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Q1. Why does Gideon put out a fleece before the Lord -- twice? Is this a sign of unbelief or of belief? This is a "testing" of God? How does it differ from the sinful testings of God the scripture warns against? See exposition

Gideon put down the fleece just to make sure.No this is not a sign of unbelief.Gigeon was humble asking God not to be angry with him.We should not try and manipulate God in asking Him to do something for us.That is a sin.We shouldnt bargan with God.You do something for me and i'll do this for you.There are times we get so desperate that is the way we approach God.We panic so many times. After we search our hearts we should be quick to ask God for forgiveness.God will lead us through what we are going through,just as He did Gideon and the army of 300.Sometimes we think"This is impossible"<but> it is not.All things are possible with God.That we need to keep in our mind.

I had to come back to this post and retype it because I hit the wrong key and wiped out my answer to these question,I really got angry.I thought what I had already typed in was soooo....good.It took me almost an hour to finish as I am not a typist,I PECK.I found out how quick I am to anger.I had to ask God for forgiveness.It taught me something.If God would get that angry with me,where in the world would my life be?God is a loving God.God is a very enduring God to put up with me.So,this is the answere I end up with along with the lesson.GOD IS SO GOOD!Amen :rolleyes:

Q1. Why does Gideon put out a fleece before the Lord -- twice? Is this a sign of unbelief or of belief? This is a "testing" of God? How does it differ from the sinful testings of God the scripture warns against?

Gideon has already shown in previous verses that he is willing to obey God (tore down the false gods altar). He's human, though, and fearful...oh, how I can relate! He wants to be sure that God is indeed speaking to him and he wants to be sure of what God is asking him to do.

His faith is not so strong that he doesn't have some doubts. However, he also is showing prudence by being humble enough to realize that he might either be misinterpreting God, or not hearing the message properly. His testing differs from sinful testings of God where the intent is to manipulate God into doing something for the requestor's selfish desires. Or worse, trying to trap God (Jesus) in order to discredit.

God always sees through this.


i think Gidden was making sure it was gods assurances and not his own doing. Some times we are like that Lord if i only knew for sure it was yor will and note just me wanting to do this or that.


I think it is ok to ask god for assurance if we dont know for sure if it be gods will for us to do some thing. i ask for direction all the time from god because iwant it ti be gods will and noye my own will to to it.


I think anytime we are uncertain that it is really God leading us in a certain direction, or even if we are just feeling afraid, God is more than willing to give us a sign that he is with us in it.

God doesn't want us to wonder if what we are doing is really his will. He wants to make his will clear to us, and he wants us to proceed with full assurance of God's victory in our lives.

The danger, to me, is in demanding a sign that God will act in a certain way when all we really need to understand is that he is calling us to act. We are to act when he calls and trust him with the results.


While it is not wrong to ask the Lord for some signs (Gideon has alsready proven this fact), we should take care not to ask Him to give a sign to test Him and not ourselves. We should always remember that Gideon tested not the Lord but himself. It was for his sake and not the Lord's. He made that clear from the very beginning. This is the danger of asking for signs. It may come to a point where we are already testing the Lord instead of the other way around.


I am wondering if asking for a sign from God is risky then why did so many people ask God for a sign throughout the bible? As long as I can question God in order to increase my faith then how can that be a bad thing to do. We do run the risk of asking God to prove Himself rather than increase our faith.


I personally find these two questions to be extremely difficult to answer. So far, God has not made the kind of request of me that he did of Gideon.

But what if He did? I think I would want a sign. Otherwise, I'm concerned that I might be having delusional thoughts. This is the danger for the modern day believer, at least for most of us in the States (ok, I'll speak just for myself then). We/I tend to live isolated from earth-shaking events. That's not the case right now in the Middle East, or in Asia or Africa...these may be the real front lines of God's army.

God does put a call on us. I'm pretty certain of that and I've felt His call the past couple of years. What I'm doing is asking in prayer each day that God's will be done in my life and that I may have clear knowledge of what He wants me to do. It seems I get reinforcement in various ways. Different people come into my life, or in conversations and work-related events things sometimes are steered in the direction that God is pointing me. I'm participating in this study because of God directing me in my Internet work.

