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God was kind to Gideon who needed confirmation about what he was to do, and I don't think God has changed a lot since then, praise His glorious Name. Gideon was in the middle of big ventures with God. He was no in any way setting God up, refusing to do as God wanted etc. just wanting to be sure he was on the right track.Upon receiving the sign that he was, he went right into doing the Lord's bidding, joyfully and assured of the Victory. God even proferred another way for him to check the plan, in sending him down into the enemy's camp to hear what they were saying. It is reasonable, when two work together, to double check everything with each other so that no misunderstandings accrue. In so doing, Gideon was able to proceed with total confidence in the plan. In current days we like to get checks on prophecy by receiving the same information from two to three different Godly sources. It confirms prophecy for us, and assists us to accept unikely scenarios with confidence, or not be surprised when they come to pass.

I don't think Gideon "demanded" a sing, but asked reasonably for one. Demanding things is not the way to approach our King, or anyone for that matter. Esther did not "demand" a hearing from her husband-king, but considered it in order to request a hearing, having done the proper preparation. Humility is always a keynote factor!.

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Gideon put out a fleece to confirm God's word and His will. Gideon didn't want to make a mistake. He wanted to be sure and very sure. I think Gideon understood the enormity and the importance of what God has called him to do. He knows that lives hang in the balance, and he cannot afford to make a mistake.

Gideon needed an anchor. It's a classic example of believing God versus believing in God. In order for Gideon to really be that "mighty man of valor" he had to do both.


I think it's okay to ask God to confirm His direction when we need an anchor to our faith. But we also have to be careful that we are not trying to tempt or manipulate God. We can take this "show me a sign" thing too far and begin to live superstiously, only moving when we see a "sign", always interpreting the simplest thing as a "sign from God". Signs are usually requested because our faith is weak, and the best way to increase our faith is to cultivate our relationship with the LORD by studying His word, and meditating on it day and night. The word declares in the book of Psalm that if we hide the word in our hearts it will keep us from sinning against God. To me that covers everything, so we should seek our guidance from the word of God, otherwise signs become witchcraft and not faith.


Gideon puts a fleece before the Lord twice not to test Gods abilities but to get assurance that what he is about to do is divine will. Gideon believed in God he knew that God was going to save Israel. He knows that he could cause God to be very angry with him but he still asks a second time. this type of testing was different in that it was not trying to manipulate God into doing miracles to ptove himself but by doing these miracles God was helping gideon to anchor his full faith in the lord.


When, if ever, should we ask God to confirm his direction with a sign? What is the danger of demanding a sign?

i feel that it is ok to ask god for a sign when we are facing a decision and we want to go in the way that God wants us. we cannot see the future or know what the outcome of our decisions are going to be. God does and will guide us along and if we earnestly ask him for a 'sign' in which direction He wants us to go He will see our willingness to obey him and to let him be Lord over all of our lives. he is constantly sending our family signs at the moment as we are in the middle of a cash crisis and we have been blessed in that we are getting little reassurances from him that he is looking after us and is watching out for us at all times. you never demand anything from God, demanding seems to mean wanting your own way. two year olds demand and spoilt children not children of God who love their father and know how much He has given us and how much more there is waiting for us in heaven even though we are sinners and unworthy.

  • 5 weeks later...

I believe the first sign God answered was more than enough for Gideon to believe. Sometimes we need reassurance and ask God for more signs to be answered because we just cannot believe God's purpose in our lives. There was doubt in Gideon. It was a great task to be done, he had to help the Israelites be free, he had to do it under God's intervention and not by his own strength, that made him doubt. :)

Gideon was not trying to satisfy his own selfish needs, he needed to be reassured of his task.

When Gideon turned to God for reassurance it demonstrated he trusted in God but when he asked a second time he showed lack of faith of what God could do through him. :) His intentions were not to test God but to be reassured.

On verse 36 of chapter 6, Gideon days: "If thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said," (King James Version)

I truly believe he had doubts, he just needed to be assured of what God could do through him, he knew and believed God could do great things, he knew and believed God had spoken to him but he had doubts about himself. :)


There are times where making an important decision could affect our entire lives, in those times we need to ask for direction of God.

I myself ask God to lead all my ways because life brings so many things and I haven't always made the right decisions. Guidance is important all the time.

Signs is a very delicate matter. We should not over do it. I ask for confirmation of God but I do not ask for specific signs like Gideon did.

I think we should rather ask for confirmation. I think God can confirm in his own time when is best for us.

  • 1 month later...

