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Q2. (Judges 6:36-39) Why does Gideon put out a fleece before the Lord -- twice? Is this a sign of unbelief or of belief? Does this constitute testing God? How does it differ from the sinful testings of God the scripture warns against? When, if ever, should we ask God to confirm his direction with a sign? What is the danger of demanding a sign?

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I don't think that Gideon was testing God, but rather he was looking for reassurance that he was indeed following God's orders and not his own desires. Gideon wanted to please God and was asking for God to confirm that he (Gideon) was doing God's will.

I believe that the warnings issued by the scriptures talk about those who try to test God to prove that He is who He says He is. People who are trying to prove the existence of God.

I agree with what is written in the exposition

"Gideon's request is in order to establish his faith, whereas sinful testing of God is to get God to do miracles to meet selfish needs."
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I believe that when we are trying to determine that if the task ahead of us is from God, would be prudent to ask God if He wish to confirm that it is coming from Him through a sign.

Now I believe that demanding a sign from God must be done in extreme cases where the outcome of the task could represent a victory for God's cause or a defeat.

I don't think that we should ask God for signs just to confirm that He exists or for our own selfish desire to see miracles and signs and believe that God has to answer us any kind of foolish desire that our heart may request. We have to be very carefull about demamnding signs, this could also be interpreted as tempting God, we should remember how the devil tried to tempt Jesus in the desert and what Jesus replied him:

"Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."
Matthew 4:7
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Q1. Why does Gideon put out a fleece before the Lord -- twice? Is this a sign of unbelief or of belief? This is a "testing" of God? How does it differ from the sinful testings of God the scripture warns against?

I am sure Gideon asked for the proof in the pudding because he didn't want to go charging off without some assurance he wasn't getting the wrong message/signal. Gideon is a new believer and perhaps this is normal; especially with such a big assignment.

I don't think it is a test of whether God can or cannot do something. "God, I will believe you if you turn this car into a goat." No, I believe it is Gideon look for assurance that he is getting the right message.

However I am having a difficult time reconciling why God was not bothered with this. In Luke 1:19 Zechariah is silenced by Gabriel for questioning the assignment he is given. Can anyone help me?

Father forgive me for my lack of faith. Fill my faith cup to the brim. Let me not question your wisdom, guidance or the path you have chosen for me.

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Gideon puts a fleece out for the Lord 2 times because he wants absolute assurance from God that He will be there to ensure the victory.

I think it is a sign of belief because Gideon is poised to go out into battle as God commands; he has taken this command very seriously and needs confirmation for his own peace of mind.

It is not so much a test but a request to confirm what Gideon's heart knows to be true, that God will fight this battle and give Gideon victory.

The sinful testings that God warns against are different than what Gideon requested. In a sinful test, God is being goaded almost, God is put in a position of having to prove Himself. The request is not to assure or reinforce belief in God, but to make God prove His might and to supply a selfish desire or need. There is no real faith behind the request. ;)

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Gideon puts out the fleece twice because he needs to be asured that God will be with him in battle.

I can picture Gideon pacing back and forth wringing his hands in a nervous way wondering what God would do to him for asking twice. But God is a loving God and understanding. Remember God had to reasure him in the first place when God choose Gideon to go to battle.

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+ Gideon needs more assurance - yet to ask this twice of God is puzzling to me. Gideon has been chosen by God for this mission and God knows Gideon better then anyone. I suppose God expected this from him.

+ This is a "testing" to reassure himself that God is still with him.

+ I don't agree with the reasoning of the exposition on this. Satan's testing of Jesus seems much different then this testing by Gideon.

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+ For me the danger of asking for a sign from God about something I wanted reassurance on how to respond to a need didn't work out well. A pastor taught our class that asking for a sign was the way to be reassured that I (we) was doing God's will after I (we) prayed about it. :(

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I think we all test our faith in God from time to time just like Gideon. If simple tests build up our faith then God is all for it but not if we want to prove His existence. Faith for me is not consistant and never wavering but constantly in the building phase and with God's help such as He did for Gideon faith for me will always grow. Faith is not something we are born with but yet a learned experience. Many conversations with God make us realize our faith and work in areas of our weaknesses that only God can help us with.

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I don't believe it is a sign of unbelief. By this time, Gideon believed that God was speaking, but he did not want to misunderstand--and be the cause of people saying that God was unable to do what Gideon said was God's orders. He wanted to be sure he was understanding what he must do. Then, when things went as God said they would, people would see that God is trustworthy and all-powerful--and give glory to God! It differs from the "testing" of God that is forbidden. In that "testing", people who aren't sure He really is God, want Him to do something to PROVE He exists and is powerful! It is really a form of doubting Him!

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I see Gideon's fleece as a sign of great faith. Gideon knew he could never defeat the Midianites on his own. But he had faith that if God had really called him to this great task, God could accomplish it. He just needed to be sure this was really God's leading and that he had not mis-understood.

I can recall times in my own life when I felt strong leading of God to move in a certain direction. But I just needed to be sure. I knew that if I was mis-interpreting God's call to me I would fall flat on my face. I didn't dare venture out witout God. But when God reassured me of his hand in it all, I knew the victory was certain.

I will take a stab at the question asked earlier about Zechariah. To me the difference is that Gideon was being called to action and he wanted to be sure he was understanding correctly before he acted. I'd be scared to death to take 300 people and march against a vast army unless I knew absolutely for sure that God was calling me to do this. When he understood for sure it was God's call, Gideon proved his faith by action. There have been times I responded too quickly thinking God was leading but not taking time to be sure and the results were not good.

Zechariah, on the other hand, was not being called to do anything. He was being told that he would receive a blessing of being the father of the forerunner of Christ, the blessing of finally having a son to cherish. He did not have to seek a "fleece" because he was not being called to act.