The danger is placing demands on God. They might be very well-intentioned. I might want all kinds of "goodness" to come from it, but if I place my personal wishes and desires ahead of God and then ask God for a sign to confirm it I'm likely to be dissapointed.

I pray, Lord, that I will clearly understand your direction for my life. Keep me from denying the Truth when you present it. Don't let my self-centeredness, my fears or my personal wishes cloud your message.


I agree with Peggy. There is a huge difference between asking for a sign because of fear or weakness and asking for a sign of confirmation.

Let us not forget the great deceiver is also capable of giving us signs strong engough and loud enough for us to confuse the source.

I am equally impressed with the answer that we have the Bible to give us direction in God's will. Gideon did not.



Why does Gideon put out a fleece before the Lord -- twice?

I believe Gideon is looking for assurance that this is of the Lord.

Judg 6:36-38

Gideon said to God, "If you will save Israel by my hand as you have promised- 37 look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said."

(from New International Version)

The second test was probably because the first test was inconclusive. Wool is very absorbant and may have absorbed moisture from the air that did not result in dew, or the dew may have been so light it had evaporated before Gideon arose. The second test was more conclusive because there was no doubt that it was a miracle.

Is this a sign of unbelief or of belief?

I believe Gideon was being human, he wanted to be sure. I think he was looking at this task from the human perspective. It is completely beyond Gideon's abilities, but completely within the Lord's ability to carry it out.

This is a "testing" of God? How does it differ from the sinful testings of God the scripture warns against?

Gideon was not testing God to get something for himself, like the other situations in the references. He was giving credit to God working through him, not trying to manipulate God to provide for Gideon's personal desires.


When, if ever, should we ask God to confirm his direction with a sign?

I believe the Lord provides signs for us in many ways. We have an advantage over Gideon, since we have the Bible, the inspired word of God. I don't believe we should have to ask for signs, we can find what we need through Bible study and prayer. Many times what we ask for is just to confirm what we already know to be true.

2 Tim 3:15-17

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

(from New International Version)

What is the danger of demanding a sign?

A couple of things came to mind, angering God and wasting time. Gideon was aware of the possibility of angering God:

Judg 6:39

9 Then Gideon said to God, "Do not be angry with me. . ."

(from New International Version)

He also wasted 2 days waiting for the signs he requested. In his case, it did not make a difference, but I expect there are times where we miss all that God has for us because we wait for signs. I think it is possible that God will find someone else to serve his purpose if we are too hesitant and lacking faith.


Gideon wants to be assured that he is talking with God and not some demonic force, or his own imagination. He asks twice because his own logic said "once is not enough". I do not believe it is a sign of either .. belief or unbelief. But, rather, a sign of "assurance". I do not consider this a testing at all. The "sinful" testing that Satan and the Israelites did was a test FOR God. If this is at all a test .. It is a test OF God.


Why does Gideon put out a fleece before the Lord--twice?

Gideon puts out a fleece before the Lord twice because of the size of the test, he ask for divine assurance that this is really God's will he is pursuing. We have to be sure we are listening to THE SPIRIT instead of a spirit. We all need that assurance at one time or another.

This is a sign of belief because he wanted to be sure the message he had was correct, that God will save Iseral by his hand. Gideon understood this to be a promise of God. Before the word of God fail heaven and earth will pass away.

I don't believe this is a "testing" of God because Gideon only needed to establish his faith with a small miracle by the only true God.

This testing is different from the sinful testing of God the scripture warns against. They were attempting to manipulate God into doing miracles to somehow prove Himself. God is God all by Himself. We can't trick Him, He sees, hears, and knows all. God knows our heart.


We should ask for a sign only when we really and truly need assurance as in the case of Gideon. The Bible tells us not to tempt the Lord thy God.

God did not leave us helpless, we have the Holy Spirit that lead and guide us in all truth.

1 Corinthians 10:9 ----Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents.


We should ask God for a sign only when we are not sure exactly of what He wants us to do. The danger is that we may be asking God in order to test him which is wrong. The bible tells us that when the devil tempted Jesus, Jesus said to him thou shalt not tempt the Lord your God. However for most purposes we have the Bible to guide us.