Gideon puts out the fleece twice to make sure the Lord is really with him.I think Gideon was believing but wanted God to strengthen his faith for such a job.He was'nt being selfish or trying to seek his own glory but merely making sure that God was really going to perform a mighty miracle before Israel at the hand of little Gideon.


I often ask God to confirm that it is he that is directing me to do something, because I dont want to be led astray thinking that God was leading me.Its not the asking for a sign its why we are asking.God knows why we are asking and if it is for our own selfishness and not his glory or someone elses salvation then we need to repent.

  • 4 months later...

Gideon wants to make sure what he is about to do God has directed. It does not show Gideon has disbelief in God, Gideon is just requesting conformation about what God's will is and how he is to carry it out.

Gideon is not testing God as to who He is or what He can do. Gideon wants to be sure it is from God.

Sinful testing is desiring miracles for selfish personal reasons.


I believe it is okay to ask God for a sign if it is to reaffirm us that the thing is from Him and not something that we just want or something we think He wants.

We should never ask God for a sign so that we can get a selfish desire for us or to bring us recognition instead of God.

  • 3 months later...

God had already told Gideon, what he would use him to do. But I know if I were Gideon, before taking on such a hugh assignment, I would want to KNOW without

any doubt, if I was hearing right. Gideon asked in faith, believing God for the confirmation, yes twice, but how many times I have found myself saying, God is this

really you???? If I had been Gideon, I would have asked twice too!! Gideon was not trying to manipulate God but rather looking for assurance, and that was okay, because God understands that we are in need, sometimes of it. Oh that I reach the place where I just know God's leading and trust Him with out ever questioning. A desire I am sure we all have, and others have obtained.


Gideon, was under the xircumstances, a little apprehensive as to what God was calling him to do. After all his preception of himself was that he wasn't, what God said he was. So just to be absolutely sure he asks not once but twice, not testing, but confirming God's plan and will for what he was about to do. Oh that I will come to that place when I will be able to just say okay!! And without question, know and follow Gods plan and will for me. Until that then I will be saying God if it's YOU then

confirm it one more time. I can see my own self in Gideon in these beginnig stages

as I begin to fully participate in what He is doing, in and through me!!


I read all the answers everyone wrote to this one, and they were all good. Yes we do have the MORE SURE WORD, today that Gideon did not. And that would be the first place I would want to look and in fact HAVE recieved confirmation from, many times. Also we have the inward witness of the Holy Spirit, and the soul peace that comes from God. If I have peace after prayer, and scripture to relay on then, That is the only sign I need. There may be extreme siituations where we like Gideon

may need a more significant sign, but I trust God will know that, and supply what ever we might need, when we need it most.

  • 1 month later...

I Thank The lord For Being Here This Morning!!!! Hi TO All!!

Gideon was looking for divine assurance that this is really God's will. He is similar to us today, we often mix our desires and "will" with GOD. AND THAT CAN'T BE!! He just wanted to make sure this is GOD's will!! God allowed it here and I believe you can ask for assurance not test GOD .

I believe it is a sign that he acknowledges GOD's power and wants to be in toal favor with GOD.

He is just the instrument, meaning that with out GOD using him he will be useless with what he was called to do.

I don't think he was testing GOD rather he was unsure of his abilities and faith in GOD for him to be used for this task.

The difference between sinful testing and what gideon did here in the text is that the sinful testing is asking GOD ALMIGHTY to PROV E himself (NO WAY) and what gideon is saying here is that I know you are ALL POWERFUL ! AFFIRM TO MAKE MY FAITH FULL SO THAT YOUR WILL MAY BE CARRIED OUT THE WAY YOU WANT IT ! NOT BY MY WILL, BUT YOURS LORD!!



I Thank THe Lord FOr This Day!!


From What I read, I think that god will give signs or confirmations with a sign to strengthen your faith or to call you to full faith so that what he needs you to do can be done. We in our flesh may come up with excuses or allow our faith to wither when the task seems overwhelming.


Q1. Why does Gideon put out a fleece before the Lord -- twice? Is this a sign of unbelief or of belief? This is a "testing" of God? How does it differ from the sinful testings of God the scripture warns against? See exposition

Gideon puts out the fleece twice because he wants to be sure that it is really God that has called him. It is not really a "testing" of God, it is assurance that Gideon is needing. Sinful testing is when we try to force God into doing a miracle for our own benefit.


Q2. When, if ever, should we ask God to confirm his direction with a sign? What is the danger of demanding a sign?

I thin we should ask God for a sign when we are unsure whether or not we have heard from God correctly, but I don't think we should make it a habit. If we do we will not mature in the Lord and recognize His voice and His leading when we need to. There is a difference between asking and demanding, we never must demand from God.


