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Q24. (2 Timothy 1:7) How is faith related Christian assertiveness? How is courage related? What is the relation of assertiveness to submission? Is assertiveness opposed to humility? What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be? How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of the faith?

  • Pastor Ralph changed the title to Q24. Assertiveness
  • 2 months later...

Q24 Faith by definition and believing the word of God shapes our assertiveness.  Without faith our words and assertions when questioned will fall on deaf ears with we respond to anybody.    At that point I could not have any faith in the outcome of what I want the out come to be.  Assertive christians can assert themselves without appearing aggressive, ones humilitiy will have a calming effect on others.  Non christian leaders might feel weak and feel that will lose control with other leaders who take humility as weak.  Being covered by the blood of Jesus, we can say things and be assertive with humility and respect.  Assertiveness in strong people of faith appears different.  Two people one of faith and one not, can state the same assertion in a group;  the man of faith says things from humility, the heart of Jesus.    The other speaks from the world leaving no where to retreat to humility.  


Q24. (2 Timothy 1:7) How is faith related Christian assertiveness? How is courage related? What is the relation of assertiveness to submission? Is assertiveness opposed to humility? What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be? How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of the faith?

Faith is related to Christian assertiveness by God's Spirit.  He gives us love, power and a spirit of self control so we can speak as he directs us as we seek him to accomplish his will.  We submit to God, and we assert ourselves in ways to accomplish whatever task.  I think factors that keep leaders from being assertive can be a knowledge there will be resistance, lack of support, they represent other leadership that just wants what the want and they are not of a servant heart themselves.  Sometimes just feeling very alone with perhaps no one but God on your side would be instances of not being assertive.  The heroes of the faith understand what God had told them to do and by faith went to do the assignment in the face of opposition and danger, often risking their lives.  In courage, and confidence that they knew what God had wanted they obeyed and God gave them the victory.  Today we celebrate their obedience and courage and they are used as examples of what God would want us to do.


Faith and Christian Assertiveness: Faith is deeply intertwined with Christian assertiveness because, at its core, faith empowers believers to act with conviction and confidence in the truth of God’s promises and commands. In 2 Timothy 1:7, Paul writes, "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." The presence of faith in a believer’s life eliminates fear and enables them to assert themselves boldly in the face of opposition or challenge, trusting in God’s provision and guidance. Faith fuels assertiveness because it brings an internal conviction that God's will is the ultimate authority, motivating believers to stand firm and communicate effectively without fear of rejection or failure.

Courage and Assertiveness: Courage is intrinsically related to assertiveness because both involve taking action despite the presence of potential risks or discomfort. In the Christian context, courage stems from the recognition that God is with His people in all circumstances. Courage allows a believer to be assertive when it would be easier to shrink back. It’s the strength to speak truth, uphold values, or confront situations head-on, grounded in the confidence that God will empower and protect. Assertiveness is not simply standing firm in what one believes but also taking proactive steps to express and defend that belief in the world. Courage enables this proactive stance, even in difficult or intimidating circumstances.

Assertiveness and Submission: Assertiveness and submission may initially seem contradictory, but they are not mutually exclusive. Submission in the Christian faith involves yielding to God's will and authority, recognizing that He is the ultimate leader. However, assertiveness in the Christian context is the confidence to act in accordance with God's will, even if that means standing against worldly pressures, speaking truth to power, or addressing injustice. In this way, a Christian can be assertive in their actions or speech while still submitting to God’s higher authority. In other words, submission is a posture toward God’s sovereignty, while assertiveness is the expression of that submission in the world. Assertiveness is not about asserting one's own will, but rather acting confidently in alignment with God's will.

Assertiveness and Humility: Assertiveness and humility are not opposites. Humility is recognizing one's dependence on God and others, while assertiveness is expressing one’s thoughts, desires, and beliefs with confidence and clarity. A humble person recognizes that their strength comes from God, and it is with that humble strength that they can assert what is right and true. Assertiveness becomes an act of humility when it is done with the awareness that one's voice and actions are aligned with God's purposes and not for personal gain. In fact, humility enables assertiveness to be effective because it prevents one from becoming prideful or overbearing. It helps one assert the right things at the right times, with gentleness and respect.

