Commissioned Posted August 21, 2007 Report Posted August 21, 2007 Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? God view's adultery as a sin punishable by death and a sin against God. Because He is just, God will give the parties to adultery opportunities to avert sinning. Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? Yes, He can. Jesus has already paid the price for our sins, now anyone who repents of a sin has received God's forgiveness. Quote
JMarie Posted September 26, 2007 Report Posted September 26, 2007 While God did give a commandment about committing adultery, and He clearly punished those who violated this commandment, it also shows, at least to me, that God is selective in this area. I do not clearly understand why some men had many wives and this was not always seen as adultery. Maybe it was custom in those days to have numerous wives and it not be viewed as adultery, but others were punished for committing adultery for example David and Bathseba, and his son Solomon, who God clearly warned about foreign women leading him away from Him. Yes, God will forgive every sin except grieving the Holy Spirit, and this was seem in David and Bethseba after their first baby died, God blessed Bethseba with another child, Solomon who became king. Quote
RAJU Posted October 19, 2007 Report Posted October 19, 2007 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? God , is of purer eyes than us . His ways are not our ways . God can forgive anyone .He is rich in mercy , and rich in love !!! Quote
Craig Posted January 26, 2008 Report Posted January 26, 2008 Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? God hates adultery and will severely punish those who engate in it. It goes directly against the 10 Commandants. God forgives anyone committing adultery who askes God for forgiveness, in the blood of Jesus Christ, with a repentant heart. Quote
servant for Christ Posted April 10, 2008 Report Posted April 10, 2008 God's view of adultery is thet it is absolutely wring and His punishment is very harsh. Yes, God will forgive if repented from a sincere repentant heart. Quote
servant for Christ Posted May 6, 2008 Report Posted May 6, 2008 Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? God's view of adultery is an absolute no. It is a sin against God and the people do not realize the punishment that they bring upon themselves. YOU will reap what you sow. Yes, God can and will forgive adultery if you repent with a truthful and repentant heart. That means not doing it again. Thank the Lord that he has forgiven you and delivered you from His punishment. Quote
masika Posted May 13, 2008 Report Posted May 13, 2008 Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? God forbid adultery and that is why it is The seventh of the Ten Commandments, which God spake in the long ago, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Exodus 20:14. This has always been God's law. We are told in I John 3:4, that sin is the transgression of God's law, therefore, to commit adultery is to transgress God's law, and therefore, sin. Not only has God forbidden adultery, but the son of God himself said, "Whoso looketh on a woman to **** after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart" Matthew 5:28. If the adulterous thought is sin, surely the adulterous act is sin. The Holy Spirit through the inspired apostle has told us plainly that adultery is a sin. Peter described some sinners of his day as having "eyes full of adultery, that cannot cease from sin" II Peter 2:14. Paul warned the Corinthians to "flee fornication" I Corinthians 6:18. We are living in an age where sin is portrayed as a mere illness of the body or mind; when sin is denied or laughed off, when sin is rationalized as merely doing one's own thing, or doing what comes naturally. But a belief in the Holy God and respect for the authority of his word demands that adultery be recognized and acknowledged for what it is . . . sin. The seriousness of the sin of adultery can be seen in several ways. Under the law of Moses the penalty was death by stoning. (Deuteronomy 22:21 ff, John 8:4,5). Again, the only ground that God gave for divorcing one's mate was sexual immorality. He said, "Whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery. And whosoever marry her that is divorced, committeth adultery" Matthew 5:32. But the seriousness of adultery is seen most clearly in the eternal punishment of those who commit the sin. An impenitent adulterer cannot go to heaven. Ephesians 5:5 says: " "No whoremonger, no unclean person hath an inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God." And in Colossians 3:6, we are told that because fornication, uncleanness, and inordinate affection, the wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience. Our God is a Loving and forging, if we repent with sincere heart He will forgive us. Quote
masika Posted May 13, 2008 Report Posted May 13, 2008 Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? God forbid adultery and that is why it is The seventh of the Ten Commandments, which God spake in the long ago, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Exodus 20:14. This has always been God's law. We are told in I John 3:4, that sin is the transgression of God's law, therefore, to commit adultery is to transgress God's law, and therefore, sin. Not only has God forbidden adultery, but the son of God himself said, "Whoso looketh on a woman to **** after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart" Matthew 5:28. If the adulterous thought is sin, surely the adulterous act is sin. The Holy Spirit through the inspired apostle has told us plainly that adultery is a sin. Peter described some sinners of his day as having "eyes full of adultery, that cannot cease from sin" II Peter 2:14. Paul warned the Corinthians to "flee fornication" I Corinthians 6:18. We are living in an age where sin is portrayed as a mere illness of the body or mind; when sin is denied or laughed off, when sin is rationalized as merely doing one's own thing, or doing what comes naturally. But