I think we should rely on the Word of God. Today the greatest means of God's guidance is his Word, the Bible. Unlike Gideon w have God's complete, revealed Word. If we want to have more of God's guidance, don't ask for signs, pray and study the Bible. (2Tim 3:16-17). Demanding a sign may cause one to get in trouble with God. (Exodus 17:2, 7; Deut. 6:16).

  • 1 year later...

Q2. (Judges 6:36-39) Why does Gideon put out a fleece before the Lord -- twice?

Gideon wanted to be certain that the move he was about to make was under the direction of God and not his fleshly desires directing him.

Is this a sign of unbelief or of belief?

It is not a sign of unbelief, Gideon simply sought assurance from the Lord.

Is this a "testing" of God?

No, this was not a

  • 7 months later...

Q2. (Judges 6:36-39) Why does Gideon put out a fleece before the Lord -- twice? Is this a sign of unbelief or of belief? This is a "testing" of God? How does it differ from the sinful testings of God the scripture warns against? When, if ever, should we ask God to confirm his direction with a sign? What is the danger of demanding a sign?

Gideon puts a fleece out before the Lord twice in order to confirm what God has called him to do. Gideon had no doubt or unbelief, he wanted to make sure that the direction God was giving him was correct.

Gideon is testing God in a way that anchors his faith. His request is in order to establish his faith, whereas sinful testing of God is to get God to do miracles to meet selfish needs. Humility asking God to confirm his direction in order to get it right is not wrong or a bad thing. Demanding God give a sign is a whole other matter. We demand nothing of God. Biblically, God has punished those who arrogantly demand God show them signs.

  • 2 months later...

Gideon put the fleece out twice just to make certain God was calling him. He wanted to be sure there was no mistake in what he understood God wanted him to do. I don't think it was a sign of unbelief, Gideon just wanted to make sure of his calling. We would do ourselves well to always make sure of our calling like Gideon.

This testing was not sinful but a desiring of God's will through the rsults of the fleece being put out. He wanted to make sure he understood God's will for him. Gideon did not ask for something or a miracle to build himself up or anything that would be a selfish request.

I believe we should ask God for a sign or confirmation when we cannot get the will of God or answer for a situation in our lives. As Gideon, we need to be sure of God's calling.

I believe it is always dangerous to demand anything from God. We can ask for his will and way to be revealed to us. His confirming our direction will help establish our faith and work in Him.

  • 3 weeks later...

Gideon needs to build his faith which we all do daily as we go through this journey. It is a humble cry for help, not greed. That is how this differs from that which the forefathers did. They were testing God because they were dissatisfied with what He had already provided. They were punished for their sins accordingly.


Q1. Why does Gideon put out a fleece before the Lord -- twice? Is this a sign of unbelief or of belief? This is a "testing" of God? How does it differ from the sinful testings of God the scripture warns against?

Gideon wanted a true confirmation from God.

This was a sign of unbelief.

He feared that his own limitation would prevent God from working through him.

This was a testing of God. Gideon was surprised by what God told him to do. He did not want to jump into a task for which he was ill prepared. Gideon had his weak moments and failures, but he was still God's servant.

Gideon was a man who obeyed God by giving his attention to the task at hand.

We are to test God to do His will and purpose but to test Him in order to satisfy our own needs or desires.

  • 2 months later...

In Gideon's time, the Israelites had left their nomadic lifestyle of wandering in the desert, and had settled in Midianite territory for long enough for the elders who knew of the desert experience and who had witnessed God's miracles to have died out. I believe that Gideon laid out the fleece twice to test that God was truly capable of doing what was claimed of Him. I don't regard this as an act of belief or unbelief, just one of testing that what had been passed down traditionally was in fact genuine. Yes, Gideon was 'testing' God, but he was not doing it for any personal gain or to try to prove himself superior, he was merely ascertaining that the stories he had heard throughout his life were accurate.

In the New Testament Jesus Himself cautions us to always test what we hear is supposedly from God...not to try to 'catch God out in a lie' which would be impossible, but to ensure that what we have been told is genuine, is not leading us to rebel against God instead of work for Him. Many 'good works' appear to be so, but God neither backs nor has instigated them; this is why it is essential that we test that it is really God who we are communicating with, and not one of Satan's demons, or Satan himself. We must be careful that we do not demand a sign in order to glorify or benefit ourselves, it is not necessary to do God's work that we should understand all the 'why's' or even expect that there should be monetary support. God can supply all our needs without the need to increase our personal wealth, we need only to have faith in that supply, and be assured of God's providence.

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