There is always an element of doubt, tiny as that element may be, in faith, else it would be absolute knowledge and not faith. But when Zechariah asked for a sign that God was telling the truth, to me this borders on testing God.

Why did he need a sign? I think God expected Zechariah to trust God that if he had not understood correctly that was in God's hands, and if he had understood correctly, Elizabeth's soon coming pregnancy would be the only sign needed.

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The difference between Gideon and the way a lot of people "test" the Lord is the fact that Gideon was not doubting the Lord's capability to deliver him and his army from their enemy but rather he was doubting his capability to deliver for the Lord. He completely believed and trusted the Lord but he feared he will screw it up somehow.

This is very different from the kinds of testing that the scripture warns against. Those kinds of testing stem from unbelief. Some of the people who use these kinds of tests doubt or does not believe the existence of the Lord. Other people feel that their problems or sins are too great for the Lord to handle and/or forgive them and so they need some physical proof that the Lord is still there and hasn't turned His back on them. No matter what the reason is, the main underlying thought for these tests is: "I need some proof before I believe." This is very dangerous because Satan's forces will capitalize on this unbelief by continuously feeding lies and half-truths to further drag these people deeper into their problems. The deeper they sink the more they will feel that the Lord has either completely abandoned them or did not really exist in the first place.

Thus, the more they sink, the more they doubt. And the more they doubt, the deeper they sink. And so it becomes a vicious cycle of hurt and pain and anger.

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Gideon put out a fleece twice because he needed reassurance from God that he got the message correctly. It was a sign of belief in that he was already committed to carrying God's command and only wanted to be sure that he was doing it right. He was not really testing God. He merely wanted additional confirmation that he was on the right track. His request for a minor miracle from God was different from other cases of testing God. It was to strengthen his belief rather than from selfish reasons. He was not trying to manipulate God for his own selfish reasons

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> Gideon needs assurance so he can carry out God's plans successfully.

> It is a testing of God. He is still lacking in faith.

> I agree with Pastor Wilson when he says, "These were attempts to manipulate God into doing miracles to somehow prove himself. But what Gideon was asking was for God to do a minor miracle to help Gideon anchor his full faith in the Lord. Gideon's request is in order to establish his faith, whereas sinful testing of God is to get God to do miracles to meet selfish needs." :rolleyes:

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Gideon wanted to make sure he was obeying what God wanted from him. Also, Gideon needed re-assurance as anyone in his position would! God is always through His Word willing to re-assure us, He just does not want us testing Him....there's a big difference. I agree that when we "test" God, it's for selfish reasons.....and almost like mocking Him. This reminds me of those who stood beneath the cross of Jesus and said, "If he be the Son of God, let Him come down from the cross now and we will believe Him". Those people were not trying to obey, they were truly testing God.

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I believe when we are truly seeking God's will for us, it's ok to ask Him to point things out to us. God knows the heart/mind of us all. We can never hide our intentions from God. If our intentions are pure, I believe God will honor that in us and answer our requests as He did for Gideon.

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Gideon put the fleece out to prove to himself that God will keep his promises. Whether this was assurance or testing God, was probably a little bit of both. I believe he Gideon just had a few questions he needed answered as we all do at times and we all ask of God in times of need and God is willing to answer all our questions in his time, not ours. Gideons test was for reassurance and sometimes we test God to get what we want, like for example : a new car, house, clothes. Whatever. These aren't doing what God ask of us as Gideon was about to do for God.


:lol: God Is So Wonderful, that he Loves Us No Matter What and He will Forgive Us If We Just Ask Him.

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Gideon had the facts and knew from the past that God was speaking to himbut he was not secure enough in his new position to completely trust God. He had not had years of experience with God's Word and His promises so he wanted more proof that he wasn't being led by his own ideas. Visible signs are unnecessary if they conform what we already know is God's will. I think Gideon believed God buthe wanted more proof of what God was saying. This was a big step and he wanted to be sure God was with him.

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We have the complete Word of God which Gideon did not have. We should not need signs other that what is contained in the Word. Our confidence should be gained by studying God's Word and finding out His will. Satan can counterfiet answers to signs we may ask for.

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In the garden of eden, we learned that our advisary the devil can be very subtle. By changing 1 word in God's command, the fall of man came, thus it is so important for us today to be very sure that "God is in it". It may seem right to us but are we sure it is from God? I think this is another example of why God called Gideon a mighty warriour. He made sure it was from God...and we should too. Many signs were given at the hand of Christ and the apostles. God wants us to be able to discern if it is from God or not. Mark 16:14-18 has a few signs for today and of course Christ said we would know his disciples today by the love they have for one another. I am so thankful for this study and everyone's replies.....God Bless.

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Gideon needs confirmation of God's command--"Did I hear You right?" I had an incident once where I had been sewing for about an hour when I began to pray about an ungodly relationship I was in. I was asking, "What should I do about this?" Suddenly, my needle broke. I changed the needle, sewed about an inch *break*, changed the needle, and said, "Hmmm...Lord, are you saying I should break off this relationship?" Relating the breaking of the needle to the breaking off of the relationship. (change needle, sew another inch *break*) "Is there something wrong with this machine?" (check--nope--change needle, sew another inch *break*) After about 6 needles, and using my last one, I finally said, "Okay, Lord. I get it. I will break off the relationship." And I continued to sew the rest of the day with that last needle. Sometimes we just need that confirmation of "Did I hear You right? Am I getting this? Because, Lord, You of all know how dense I can be!"

The sinful testing of God comes when we do stupid things to try to get God to "prove" Himself--like those who practice snake charming, or those who write "faith donations" out to the false teachers on Christian television. Questioning our understanding of God is not the same as questioning God's promises!

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