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It is obvious from this story that God's view of adultery is far more serious than people realise but as Peggysue says God will forgive all who come to him in repentance and faith.


Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery?

One of the ten commandments is against adultery. God's view was very serious against adultery, that's why he specified it as one of the ten commandments. It was punishable by death. Man (and woman) were made in the image of God. Adultery is sin against the body (image of God) and therefore a terrible abomination in the sight of the Lord. Sex is meant only for wedded partners and no one else. Sex is holy in God's sight but we have made it a passtime occupation. God is not at all happy about this

In this age of grace, God can forgive anyone who comes to Him in true repentance. I John 1:9 says He is faithful and just to forgive our sins, provided we come to him in repentance. In this age, age where sex is a tool for recreation, God must be fuming at the blatant misuse of this divine act. At the same time, He abides by His promises. John 6:37 says, ' him that cometh unto me, I will in no wise cast out'. We have a loving and caring Father God who would love His children to come to Him in true repentance and confess their sins. He will forgive and cleanse every soul that repenteth. Praise God for this.

Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery?

Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery?

God deems adultery punishable by death.

David found forgiveness from God for his adultery with

Bathsheba by repenting of his sins. At the end of his life David could claim in 2Samuel verse 22...that he has kept the ways of the Lord and he has not acted wickedly against God.

David knew God had forgiven him, to David his own hands were clean and his conscience clear. I think when we've repented and asked God for his forgiveness, forgiving ourselves is sometimes a problem.



What does this story teach us aboutGod's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has commmitted adultery?

God's view of adultery has always been that it is a serious sin and was punishable by death. In this day and age of grace it seems we take lightly things God deems serious and punishable by death.

Of course the atoning work of Christ on the cross is also for the sin of adultery but only if the person repents of the sin and receives Christs atoning work done for each of us. I don't know how a person was forgiven before Jesus came if they were stoned to death. I don't know of any sacrificial lamb that was offered for them before they were stoned but maybe if they were repentant in their heart they were forgiven. Maybe someone else has some thoughts on this.

The thing is that there are always consequences to be paid even when we are forgiven our sins and quite often by some innocent husband or wife and children and we often live with those consequences for the rest of our lives.

Did not Jesus forgive the adulterous woman but I wonder if the people of her village were so forgiving. I thank God that He is a God of mercy.

God Bless!



In Eastern countries, marriage is a serious covenant between the two. We in the West do not take a covenant seriously -- look at our divorce rates (in church as well); bankruptcy cases, defaulted mortgages, etc. A marriage covenant for a Bedoiun tribe was recently described by a Bible teacher who lived among the tribe for 6 months. The father of the groom and the father of the bride would take a lamb and slit it's throat as the blood poured into a trough. Then the fathers would stomp in the blood one at a time and promise that if their son or daughter was not the best husband/wife as they are promising, then the other partner could do to the father what they had done to the lamb. They were promising their lives on behalf of their children. This story is real and recent.

Yes God hates sin, and adultery is sin and the breaking of a covenant. God is a covenant God and must judge harshly for unrepented sin. But He is merciful and when a heart is truly sorry and repentent, He forgives and remembers our sin no more.

He has made the perfect plan!

Glory to God :P


Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery?

God has joined two in marriage. He views any dishonoring of this committment as dishonoring Him as well. Adultery is sin and as such must be confessed to God and request made to forgive the sinners.

God can and does forgive any sin that a person sincerely and prayerfully repents of doing and requests forgiveness of God and of any wronged person. There is only one unforgiveable sin--that of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. So, of course, adultery is forgiveable, but it does terrible damage to the relationships of the involved persons and their families.

Yes, as Kyeland said, forgiving ourselves can often be a problem, but that is a sin also--one of presumption that OUR standards are higher than those of the Lord! We must also ask forgiveness of this sin, if we are holding on to our lack of forgiving ourselves--as though this is admirable! The root cause of this sin is pride--How could I have done this thing???

Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery?