Factors Keeping Leaders from Being Assertive: Several factors might inhibit leaders from being assertive, even when they need to be:

  1. Fear of Rejection or Conflict: Leaders might hesitate to assert themselves if they fear losing favor, alienating others, or causing division.
  2. Insecurity or Lack of Confidence: A leader who lacks confidence in their own abilities or in God’s calling might struggle to be assertive, questioning whether they have the right to speak out or take action.
  3. Desire to Avoid Controversy: Some leaders might avoid assertiveness out of a desire to keep the peace or maintain unity, even at the expense of truth or righteousness.
  4. False Humility or Misunderstanding of Leadership: Leaders may mistakenly believe that humility means being passive or not speaking up when necessary.
  5. Unclear Sense of Purpose or Direction: Without a clear sense of calling or vision, leaders may feel unsure about what to assert or how to go about it.

Assertiveness in the Heroes of the Faith: The heroes of the faith throughout Scripture often displayed assertiveness in remarkable ways:

  1. Moses – Moses was assertive in confronting Pharaoh, demanding the release of Israel, despite personal doubts and a fear of rejection (Exodus 3-12). His assertiveness was driven by his faith in God's power and promise.
  2. Esther – Esther displayed assertiveness when she boldly approached the king to save her people, even at the risk of her life (Esther 4:15-16). Her courage was rooted in her trust that God had placed her in that position for a purpose.
  3. Daniel – Daniel was assertive in maintaining his commitment to God, even when it meant defying the king's orders and facing the threat of death (Daniel 6:10-23). His faith allowed him to stand firm.
  4. Paul – The Apostle Paul exhibited assertiveness in preaching the Gospel and defending his apostolic authority, even in the face of persecution, imprisonment, and eventual martyrdom (Acts 21:13-14, Philippians 1:20-21).
  5. Jesus – Jesus modeled ultimate assertiveness by speaking truth to power, confronting religious hypocrisy, and standing firm in His mission, even as He faced rejection, suffering, and death (Matthew 23, John 18:37).

In each case, assertiveness was not about self-promotion but about living out God’s calling with courage, clarity, and purpose. These figures were assertive because they had deep faith in God’s sovereignty and relied on His strength, and they acted humbly, in submission to His will, while still asserting what was righteous and true.

In summary, Christian assertiveness is a product of faith and courage, rooted in the knowledge that God is sovereign and present. It is not opposed to humility or submission but is an expression of those qualities in action. Leaders who lack assertiveness often face personal or external pressures, but heroes of the faith demonstrate that true assertiveness flows from reliance on God, courage in the face of opposition, and a commitment to fulfilling His will.


By faith in the truth of God, a Christian can speak out with confidence.

Same for showing  the courage to go for that which is right in his opinion , done though with love.

Assertiveness in submission is defending what is right because the humble person   stands up for himself when he needs to..

Assertiveness is not opposed to humility.

A spirit of fear, timidity, lack of self confidence can keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be..

The heroes of the faith showed faith and courage in their assertiveness to stand up for what they considered right.



Q24. (2 Timothy 1:7) How is faith related Christian assertiveness? How is courage related? What is the relation of assertiveness to submission? Is assertiveness opposed to humility? What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be? How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of the faith?

Faith enables us to be bold which is assertiveness.  Courage is faith in action... We are assertive because we are able to do things for God... Esther took up the courage to save her nation.  The heros of faith all had to get out of their comfort zone, be bold and use wisdom to walk out Gods plan.  


Faith related Christian assertiveness is that we are able to bold the throne of grace because the confidence that we have states that we do not depend on our own limited understanding but that we trust the Holy Spirit to guide, lead, direct, advise and help us to carry our God-given assignment.  We do not do as we wish but our obedience is in doing the will of God.

Courage is that we stand for the truth that is the Word of God. Most often, Christian compromise the truth in order to be accepted by the societ but when you are assertive, you will be able to say what the Word of God states and not only that live the Word. Courage says you do not live a double-sided life where people get confused as to who you are but whatever you say about the Word of God is what people see you to be and what you expect people to be.

