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  • 2 months later...

This life that God has blessed us with, the mind, the body and soul, the spirit;  God made us to perservere, to survive lifes challenges, to love one another and to learn from Gods spirit.  To learn to live as Christ requires a willing heart, and a humblemindset.  I cannot learn the word of God while being cloaked in self.  Giving up what the world has tainted me with is the step that I when through just to learn truth from the lessons of Christ.  Humbling ones self is a gift of God.  Without God how does ones change himself.  Humbling myself before God is a result of the Holy Spirits word in the chosen people of God.


God has forgiven our sins through Jesus paying our ransom on the cross. The love of God leads us to have a change of mind and we become humble before Him.We obey Him and do His will in obedience to His commands on earth.


We live for Him because of what He did for us. Romans 5:8. Such love should lead to a humble heart. A grateful heart. A thankful heart. A heart filled with unexplainable love not only for God but for others. John 13:34-35 He died so that we can live a joyful life!


30. (Titus 2:15-3:2) How does living God's way require humbling ourselves before God?
We come out of the world and the ways of the world and everything is different.  In one place in the Bible it says to stop doing evil and learn to do good.  Our mind has to be renewed.  We have to admit we don't know it all or maybe we don't know what we thought we knew.  How is life really working?  How are our relationships?  Are we light?  Do we love?  Do we even understand what God is saying?  We have to come to Him and learn.  We have to humble ourselves and let the light in to be changed from the old to the new.  When conviction comes, it is a gift and gives us the light to turn to change to be new and in the image of the one who died for us.  Repentance is a gift and we can only do it when we are humble enough to see what we need to change. I think most of us fear change and we need his help to even cooperate with Him. We humble ourselves and come unto Him.


i am learning to live a live of submission instead of a life of obedience.  submission requires that i yield my thoughts, my will, my mind, my body to The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, my LORD and Savior.   i have zero control of over a life of submission.  I 100% turn my life over to The LORD Jesus Christ.... a life of obedience is me choosing to follow Christ which will always result in failure, since my choice, as a human being will always be to sin.....but living a life of submission frees me from the bondage of sin and puts me into a relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ by Him living in me.


Living God's way require humbling ourselves before God expects us to be obedient to the Will of God. Jesus Christ must be in the center of our lives so that we do not do as it our flesh dictates but always listening to the Holy Spirit as He guides our lives. We must be compassionate to the needs of all God's people and always remember the Great Commission as we are called to lead God's people to the Light, Jesus Christ. As God's children, we are to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, therefore, humbling ourselves before God is key for us to carry out God's mandate.


How does living God's way require humbling ourselves before God?

Before Jesus I was rebellious, mean, selfish, cold, arrogant and that lifestyle cause me to destroy relationships, and many things in my life.   When I received Jesus everything changed and I realized I was broken and the only way to heal was to live as He lived.  Over time, I was transformed by the renewing of my mind, heart and my actions were completely different. It was when I humbled myself and ultimately asked for forgiveness to someone that God was able to use me...  Little by little we learn to live His way and wow is that the best way...


The humble man must be rooted in the Lord.  I find in myself a humble person; I find that humility in Christ is nothing like simple humility (websters) This indwelling spirit changes everything in the saved man.  Gone are the self-guided approach to being humble. The Lords supernatural teachings are activated.  The self-taught way is gone, and I sense it in my spirit. Humility searches the soul and instill confidence in the teacher's way.  Does anybody see change in their humility from the teaching in this class?


My Answer:


Living God's way will require us to live humble lives. We have to be able to turn away from old lifestyles and mindsets that are unhealthy and be willing to submit to living God's way. That will take discipline on our part. Sometimes a person may have to get a new set of friends while still praying for the old ones. It will require doing anything we have to do which means humbling ourselves so we can become more like Jesus. It is not always easy when a person has been a certain way for awhile or most of their life but it is worth it.


Humbling ourselves before God means putting away our will and seeking God’s will as the highest calling. This will naturally mean casting aside certain behaviors or pursuits that hinder our spiritual growth. This humility and rejection of worldly things can be a stumbling block for many people. It certainly was for the rich young ruler.  But through God all things are possible if we will only trust Him.

There are things Christ will call each of us to give up if we are to be his disciples but the bread of life that he offers is satisfies completely.



Q. 30 Titus 2:15-3:2  How does livinGod's way require humbling ourselves before God?

We must humble ourselves before God or he will humble us. And acknowledging our dependence on His grace and recognizing our own sinfulness, which leads to a life of self-control, good works and a readiness to submit to God's will. Showing true humility toward all men.


Q30. (Titus 2:15-3:2)

1. How does living God's way require humbling ourselves before God? We must not place our desires above God’s. We need him to deliver His promises for us as we have no power but making the choice to ask, seek, or knock in prayer. And can do nothing of and by our own.


Q30. (TITUS 2:15-3:2) 
How does living God's way require humbling ourselves before God? 
To live God’s way, we have to humbly surrender our lifestyle to our Lord Jesus. He must be in control – there must be more of Him and less of me. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we live in obedience to His Word; in submission to His will; and turning over control of our life to Him (Rom 12:1-2). We learn from Him as He trains us in His ways, “for I am gentle and lowly in heart” (Mat 11:29). 


Q30. (Titus 2:15-3:2) How does living God’s way require humbling ourselves before God? 

Titus 2:15-3:2 says, "These, then, are the things you should teach. Encourage and rebuke with all authority. Do not let anyone despise you.  Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone." In order to live God's way and follow the guidelines in these verses, we cannot be on the throne of our lives; we need to let God be in charge.  We need the strength and help of the Holy Spirit.   We need to be humble to receive all God has for us.

  • 2 weeks later...

Someone upthread in so many words wrote that humility itself is a gift of God and not something that we can set our minds to be or accomplish. To be humble is to surrender, not to aspire, that is.

I think this is wise though the act of submission also seems very fuzzy and unattainable.  What exactly am I responsible for? Submitting? Is submitting an act or gift of God? If humility is a consequence of submission, then what is God's role and what is mine, if any at all?

It seems like an endless cycle. We must submit to be humble ... to live God's way. But every step here involves Him and His power, not our own determination or goals. Even submission is a gift. Somewhere in this cycle, there has to be an on-ramp, a place where the Christian is responsible for stepping forth ... or back.  

  • 4 weeks later...

Q30. Few of us are humble so when we decide to follow Jesus we need to reign ourselves in and start to live a quieter life in surrender to Our Lord and Saviour. This takes time and practise because up to this we felt free to live in whatever way we felt like we wanted to. Now with the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit we seek to live differently. We live to please Jesus,by being submissive to Him and obeying His commands.

  • 3 weeks later...

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