What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery?

God sees it as a sin punishable by death and a sin against God himself

Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery

Yes, God can forgive adultery if there is true repentance, he shows us this in the forgiving of Abimelech in as well as giving His Son to die for all of our sins.

PS. please hold my family up in prayer, my mother-in-law is in the final stages of lung cancer.

Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery?

God hates Adultery, so much as other's have listed here, that it is 1 of the 10 commandments; spelled out very clearly. Not only does it reck families, it spreads disease. Adultery is about death and hell fire (summing it up).

God is about LOVE & LIFE. Oh yes, God can and does forgive the repentant heart/soul. Amen!


Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery?

It would be a fate worse than death.

Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery?

Yes, David as an example but there were consequences.


This story teaches us that GOD hates adultry and it will be punished. GOD condemned it in the Old Testament and Jesus condemned it in the New Testament.

Once the act is committed if the persons will stop it and confess the sin in repentence GOD will forgive that sin. It is important that the guilty parties accept GOD's forgiveness and seek to serve Him. He doesn't remember the sin and neither should those who were involved.

3a.) (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery?

3a.) It is written: "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." (Genesis 2:24) God has given us the Holy institution of marriage in which the joy of sex can be shared with the spouse. Isn't it interesting that the picture we are given in Revelations is the bride (church) being presented to Christ (the groom) Holy and washed? It is not just a physical act but a spiritual union between a man and a woman. That is defiled when sex is outside of these parameters. There is a consequence.

3b.) (20:3-6) Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery?

3b.) Yes, through the shed blood of Christ Jesus. But there must be repentance (turning away) from the sin. Paul writes: "Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another." (Romans 1:24) Paul also warns: "Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, 'The two will become one flesh.' But he who unites himself with the Lord is one with him in spirit. Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body." (1 Corinthians 6:16-20) Paul also warns us: "For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." (2 Corinthians 5:10)


God said, " a man shall leave his mother and father and cleave unto his wife singular-not wives. The covenant between a man and a woman is a holy thing and until death do us part. What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder. To commit adultery with another is to commit adultery with God, for we will have broken his commandment.

The best example, as quoted by others , is David's act of adultery. When God used the prophet to bring him to his senses, David immediately recognized his sin, and as he said in the Psalms, "against thee and thee only have I done this sin". God will certainly forgive adultery , when TRUE

REPENTANCE is sought after and the heart is changed and looking to God.


God hate Adultery. Can God for give Adultery? Yes He can. But you have to Repentance. It is so wrong for a man or a woman to go outside of their marriage. Adultery is a sin in God's eyes. Thank God that He has forgave us of our sins when He went to the Cross. Glory to God.


God view adultery very serious, this is a sin against God. I know God can and will forgive if there is true repentant. I look at Paul and all he had done before he was converted on the road to Damascus. God used Paul in the ministry. Sin is sin.


God does forgive all sin if we ask him to.But I do believe that so many people take the blood of Jesus for granted.We need to stop and think about are actions because God does give us a choose,But I also know that we will reap what we sow


What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery?

This story reinforces and reminds us again just how much God hates adultry and how sacred marriage is in His eyes.

Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery?

My God can forgive anything when a person turns to Him in true repentance, turning completely away from the sin.


Being in agreement with the others, God can forgive if one truly repents. That means not to do it again. Reading the comments, one stated sex being between two wedded. I noticed that the laws in the US are marrying same sex. I would like to say that I hope it was a given that the person meant two wedded persons being man and woman. :P


Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery?

God's view of adultery is much more serious than ours, just as God's view of sin in general is much more serious than ours. I'm afraid that too many don't realize how a hateful and offensive our sins are to God. It is amazing to me that He forgives our sins at all. It is a sign of His unfathomable love and mercy because He will forgive if we come to Him in true brokeness and repentance.


Adultery is a great sin. God can only forgive a person for adultery if its the case of Abraham's wife and Abimelech. But in reality God does not frogive adultery.



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