a belief in the Holy God and respect for the authority of his word demands that adultery be recognized and acknowledged for what it is . . . sin. The seriousness of the sin of adultery can be seen in several ways. Under the law of Moses the penalty was death by stoning. (Deuteronomy 22:21 ff, John 8:4,5). Again, the only ground that God gave for divorcing one's mate was sexual immorality. He said, "Whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery. And whosoever marry her that is divorced, committeth adultery" Matthew 5:32. But the seriousness of adultery is seen most clearly in the eternal punishment of those who commit the sin. An impenitent adulterer cannot go to heaven. Ephesians 5:5 says: " "No whoremonger, no unclean person hath an inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God." And in Colossians 3:6, we are told that because fornication, uncleanness, and inordinate affection, the wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience. Our God is a Loving and forging, if we repent with sincere heart He will forgive us. Quote
masika Posted May 13, 2008 Report Posted May 13, 2008 Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? God forbid adultery and that is why it is The seventh of the Ten Commandments, which God spake in the long ago, "Thou shalt not commit adultery" Exodus 20:14. This has always been God's law. We are told in I John 3:4, that sin is the transgression of God's law, therefore, to commit adultery is to transgress God's law, and therefore, sin. Not only has God forbidden adultery, but the son of God himself said, "Whoso looketh on a woman to **** after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart" Matthew 5:28. If the adulterous thought is sin, surely the adulterous act is sin. The Holy Spirit through the inspired apostle has told us plainly that adultery is a sin. Peter described some sinners of his day as having "eyes full of adultery, that cannot cease from sin" II Peter 2:14. Paul warned the Corinthians to "flee fornication" I Corinthians 6:18. We are living in an age where sin is portrayed as a mere illness of the body or mind; when sin is denied or laughed off, when sin is rationalized as merely doing one's own thing, or doing what comes naturally. But a belief in the Holy God and respect for the authority of his word demands that adultery be recognized and acknowledged for what it is . . . sin. The seriousness of the sin of adultery can be seen in several ways. Under the law of Moses the penalty was death by stoning. (Deuteronomy 22:21 ff, John 8:4,5). Again, the only ground that God gave for divorcing one's mate was sexual immorality. He said, "Whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery. And whosoever marry her that is divorced, committeth adultery" Matthew 5:32. But the seriousness of adultery is seen most clearly in the eternal punishment of those who commit the sin. An impenitent adulterer cannot go to heaven. Ephesians 5:5 says: " "No whoremonger, no unclean person hath an inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God." And in Colossians 3:6, we are told that because fornication, uncleanness, and inordinate affection, the wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience. Our God is a Loving and forging, if we repent with sincere heart He will forgive us. Quote
kjrides4God Posted November 2, 2008 Report Posted November 2, 2008 Q3. What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? It teaches us that God has zero tolerance for Adultery... God promised death should Abimelech commit adultery with Sarah, and did punish the Pharaoh's nation Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? Yes... God can do anything especially forgive... but I do believe there are or can be consequences for all sin along with forgiveness. Quote
Paul H Posted July 7, 2009 Report Posted July 7, 2009 From this story and from many other passages throughout the Bible it is clear that God views adultery as a very serious sin. That is why it is one of the 10 commandments in its own right as well as forming the basis and background for a second of the 10 Commandments (not coveting your neighbour's wife). As serious as it is though, I do not believe that there is any sin which as a result of the sacrifice of Jesus for us all on the cross cannot be forgiven provided that the sinner asks for forgiveness and truly repents, which undoubtedly involves not committing that sin on a continuing basis. As other posters in this study have pointed out though even though sins can be forgiven by God, and indeed wiped clean and forgotten, the consequences in human terms of those sins can continue in human terms. To take an extreme example, if a person murders another person and the murderer subsequently comes to God and truly repents of that sin, I believe that God will forgive that murderer. However, the person who was murdered remains dead and, barring an extreme miracle, that consequence will never change. The same can be true of adultery, the sin can be forgiven, but the devastation it can cause to relationships can remain forever. Quote
Lionbait Posted July 28, 2009 Report Posted July 28, 2009 Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? Adultery the punishment was death, a harsh sin, a deep sin, a sin that has deceived someone who has given love to another, and yet to be deceived behind their back. I believe the blood bought church of our Lord Jesus Christ understands the ugliness of sin, but thankfully we are saved by grace, we the redeemed stand justified by faith. Is it not a matter for prayer just at this moment for all those who are outside this wonderful forgiving grace and who are still enveloped in darkness, victims all and eventual losers to the penalty of sin. Job: 19:25 For I know that my Redeemer liveth,and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth Quote
