Jonathan Edwards Posted May 12, 2021 Report Posted May 12, 2021 Gideon put out the fleece twice with a sincere heart. He didn't have a Bible like we are so blessed to have. He most likely wasn't schooled in a yeshiva. So when the Midianites were gathered together; Gideon wanted to be very sure he was in the right track. He had no Urim nor Thummin; the Holy items that gave direction to Moses and Joshua. Gideon wasn't testing God. He wanted to be in His divine will. He had a huge mission; he didn't have the High Priest at His side. Reminds of the story of French heroine St Joan of Arc. She did have divine directions but she looked up to Christ alone. To a degree we can humbly put out a fleece. Not in a light hearted way not done in superstition. For major concerns, we can humbly ask God for wisdom to assist us in where to preach or gor what house to purchase. Again we ask in humbleness and confidence in God's direction. Caution is the word in regards to putting out a fleece. Visions, prophetic utterances from well meaning Christains, all must be discerned carefully. St Paul mentions about discerning spirits (1 Corinthians 11:29; 12:10). Speaking with a seasoned and well informed pastor is also critical. A best friend at the grocery store may not be sufficient. Quote
Irmela Posted April 2, 2023 Report Posted April 2, 2023 Q2. (Judges 6:36-39) Why does Gideon put out a fleece before the Lord -- twice? He just wanted to make doubly sure, so he asked for it to be wet and then for it to be dry, so it was turned around and no way would it be by chance then. He knew God could deliver them, but was overwhelmed by the fact that it could possibly be by his hand. Is this a sign of unbelief or of belief? I don't think either, I think he wanted reassurance. Does this constitute "testing" God? Gideon's request is in order to establish his faith, whereas sinful testing of God is to get God to do miracles to meet selfish needs. How does it differ from the sinful testings of God the scripture warns against? This was not manipulating and demanding. It was humbly going before the Lord, and not wanting to anger the Lord. The request was in order to establish his faith, whereas sinful testing of God is to get God to do miracles. When, if ever, should we ask God to confirm his direction with a sign? Not demanding or manipulating, just to be absolutely certain of God's direction. What is the danger of demanding a sign? Quote
ShariRose Posted December 17, 2024 Report Posted December 17, 2024 Gideon puts out a fleece because he wants to be sure he is following God and not another spirit; he wants to be sure he heard him right. I have been told this was testing God and a lack of faith. Perhaps, though, he simply wanted to confirm God's will. We should confirm we are hearing God when we don't feel at peace about a decision. Some ways to do that are to consult scripture, talk to Christian friends, pray, and wait until we feel at peace or are confident in the decision. Demanding a sign is different. It is asking for "signs and wonders" instead of trusting and honoring God. Quote
JanSumi Posted February 10 Report Posted February 10 I think maybe Gideon doubted himself, whether he really had heard God correctly, which is why he confirms what he heard by repeating it. It seems Gideon's doubt is not in God, as was the Israelites' in the desert, but he wants to know he is hearing God correctly. Once he is sure, he obeys. Maybe he's struggling with personal fears, growing in areas of his faith. I don't think he is testing God as the Israelites did. Otherwise, God would have been angry, but on the contrary, God seems to understand and be infinitely patient with Gideon's fears and uncertainty. This is encouraging to all of us. It's as if God knows Gideon's struggles and wants to help him. Plus, unlike the Israelites, Gideon wants to believe and trust. So is this unbelief or belief? I think it is belief, but an imperfect one, as with all of us. I think most of us are like Gideon, in the process of growing in our faith and trust in God, and thanks be to Him, He is patient with us, full of grace. We are being made like Him everyday. I'm usually reluctant to ask God for a sign, maybe because it does feel like testing God, as if we're saying to Him that if You don't do this (sign), then I don't believe You. God doesn't need to give a sign. He is God. Gideon wasn't doing that, testing God. He wanted to know if this was really what God wanted him to do. He wasn't doubting God's power or faithfulness to him. He wanted to be sure of God's direction. This is a rather "out there" thought, but maybe Gideon was testing himself, trying to gain the courage to believe and obey, in which case God was certainly lovingly patient with him. Sometimes though, I do ask God to open doors (a kind of sign actually) if something is actually His will when I'm just not sure. I'm reluctant to even pray that sometimes though. I'd rather wait till I hear Him more clearly, sense in my spirit His leading. I want to hear from Him, not ask for a sign. I want to hear His still, small voice, hear Him speaking to me. There's nothing more precious. Quote
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