they were without any foresight of what was coming.  To the disciples, even though he had tried to warn them that he would suffer and die they were not really hearing him.  As he tried to tell them of service, they also were not really hearing them.  And so he took a moment to demonstrate the lesson in actions.  Instead of just telling them the greatest serves, he demonstrated the greatest serve.  As they looked back on that fateful night, that changed the fate of humanity, Jesus was serving them even though he knew what he was about to endure.  He took off his towel, and served the disciples in the last moments he had with them, trying to prepare them for when he would no longer be with them.





Jesus their Lord was doing something that the disciples considered unacceptable which made them feel very uncomfortable because their rabbi was doing something so menial as washing their feet.

Jesus wanted to instill in his disciples the true notion of real humility in  becoming small in social status as to even washing feet of someone considered  of no much importance  or of a lowly ststus.


I think this was another one of Jesus’ examples of living out what he preached. He didn’t merely tell them a parable but brought them into it. He humbled himself to perform a lowly task out of love to show his disciples how they should live and serve. If we abide in Him then we too can humbly walk in the light of Jesus and serve him and others with humility and love.


Jesus wanted to teach His disciples that though they were with Him, but they have been called to serve the needs of the people by putting others first and not themselves. This reminded me when the great multitude spent time with Christ and the disciples wanted Jesus to send them away but He told His disciples to organize food for them. He actually taught them to have compassion and treat people with dignity and respect that they deserve.

By washing the disciples feet, He taught them humility and that they were expected to do the menial work that was despised by people. The discipled were supposed to learn that they were not to focus on themselves and wanted to be honored but the focus was on the people who needde to be loved as treated as human being. The lesson was basically to say, we could all do menial work and that it was not for a certain category of people.


Q. 19  John 13:4-17  Why did Jesus intend to shock his disciples by performing such a lowly act?

Again, Jesus demonstrated his profound humility and served as a powerful example  to his disciples, on how they should also serve one another with selfless love. Even if it meant performing such a menial task.

What message was Jesus trying to instill in them by his foot washing?

Jesus came to serve as the ultimate mission to serve humanity through His humble death on the Cross, a death that washes us clean from all sin. Jesus message of humility to his disciples is to serve as an example that true leadership lie in service not power.


Q19. (JOHN 13:4-17) 
Why did Jesus intend to shock His disciples by performing such a lowly act? What message was He trying to instil in them by this foot washing? 
After their in-fighting of who is the greatest Jesus had to shock them into meeting the needs of others self-sacrificially. Jesus was setting His disciples an example of humble service – one they would never forget. They had to learn that if they want to be first, they must be the very last, and the servant of all (Mark 9:35). The message was that they must serve each other. This example helps us remember that if pride prevents us from stooping to serve others, that we are not greater than our Lord, who humbled Himself to wash those who were unworthy and unthankful, even knowing that one of them would betray Him. 


Jesus was instilling just as he served they must serve.  Jesus did this in such a lowly, yet personal way that they would understand and it pricked their hearts...  Jesus seered their hearts and they saw truly in this moment He came for them and others...


Q19. (John 13:4-17)

Why did Jesus intend to shock his disciples by performing such a lowly act?

There was a dispute amongst them as to which of them was considered to be greatest, then JESUS performed an act that would act by a servant or slave.

For a superior to wash an inferior's feet was never ever done! 

What message was he trying to instill in them by this footwashing?

JESUS is saying, like I am a servant to you, so you must be a servant to one another.

  On 8/13/2024 at 12:49 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q19. (John 13:4-17) Why did Jesus intend to shock his disciples by performing such a lowly act? What message was he trying to instill in them by this foot washing?


Jesus shocked the disciples by performing foot washing because it was usually done by a slave.  

 I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. 


Q19. (John 13:4-17)

  1. Why did Jesus intend to shock his disciples by performing such a lowly act? The call of the apostles will be to serve the lost. Seek the lost, sick, infirm, and or needing deliverence. They will Serve the Lord as servants of the least not the well and great.
  2. What message was he trying to instill in them by this footwashing? He is demonstrating the true reality of ministry for him in the world.
  • 3 weeks later...

Jesus was acting out a story-parable. Usually Jesus would tell a story that needed to be interpreted to understand it’s kernel of truth – interpretations were debated and, in some stories, not well understood. This time, however, rather than tell a story, Jesus acted it out. This message of this story must have been important, then, for the foot-washing act was difficult to misinterpret or forget.

After He was done, Jesus went on to interpret his own actions, perhaps to make certain that the disciples fully understood what had just been acted out. He asks, “Do you understand what I have done to you?”

Then, he explains the meaning of the act.

  1. First, He tells them that He is both their teacher and master.
  2. Second, He reminds them that He had just washed their feet, a servant’s job. So Jesus is both master and servant.
  3. Third, He tells them that they have to go wash other’s feet, that those who saw this parable being enacted had to do the same to others.
  4. Fourth, He enlarges the meaning of the parable so that they don’t interpret it as only having to do with foot-washing. Jesus lays down a principle that though servants are not masters – low-status people do not have the perqs of high-status people – they have to act as if they were, to " live a blessed life.” In other words, they have to act like Jesus, which is to voluntarily assume a low-status position in society.
  • 4 weeks later...

Q.19. Jesus wanted to make an indelible impression on His disciples so that they would not forget, what He had done and why He had done it.

The message that Jesus was trying to put across to His disciples was the importance of being humble and to do kind deeds for people that are beyond the normal expectations of society. To make others feel loved, and respected, and for the disciples not to think that they are too important or powerful to do these things. These lessons are also in the Bible as Jesus’s example to us as well. If Jesus could do things which were considered menial then we can too. We are not working for man but for the Glory of God. 

  • 2 weeks later...

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