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The christian businessmen/women must be humble and honest in his client, and co-worker relationship.  They must follow the same guildlines in business as they do in their spiritual life.  This is very important, the guildelines of love,respect and honor apply.  The negatives of this world are waiting to defeat the  christian business people with wounds of pride, non spiritual perks and sinful rewards.  We must not prop our ego up with the rewards of this world, degrees, awards, promotion must be received as worldly accomphishments secondary to our reward in Jesus Christ.  All things are possible when we first give Christ his praise for he his the way maker.


Q27. How can small businesspeople promote themselves without sinful boasting? What are the guidelines?

I think small business people can promote themselves by qualities of integrity and virtue.  We all ask each other who would you recommend when we come to a need.  We ask friends, family, neighbors, etc. who they recommend.  If the business people would let customers know to let the word get around about how pleased you are of the service, it would really help me.  Customers who are really pleased would want to help support them because they want them again and want them to thrive and to be able to serve. When people build business by reputation it is really a win win for both the client and the professional.  We are all weary of the false advertising schemes and the manipulative practices everywhere.  There are so many scams everywhere.  When people are honest and sell an honest product or service people are very happy to promote such a business.  I think God will help promote them as well if they refuse to follow the crafty ways of the world to get ahead.


How can small businesspeople promote themselves without sinful boasting? What are the guidelines? 
There is no need to boast, they can advertise their awards and achievements letting them speak for themselves. Loyal clientele will quickly accept and acknowledge them. Complete honesty is essential. Also striving to give the best service possible – even going the extra mile. Having a humble give and take attitude, not always one of maximising profits. Reaching out to the community and providing for their needs. Customers are quick to notice the difference between a genuine business and a fly by night one. 


Anyone holding Small business and wants to promote their own enterprise should deal honestly with the customers. 
Many people are afraid of being duped and being open and honest will bring confidence to the buyer or accept a good deal in their business. 
Humility is being  honest and credible in the sight of God.


Small business can promote itself by understanding that service is key as it is there to serve the needs of the community and as such integrity and honesty are important in laying the foundation of that business to flourish. The customers must be comfortable to deal with the small business as they know that they will not be taken advantage of but whatever service is rendered is godly and that there scales are not manipulated for a wrongful gain.

The guidelines are that humility, transparency, honesty, trustworthiness and commitment are important in providing the real deal to the people you service. You always put the needs of your customers first before thinking about your gains.


Q. 27 How can small business people promote themselves without sinful boasting?

Small business people instead of bragging or boasting of their success they should give listeners the chance to tell you about themselves, and listen to what they're saying, then share how they can benefit from working with you.

What are the guidelines?

Don't boast and let others praise you.



 How can small business people promote themselves without sinful boasting? What are the guidelines?

Small business people need to be honest, realistic and they should focus on serving others rather than themselves.  To keep things in check one should don't promise things they can never supply, ask themselves "How would God want me to handle this wisely?"   If we honor God in business, then we will ultimately honor the customer...


I think the old business adage of “putting the customer first” applies to how Christians should approach business. Over inflating our credentials or what we can provide is deceptive. Our experience and achievements should be presented in an honest way with transparency that lends itself to the customer’s peace of mind that we have their best interest at heart - not our ego.



How can small businesspeople promote themselves without sinful boasting? Focus on the customers need and the available service of that need. Provide references of your work that can be contacted, testimonials. Rather than making claims of your own granduer

What are the guidelines? Consider your ability to serve the need rather than provide your choice of service.


Q27. How can small businesspeople promote themselves without sinful boasting? What are the guidelines? 

Small business owners can promote themselves with practical, factual, beautiful, web pages, or brochures, and ads.  In the current society, online reviews are given in many social media platforms that will exactly tell it like it is.  For example, if someone in the business is mean, it is plastered everywhere--people who do not even live in the state hear about it.  If the business owner is a Christian, they should certainly be giving all glory to God!

  On 8/13/2024 at 2:40 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q27. How can small businesspeople promote themselves without sinful boasting? What are the guidelines?


Listen to the customer and their needs,  put them first, and be honest in their dealings  and truthful in their advertising.

Let another praise you and not your own mouth.



So many aspects of normal Western life are contrary to Christian principles including the sorts of things that small businesses have to do to survive and promote their service or product. Advertising -- both of oneself or one's business -- by definition exaggerates the positive and denies the negative. It deceives more than informs.

Boasting is lying when it paints a picture that's not wholly real ... when it distorts the truth. If one boasts about real accomplishments and abilities, however, then it's not lying, per se, but self-promotion at the expense of others. It's immodesty. And, frankly, it's ubiquitous. Most people, after all, "put their best foot forward." Could it be that the problem with boasting is measured on a sliding scale on which it's okay to present yourself, company or candidate/pol in the best light, but not okay to crow and broadcast real accomplishments? 

This slippery or sliding scale is endemic in the business of politics. Think of the outright lies that politicians regularly dish out as well as their tendency to exaggerate their own accomplishments as well as their opponents failure! The excuse is that in a highly competitive environment in which one is expected to do these things (everyone else is doing it), to NOT lie and boast is the kiss of death (electoral or policy failure). I don't think the solution is to do less lying and boasting, as if a little bit of lying is acceptable given the circumstances, but having said this, I also don't know what the solution is in an environment in which deception, lying, self-promotion and destroying the opposition are the goals, not merely the means.

When truth-tellers are eliminated from contention, only the most blatant of liars remain. 


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