Sarah43 Posted October 5, 2009 Report Posted October 5, 2009 Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? This story teaches us that adultery is a sin, and will bring punishment. God can and does and will forgive adultery, or any other sin, if we ask forgiveness and repent and seek Him to guide our behavior, and not use the idea of forgiveness as a type of carte blanche to justify sin. 1 John 2:4 " He that saith he abideth in him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him." Quote
Seeking His Face Posted October 27, 2009 Report Posted October 27, 2009 On 8/24/2004 at 3:43 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? [/quot God can not come into the presents of sin of any kind. Sin separates us from God, so like the scripture say with Abimelech 'you are as good as dead' because we are eternally separated from God. Thank goodness for His mercy and grace, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ we can receive forgivness of sins, when we except Him as Savior and Lord. We must learn to repent quickly when we fall short and sin, so there is no separation in our relationship. Quote
hanks Posted December 8, 2009 Report Posted December 8, 2009 Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? God views adultery as a sin punishable by death. It is the seventh commandment, Quote
l.a. Posted December 12, 2009 Report Posted December 12, 2009 Adultery is a criminal act in the eyes of God. It can be forgiven when covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted January 26, 2010 Report Posted January 26, 2010 What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? He views this as a crime....sin against Him and it is punishable by death. Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? Yes, God can forgive adultery....He can forgive any sin. When we are born again we are cleansed with the blood of Christ. I think in today's times we look at this as not so serious but we can see that God's views are that death was the payment. Quote
Pearl Posted March 14, 2010 Report Posted March 14, 2010 Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? God views adultery as a very serious offence. Yes, God forgives a person who has committed adultery. Quote
Alan8 Posted September 8, 2010 Report Posted September 8, 2010 Obviously, God hates adultery. When God instituted marriage back in Genesis 2 they were to be one flesh; that means inseparable. Unfortunately today in our world marriage is taken far too lightly. We as observers in the life of Abraham should take notice that this situation with Abraham happened twice. Once should have been enough but don't you think God was saying something to us about marriage when he repeated it a second time? Our foundation of society is built around a marriage covenant. And if it wasn't enough with those two incidents, just so we got the point God made it one of the commandments - thou shalt not commit adultery! Yet today society continues to take lightly God's commands. Is it any wonder why the world is in the mess it is in today? Many of the problems in the world today stem from taking lightly this marriage covenant. Think about it. Homosexuality, adultery, fornication, and even many of the abortions would be prevented if people today would take seriously what God takes seriously. Praise God that it is forgivable. David not only committed adultery but also murder when he had Urriah moved to the front lines in order to be killed. David knew he did wrong. David says in Psalm 51:16-17 "For "thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise." John says in I John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." All means just that all, including adultery and murder. Praise God his blood is greater than the sin of adultery or the sin of murder or any other sin we can commit! Quote
Spen Posted January 4, 2011 Report Posted January 4, 2011 On 8/24/2004 at 3:43 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? 1.What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? It has consequences for all concerned... As it is in conflict with God Quote
pastor neal Posted March 29, 2011 Report Posted March 29, 2011 On 8/24/2004 at 3:43 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? Quote
pastor neal Posted March 29, 2011 Report Posted March 29, 2011 Adultery is a sin against God. A crime which is punishable by death! Can God forgive a person who has committed Adultery? As one of the ten-commandments which is punishable by death it appears that forgiveness is not an option. However, in Revelations, Jesus does offer forgiveness for adultery. Revelation 2:22 [/color]"In deed I will cast her into a sickbed, and who those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they repent of their deeds." (NKJV) Quote
mc'el4life Posted July 4, 2011 Report Posted July 4, 2011 On 8/24/2004 at 3:43 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? God does not like adultery at all God can forgive anyone who commits adultery if they repent and turn back from their evil ways. I am a living witness. Thank you Jesus for your blood and your cross. Quote
wifee Posted November 23, 2011 Report Posted November 23, 2011 3a)God sees adultery as a sin against God himself.,punishable by death 20:3. It has massive consequences for couple and extended family,that carries on down the generations. B)Jesus’ blood covers all our sin.SoGod can forgives all who truly repent of their sin however serious. He enable people to find a way through, a relationship that has been hurt,by making right choices,being honest and following Christ’s ways to live. Quote
royk Posted August 22, 2012 Report Posted August 22, 2012 Q3. (20:3-6) What does this story teach us about God's view of adultery? Can God forgive a person who has committed adultery? God punished Cain for killing Abel; but then He forgave him and allowed him to build a city and a new life.If God can forgive a murderer, like Jesus forgave the thief on the cross who openly saught Him, then yes God can forgive adultry and more. However, we must stop our sinning and lead a more obedient life, praising and thanking God for life itself. We are here by grace, not much mor than that and His will. Thanks you Jesus for being the light in this dark world!! Quote
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