I think that Gideon put the fleece out to make sure that God would save Israel by Gideon's hand. Gideon did not have very much confidence in himself and wanted God reassurance.

I don't think it was unbelief - he just wanted to make sure they would win. It didn't seem to make God mad because of the test.


When we ask God for a sign about something we are unsure of - it is just making sure God is in it. I think it is good to hear from God. I don't think that there is a danger in doing that. There may be a danger in asking God to prove himself.

Q2. When, if ever, should we ask God to confirm his direction with a sign? What is the danger of demanding a sign?

:huh: I think that if you ask God for a sign it would kind o be like Gideon."Be humble,explain to God your reason,and how you just need to know for sure,is this what I am to do.Please God ,would you show me a sign of direction.I would be afraid to demand God for a sign.You wouldnt really accomplish anything like that.God would probably treat you like a child."Go to your room,and think about how you talked to me"!Then it would take longer to even do what God has asked of us.You could get yourself in a lot of trouble :(

:blink: Pastor Ralph,I am so sorry,i have been putting everything that should be a POST in the QUOTE area.I ment for this to be the answers to the questions.Will do better...Linda


Giseon put out the fleece to obtain a clear answer from God and to reaffirm thae answer given the first time. This was a huge task God had put before him and needed to know that this was indeed from God.

I think that Gideon did believe, maybe he was a bit unsure, but he did believe.

Gideon humbly asked God as he required the proof for himself, not to see if God could perform miracles.



When we are unsure of what to do or when we really need confirmation that what we "heard" is correct.

To demand is not showing respect. in fact we come over as imature and spoilt. We may become arrogant in our demanding and that could get us into trouble.

:D I believe it is ok to ask God for a sign, so we know that we can confirm his direction and that it came from God. I don't believe we should demand anything from God, he gives it freely and he knows when we need a sign all we have to do is pray and ask him for guidance and he will give it in his time. Sometimes we are just to impatient to wait on him. He will guide us threw whatever task he ask of us. :huh:

When we are not sure if what we think is God's voice is really Him, or our own desires. Often, we want to do something, thinking it might enhance someone's belief in God, but behind that is the hope that it will make us look good and "spiritual"! When we ask for a sign that this is His will, we must be sure it is because we truly want to do His Will, not be tricked into following the Devil's desire that so easily can be cloked by him into a seeming message from God. God honors our honest doubts--if we truly desire His Will! But we need to be sure WHY we are asking for a sign. And, I agree that we cannot demand anything of God! What mockery of a "follower" of God! Helen


When, if ever, should we ask God to confirm his direction with a sign?

>> 1) When God himself wants us to give us a sign like what He did to Ahaz and Moses.

2) When God has already proven our faith by believing in Him right away like Abraham.

>> Danger of demanding a sign

- There is a tendency that God might not answered our prayers and punished us like what He did to Israelites.

(Psalm 78:21) "When the LORD heard them, he was very angry; his fire broke out against Jacob, for they did not believe in God or trust in his deliverance." In this Psalm, it stated why God became angry. This shows that although our God is compassionate, loving, patient, kind, etc.. never tolerate the things that He does not like.

(Psalm 78:31) "God's anger rose against them; he put to death the sturdiest among them, cutting down the young men of Israel." In this Psalm, God reveals his anger followed by punishment.

The above explanation is based only on my own understanding and if I failed to explain it clearly I apologize.



I agree with all

Gideon needed reasurance that he was doing what God told him to do instead of his will {Gideons}.

I dont feel that this request was due to lack of faith but to put a army of your own in such poss danger as this he had to make sure Gods orderes were followed to the letter.

Sadly today people ask for proof due to selfishness greed and total disbelife some ask onyl in a attempt to disprove the fact that there is a God Saten plants a small seed of dought then the weakness of man feeds it .Gideon didnt dought; he knew that if God said it ,it would happen The strenght of faith and love for God he had at this time had to be so strong wouldnt it be great if everyone had this type of faith today I dont think we would be worring about oil!

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