Assertiveness means being able to stand for what you believe in and challenging any contradictions about the Word of God. Submission means doing the will of God as expected by Him and being faithful in carrying out the instructions of God without questioning anything.

Assertiveness is not opposed to humility but understanding that what you do is done through love and truth. When you understand that God has called you to do His Will, you will do so with assertiveness and humility knowing that you do not depend on your own strength but God who called you will carry and sustain you in all what you do for His Kingdom.

Factors that keep leaders from being assertive is lack of confidence because when you know the Will of God, you will not fear any confrontation. Lack of trust means not trusting that God who called you will keep you from falling. Lack of self-control because you need to listen to the small still voive and not do what pleases you but be upright and surrender everything to God.

The heroes of faith were able to walk according to the Will of God and trusted God in everything that they did. They understood that the call was from God and had to be obedient in order to fulfill the call. They were fully dependent to God and trusted Him without doubt that He who has called them will see them through all the storms they faced.


Q24. (2 TIMOTHY 1:7) 
How is faith related Christian assertiveness? How is courage related? What is the relation of assertiveness to submission? Is assertiveness opposed to humility? What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be? How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of the faith? 
Faith gives us the courage which enables us to be assertive. The Holy Spirit living in us gives us the necessary power/strength and ability needed. It is this assertiveness that overcomes submission. No assertiveness is not opposed to humility, since God has also given us a spirit of love. And it is this love that keeps us humble and makes us willing to serve Christ and endure hardships in order to serve others. Christian leaders and heroes of the faith have also been given self-discipline as well as power and love. These enable them to make wise balanced choices and not to act unwisely, hastily or foolishly. 


Q24. (2 Timothy 1:7)

How is faith related Christian assertiveness?

Being confident and not frightened to say what you want or believe but in truth and love. This means even when we have to say some things people don't like to hear.

How is courage related?

Biblical assertiveness refers to what we know as faith and courage. To speak boldly the truth. 

What is the relation of assertiveness to submission?

Assertiveness is a good character while submission have a bad reputation.  

Is assertiveness opposed to humility?

No, within humility you can exercise assertiveness.

What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be?

When their yes is no and no is yes. There is a shortage of decision making.

How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of the faith?



Q24 2 Timothy 1:7   How is faith related Christian assertiveness?

Faith is related to Christian assertiveness because the verse states that God has given believers a Spirit not of Fear but of Power and Love and Self-control. Meaning that true faith in God empowers Christians to stand firm in their beliefs and speak out with confidence, not being paralyzed by fear when sharing their convictions, enabling assertive communication based on their truth.

How is courage related?

It's the willingness to face danger, uncertainty, pain or bravery. And is the act of confronting one's fear and taking action. Being bold!

What is the relation of assertiveness to submission?

They are opposite ends of how people respond to social situations. Assertiveness is characterized by standing up for one's right and needs while also respecting the rights of others. Submission is characterized by subordinating one's own needs and rights to those in need. 

Is assertiveness opposed to humility?

No! assertiveness and humility are not opposed, but rather complementary qualities. A humble person can be assertive, and an assertive person can be humble.

What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be?

Self-defeating we might be unrealistic about being assertive, our ability to be assertive or the things might happen if we are assertive.

How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of faith?

They shared common traits, and they received grace for their situations. Trust in obedience to God, which guided them. Courage, perseverance and willingness to wait for what God promised.


  On 8/13/2024 at 12:52 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q24. (2 Timothy 1:7) How is faith related Christian assertiveness? How is courage related? What is the relation of assertiveness to submission? Is assertiveness opposed to humility? What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be? How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of the faith?


Faith is Christian assertiveness.  It  makes us confident and not frightened to say what we want or believe. 

When we have faith and believe God and we know the Word is coming from Him, we have courage.

Assertiveness is saying what needs to be said being confident and bold, it is good.  Submissiveness on the other hand to God is good but in submission to other people when you know you've heard from God, is not good.

Assertiveness is compatible with humility.

Leaders might be kept from being assertive because of fear of people.

Assertiveness displays itself in the heroes of faith by their boldness, obedience to God, their faith and courage they achieved greatness.



Q24. (2 Timothy 1:7)

  1. How is faith related Christian assertiveness? I believe prayer time in which he saw the fathers desire and heard the proper words. He was assertive as John 2:25 b “he knew what was in man” so so equipped we also have a knowing faith. Praying though the clutter to how to administer God’s love in the situation. Not expecting God to honor actions contrary to His plan for the event. We need to spend our Moses time seeking God’s face. Then faith comes from knowing notvjusy hoping our seed will weather the storms.
  2. How is courage related? Courage is deciding no mater what you are seeing and hearing from the enemy, God meant what age directed you do, so walk it out in obedience.What is the relation of assertiveness to submission? Submission should only be to God and the leadership entrusted to guide each of us. Assertiveness is positive action carrying out God’s instruction in our walk and our calling.
  3. Is assertiveness opposed to humility? No assertive is confident pro aI action of the gospel, humility is knowing and operating in “only as God wants it done.” In love, in faith, in true care for the souls before us.
  4. What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be? We are taking the sword of the spirit to perform soul, spirit level heart surgery. Our being unsettled in confidence and assurance gives fear of harming not delivering words of gold that set situations right.
  5. How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of the faith?  The acted in and with confidence in God’s plan despite worldly worries such as Esther not invited but requesting favor before the king.
  • 2 weeks later...

Q24. (2 Timothy 1:7) How is faith related Christian assertiveness? How is courage related? What is the relation of assertiveness to submission? Is assertiveness opposed to humility? What factors might keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be? How does assertiveness display itself in the heroes of the faith? 

I think assertiveness is confusing to people because of the cultural teachings on the topic in our American culture.  In psychological teaching, it so often was paired with insisting on your own way which is opposed to humility. Rather, God asks things of us.  His Word gives us commandments; we need to be obedient.  We need to be assertive in doing the will of the Lord because sometimes speaking or living boldly requires courage.  Even Paul, an incredible missionary, appealed to the Corinthians, " By the humility and gentleness of Christ, I appeal to you—I, Paul, who am “timid” when face to face with you, but “bold” toward you when away! I beg you that when I come I may not have to be as bold as I expect to be toward some people who think that we live by the standards of this world."  

Factors that keep leaders from being assertive when they need to be include considering what others think of them more highly than they should--either their followers or their constituents, and then they do not do what needs to be done to lead decisively and well.  Hebrews 11:13 shows assertiveness in the heroes of faith, describing the way they lived:  "All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth."


Faith requires that we be certain that a particular promise of God is true and understood correctly and given to us at that time and place. Without this deep confidence, doubt constantly nags at our mind making it difficult to move forward assertively. A flicker of doubt can ruin a moment of obedience. We must deeply believe that the word of God – the particular words of God for us, a rhema – has been given for a particular situation or circumstance. We must be certain that God has specifically spoken to us  with a clear message or command, that God has told us to do or say something. This could be something as large as our life calling or as small as the command given to Paul to not go to a particular city but turn back.

Doubt can either cause us to be reckless (plunge ahead in spite of misgivings), or timid (hold back timidly because you’re not sure what God has spoken to you). This may be where humility fits in this lesson -- humility is the correct calibration of faith between prideful recklessness and self-harming timidity.

 So, yes, faith is absolutely necessary, but it is a faith not just in an abstract God or church, but in a specific promise of God. Once we are convinced that God Himself has told us to respond in some manner, only then is Christian assertiveness/courage possible … perhaps probable. I think the stories of the great men and women of the Bible can be boiled down to obeying a calling/demand/voice/request because they were absolutely confident that that word – logos or rhema – was from God.

 (I would change the definition of assertiveness to read “the quality of being confident and not frightened to say what you God wants or believes.”)



  • 1 month later...

Faith is related to Christian assertiveness by knowing that we are doing God’s work. It takes courage to keep on doing God’s work. If we have submitted to God’s will, then we can be assertive. Assertiveness is one thing and humility is another and there is no comparative between the two.

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